HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-2001-036Temp. Reso #9287 \ February 15, 2001 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO, R-2001-36 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE AN APPLICATION TO THE BROWARD COUNTY SAFE PARKS AND LAND PRESERVATION CHALLENGE GRANT PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNT OF $168,500 IN ORDER TO PROVIDE THE RESIDENTS AND VISITORS ENHANCED PARKS AND RECREATION PROGRAMS AT TAMARAC SPORTS COMPLEX; PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 0 WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac desires to provide its residents and visitors a higher level of service by enhancing and improving its outdoor recreation facilities and environment; and WHEREAS, the Broward County Safe Parks and Land Preservation Challenge Grant Program provides grants to local governments to develop public outdoor recreation programs; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac is submitting an application to the Broward County Parks and Land Preservation Challenge Grant Program, attached hereto as Exhibit A; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac has an on -going program of public participation and input through the activities of the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board; and WHEREAS, the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board recommends the improvements that will be accomplished if the grant is awarded to the City of Tamarac; and Temp. Reso #9287 February 15, 2001 Page 2 WHEREAS, it is requirement of the grant program that a public hearing regarding the proposed improvements be held; and WHEREAS, the proposed project has been included on the City Commission Workshop Agenda as well as the Regular Commission Meeting Agenda both of which are publicly noticed, thus providing the general public with a forum to comment and be heard; and WHEREAS, it is a requirement of the grant program that this Resolution be adopted and become an official part of the application; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and Director of Parks and Recreation recommend approval; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to enhance recreation and park facilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: Section 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS' clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution. Section 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute the Safe Parks and Land Preservation Program Challenge Grant application for $168,500 to Broward County, attached hereto as Exhibit A. Section 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. Section 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or in • Temp. Reso #9287 February 15, 2001 Page 3 application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion or applications of this Resolution. Section 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 281" day of February, 2001 ATTEST: MARJ.0K ., ENSON, CIVIC CFV(4LERK ._I HEREBY r'fIFY that I have approved,t��k"Resolution as ITCHELL S/KF CITY ATTORN 0,15 - V-19919191:1110 Axw�wlelhll VAJ R, ,-,ORD OF COMMISSION VOTE fov,'vOR SCHREIBER GIST 1: COMM. PORTNER.� DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN DIST 3: COMM. SULTANOE�.. DIST 4: VIM ROBERTS BROWARD COUNTY SAFE PARKS & LAND PRESER VATION PROGRAM CHALLENGE GRANT APPLICATION (PLEASE TYPE) For Office Use Project # Date Received APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant: City of Tamarac Project Title: Tamarac Sports Complex Project Liaison Agent: Diane Phillips Title: Special Projects Coordinator Address: City of Tamarac 7525 NW 88 Avenue Tamarac, Florida Zip Code: 33321 Telephone: (954) 724-1230 Fax: (954) 724-2549 E-Mail dianep@tainarac.org I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate. SignatureDate: Typed Name: Jeffrey L. Miller Title: City Mana er County Commission District Where Project is Located 1 District 3 2/28/01 PROJECT INFORMATION Amount of Grant Request __ __...-------------------------- ._-- $ 167,500.00 OtherFunds --------------------------- ------------------------------------------------- $ 0.00 Total Pro jectCost --....---------------------...____----------- $ 168,500.00 Source of other funds, (local, grant(s), identify grant(s): Funds are Utilized as Match for (Check One if Applicable): FRDAP FIND LWCF FCT OTHER Site Control (Check One): Acquiring Leased Owned If Leased, From Who, and Date of Expiration of Lease: PROJECT DESCRIPTION Brief Project Description: Tamarac Sports Complex is a 20 acre facility which first opened in 1979 and underwent renovations in 1995. At this time, funding is being sought to provide adequate field lighting (the existing lighting was not included in the 1995 renovations) and PVC fencing to better define vehicle versus access areas. 2 Type, and Estimated Cost of Proposed Development by Facility or Amenity: Facility Quantity Estimated (Number and/or Footage) Cost PVC fencing 1400 linear feet 16,500,00 Athletic field lighting upgradetwo fields (twelve poles) 152,000.00 Total $ 168,500.00 Project Location: 9901 NW 77 Street, Tamarac, FL Driving Instruction From 1-95 to Project Site (Include location map): From 1-95 exit Cypress Creek Road, west. Take Cypress Creek to Nob Hill Road and turn right (north) to NW 77th Street. The Park is located on the corner of Nob Hill and NW 77 Street. Total Acreage of Project Site: 20 3 Describe Existing Environmental Conditions and List Existing Park Facilities at Project Location: Tamarac Sports Complex opened in 1979 and was last renovated in 1995. The facility contains two soccer/football fields (fields 7&8, which are the subject of this proposal), two baseball/softball fields, one muti-purpose practice field, one in -line hockey rink, four lighted tennis courts., three lighted basketball courts, a playground with sunshade and rubberized safety surfac, and a restroom facility with concession stand. PROJECT SCORING QUESTIONS (Please Type) Describe how the proposed project will contribute to new or improved programming and services in the area it will serve. Also, does the project provide for new or increased use of recreational facilities by minorities, the disadvantaged, children, elderly, persons with disabilities and /or other under served groups? The more amenities or project elements that are proposed, the higher the score. 1-25 points Tamarac Sports Complex is located in western Tamarac, off of Nob Hill Road, in one of the most rapidly growing sections of Tamarac. As additional families have moved to the area, there has been an increased need for athletic fields, leading to extensive use of the fields during the evening hours. Fields # 7 and #8 are football/soccer fields and the existing lighting is far below the standard for these uses. Foot candle measurements have been taken on each field. The measurements range from 3 ft. candles to 40 ft. candles. Ther was only one reading at 40, with the majority of the readings being below 20. The Illuminating Engineering Society of North American recommends 30 ft. candles for municipal football and soccer fields. This project would include the purchase and installation of new fixtures and lamps for both fields, thus allowing us to meet the recommended standards and improving program services. As previously mentioned, the facility has experienced trememdous growth in the number of users of all ages. Funding is also being requested to provide PVC picket fencing that will help to ensure that automobiles do not enter areas reserved for pedestrians. The Sports Complex is located near Kings Point, a large retirement community. Further defining the parking area will provide easier access to elderly residents visiting the park, as well as an increased element of safety for younger children who utilize the multipurpose field and playground facilities. 4 2. Is a municipal applicant deficient in park land, and can demonstrate the deficiency? 1-10 points Policy 15.1 of the Tamarac Comprehensive Plan Future Land Use Element states that the City adopted standard for the provision of public park land is 2.3 acres of park and open space per 1,000 population in 1999. Based upon the City's current estimated population of 55,684, the City's adopted parks and open space level of service standard (2.3 acres per 1,000 population) requires 128 acres of public park and open space. The City's current public park inventory of 55.81 acres falls short of the City standard by approximately 72 acres. 3. Applicants that intend to use the funds to leverage additional funds through other grant programs must identify how funds are to be leveraged. Does the applicant of the project propose a partnership with another agency? Show letters or agreements of partnership, if possible. Applicants should demonstrate what previous projects requiring grant funds have the applicant been successful in applying for, and the outcome of the project. 1-30 points The City has formed a partnership with the Tamarac Athletic Federation (see agreement letter enclosed), which oversees and organizes the various leagues that utilize the athletic fields. The City's primary responsibility is provision and maintenance of the facilities. The federation and leagues raise funds for programing. The City in turn provides facilities at no charge to the federation or leagues. This method of operation worked sucessf illy for many years on an informal basis and in 1997 the City began contracting with the Tamarac Athletic Foundation for the services described above. 4. Points should be given to applicants that provide public input and public hearings about the proposed project. Provide documentation of public input and hearings as well as letters of support and opposition. 5 points for public input, 10 points for public input and public hearings. Both public input and public hearing opportunities have been provided for the proposed project. The project has been included on the agenda of the Parks and Recreation Board (see minutes enclosed). The project has additionally been included on the regular City Commission Agenda, thus providing the public with a hearing format (see legislation enclosed). The proposed project has been well received by the community and no objections have been raised. (See letters of support) Is the public usage of the proposed project clearly quantified? 1-30 points The park is open to the general public daily from 7:30 a.m. until 10:00 p.m.. During daylight hours, the fields are usually utilized on a "first come, first served" basis and, at times, large groups do reserve fields through the Parks and Recreation Division. In the evenings, league programing is done through the Tamarac Athletic Federation. League play is open to both residents and non-residents. Is the applicant sufficiently capable and qualified to complete the proposed project and operate the facility, have an established organization and programming history, employ a professional staff for the construction/acquisition, or programming and services and have the ability to operate and maintain the proposed facilities or property? 1-30 points The City has utlized contractor services for construction of the facilities on site. Tamarac utilizes a bid process to secure vendor services and will again do so to accomplish the improvements which are the subject of this proposal. The City of Tamarac Parks Division of the Parks and Recreation Department is responsible for grounds and facilities maintenance in the City's parks and recreational complexes. The need for additional maintenance resources due to park expansion was addressd in the FY01 budget. The Recreation Division continues to see substantial staffing expansion as programs and facilities continue to multiply. Operating expenses for Tamarac Sports Complex are included in the City General Fund Budget. Capital Improvements are handled through the Capital Improvement Project Budget. The Tamarac Parks and Recreation Department is extremely proactive in developing strategies to provide quality, cost effective services. As previously discussed, organized league play is accomlished through a partnership with Tamarac Athletic Federation. Non -Profits must be in existence for a minimum of 10 years. Non-profit applicants will receive five points if they are in existence between 10 and 20 years. Non-profit applicants will receive 10 points if they are in existence for more than 20 years. Non-profit applicants must include documentation showing when founded, by-laws, and financial records for the past three years. N/A 7 Will the proposed project be an element in neighborhood redevelopment? 15 points N/A Does the proposed facility provide access or use of adjacent public waters and will the project tie into or expand an existing greenway or waterway? 20 points The proposed improvements will provide expanded usage of this 20 acre facility which Tamarac considers an important component of the City's greenway and open space element. 10. Does the project have a demonstrated historic/archaeological or a cultural resource element? 5 points. There are no known historic archaeological or cultural resources on the project site. 11. Will the public have easy access to the proposed facility? 1-5 points The project is located off of Nob Hill road at NW 77th avenue. It is adjacent to residential development, thus serving as a neighborhood park. Nob Hill is a major north/south County road, and the location provides easy access to those traveling by car. The Sports Complex is also included on the Tamarac Transit route. 12. Does the project provide a clear public recreational benefit for the funds expended? 1-40 points The park is open to the general public and has seen increased usage as this area of the county continues to grow. The proposed project will provide lighting upgrades to fields 7 & S, thus allowing for enhanced usageof the facility. The fencing element included in the proposal will allow easier access to pedestrian and vehiclular traffic by more clearly defining the respective areas. 13. Demonstrate how the proposed project will accommodate nationally recognized recreational design standards for similar facilities, use construction materials of long lasting quality, and reflect energy efficiency in design and operation. 1-20 points This project will incorporate recognized national recreational design standards as well as the Illuminating Engineering Society of North America lighting standards for municipal football and soccer fields. Tamarac will utilize a bid process for construction of the proposed improvements. Consulting, architectural, and engineering firms are aware all of these standards and will use them in their design. Prospective contractors will be required to cite examples of previously completed projects. Construction materials to be used, where possible, will include recycled plastic building materials, aluminum, concrete block, and metal. Every effort will be made to use only the highest quality building materials. Energy efficient designs and lighting will be developed and used. 10 14. Is the project a new facility within an existing recreational amenity or a rehabilitation of an existing facility? If an existing facility, what is the age of the facility to be renovated? Older facilities will have a higher score. 1 point for every 5 years of age of the facility to be renovated. Maximum of 5 points The proposed project will rehabilitate the lighting on fields 7 & 8. The facility first opened to the public in 1979. The current lighting was installed in 1985 and does not meet present day standards. 15. Will the proposed project enhance any environmentally sensitive areas? 10 Points N/A H \WP\WPDOCS\80ND CHALLENGE GRANT APPLICATION 1 I/20/00