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City of Tamarac Resolution R-2001-370
Temp. Reso #TR9631 December 3, 2001 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2001-370 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE *" APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE TWO APPLICATIONS FOR OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION TO THE BROWARD COUNTY LAND PRESERVATION PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNTS OF $2,000,000 EACH FOR FUNDING FOR THE KINGS POINT REPLAT PARCEL R AND FOR THE ISLAND PROPERTY (LYONS INDUSTRIAL PARK PARCEL P); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission of the City of Tamarac Florida to preserve open space and to acquire additional park land for public use; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of Tamarac to protect undeveloped land and open space for parks; and � I WHEREAS, the Broward County Land Preservation Bond Program, approved by the voters in November 2000, provides funding for the acquisition of land for open space and parks; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac is submitting two Open Space Acquisition Applications to the Broward County Land Preservation Program, for the acquisition of Kings Point Replat Parcel R and acquisition of the Island Property (Lyons Industrial Park Parcel P); and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac has an on -going program of public participation through the activities of the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board; and WHEREAS, the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board recommends the open space acquisitions that will be accomplished if the grants are awarded to the City of Tamarac; and Temp. Reso #TR9631 December 3, 2001 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City has provided multiple opportunities for public input including both public meetings and public hearings in order to obtain and consider public input regarding the acquisition of the Kings Point Replat Parcel R and the Island Property (Lyons Industrial Park Parcel P); and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida is willing to partner in the acquisition of the sites by sharing in the acquisition costs and is further willing to manage the parcels if acquired as open space; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and Director of Parks and Recreation recommend submission of the two applications; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to enhance open space, recreation and park opportunities for the citizens of the City of Tamarac through submission of the Land Preservation Open Space Acquisition Applications, hereby attached as Exhibit 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: Section 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirmed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution. Section 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute two Land Preservation Program Open Space Acquisition Grant Applications requesting funding in the amount of $2,000,000 per application from Broward County for acquisition of the Kings Point Replat Parcel R and the Island Property (Lyons Industrial Park Parcel P) Section 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. 1 C 1 Temp. Reso #TR9631 December 3, 2001 Page 3 Section 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or in application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion or applications of this Resolution. Section 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this 12th day of December, 2001. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this CITY ATT JOE S HREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER A -ye, DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER A e/ DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN A er DIST 3: V/M SULTANOF_Aye. DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS A e. City of Tamarac ` Broward County Land Preservation Program Open Space :quisition Application .AND PARK PROPERTY December 2001 BROWARD COUNTY LAND PRESER VA TION PROGRAM OPEN SPA CE A CQUISITION APPLICA TION For Office Use Project # Date Received Return to: Valeria C. Volin Land Preservation Section 218 SW 1 Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Fax:954-519-1412 APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant: City of Tamarac Project Title: Island Park Property (Lyons Industrial Park Parcel P) Project LiaisorVAgent: Diane Phillips Title: Assistant to the City Manager Address: 7525 NW 8 8 th Avenue Telephone: Fax: E-Flail: Tamarac, FL 954-724-1230 954-724-2454 dianep@tamarac.or Zip Code: 33321 I hereby certify that the infonnation provided in this application is true and accurate. Signature: Date: /Z/lO/ Typed Name: Jeffrey L. Miller Title: City Manager County Commission District 'Where Project is Located: 3 Page 1 of 4 SITE INFORMATION Site Name (if applicable): Lyons Industrial Park Parcel P Site Address (if applicable); 5799 NW 91st Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321 Folio Number(s): N/A Project Location: See attached location map Owner or Real Estate Broker (if known): Nick Caporella, Trustee Driving Instructions From I-95 to Project Site (Include location map and 1 "=300' scale black -and -white or blueline aerial photograph with the site boundary delineated): From I-95 exit Commercial Blvd., west. Take Commercial Blvd. west to NW94th Avenue. Turn north onto NW94th Avenue. Property will be located on the right. Acres: 15 (approx.) Is Applicant eligible for a Phase 1 Open Space acquisition? Yes If Applicant is proposing more than one site for consideration, what is the priority of this site relative to the other proposed sites? Phase 2A (only submittal -this phase) Has the site been pre -acquired and does it meet the requirements for reimbursement through the Bond program? (Please attach all supporting documentation.) N/A SITE DESCRIPTION (Use additional sheets as needed) SEE ATTACHED Page 2 of 4 PROPOSED USE OF SITE (Use additional sheets as needed) SEE ATTACHED Page 3 of 4 City of Tamarac — Island Park Property Introduction/Site Description The City of Tamarac, located in western Broward County, is approximately 11 square miles in size (7,100 acres) and has 56,047 residents. With 46.4 acres of currently developed parkland, Tamarac has a 100+ acre deficiency of developed land as compared to the County Level of Service Standard of 3 acres per 1,000 residents. The City is rapidly approaching build out with less than 500 acres of undeveloped land remaining. In response to diminishing open space and a rapidly rising population, and in concert with the countywide effort, Tamarac began a visioning process to establish a plan and implementation strategy for its parks system and remaining open space. This process led to the development of the Tamarac Parks, Recreation and Social Services Master Plan. Key components of the Master Plan include the redevelopment and expansion of the I xisting parks system through the acquisition of land/open space for active and passive recreation, development of an aquatic facility at Tamarac Park, and the establishment of an interconnected system of multipurpose trails, paths, safe bike lanes and shaded sidewalks designed to link recreational amenities. (See Master Plan) The subject of this proposal is a 15-acre site referred to as the Island Park Property. The site is located in Lyons Industrial Park. The proposed was identified for acquisition in the City's Parks, Recreation and Social Services Master Plan. (Two areas were identified for open space acquisition. The alternate site is the subject of the City's Phase 1 application and was given a priority status due to the eagerness of the owner to sell the property.) The site proposed for acquisition through this grant is part of a 46-acre as yet undeveloped tract of land, which is surrounded by a canal (See Maps for aerial view). The current land use is medium density multi family. Why does this site represent the best open space choice for your jurisdiction? There are minimal natural areas in Tamarac. The most extensive resources, which serve as natural areas are the City's canal system and scenic waterways occupying over 600 acres. One of the most valuable resources to Tamarac and is the Biscayne Aquifer, which serves as a sole source of drinking water. As such, the preservation of this resource and the implications of development must be primary considerations for recreation and open space planning and for future growth of both residential and commercial activities. If the site is not acquired for preservation as open space, it will be developed for multifamily residential use. The proposed site is located within the 2-mile corridor immediately east of Water Conservation Area 2a, in one of the most rapidly growing sections of the City and City of Tamarac — Island Park Property County. In fact, due to rapid development, the proposed site is one the few remaining available in Tamarac for acquisition as open space, and has been identified for open space acquisition through an extensive public process conducted during the development of Tamarac's Parks Recreation and Social Services Master Plan (2001). (See Community Support.) Access to the site is gained via NW 94th Avenue. In addition to the above referenced environmental and land use issues, the City considers this site prime for acquisition due to it's proximity to Challenger Elementary and the new middle school, both of which are located opposite the site, on the west side of NW 94tn Avenue, placing them within walking distance of the proposed park. A proposed High School site is on the eastern end of the tract. The close proximity of the two existing schools and the proposed one presents an excellent opportunity for joint use of the project for both recreational and environmental education purposes. 'What portion of the site area is covered by native vegetation? The parcel is a former remnant of the East Everglades Sawgrass Prairie. Past practices including drainage have led to the disruption of both the plant and wildlife habitat. While the City has not obtained an environmental assessment, it appears that the primary vegetation on site is Australian Pine and Brazilian Pepper. (See Photos) What portion of the existing native vegetation will be maintained? See above. The City has not done an environmental assessment as of this date however any native vegetation identified on site will be preserved to the extent possible. (There are limited fern and other species on the site as depicted in the photos.) Will the project involve the reclamation of developed areas? Not applicable. Will the project involve the reclamation of a designated brownfield? Not applicable. 2 City of Tamarac — Island Park Property Proposed Use of Site As previously mentioned, Tamarac currently has a 100 acre deficiency of developed parkland. Tamarac is in a service area where few parks are available. The nearest park to the proposed site is Lauderhill's Veterans Park, a 10 acre park which lies within the 1.5-mile radius referenced in item 2(b) of the Land Preservation Bond Program Selection and Prioritization Criteria and Process. There are no other parks within the 1.5-mile radius of the proposed site. Further review of the 2000 census tracts within the radius reveals that approximately 39,095 people reside within this 1.5 mile radius. This translates to .26 acres of parkland per 1000 residents. Given the projected population increase in this area of the County, the amount of park land available per thousand residents in this ,1.5 mile radius will decrease to .18 acres per thousand by 2010 unless additional open space is acquired. The City proposes to acquire the 15 acres identified on the aerial view for use as a passive park. In addition to increasing the City's inventory of open space, acquisition of the site will enable the City to expand its recreational trail system to include the canal and will further serve to further buffer the canal system from the impact of development. The City intends to install a multipurpose trail along the perimeter of the parcel, a vegetative buffer along the canal bank, and picnic facilities. In addition, the City proposes to develop, in cooperation with the adjacent schools and several community groups, a wetlands demonstration project. The demonstration project will serve to reinforce the importance of wetland areas and provide an opportunity to acquaint the students and public with the former environmental state and topography of the area. Percentage of site area estimated to be covered by impervious surface after park development is completed. The site was seemingly used at one point as a staging area. The surface is tightly compacted in certain areas and contains what appears to be construction debris. One of the City's objectives is the improvement of the impervious surface. It is anticipated that a minimum of 70% of the site surface will be pervious upon completion of development. The City intends to develop this 15- acre tract as a passive park, the primary components of which will include a multipurpose trail, wetland demonstration project and picnic facilities. Percentage of the site area estimated to be dedicated to active recreation and infrastructures after park development is completed. The City intends to develop the 15-acre site that is the subject of this proposal as a passive park with the amenities indicated above. The City further intends to 3 City of Tamarac — Island Park Property acquire the 8-acres to the south of the proposed site for relocation of the ball fields presently at Tamarac Park. One of the primary needs identified in the City's Master plan is the construction of the aquatics facility, recently approved for funding through SWIM Central. This facility is to be located at Tamarac Park, which is adjacent to Tamarac Elementary School. Before proceeding with the SWIM Central project, the City must relocate the ball fields at Tamarac Park. If the school board approves the proposed high school site on the east side of the tract (See Maps for aerial photo), the City hopes to develop the 8 acre parcel adjoining the high school and passive park as a joint use facility for active recreation purposes. The City may have a need to extend a portion of these active facilities to the proposed site. If it becomes necessary to extend the active facilities, the City does not anticipate a major impact to the proposed site. The City has been advised that the County is considering implementation of a requirement limiting the percentage of active recreation on a parcel acquired with County Bond funds to 30% or less. If this requirement is implemented, the City will certainly comply. Is the applicant willing to enter into an agreement with Broward County to develop the site according to an approved management plan and manage it in perpetuity to fulfill the goals established in the management agreement? Yes. Will the project be acquired through less than fee simple acquisition? No. The City has had preliminary discussions with the owner who has indicated that the property will only be sold outright. If the City is successful in acquiring the site from the current owner, it will change the designated land use from multifamily/residential to open space/recreation. Will the entire site be open to the public? Yes. The site will be open to the public 365 days per year. How will the project assist in the preservation of archaeological or historical resources? There are no historical /archaeological elements on site. As part of the development of the project the City will create a wetlands demonstration project as described above. It is anticipated that this project will be done in conjunction with the local schools and will serve to provide a means to educate both students and residents as to the function and importance of wetlands and an understanding of the former topography of the area. A local environmental group, Educators Of Nature, has already come forward and agreed to assist the City in the eradication of exotics and re-creation of the natural habitat. (See Community Support.) 1.2 City of Tamarac — Island Park Property W1ll the project function as a buffer or addition to an existing publicly owned, protected open space? The project is located on a parcel surrounded by a publicly owned 100 ft + wide canal easement. The proposed project will serve to buffer the canal system from the impact of development. (See Maps for aerial photo) The canal system flows north to the C-14 canal, which outflows to the Atlantic Ocean and, during times of drought such as recently experienced, is directed east by the South Florida Water Management district to replenish Water Conservation Area 2a. The City proposes to provide a vegetative buffer along the canal bank as a means to further protect the water resource from runoff. Will the project create a component to an existing City greenway? Yes. The parcel proposed for acquisition is a planned phase of an ongoing greenways and trails plan. The City has completed a Parks, Recreation and Social Services Master Plan. This plan provides direction on the utilization of remaining open space and a plan for linkages between existing resources both within and outside of Tamarac. One method for providing connectivity is through bike lanes, which in addition to connectivity, provide an added means of recreation. One such major bike route already exists along 57th Street, which runs along the southern border of the proposed project and will serve to connect the elementary school, middle school and proposed project/canal trail to the City's trail system. (See Master Plan) Will the project involve the purchase of development rights (PDR)? No. Has the applicant provided opportunities for, and considered, public input and public hearings about the proposed project? Yes. The proposed project is the outcome of a series of public meetings and surveys conducted in conjunction with the development of the Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. The most recent public hearing regarding the proposed project was held on December 12, 2001 and again affirmed both the City Commission and public commitment to the proposed project. (See Community Support) Is the applicant willing to partner in the acquisition of the site by sharing acquisition costs? 5 City of Tamarac — Island Park Property The City has not yet entered into negotiations with the property owner nor has a current appraisal been secured. The asking price as relayed by a local realtor one year ago was $2.3 million for the 15-acre site. The City is willing to share in the acquisition costs of the proposed parcel through the provision of those funds in excess of $2 million. Additionally, the City will acquire the adjoining 8 acres at a projected cost of $1.2 million. 0 No Text • irm �,;'- �,�, a Jay ; r :: -'• ti � sm � 'd}, �•�' 1 6,- � `' •� � i C �`"a i e y.i .���-�y.'- y"�,y�` �, .• � � j 3 A:n4} 1.(p r*. .fir ♦ L�jF• r,.f 1 �t. it +�,ta �'it '4 .' r?- ,ai+� 7'd'�' �;�` a S♦ Y * : y' E - j r''i y,.: 4 :'}I ♦1 �.: i 4.. P�`ti,$ay �•yt 4� ♦ -I _ �. a >.- _ -. - 4; Location Map Island Park Property .J\<I� 1 iA((a3-i' I ... to ..,,.° Iw �a .. •--� l On i9 14— MN L-=� 1\ - 10 4 1S `. F N011 31i3nn / 1 0- 4 M r - - I �! d ii I 1s E4 oMN aE+ F oN dsoH Oi - Ned . 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UNIVERSITY DRIVE TAMARAC, FL 33321 December 17, 2001 Ms. Kathleen Margoles Director of Parks and Recreation City of Tamarac 8601 W. Commercial Boulevard Tamarac, FL 33321 Dear Ms. Margoles, Thank you for the opportunity to participate in the focus group meetings pertaining to the Tamarac Parks and Open Space Master Plan. Educators Of Nature is very excited about the project and Tamarac's plan to expand the open space in the City in concert with the Broward County effort. Of particular interest is the City's intention to acquire the segment known as the Island Park Property (Lyons Industrial Park site). We look forward to the opportunity to participate in the development of this project by working with the City to remove the nuisance plants and replace them with native vegetation and flowering plants to establish natural habitats for many different birds and butterfly species. Sincerely, Theresa Costanza Educators Of Nature, Inc. gayrutaaa 91Cic4en& V-0,ftned 5008.A: 96: 5e Voi"4 , a.na4ar, Al"ida,3332/ December 17, 2001 Kathleen Margoles, Director of Parks and Recreation City of Tamarac 8601 W. Commercial Boulevard Tamarac, FL 33321 Dear Mrs. Margoles, On behalf of the Tamarac Presidents Council, let me take this opportunity to thank you for providing our group the opportunity to participate in the focus group meetings that led to the development of the Tamarac Parks, Recreation and Social Services Master Plan. Specifically, we would like to express our enthusiasm and support of the City's plan to acquire what has come to be known as the Island Park Property through a cooperative effort with Broward County. All of our member associations appreciate the importance of acquiring additional open space. We look forward to working with you towards the accomplishment of this plan. If we can be of further assistance as you move towards bringing the plan to fruition, please do not hesitate to contact me. Sincerely, Dorothy Mu y, President Tamarac Presidents Council c O E U 0 v L e U ¢ � U 0 C LL O 0 jot<� to< iLL 0 0 W o F �O Temp. Reso #TR9631 December 3, 2001 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2001-370 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE TWO APPLICATIONS FOR OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION TO THE BROWARD COUNTY LAND PRESERVATION PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNTS OF $2,000,000 EACH FOR FUNDING FOR THE KINGS POINT REPLAT PARCEL R AND FOR THE ISLAND PROPERTY (LYONS INDUSTRIAL PARK PARCEL P); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission of the City of Tamarac Florida to preserve open space and to acquire additional park land for public use; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of Tamarac to protect undeveloped land and open space for parks; and 1 WHEREAS, the Broward County Land Preservation Bond Program, approved by the voters in November 2000, provides funding for the acquisition of land for open space and parks; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac is submitting two Open Space Acquisition Applications to the Broward County Land Preservation Program, for the acquisition of Kings Point Replat Parcel R and acquisition of the Island Property (Lyons Industrial Park Parcel P); and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac has an on -going program of public participation through the activities of the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board; and WHEREAS, the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board recommends the open space acquisitions that will be accomplished if the grants are awarded to the City of Tamarac; and Temp. Reso #TR9631 December 3, 2001 Page 2 WHEREAS, the City has provided multiple opportunities for public input i cfuding P � both public meetings and public hearings in order to obtain and consider pubblic M, put regarding the acquisition of the Kings Point Replat Parcel R and the Island Property (Eyons Industrial Park Parcel P); and - J' , WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida is willing t -artner j in the acquisition of the sites by sharing in the acquisition costs and is further illing_' to I manage the parcels if acquired as open space; and WHEREAS, the City Manager and Director of Parks and Recreation recommend submission of the two applications; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to enhance open space, recreation and park opportunities for the citizens of the City of Tamarac through submission of the Land Preservation Open Space Acquisition Applications, hereby attached as Exhibit 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: Section 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirMed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution. Section 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute two Land Preservation Program Open Space Acquisition Grant Applications requesting funding in the amount of $2,000,000 per application from Broward County for acquisition of the Kings Point Replat Parcel R and the Island Property (Lyons Industrial Park Parcel P). Section 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. P Temp. Reso #TR9631 December 3, 2001 Page 3 Section 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or in @pplication, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion or applications of this Resolution. Section 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this 121h day of December, 2001. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have aooroved this CITY ATT %/ JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER Aye, DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER A4yel DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN_Aye, DIST 3: V/M SULTANOF Aye, DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS Ayel Parks, Recreation and Social S1 C•14 CBnar i North Lauder �:t r_1 Lauc Lake vices Master Plan •aat Coconut —Creek reelt'Z�7eenway a 1 I ----1 1 1 � Existing Parks 1 Taramac Goff Courses 1 Proposed Parks t\ I Existing Clubhouses (private) Existing Bike Lanes I I - - - - Proposed Bike Lanes --_► Proposed Gr-en- ays & Trails I di 1 I � I _ t _ M,Na5 RI Ft. Lauderdale Fort LuA.md l• 1 Ex.cuCin A.pcn ' 1� S51._r�elvx� �ou�x+ro 1 wau Pr ?s a„a M ® Oakland Park M J Oak—C Para B'•c . Qi Tamarac Community Center Q Tamarac Park Tamarac Sports Complex Veterans Park s0 Caporella Park © McNab Park Proposed Southgate Linear Park g Proposed Community Park y Proposed Sports Complex Expansion ri Woodmont Country Club EColony West Golf Course Q Sabal Palm Country Club rs Woodlands Country Club rl Mainlands Golf Course ,5 Tamarac Elementary School l ,6 Challenger Elementary ,Q- Middle School (under construction) rg Tamarac City Hall ,y University Hospital Public Library (proposed) Cypress Glen Park - Coral Springs © Oakwood Park - Coral Springs © Three Mountain Park - Coral Springs Tot Park - N. Lauderdale © Jaycee Park - N. Lauderdale Hampton Pines Park - N. Lauderdale EZ North Lauderdale Municipal Park - N. Lauderdale a Margate Boat Ramp - Margate 10 Fern Forest Nature Center - Broward County m Pompano Park m Braeburn Park - North Lauderdale ® Jackie Gleason Park - Lauderhill ® Veteran's Park - Lauderhill m Welleby Park - Sunrise ® Westwind Park - Lauderhill m William W. Kelly Vincent Torres Memorial Park m Welleby Tennis Center - Sunrise m Springtree Golf Couse - Sunrise 0 Easterlin Park - Broward County © Tamarac Country Club E7 Inverrary Golf Course ED Riverside Elementary School M Taravella High School Ramblewood Middle School Morrow Elementary School © Pinewood Elementary School Silver Lakes Middle School M North Lauderdale Elementary School m Broadview Elementary School Ea Boyd Andersdon High School E3 Lauderdale Lakes Middle School S Oriole Elementary School E3 Piper High School F Banyan Elementary School F� West Pine Middle School x F •'; .� _ , aim al/ jrfir- 14 Ire, t Ii1} I •F - �i; r��'+•-��j ••r� �. tr ���..j mil'•? .fit 41 . �•���,�•' `•� i ��. t' '♦ p• ��- K 3. may" 4 t s 'fit. [r[r•�• .,,__ II1` •�'1r'� f' � -44 � e Y ' NO;'. r � t '� it �s No Text ' of •��.T f'' '<��•:,4 y - • .•jam• • J J �'q �_,.. �, .t •. / Jam, t ;, ' QC a , �r n,; �( � :� •� �+i�..`yyfi'' �-tom• # ems" 1 ��� � � � �t.' �/ ���� , -+tee - •�•+� - } .fir - 11 ;i4:� •Lz, .� r'l,�s��� f' �.'•'Y `�� - 'la 1?i_�_-KYl \! 't.( .�• ;r "i:_ ,yy tea. 1�C. ,' hew r.. ✓ �. + l/r+ .mot � ��r .. �•� ' .. -- � ♦` a �, 7 tyres r , r i - r: 3 - S i ��1 '^�^w�� ` �� }•i '•. Tom• �f �i. �AIRJ. f J• � Z - �!•�' Y�^ �`s-,fir ' • ;�� is .�.�•� a �� �.�`: �,r� -r.,' 4`,i/i r%�y�. is a •r10 City of Tamarac Broward County Land Preservation Program Open Space Acquisition Application TAMARAC SPORTS COMPLEX PHASE II December 2001 BROWARD COUNTY LAND PRESER VA TION PROGRAM OP 'NSPACE A CQUISITIONAPPLICA TION For Office Use Project # Date Received Return to: Valeria C. Volin Land Preservation Section 218 SW 1 Avenue Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301 Fax: 954-519-1412 APPLICANT INFORMATION Applicant: City of Tamarac Project Title: Tamarac Sports Complex, Phase II (Kings Point replat Project Liaison:'Agent: Diane Phillips Parcel R) Title: Assistant to the City Manager Address: 7525 NW 8 8 th Avenue Tamarac, FL 33321 Telephone: 954-724-1230 Fax: 954-724-2454 E-Flail: dianep@tamarac.org Zip Code: 33321 I hereby certify that the information provided in this application is true and accurate. Sivnature: Date: Typed Name:_ Jeffrey L. Miller Title: City Manager County Commission District Where Project is Located: 3 Page 1 of 4 SITE INFORMATION Site Name (if applicable): Kings Point replat Parcel R Site Address (if applicable); Folio Number(s): Project Location: 9899 NW 77th Street, Tamarac, FL 33321 49410530030 See attached location map Owner or Real Estate Broker (if known): Lennar Corporation Driving Instructions From I-95 to Project Site (Include location map and I "=300' scale back -and -white or blueline aerial photograph with the site boundary delineated): From I-95 exit Cypress Creek Road, west. Take Cypress Creek Road to Nob Hill Road and turn right (north) to NW 77th Street. Property is Tucated just nurth of NW 77th Stmeet. Acres: 15 .0 9 Is Applicant eligible for a Phase 1 Open Space acquisition? yes If Applicant is proposing more than one site for consideration, what is the priority of this site relative to the other proposed sites? Phase I Has the site been pre -acquired and does it meet the requirements for reimbursement through the Bond program? (Please attach all supporting documentation.) N/A SITE DESCRIPTION (Use additional sheets as needed) SEE ATTACHED Page 2 of 4 PROPOSED USE OF SITE (Use additional sheets as needed) SEE ATTACHED Paae 3 of 4 City of Tamarac — Tamarac Sports Complex Phase 2 Site Description The subject of this proposal is a 15-acre linear open space established along a canal. This crescent shaped parcel partially surrounds an existing park. The proposed parcel, referred to as "parcel R" has been identified for acquisition in the City's Parks, Recreation and Social Services Master Plan (2001). The entire parcel abuts a 100-foot wide, freshwater canal. If the City is successful in its efforts to acquire the parcel, it will serve to extend the park and link the park to the canal. In addition to providing a more manageable boundary for the park, this will allow access to the canal for recreational purposes as described elsewhere in the proposal. The parcel is currently zoned for multi- lamily development. Why does this site represent the best open space choice for our jurisdiction? The proposed site is one of two sites identified for acquisition as open space in Tamarac's Parks Recreation and Social Master Plan (2001). Tamarac, a City of 11 square miles, is rapidly approaching build out with less than 500 acres of undeveloped land remaining. The City additionally considers this site as a priority for acquisition because of the eagerness of the current owner to sell. The owner of the proposed acquisition has sold the two adjacent parcels within the past six months for multifamily development. What portion of the site area is covered by native vegetation? The present owner cleared the site in preparation for multifamily development. As a result, there is no native vegetation remaining. (See Photos) What portion of the existing native vegetation will be maintained? See above. Will the project involve the reclamation of developed areas? The project will involve preservation of a parcel, which has already been cleared in preparation for development. Will the project involve the reclamation of a designated Brownfield? Not applicable. City of Tamarac — Tamarac Sports Complex Phase 2 Proposed Use of Site The City proposes to acquire the site as an extension to the existing park, and to further extend the City's greenway. In addition to extending the Tamarac Sports Complex Park, the acquisition of this site would serve to provide public access to the canal system along the northern and eastern borders of the parcel. The City intends to install a multipurpose trail along the perimeter of the parcel, and further provide a fishing pier and paddling concession as a means to maximize access to the canal for recreational purposes. (See Maps) Percentage of site area estimated to be covered by impervious surface after park development is completed. The project will serve to extend the existing park. The elements included in the conceptual development plan for the proposed acquisition include a practice area, football/soccer field, roller hockey arena, playground, picnic facilities, multipurpose path along the waterfront and perimeter of the park, fishing pier and paddling concession. It is estimated that less than 30% of the project will be impervious upon completion of development. Percentage of the site area estimated to be dedicated to active recreation and infrastructures after park development is completed. The elements included in the conceptual site plan are listed above. It is the City's intent to utilize the majority of the site for passive recreation purposes. It is the City's understanding that the County is considering implementing a requirement that no more than 30% of the site be dedicated to active recreation. In the event that this transpires, the City will work to ensure that the requirement is met. Is the applicant willing to enter into an agreement with Broward County to develop the site according to an approved management plan and manage it in perpetuity to fulfill the goals established in the management agreement? Yes. Will the project be acquired through less than fee simple acquisition? No. The City will purchase the site from the current owner and change the land use from multifamily/residential to open space/recreation. Will the entire site be open to the public? Yes. The site will be open to the public 365 days per year. 2 City of Tamarac — Tamarac Sports Complex Phase 2 How will the project assist in the preservation of archaeological or historical resources? The project has no historical /archaeological elements. Will the project function as s a buffer or addition to an existing publicly owned, protected open space? Yes. The parcel adjoins an existing 15-acre City park and will serve to extend the park. Will the project create a component to an existing City greenway? Yes. The City of Tamarac Parks, Recreation and Social Services Master Plan identifies a system of open space/recreation parcels, connected by bike routes. One of the major bike routes identified for development is along Nob Hill Road, which adjoins the parcel on the west side. This route will serve to connect the existing park and newly acquired open space to other elements within the City including the c-14 canal -Cypress Creek Greenway multipurpose path located approximately'/2 mile to the north (See Master Plan). Acquisition of the additional land will further allow the City to develop this site as a hub on the City's trail system. Will the project involve the purchase of development rights (PDR)? I NO Has the applicant provided opportunities for, and considered, public input and public hearings about the proposed project? Yes. The proposed project is the outcome of a series of public meetings and surveys conducted in conjunction with the development of the Recreation and Open Space Master Plan. Additional public meetings and public hearing have been held in conjunction with proposals for the procurement of other grant funds. The most recent public hearing regarding the proposed project was held on December 12, 2001 and again affirmed both the City Commission and public commitment to the proposed project. (See Community Support) Is the applicant willing to partner in the acquisition of the site by sharing acquisition costs? The asking price for the parcel is $4,300,000 and the City is requesting that the County provide funding through the bond acquisition program in the amount of $2,000,000. The City has had preliminary discussions with the owner, is in the process of obtaining two appraisals and will provide the additional funding needed to secure the acquisition. An application for Land and Water Conservation Funding in the amount of $150,000 towards the acquisition has already been approved. Additionally, a FRDAP application and a Greenways and Trails acquisition proposal are currently pending. 3 No Text Location Map Tamarac Sports Complex Park G SANI i R . 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N GRAND DUKE CIR''-P m��7 NW 81 ST >asT �PARADIS[ r ------NW--- 67 rp� 1I N�li' \\ L I Works and I frDWra -a . I > > PARADISE tih,rTri,m. \ '7nWttlatds I D N PLUM BAY PK �CI � Z O NWT H aT 0 T Q F PL--PLCt 61P,__ i..GCC -i Utditits _ \ _ - - RED HEART LA N I c BRADSMAWA PLOD.'- m"m-- 9-m T. NWm H W A�9 _� m ° ,Y 3n \ ---� �¢ S a 20 LY��� r� FPL \ \ -- O- KE W PLUM NW-5g1� PL NW-58-PL n n \ PARK �' LOOP RD IPROPOSEDI O COI PLUM—=118.94.UR 5 I [ RIAL - \ m 2 NW 6� c 2�2 x � OHAR BOR WY E al' H' y I I D AI - �m u Ct C _—Tam LNiddle 5 Sub a 9 I >< o e nl ►School 'll" PARK Q Sgm Terms • Al O o 57 z m,, m .� \D75a 'i. Toll TOII Plaza W i O mngg Aug 2D0_) - m sci mi 1 L ` H Q n i- I : Industrial BUST > aW Q' 1Im�P�� < .\ 7 P1 G I Jtid Plaza Iz ¢ __ Cinnamon 5 ➢ , Station I I Z P °t amarac Elem 57 am VERMOSA LAIN Tree Plaz mNW 57 A 9 CT m ¢ m -- VERMOSA LA S Park (Opcmng Aug 200U C J 7--- L _:b ■ NW ST 2 ■ SANTA ROSA OR l i NW 7 ST t- _J —COMMERCIAL- -BLVDI iiiGOLOENBEAUTV AS-- 1J NW I (Furor -.I T' I Pu ®NW s sr I Prospect a - '�--NV�= 54-=Ci=m' Uri: /i a a I Plaza u: I j 54 NW 54 CTST NW 54- St Q Pla of r----m-----, <' NW 153 CT NW 53¢ Ct -_ 33351Zi- L NW N I 'Sunrise Musical) NW Q - 53 ST t= t 55 ST. 0 Theatre - -- -1 - Q Q W oI ^�Y'ttenns:, 53 - - NW"53 ST NW 53 C7> , = NW I 52 Ct '. _�... I F �o > sr Nw 52 MA c� N NW m 52 St m z 5Y Ct r put / SUNRISE a w > r-�a sz PL 53 ST m m ( t sz sr 2 31 L_21 TD (Ja sz cT>� - 3 Nw J." C 0 2 NW 5z O1 sr ��,'Z am m NW 49 PL OLU52 51 3Z St H Z > m z COYtMF.RCE� C7 b_ > O N'N ;o ST NW 49 `0 n9 c 17 N W 50 ST NW j w��—m� 50 a1 ------ - - 19 ;it s�nr m°90\PE0 t41 49 cr 2901 '< 'a W a > Isr4 " ---- r-77== H_c'rl h ,c P\N a+°jTD ^ ^a�41 a 4.P z <t,�t� V i i" PARK Ctrls Q ,' gst < Q AP P �h1> 48 ST ca Nyy 49 - m m 4 SI NW 49 S7 11 I Gas De Purchas INi 9) 9 9 s \ a NW 48 ST ST L_.. NW 47 ST ! r. 7 sr\ 9' _ m Nw 47 47 Ct NW 4747� c > ST �I Llppnslom� I-- yil (Sa ,� 46PL s a - NW Pl, 47 ST 47 r F ImPectiun l 47 `7T' ,.I \Z 0a NW - > 46 CT-- ¢646 Ct n al Station I_ 46 PL _5 5t ~ 3 \ = a l_- _ z NW - IQ 46 ST WesZ-ind CO 46 t` [ Nw as sT �� ( NI1GQ fi°S Florida NW m 45 CT NW 45park �ST 5 St 4' 'J� a � Plaza 45 ST - I G - sr > L v v T NW 44 3: CI _Z NW m 44 1 0+l<.-455 h o+ Q,SC II a 44 CT � —Z 44 $T NW as $T I "44Cr�-y T -""NW 3 ST,h NW m ¢ _ _ _--_177_- __I m a >� y43 CT 43 MANS t N'ater 1901II� Lnco in V�clTeby _----- I Sunriu m 3aa T t I I �O Park ( ~ �O3 I Hozp I N°'3y a� m NW a', a a7 SY.' > [ IPlunti NW -a N REFLEI 7rpNSa w ; ST 6 CT Q \� N41 NW BWO Pine Plaza , TEP I 4 > \C TA1 AMA C YOUTH FOOTBALL Phone: (954) 724-6234 October 15, 2001 Kathleen Margoles, Director of Parks and Recreation City of Tamarac 8601 W. Commercial Boulevard Tamarac, FL 33321 Dear Mrs. Margoles, I Thank you for presenting the City's project to expand the Greenways and Trails system in Tamarac. We look forward to working with you towards the accomplishment of this plan. Of particular interest to Tamarac Youth Football is the City's plan to acquire the piece of land known as "parcel r." As you know, we are excited about the prospect of additional field space, and look forward to continuing to work with the City by operating the league and organizing the many teams that will benefit from this additional field space. E U O m =N1 _, U Q U O c r =0Q �Z to< Laf- =O o c N w LU AsO Temp. Reso #TR9631 December 3, 2001 Page 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-2001-370 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE TWO APPLICATIONS FOR OPEN SPACE ACQUISITION TO THE BROWARD COUNTY LAND PRESERVATION PROGRAM IN THE AMOUNTS OF $2,000,000 EACH FOR FUNDING FOR THE KINGS POINT REPLAT PARCEL R AND FOR THE ISLAND PROPERTY (LYONS INDUSTRIAL PARK PARCEL P); PROVIDING FOR CONFLICTS; PROVIDING FOR SEVERABILITY; AND PROVIDING FOR AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Commission of the City of Tamarac Florida to preserve open space and to acquire additional park land for public use; and WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of the citizens of Tamarac to protect undeveloped land and open space for parks; and WHEREAS, the Broward County Land Preservation Bond Program, approved by the voters in November 2000, provides funding for the acquisition of land for open space and parks; and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac is submitting two Open Space Acquisition Applications to the Broward County Land Preservation Program, for the acquisition of Kings Point Replat Parcel R and acquisition of the Island Property (Lyons Industrial Park Parcel P); and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac has an on -going program of public participation through the activities of the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board; and WHEREAS, the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Board recommends the open space acquisitions that will be accomplished if the grants are awarded to the City of Tamarac; and Temp. Reso #TR9631 December 3, 2001 IPage 2 WHEREAS, the City hasp p PP provided multiple opportunities for public input i cruding both public meetings and public hearings in order to obtain and consider public; input + I , regarding the acquisition of the Kings Point Replat Parcel R and the Island Prope.! (�yons Industrial Park Parcel P); and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida is willing t tartner in the acquisition of the sites by sharing in the acquisition costs and is further illing' to manage the parcels if acquired as open space; and ' WHEREAS, the City Manager and Director of Parks and Recreation recommend I submission of the two applications; and WHEREAS, the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida deems it to be in the best interests of the citizens and residents of the City of Tamarac to enhance open space, recreation and park opportunities for the citizens of the City of Tamarac through submission of the Land Preservation Open Space Acquisition Applications, hereby attached as Exhibit 1. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: Section 1: The foregoing "WHEREAS" clauses are hereby ratified and confirMed as being true and correct and are hereby made a specific part of this resolution. Section 2: The appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute two Land Preservation Program Open Space Acquisition Grant Applications requesting funding in the amount of $2,000,000 per application from Broward County for acquisition of the Kings Point Replat Parcel R and the Island Property (Lyons Industrial Park Parcel P) Section 3: All resolutions or parts of resolutions in conflict herewith are hereby repealed to the extent of such conflict. 1 Temp. Reso #TR9631 December 3, 2001 Page 3 Section 4: If any clause, section, other part or application of this Resolution is held by any court of competent jurisdiction to be unconstitutional or invalid, in part or in application, it shall not affect the validity of the remaining portion or applications of this Resolution. Section 5: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this 121h day of December, 2001. ATTEST: MARION SWENSON, CMC CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this f 7OLUTION as to form. /MITCHELL—S AFT CITY ATTO NEY / /JOE SCHREIBER MAYOR RECORD OF COMMISSION VOTE: MAYOR SCHREIBER _Aye., DIST 1: COMM. PORTNER Awe, DIST 2: COMM. MISHKIN Al yer DIST 3: VIM SULTANOF Ave, DIST 4: COMM. ROBERTS_Aly� Parks, Recreation and Social d — Con, 1 'a • .7 Adm,c¢ Boult+ '0 Square t — -- �.:. T 1� Cor prings _ �J • t - a t Mar gote © -- -=-- ,� my te;r So:, ice 3>vimro G_14 C8rLdl • l.iy', 1 - �o a • 18 = --® t PkN•h -- - qab Road s = North - • Louderd Industm, 1 8Nrk - - • 12 Sum ise Lou erhi(1 Sunrise 14 `'-- Laude _Lakes 1 • oar�a,.a a.,k �.._ j __ rvices c« ast , .Coconut, =Creek " ee TM,4, way Master Plan -- — — � ..E-.— — — i — _ •-----— — — — — — — — -- j I onµ Gcy ..'Z.+..r •-,_ . , _ .. Existing Parks i I t Taramac Golf Courses ' 1 Proposed Parks 1 9 Existing Clubhouses (private) Existing Bike Lanes-� i ---- Proposed Bike Lanes ---► Proposed Greenways & Trails tr'd 71 - - I HcNib Rd FL Lauderdale Fat Lauderda4 Excuclve A epon 5 I- �oulMrd i l i ;EM • le + Park Oakland ' t 0A : k a,rti 81.a i , J u.f - Qi Tamarac Community Center Tamarac Park Tamarac Sports Complex Veterans Park s0 Caporella Park © McNab Park Proposed Southgate Linear Park s Proposed Community Park 9 Proposed Sports Complex Expansion r� Woodmont Country Club - rr Colony West Golf Course r. Sabai Palm Country Club o Woodlands Country Club r� Mainlands Golf Course rs Tamarac Elementary School ,6 Challenger Elementary r0- Middle School (under construction) re Tamarac City HaII�JyT,'f Q,y University Hospital Public Library (proposed) Ij Cypress Glen Park - Coral Springs © Oakwood Park - Coral Springs © Three Mountain Park - Coral Springs Tot Park - N. Lauderdale © Jaycee Park - N. Lauderdale Hampton Pines Park - N. Lauderdale 0 North Lauderdale Municipal Park - N. Lauderdale Margate Boat Ramp - Margate Fern Forest Nature Center - Broward County m Pompano Park m Braeburn Park - North Lauderdale ® Jackie Gleason Park • Lauderhill ® Veteran's Park - Lauderhill m Welleby Park - Sunrise ® Westwind Park - Lauderhill m William W. Kelly Vincent Torres Memorial Park m Welleby Tennis Center - Sunrise m Springtree Golf Couse - Sunrise Easterlin Park - Broward County © Tamarac Country Club Inverrary Golf Course LL M Riverside Elementary School M Taravella High School E,,,j- Ramblewood Middle School 0 Morrow Elementary School © Pinewood Elementary School Silver Lakes Middle School 0 North Lauderdale Elementary School Broadview Elementary School ® Boyd Andersdon High School Lauderdale Lakes Middle School Oriole Elementary School M Piper High School !3 Banyan Elementary School E0 West Pine Middle School No Text ..., �-�:.r �`"� _..: �,—���,.� a 'ems `. 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