HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-93-075Temp. Reso. # 6496 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R--93- 7�5 A RESOLUTION AWARDING BID NO. 93-04, FOR THE PURCHASE OF A MOBILE 4-INCH TRASH PUMP DRIVEN BY A DIESEL ENGINE TO SLOAN PUMP COMPANY, INC.; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County, Florida, on Monday, April 19, 1993 and Monday, April 26, 1993; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on Monday, May 10, 1993; and WHEREAS, Sloan Pump Company, Inc., .is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the bid of Sloan Pump Company, Inc., in the amount of $15,950.00 for the purchase of a mobile 4-inch trash pump driven by diesel engine, is HEREBY APPROVED. SECTION 2: That authorization is given to transfer $9,950.00 from Account No. 425-367-535-6HK entitled Extension and Modification to Account No. 425--367-535-643 entitled Machinery and Equipment to fully fund this bid award. SECTION 3: That the appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to execute any and all contract documents in connection with the awarding of the bid. SECTION 4: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 9,A �ay of ,1993. ATTEST: CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have ap r ved this Re olution t f ITC ELL S. AF CITY ATTORNEY H. BENDER MAYOR - MAYOR DIST 1: DIST. 2: DIST. 3: DIST. 4: RECORD OF COUNCIL r 9 ` � ORfQ1NA � COPS CITYOFTaMaaac - .M Fixed price bid -%plr_INAll COPY D Request for Proposal DATE April 19, 1993 NO:. 9,3-04 (this Is not an order) 1 (AI1 blanks mutt be tilled In) PAGENO.- 1 ra4l )REQUIRED: CyCIP - rr� -MIC 912N=28=- 12 Phone (30S) M.5900 ,�.; ces Alt T i t; el K11M Jones, City EMIL r !$1NQ AC1'tY1'iY Public Se dut►er. ; *IDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFOR 2' 00 p.m., M°naay, May .10, 1993 :ast*m 1Ctendard Titre o< Eastern Standard Daylight savings TW* as applicable. The Official the shelf be as ttacorded on the 0sleRlmt lecording Clock In the Orly C otit's 01114e. K will be the 09% responalblllly of the bidder to snore that thla proposal rise, to Dt1iCe of the City 3Wtk City of Tomarat: on W botore Nosing Now and date shown above. 1% Legal Advenlsoment, IrMtatltxl toald, General Conditlons, instructions 10 bidders, ipectal Oondltbrts, ipacHkatlons, Addersdurne• end Orly ,that pertinent document form a part lef tots proposal end by relennco are made a pan Hereof. 4NTI-COLLUSION >I;TATEMENT: The below signed bidder has Hot divulged to. dismilad w sorhparod hill bid with other bidders and has not colluded with any other bidder of parties too bid whatever. (NOTE: No premiums, robot*+ or gratuities perrnitled either with. prior lo, or after any $*livery of fnatsrlals. Any such violation will recall in the Cenoellalion an&w return of nWterlale (as appkAble) and the removes from aid Malls). V THE PURCMASINO OFFICER OF THE Crr1' OF TAYARAew W#V> the below etgnod hereby agree to furnish the following"kMt+) or se►vic*Is) it the price(s) and farms stated subject to all instructions, condition+, specification+, end all attachments hereto. WKq have read all altat:hm*nts eluding the specifications and fully understand what is required (By submitting this Signed proposal,we(l) 01091411yaccept a i:ontrset If approved )y the City and such accopiann covers all the terms, Conditions, and specifications of this proposal; and we(1) hereby Ogres that we will make ,vallable for audit so appropriate CAI Auditom all applicable bustness or fin+nelsl records penlnant to a resultirsg ender Or sentrao14 ,if prices to be quoted F.O.B. i wprs Destinitlon Tamarac, Florida (Dolive►ed at the applicable City address Indicated on the Purchase Order.l FAILURE TO QUOTE: if you do not quote, please return quotation sheet. state rsamm thereon and request that your Home be retained on our sailing list, otherwise, Your name may be removed from our bid rolling Uat. Bids are firm for acceptance within 60 days after bid opening date.,.. Ves.no.other. TERMS: % MCI -An- 1DAYs or by of Month (To apply on date of delivery and acceptance of material,) If avverded ALL ITEMS BID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional DISCOUNT DF 0 */o 010flered In addition to any terms offered stove. AELIVEHY: calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (City reserves the right to consider delivery time as h vital consideration when making or recommending award). VAR IA N CES: state any variations to speclfiCalions, terms sndror Conditions in this spacer lelerevA hetein ail gtler+ces ConlairMO en giber page: of this Proposal Form or In any bio attaehe►ent. NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILL BE CONSIDERED OR WILL BE DEEMED TO BE A PARTY OF THE Bit) SubmirtED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION IS LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN No ILEPARATE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LMIRS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED SID, ANDTME CRY WILL NOT BE SOUND IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER BY ANY VARIATION OR EXCEPTION OR LIMITATION NOT $PECIFICALLY LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS ALL PRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FORTH[ PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A SIDDERTAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION imnrO AND LisTs suem EXCEpT10N wrTHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMNAIM stalantenl is COM111tlad Inihis apace. mil is Mmsby implied that your bid colhplmTSE with the full aaope Of this Bid irwhation, Purchaser Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposbr'a address shown below. please Implete the following: au eurchflsa Otoor to:. Mall Payment to: Well Bids to: N/A N/A N/A -„eons No: 305-581-2810 w/Ares Code IOPGSAL SUBMiTrED BY: .1h ME(Prtnted): Title: �.� -4mpany:(LegalRogiauredTnNInFLIW Sloan Pum Co. , Inc. Ioress: 4201 Kea Ro , Fo t auderdale, FL 33314 3NAYURE: ATE! Inclosed llelorenore Appllwb M fhelpoask lInvitallon To Bid — F1 Index of pane►al Provisions Clauses -. F2 o*nsral Provisions — F3 Telephone No.: 305-581-2810 Indicate Which: Corporation: Partnership: Individual: Other. -(Retain one copy for your filet) TAMAR.AC 4.W. BB Avenue arac. Florida 33321-2401 SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE Invitation To Bid Bid No. 93-04 Date Page.L..of.jj.. All prices quoted F.OB. Tama=, Florida. Ddiv=4 and unloaded at applicable dry destination as indicated below. The 7fouowinS special condidons (if checked) apply to this bid. BIDDERS REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND: The City ahail require iiorrt all Bidders. a Eleevfied check or bid bond in the amount of rive (S) percent of the bid, which shall be forfeited to the City in the event the Bidder to whom the business is awarded, shall fail or rir = to comply with the specifucadon of the bid. Ctl du will returned promptly to the unsuccessful Bidders aftu award of bid. Failure io submit this bid bond with the bid c Wd um rejection of the bid. PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shall priar to the execution of the otwm k U quire the Bidder to furnish bonds Oviaing ElMe faithful performance of the Cowan and the payment of all obligations arising d reunder in mch farm and amount as the City may prescnbe and with ash rorcties secured through the Biddces usual xxv= as may be agaeable to the parties. If such . bonds an stipulated. the premiums shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder shall deliver bonds to the City to lister than the due Of execution Of the Contract QUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 1 4" Mobile, Self Priming Trash Rmp, driven by 4 Cycle, Water Cooled Diesel Engine, all in accordance with attached specifications. 1 J/ 7 6 c) � d .' $ a- 7 0 0 .0 0 1 One (1) Year Service Contract for unit provided above as stipulated in Part 6. TOTAL GROSS S[>Nl BID Open end annual contract with option to renew each year, for three (3) consecutive years, provided that the City agrees to award this contract and extend renewal options annually and the selected 4" mobile self prim mig trash pump supplier provides a letter of confirmation amorally, agreeing -to extend the unit prices of the original bid. tliverTO- CITY OF T.AMARAC Z T-0, a�) Is 250.00 l �' f� • `' `�I $ 15.0 950.00� CMWYNtme Sloan Pump Co., Inc. Addren 4201 Kean Road 1: Keith Fencl - Motor Pool Ft Lauderdale, FL 33314 BIDDERS NOTE, Both Sides or tbic form require signature