HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-90-1231 3 3 4I i Temp. Reso. #5772 Revised 4/24/90 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-90- I-7-3 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR TWO (2) GRINDER PUMPS AND MOTORS, BASE ELBOWS, GUIDE RAIL SYSTEMS AND ALL APPURTENANCES FOR TAMARAC UTILITIES WEST, PROJECT #90-5, PUMP STATION FOR CITY COMPLEX AT LAND SECTION 7; BID #90-9; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County, on Friday, March 30, 1990 and Thursday April 5, 1990; and WHEREAS, a request was made to waive the informality of the low bidder, Pump and Equipment Co., Inc., failing to sign and notarize the "sworn statement under Section 287.133(3)(a) Florida Statutes, on public entity crimes" as required by the City's standard bidding documents; and WHEREAS, the properly executed sworn statement was provided by Pump and Equipment Co., Inc., after bids were opened; and WHEREAS, Pump & Equipment Co., Inc., was determined to be the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA; SECTION 1: That the request to waive the informality of the low bidder, Pump and Equipment Co., Inc., failing to sign and notarize the "sworn statement under Section 287.133(3)(a) Florida Statutes, on public entity crimes" as required by the City's standard bidding documents, is HEREBY APPROVED. SECTION 2: That the bid of Pump & Equipment Co., Inc., 3151 S.W. 14th Place, Boynton Beach, Florida 33435, in the amount of $3,640.00, for Two (2) Grinder Pumps and Motors, Base Elbows, Guide Rail Systems and All Appurtenances for Tamarac Utilities West Project No. 90-5, Pump Station for City Complex at Land Section 7, Bid #90-9, is HEREBY APPROVED, with funds to be taken from Account #432-367-535- 6QJ entitled Nob Hill Road Pump Station. 1 2 3 4 S 6 6 9 10 li 12 13 14 15 15 17 1B 1 2[ 21 22 23 24 25 26 21 21 25 X 3' 3: 34 3! Temp. Reso. #5772 Revised 4/24/90 SECTION 3: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. ,Pk, PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this _.Z day of 1990. NORMAN ABRAMOWITZ MAYOR ATTEST: CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to for ALAN F. F INTERIM CIT ATTORNEY RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR_,^,.,—ABRAMMOW (TZ DISTRiu f l: C►M�ROHR D!ST;ICT 2: um SCHUMANN G`!ST t M, S:—ViM HOFF.IvIAN Ci;:TRiCT4: CM SENDER C TY OF TAMARAC &Yfixed price bid O ?` aiDNo: 90-9 0 Request for Proposal DATE: 3/29/90 (All blanks must be filled In) (This Is net an order) - -�— PAGE NO.: of 14 ITEM(S)REOUIRED: BID PADCAM 70 P ,E 7WD (2) MMMM P[M ACID myMnt BtM III, GLrME Rhn, sysT MS = XL FOR 7M PFC TFXT N0: 90-5 i USING ACTIVITY •rrrrr. Phone 005) 722.BODD RID SMUSTBESUBMITTEDONORBEFORE 2:00 P.M., -Tuesday, April. 10, 1990 Eastern Standeff Terre of tBal•m standard Oey11pM sew". TWO as at•rT„r,e D on the applicable. The Official tan• shelf a as ret:ardad he Aacordirfp Clock in the COY, Clerk'a of140, M will 10 the Bola ►asponstblllty o1 Ise bidder #* etnawe that lhls Clerk. City of Tamarac on m Worst sloNnp how OW date Shown above. prslpeaal nwthas the 01140 Of the City TheLepat AdwMlMtrrnt, MfvMaltonMPbfd, General owditions, tnstruetions to bidden, tpetlal Cierldltlarfe,SpaeMiestlarfa, Addendum. and any Other pertinent tioeuntent form a part of this pe"Oul and by "few" are Me& a Part teroof. A 1luded with IONany STATEMENT. o The babe elpl►ed bldoor has not divulged to. I otfR*Sfed Ale bid with other bidders end has not ttpliudad with any Otf1lr bidder Or IteMiss to a bid whatever, (NOTE: No pprimlums, rebates or gratuities permitted either with, Proof 10. or after any delivery of metarlsls. Any such trlolatton will Mull to ife tengllatlon aftdvor #*tarn of materials (as applicable) and that removal both &to List($) TO THE PURCHASING OFFICER of THE of y OF TAMARAC: Waft), the below slpnod hereby spree to funnflah the lot at the P►ice(s) and terms stated subject to all Instruttions, rondltions specifications, end all attachnenla Mreto. Wall) p fie chvmcat entsi Mfcludinp the specif"lloft and lolly understand what le requited (By iubmltlinp this afprted proposal, we(q officially aCtBp1 a contract U approved by the City and such acceptance Cover• aft the terms, conditions, and opecifigationS Of this proposal, and fire(I) hereby spree put we will make evokoble for audit to apprapr{at• City Aradltsrs silly apPsaa►le buslreas or fhmhtlel #*eerde Pertinent to Is tesultke Order or sentractJ All Prices to be quoted F.p,a. buyer• Destination Tamarac, Florida (Delivered at the applicable City address Indicated on the purchase Dtder PAILURE TO OLIVE: If you do not quote, please stun► quotation afuet, stale reason 1Mao rn and #*quoit that roar earn• be relained on our M,t•liinp list, Otherwise, your name may be ramowd from our bid mailing list. Bids are firm for acceptance within 50 days after bid opening date- v.-.YDS—.no _other. TERMS: % 4? Days or by eL7J of Month (To apply on date of delivery and acceptance of material.) If awarded All ITEMS BID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF `— Is offered In addition to any terms offered above. ye DELIVERY:_ a ._,_,+calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (CltyrLserves the right to consider delivery time As a vital consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: state eny wariallorts to Specifications, terms andrar conditions In this space a telerenre fMrein •N rerlences eontAinep can otne, popes or tnls t'loDasa Fo'm br ,n any bid Attachment NO VARIATIONS 001 EXCEPTION$ BY A BIDDER WILL BE CONSIDERED qR WILL BE DEEMED TO BE A PApTY OF THE BID SUBMITTED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION IS LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENT; AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN NO SEPARATE ANY MAN fAt NyINGWMAI DOCUMENTS OR LETTER$ WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID, AND THE CITY WILL NOT BE BOUND 1N ANY MANNER WMAT$Of VER BY ANY VARIATION OR EXCEPT ION OR LIMITATION NOT SPECIFICALLY LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS ALL PRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC E XCE PTION THERETO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN 11110818temant is Contained In this space n Ie Aerapr ^0140 that your bid Complias with Ine full scope of UNe aid Invdallon. If Purchaser Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposer's address shown below, please complete the following: Mail Purchase Order to: INC.ail Payment to: PUMP & EQUIPMENT CO., Tter. 3151 S.W. 14th Place Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone: (407) 369-2900 Fax: (407) 369-2901 MrlAraa C PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: Well [lids to: PUMP & EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 3151 S.W. 14th Place Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone: (407) 369-2900 Fax: (407) 369-2901 NAME(Printed): /2-C' L'OC:24 Title: Company: (Lapel RepigeradTMM M FULL) Address: SIGNATURE: DATE• --Z-- v PUMP & EQUIPMENT CO., INC. 3151 S.W. 14th Place Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone: (407) 369-2900 Fax: (407) 369-2901 Enelased Relerertelas AtflP1110aitlio So ►ogwel: Ihtrltallon To Mid . Ft Medea of General ►revi•tona oyuses f ii General Provisions — Fa Partnership: Individual: Other: 111staln am copy for your IUes) •IDDERS NOTE: Loth alder of this Form require sigholura. MY OF TA►MARAC 7525 N.W. 88 Avenue Bid No. 90-9 Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 Date 3 / 2 9 Page,__ z �of 114 6PECIFICAT'ONS AND BID SCHEDULE Invitation To Bid All pquoted F.O.B. Tamarac, Florida. Delivered and unloaded at applicable city destirtuion as indicated below. The o specW iai cartdtaons ('f Chociced) apply to this bid. ElBIDDERS REQUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED "i'"kd check or bid CHECK OR BID BOND; The City tthall u W whom the bond in the amount of roe (S) percent of the bid, which stall be forfeited to the Citty in Bidders, event the B,dd ar business � awarded. shall tailor refuse to comply with the to the unsumessfW Bidders after award of bid. Failure to submit this bid bond with the bid could causspecification Of the bid. e To returned promptly PERFORMANCL BONDS: 'lire City shW �tton of the bid, the faithful performarm of the Contract and theme or the of aUtobl on of the contract, require the Bidder to furnish bonds covering City tray Prscribe and with such sureties securepayment ugh the�Biddtres usual sotions nttr�rea as ms in such form and amount as the Of CXCCUd= of the watt POWUM shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder shall deliver bonds bPeeable to the paves. if such the City no late that the date vANTITY DESCRIPTION 701PORARY SDP -GE PUMP STATION AT CITY OCbSP= IN LAM SDCTION 7 2 Grinder Punps and Motors — 40' Electric Cable 2 Grinder Punps Base Elbows 4 Anchor Bolts for PUMP Base (316 Stainless steel) 2 Guide Rail System Inc. Brackets (316 Stainless Steel) 2 Pulling Cable (316 Stainless Steel) 2 Aluminum 24" X 364 Hatch Covers 4 Mercury Float Switches with Stainless Steel Cable Holder (Freedom Devices Series 6000 or Smith Loveless 2900-40) TD'I'AL GRDSS SLM BID Deliver To: Tamarac Utilities West Ott: �Toseph Hughes Title EXTENDED PRIG aqo= K59 A) tprev Z --fi, Company Name PUMP & EQUIPMENT CO., INC Address 3151 S.W. 14th Place Boynton Beach, FL 33435 Phone: (407) 369-2900 Fax: (407) 369-2901 BIDDERS NOTE: Both Sides of this form require sitnature