HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-90-155Temp. Reso. #5809 I[ 1 2 3 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-90- + A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS DISPLAY -- 1990; BID NO. 90-111 AND PROVIDING -AN -EFFECTIVE DATE. - WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale I�ewefStxn sentinel, m -newspaper of Qeneral circulation in Braward County on Saturday, May 12, 1990 and Friday, May 18, 1990; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on May 31, 1990; and WHEREAS, Vitale Fireworks Display Company, Inc., is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION-4; That the bid of Vitale Fireworks Display Company, Inc., in the amount of $6,975.00 for the fourth of July Fireworks display, is HEREBY APPROVED, with funds to come from Account #001-550-572-482, Recreational Activities. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. ti PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this A day of 9_e/ _ r 1990. ATTEST: , WN01: CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE approved this Res ution as ABRAMOWITZ to form. MAYO DISTRICT 1: CIM ROHR - - DISTRICT 2: CIM SCHUMANN ALAN F. RUF NViit� HQFFhAF,►� INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY DISTRICT 3: _ --- DISMICT 4: C/M SEWDER ® Fixed price bid ❑ Request for Proposal DATE: May , 1990 DID NO: 90--11 (This is not an order) 1 of 10 (All blanks must be filled in) PAGE NO-� REM(S)REQUIRED: FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS DISPLAY — 1990 P.W./RECREATION M.R. Couzzo, Jr. 4210 ' -USING ACTIVITY Buyer Phone (3t?5) 7�2•t19t7ti` 9 f F BIDS MUST &E SUBMITTED ON OR UEFORE Eastern standard Time or Eastern tl ndsrd oeyftht savings tine as applicable. The official time shell be as recorded on the Datertime tllaeording Clock In the City Clerk's Office. h will be the soM nspa►slWlity M the bldQlr foattlwrt► that ihiaproposal reaehes the 011ice of the Clty Cierk. City of Tsmarse on or atom closing how and date shown abow. The isgpal Atlrerthenlertt. NriMation•to•Bid, Qettarat C'erndttict+s, /rrstr>dctlorlt tors. special Conditlona. �Addendurrs, Ind any rr�el4a�iemMslaotlad�ils�raposat tdby Msrsnve am made a part hereof. ANT14OLLUS10N STATEMENT: The below Signed b1dd9r ties not divulged to, discussed or compared his bid with other bidders and has not polluded with my other bidder Or parkas to a bid whafe*r. (Notg. No premitrms, rebates or tuHkrs permitted e11Mr with, prior to, ar after a ny delivery of materials. Any Such violation will result in the cancellation andlor return of materials (as applicable) and the removal from Bid Lrst($) TO THE PURCHASING OFFICER OF THE MY OF TAMARAC: We(), the below signed hereby agree to furnish the following artil:le(s1 or Service($) at the prk*s) and terms stated subject to all instructiorts, aonditicns,speciiacations. and all attachments hereto. Wa(i) have read ail at IsChMe MI Including the specilicatiom and fully understand what Is required (By submitting this signed proposal, we(1) officially sccspt a Contract if approved by the City and such acceptance covers all the terms, conditions, and apaclficatlons of this proposal; and we(1) hereby agr►a that we will shake alvaltable lot audit to appropriate Oily Atrdhm any applicable business Or financial reosrds penitent too resulting ender er contract.) All prices to be quoted F.O.B. Auyers Destination Tamarac, Florida (Delivered at the applicable city address indicated on the Purchase Order.) FAILURE TO CIUOTL It you do not quote, please retum quotation sheet, state mason thereon and request that your name be retained on our waiting list, otherwise, your name may be removed from our bid Melling list. AWs are firm fora=epUwmwIthlnWdays afterbid opening date x yes no other. TERMS: % Days or by of Month (To apply on date of delivery and acceptance of material.) If awarded ALL ITEMS DID HEREIN (when spp11cable), an additional DISCOUNT OF % Is offered in addition to any terms offered above. Fireworks Delive th daDa f the,i �leJV1 DELIVERY: Candarys er recelpYouaerae4(Ci %9rves the right to consider delivery time as a vital consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: state any variations to specifications,Nnns arWor conditions In this apace Of reference hereln all variahces contained on other pages or INS Proposal Form or in any bid attachment. NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILL BE CONSIDERED OR WILL BE DEEMED TO BE A PARTY OF THE BID SUBMITTED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION 15 LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN NO SEPARATE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDEO WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID, ANDTHE CITY WILL NOT BE SOUND IN ANY MANNER WMATSOrVER BY ANY VA14IA71ON OR EXCEPTION OR LIMITATION NOT SPECIFICALLY LISTED WITMINTME BID DOCUMENTS ALL PRICES WILLSE CONSIDERED ASf1RM FORTHE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A SIDDERTAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION THERETO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN. It no Statement It contained In this space it's ae►aby implied that your bid oDMpllas with the lull scope of this Bid Invitation. If Purchaser Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposer's address shown below, please complete the following: Mall Purchess Order to: Mall Payment to: Mall Bids to: Telephone No.- R001245-0359 wlAres Code PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: ♦JAME(Printedn.� �SAphen J. Vitale_ Title: General Manager Company: &A Address:..,. AQNATURE: r /Ertokaed InFULW VITALE FIREWORKS _DISPLAY .CQIL=Y TNC. ,iidett of 4saarieia IFs M /repesak tax Telephone No.: - 3 - 841 Indicate Which: Corporation: xx Partnership: Individual: sort" v, t1lfl�++ ens talepy for yitwr 11les) 1111)VERS NOTE: Both sides of this Form ftquire signature. CTIY OF TAMARAC 7525 N.W. 88 Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321-2401 SPECIFICATIONS AND,BID SCHEDULE Invitation To Bid Bid No. 90-11 Date 9 Page of10 All prices gaoW FAB. Txnww.>F7arW& D&mend wd =dosded at applicable city dudm ion as indicated below. 7be� hDowigg special cortditim (Jf cbKt* apply Ira dds bid. ' BIDDERS RBQIIREMENt' FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND: The City dull rt,gWm fmm all Bidden. a eardf ed check orbid bond in t heamountof flue (S)pmm of dobid, which "I be forfeited a The City in the event the Bidder Io wbom the busine is awanK shall fail arvAne tocomply with the speciricadon of the bid. Checks will remrncd Pr"Pdy u atietasaaat�bl ildd.�aihara� sttbtttit this bid band welsh the bid could parse iejectiort of the bid. PERFORMANCE BONDS: The Chy sWrior to the a mtkm ofthe oortp W4 tttegWm IM Bidder to braish bands covering the faithful performance of the oorttrace and the payment of all obligations arWng thereunder in such form and amount as the City may pracribe and with sack stmeties sec+ W through the Biddees wRW aourrces as may be agrocable to the parties. if such ftWs am sap AM 4 the prttxAittms sha>l be paid by the Bidder. The Bidde7 shall deliver bonds to the City so 1 AW &an ttu data Of vexation of the cototract. UANTITY DESCR> F'TION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE 50 OPENING STAR SHELL 6 SALUTES $ 6,975.00 8 3" FLASH SALUTES 15 3" ASSORTED COLOR STAR SHELLS 10 3" IMPORTED FANCY SHELLS 10 3" TWO BREAK SHELLS 7 3" SPECIAL COMET SHELLS 7 3" TWO COLOR FANCY SHELLS 4 3" THREE BREAK SHELLS 4 3" FOUR BREAK SHELLS 4 3" FLYING SERPENT SHELLS 4 3" WHISTLE SHELLS 4 3" BATTLE IN THE CLOUDS SHELLS 4 3" MACHINE GUN SHELLS 13 4" ASSORTED STAR SHELLS 12 4" TWO BREAK SHELLS - 12 4" SUPER FANCY MULTIPLE BREAK SH7.LLS 10 4" IMPORTED SHELLS 5 4" FANCY DELUXE SHELLS 5 4" FLYING SERPENT SHELLS 5 4" WHISTLE SHELLS 5 4" MACHINE GUN SHELLS 5 4" BATTLE IN THE CLOUDS SHELLS 1.5 5" ASSORTED STAR SHELLS 8 5" IMPORTED SHELLS 5 5" FANCY SHELLS 3 S" FANCY FLITTER SHELLS 3 5" IMPORTED SPECIAL SHELLS 5 5" SPECIAL MULTI BREAK SHELLS 5 5" SPIDERWEB SHELLS • 4 5" FLOATING STARS & COMETS ' 4 5" WHISTLE SHELLS 4 5" MACHINE GUN SHELLS 15 6" ASSORTED COLOR STAR SHELLS Cont'd. Raver To: Att: 5/30/90 Tltle Ceneru Munn r CMDODYName T T.F. ?REWORKS DISPLAY CO. w Castle, 1103 =206 Sift mr sh a a3ne 3*0=1" 0e, q Page 3 of 10 II BID SPECIFICATION - CITY OF TAMARAC FOURTH OF JULY FIREWORKS DISPLAY YEAR - 1990 --------------------------------------------- Quanity Description ^ Unit Price Extended Price 5 6" FANCY ILLUMINATION SHELLS 5 6" SPECIAL FLITTER SHELLS 1 6" FANCY DELUXE W/DIANTHUS, SERPENTS AND FUSILLADING AND WHISTLES 1 6" SPECIAL SPIDERWEB SHELL 1 6" BATTLE IN THE CLOUDS SHELL 3 6" MULTI BREAK SPECIAL FANCY .;ELLS 3 6" IMPORTED MAGICAL SHELLS 3 6" IMPORTED DURATION W/SPECIAL EFFECTS 3 6" IMPORTED SUPER FANCY SHELLS 1 6" DELUXE FLOATING COMETS W/STARS 1 6" CANNONADE DRAWOUT 10 8" IMPORTED HIGH CALIBER SHELLS GRAND FINALE 250 3" ASSORTED COLOR STAR SHELLS AND FLASH/TITANIUM SALUTES 6 A" ASSORTED COLOR STAR SHELLS AND FLASH/TITANIUM SALUTES 5 3" ASSORTED COLOR STAR SHELLS AND FLASH/TITANIUM SALUTES 4 6" ASSORTED COLOR STAR SHELLS AND FLASH/TITANIUM SALUTES 1 AMERICAN FLAG SETPIECE OTHER 1. TECHNICIAN MUST BE AT SHOOTING SITE NO LATER THAN 12:00 NOON. 2. THE CITY WILL ONLY ACCEPT A 3% FAILURE RATE OF SHELLS. 3. INSURANCE MUST BE PROVIDED*. 4. TRANSPORTATION/DELIVERY INCLUDED 5. ALL MATERIAL/EQUIPMENT INCLUDED 6. TAMARAC FIRE DEPARTMENT APPROVAL 7. SHELL SIZE ACCURATE, NOT INCLUDING WOOD 8. DATE OF FIREWORKS DISPLAY: 9. RAINDATE: *$1,000,000.00 CSL Insurance Date: July 4, 1990 Raindate: July 7, 1990 Location: TAMARAC SPORTS COMPLEX - TRACT 27 �. - A