HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-90-184w !2 .'3 Temp. Reso. #5846 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-90-1� A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR TWO (2) PERSONAL PROTECTIVE GAS DETECTORS WITH CHARGERS; BID NO. 90-20; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County, Florida, on Friday, June 29, 1990 and Friday, July 6, 1990; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on Tuesday, July 10, 1990; and WHEREAS, Lumidor Safety Products is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA; SECTION 1: That the bid of Lumidor Safety Products in the amount of $2,980.00 for two (2) personal protective gas detectors with chargers is HEREBY APPROVED, with funds to come from Account #425-367-535-643 entitled TUW Special Equipment. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. T0' PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this // day of 9d, 11990. ATTEST: CAROL A. VAN CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this Resolution as to form. '�' , k LL ALAN F. R , INTERIM CIT ATTORNEY NORMAN ABROMOWITZ MAYOR RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR,. ABRAMOWITZ —4�1— DISTRICT 1: aCfM ROHR 4. DISTRICT 2: C/M SCHUMANN DISTRICT 3:=V/�MHOF�FMAN��� DISTRICT4: CIM BENDER Ml.GiNAL COP,.% ... • CITY ORIGINAL -ORIGINAL F TAMARAC • 5D Fixed price bid BID NO; Qnzz0 D Request for Proposal DATE: 6111" 90 ""� 4AII blanks trust be tilled In) (This Is not an order) PAGENO.- �`f 6 ITEMS) REOUIRED: LISINGAt:T1VITY Ruyrr: Phone (205)722•6900 BIDS MUST sE &UIsMRTED ON OR BEFORE ' Eastem Standard Tema Of Easefm Standard Deytlght Savings Tana as applUtiie. The ONkIN /Mrr1B ettap a eB thrpfded on the Dotef'rime R : ! vWding CbN In the Coy Clfrk'e 0111ce. It will be the Bole rfapohslblllty of the bldda► la ehawf that 0111 prslpoaal 111141161101 the Ol11ce of the City Clark. City of Tamarat on of botors Cio i g how aril ale Dhow" above. The Legal AO"Mb*nlent. hWUtlon-Wilid, General Opndltlpns� k►struetbns b Bidders. Spectst pp�„Ipry ��1�. ems. and am Other poninant doeumor t form a put of thh poposal and by /off►onee are a s" a pan 11 WI. ANTI -COLLUSION STATEMENT; The below signed bidder has not divulged to, dlseussed W Compared hb bid with other brodora and has not colluded with any other bidder or p4nias to a bid whatever. (NOTE. No premluma, nsbalas of gratuities pormitted elthw wlik prior to. or of let any dotivery of materials. Any such violation will ►esull In the CaMCaliatlon andlor rstum of materials (as applleabie) and the ramoval fram Bid Lost(s) TO THE PURCHASING OFFICER OF THE CITY OFTAm&MC: W the below! nod /lsrs at the price(!) and terms atatad subject to all Instructions, cOndit orui, apeclficatioona, and &III ttaaathmenf ti Mittho. W (l)hhavefood Oil b�hesMa ehrrr ants MC luding the spec Ititat►lM and fully understand what la ►equlred (by submitting this signed proposal. veep) officially accept a contract it approved by the City and sut:h ioemplan" toners all She terms. Conditlons, and apeciflestlons of this proposal; and taco) harsby ague that we will snake avallabb jar audit /e spprapriass Cftr Auditors any applicable bushes$ or Unionist raawds pertinent a a rsoulu" order or aaniract.) All prices to be quoted F.O.B. buyers Destination Tamarac, Fiorids 010111011119110100 applicable City address Indicated on the Purchase Order I FAILURE To QUOTE: If you do not quote, please return quotAllon shoot, staff mason tharaon and request that your name be retained on our rhalling list, otherwise, your naawl tn.y be removed from our bid mailing list. Bids are firm for acceptance within 60 days after bid opening date! yes,,,,,—�no_�__other. 1% 10,Net 3Q TERMS: r/a Days or by of Month (To apply on date of delivery and acceptance of material.) If awarded ALL ITEMS BID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF -0- y, Is offered In addition to any terms offered above. pEL1VEgY 10Days _After, RBI R la4 aq ��ereserves r receipt of Purchase Order (City the right to consider vital delivery time as a consideration When making or recommending award). VARIANCES: state any.Sriatlona to t+preN;eetivna, bans andrw esnditions Ini" spsta a Notion" herein shetrerlaneea eoMelnad on other ace: of this thoposa! Form or in any bid t11tc11ment. NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILL aE CONSIDERED OR WILL at DEEMED TD BE A PARTY OF TnE BID SUBMITTED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION DR EXCEPTION IS LISTED WITHIN TILE BID DOCUMENT$ AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN No SEPARATE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID. AND 714E CITY WILL NOT at BALL OUND IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER BY ANY VAPlIA71ON OR EXCEPTION OR LIMITATION NOT SPECIFICALLY LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS 704E RETO PRICES AND Lis S SUCH EXCEPTIONIDERED AS IRM WITHIN THE DID DOCUMR 7mg PERIOD ENTS AND CATED (THIN THE BID REFERENCED IN THIS CO SUMN. N nb abismanl is IcLESS A BIDDER on r,nte,n Ih p+C�T it t hereby IrrlplMd that your bid eorrWies with the full •Cope of Ibis aid WmIst$0n. If Purchaser Order Payment or Future bids are to be malled to other than Proposer's address shown below, please complete the following: #4411 Purchase Order to: Mail Payment to: Mail bids to: LUMIDOR SAFETY PRODUCTS/E.S.P.Inc. Same Same 5364 N. W 3 67th St., Miami, FL 33014 Telephone Now* 305/625-651,E WfArea Code PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: NAME (Printed).NORMAN BURNELL Title: ADMINISTRATOR Company:ppatlyglawso Tim in FULL) LUMIDOR SAFETY PRODUCTS/ELECTRONIC , Address: 5364 N. W. 167th St. , -Miami , FL 33014 6I0NATURE: have No.: 365 6 DATE.- 5 29 90 Mdicate Which: Corporation: Corporation wed Ilftofenaes Applleablo so Paposat: Parinenhip: kwhotion Ire aid «. FT tndaa of General Previsions Cvwss FT Individual: Ofrlerat Pravtalons — F3 Other: tow rr tllstain are tapy for your Ales) BIDDERS NOTE. both sides of INS from aquas Ngflslure. , ,'' �• W CITY OF TAMARAC 7525 N.W. 86 Avenue Bid No. 20 Tamarac. Florida 33321-2401 Date 67-11- _.. . Page��O 6 BPZCMCrATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE Invitation To Sid All prices quoted FA.U. Tent W.}k j& Iy *""4 amd amloa W a<Wkabie cih, destitvtien as indicated below. The k*'I"g VOcial oaaditiam Of Cb W) apply to this bid. BIDDERS REQUMnUMVOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR DID DOND: TM Cky NWI El t:eMfied cltet:lc or bid bond In th . dWI q of rive (S)Pertxnt of" bid, wbicb OW' be rarfeited to"CChy bt the event the Bidder km a bidders. 10 whom the bttsimess is awarded td�l Iai1 ar NAM to comely with the tt =Uieation of dw bid. Checks will returned promptly tb *e Sul Siddws slur award of bid. Failttrtr to submit this bid bond with the bid CNM pate ttrjectlom Of the bid. MFORMANCE BONDS: The Cily to pWb dot atecmion Ord* oorarac the fait rW parfWDe` a of the oomraat and the psymptt of aD obli bons ttrisi 1. require the Bidder a fwWA bonds covering C*y 8"Y petacribe and witb sad► tutetiea secured thou "g therwnder 6► teach tarm and amount as the . 6ortds ate sdpulated, the >i�nlvms diW be paid by the Bidder87le Bidder shad! delivesmboidt toity ao Lter art the such date of e�tQatt+aa or the oaaaract. UAN7i7`Y DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICI`s EXTENDED PRICE 2 GAS I)VBD DRS - M ATrA M . SI'DCiFICATiCNS araeed Specifications must meet the Neotranics Unit Proferred and atta h r . an example and biddable item. /C/$� � / 3 � � �,; -7 /� �a y41. ,> -- /a Ya rz June 29, 990 "/17/�v.•'L/A/ /9- 09- Y91/5/� .� '7' "41 CDS"'!5 CITY OF T ARAC ' RE: Bid o. 90-20 . Pers nal Protective Gas Detectors with Chargers We are bi, ding our model MPU-44-D-A-A-A ($ 50.00 ea.) w ich is a four gas monitor ( iffusion style). Bid price incl es recharges le battery pack and charger d 2 yr. Warranty. As an alternat we can bid ur Model MPU-44-P-A-A-A Cwhich als includes an Internal Pump as we as battery ack & charger $1490.00 a.) A Calibration Gas Kit is $35 00 (optiona ). All pri.ce6 quoted FOB Desti ation, Terms 1% 10 Net 30. Deli ry 10 Day AR LhGv_a To: a: der t tom`" t 6/29/90 Title Administrator CanpmyNwne LUMIDOR SAFETY PRODUCTS/E.S.P.Inc. 5364 N. W. 1670 St. Miami, FL 33014 BIDDERS NOTE: Both Sides of this form require signature