HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-90-210Temp. Reso. 95883 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION N0. R-90- ,E!L0,- A RESOLUTION ADOPTING THE ANNUAL BUDGET.OF ESTIMATED REVENUES/RECEIPTS AND EXPENDI- TURES/EXPENSES FOR THE CITY OF TAMARAC, BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 1990-1991• AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Manager has recommended an annual budget to the Council for the ensuing Fiscal Year beginning October 1, 1990; and WHEREAS, heretofore the Council has received said proposed annual budget for the fiscal year beginning October 1, 1990, as recommended by the City Manager, and has summarized the budget in advertisements in newspapers of general circula- tion and has held public hearings thereon; and WHEREAS, the public has had available to them copies of such budget and the opportunity to express themselves concerning the provision thereof at Public Hearings thereon; and WHEREAS, the City Council received and reviewed said recommendations and comments by the public and in the course of public hearings and workshops certain modifications in the originally proposed budget were made; and WHEREAS, the City Council has determined the amount of money which must be raised to conduct the affairs of the munic- ipality for the ensuing 1990-1991 fiscal year so that the business of the municipality may be conducted on a balanced budget, and has also determined the amount necessary to be raised by ad valorem taxes and other taxes upon all of the property, real and personal, within the corporate limits of the City of Tamarac. NOW, TH FORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA., SECTION 1: That the following itemization of estimated expenses and receipts for the fiscal year commencing October it 1990 and ending September 30, 1991, as set forth in Exhibit -A- I 1MEMMEMMMUM. Temp. Reso. t5883 attached hereto and made a part hereof by this reference as if set forth in full, is hereby agreed upon and adopted along with the supporting data relating thereto on file with the City clerk of the City of Tamarac, as the official 1990-1991 Budget of the City of Tamarac . The amount of money for all of the respective purposes is set forth in Exhibit "A" for the opera- tions and maintenance expenses and debt service expenses of said City during the fiscal year and is hereby appropriated to those respective purposes. The estimated amount of revenues to be derived from sources other than by millage levied on ad valorem tax assessments during the fiscal year commencing October 1, 1990 and ending September 30, 1991 and the amount to be raised by the ad valorem tax assessments for the 1990-1991 fiscal year are set forth in Exhibit "A". SECTION 2: That the Finance Director shall maintain an unexpendable balance in the Contingency Account, or other accounts, of any fund equal to the amount of deficiency, if any, in the estimated Net Resources Available -Beginning October 1, 1990 in the particular fund that said deficiency, if any exists. SECTION 3: That the Finance Director shall have the authority to include encumbrances outstanding (formal contracts and purchase orders) as of September 30, 1990 as a re -appropri- ation of funds in the 1990-1991 fiscal year for the amount of said encumbrances outstanding. SECTION 4: That the Finance Director shall have the authority to re -appropriate in the 1990-1991 fiscal year those unexpended appropriations from the 1989-1990 fiscal year per- taining to a construction, remodeling, or refurbishing project that will increase the value of an asset classified as land, buildings, or other improvements; said projects having been previously approved by City Council. 2 Temp. Reso. #5883 SECTION 5: The City Clerk is authorized and instructed to keep a certified copy of this Resolution and the budget provided for herein in the permanent files of the City of Tamarac. SECTION 6: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. pASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 25th d y of September, 1990. ORMAN ABRAMOWITZ MAYOR ATTEST: CAROL A. EVANS CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved th UTION as to form. RU INTERIM CITY ATTORNEY RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR_ ABRAMOWITZ DISTRICT 1: CIM ROHR DISTRICT 2: C/M SCHUMANN DISTRICT 3: VIM HOFFMAN DISTRICT 4: CIM BENDER K7 n EXHIBIT "A" iENERAL FUND 6r 'RAL FUND - FUND 00. 001 I ESTIMATED REVENUES/RESOUR.CES Taxes: 1990 Taxable Valuations Tax Nillage Tax levy Less: Discounts alloeed, adjustments, exoneration$, abatements, delinquencies Net Current Ad Valorem Taxes Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes and Penalties Total Property Taxes Sales and Use Taxes Franchise Taxes Total Taxes Licenses and Permits Intergovernmental Revenues Charges for Services Fines and Forfeitures Nistelloneous Revenues Fund Transfers In Total Revenues Net Resources Available - October 1, 1990 TOTAL REVENUES AND RESOURCES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES City Council City Attorney City Manager City Clerk finance Community Development Engineering Charter $card Public Information Board Economic Development Board Personnel Consumer Affairs Board Veterans Committee City Nall Operations general government Buildings Police Services Polite Building fire Ambulance Service Building Department Code Enforcement Public forks Administration grounds Naintenonce Streets/Roads Temp. Reso. #5883 �-90_g I v $1,353,545,529 4.5818 6,201,675 310,045 ................ 5,891,630 10,460 5,902,090 486.780 2,377,550 8,766,420 995,000 3,034,490 517,240 444,350 11998,750 27,590 15,783,840 796,800 $16.580,640 s=:=:999zaa.::: $138,930 214,600 206,420 377,670 632,280 368,400 302,820 9,170 9,390 13,000 246,690 200 3,000 228,820 228,700 5,390,790 70,320 2,836,660 104,600 11128,500 175,370 218,840 539.190 423,460 Schedule 0.01 EXHIBIT 'A' PAGE 1 OF 8 HNERAL FUND - continued: r Street lighting Canals/Drainage E :eation Activities multi -Purpose Recreation Center Park Facilities Social Services Board General Services Telecommunications Communication Services Contingency Mon -Departmental TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL GENERAL FUND (NENORANDUN TOTAL ONLY) SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS SPECIAL PURPOSE ACCOUNTS FUND - FUND NO. 135 ESTIMATED REVENUES/RESOURCES Miscellaneous Revenues Net Resources Available - October 1, 1990 IOTAL REVENUES AND RESOURCES ' 'INATED EXPENDITURES/RESOURCES .wilding Education Social Committee Total Expenditures Net Resources Available - September 30, 1991 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESOURCES DRAINAGE IMPROVEMENT FUND - FUND NO. 140 ESTINATED REVENUES/RESOURCES Niscellaneous Revenues Net Resources Available - October 1, 1990 TOTAL REVENUES AND RESOURCES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Drainage Retention PARRS AND RECREATION FUND - FUND NO. 142 ESTINATED REVENUES/RESOURCES miscellaneous Revenues Net Resources Available - October 1, 1990 TOTAL REVENUES AND RESOURCES 1559,000 251,080 184,000 301,950 426,640 25,000 46,710 84,830 26,490 313,170 423,250 S16,580,640 iiiR=liiiRRi:=! $16,580,640 i;=iiiiiii=liR== $21,500 45,760 $67,260 iiiR==::=:isiRR 13,500 15,500 19,000 48,260 $67,260 liiR====iiliiRR $10,440 8,250 ----0_--_------ $18,690 $18.690 $86,520 192,470 $278,990 �-5a-a10 Schedule 0.01 Schedule 1.01 Schedule 1.02 Schedule 1.03 EXHIBIT "A" PAGE 2 OF 8 -qo-,z PARKS AND RECREATION - continued: Schedule 1.03 ESTINATED EXPENDITURES/RESOURCES reation Facilities 144,000 Met Resources Available - September 30, 1991 234,990 TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESOURCES =278,990 TRAFFICUAYS INPROVENENT FUND - FUND 00. 144 Schedule 1.04 ESTINATED REVENUES/RESOURCES Nisceilaneous Revenues 1112.310 Net Resources Available - October 1, 1990 774,840 rww....... ...._ TOTAL REVENUES AND RESOURCES $887,150 si*=siisssi[s[= ESTINATED EXPENDITURES/RESOURCES Streets/Roads 1135,000 Net Resources Available - September 30, 1991 752,150 ---__•_..-..--- TOTAL EXPENDITURES AND RESOURCES iB87,150 TOTAL SPECIAL REVENUE FUNDS (MENORANDUN TOTAL ONLY) =1,252,090 DEBT SERVICE FUNDS ------------------ 1906 GENERAL OBLIGATION BOND FUND - FUND NO. 235 Schedule 2.01 reTINATED REVENUES/RESOURCES axes: 1990 Taxable Valuations 11,353,545,529 Tax Nillage 0.4213 Tax levy 570,249 Less: Discounts alloyed, adjustments, exoneration$, abatements, delinquencies 26,449 --_.w.......... let Current Ad Valorem Taxes 541,800 Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes and Penalties 800 wr............. Total Property Taxes 542,600 Niscellaneous Revenues 4,000 Total Revenues 546,600 Net Resources Available - October 1, 1990 10,040 TOTAL REVENUES AND RESOURCES $556,640 s===i=i[iiii:ii ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Debt Service $556,640 f=====iiiiiiiii EXHIBIT "Ai PAGE 3 OF 8 1987 GENERAL DBL1GA110N BOND FUND - FUND NO. 237 k. ESTINATED REVENUES/RESOURCES Taxes% 1.990 Taxable Valuations Tax Nillage Tax levy Less: Discounts alloyed, adjustments, exonerations, abatements, delinquencies Net Current Ad Valorem Taxes Delinquent Ad Valorem Taxes and Penalties Total Property Taxes Niscellaneous Revenues Total Revenues Net Resources Available - October 1, 1990 TOTAL REVENUES AND RESOURCES ESTINATED EXPENDITURES Debt Service 1980 FIRE STATION LOAN FUND - FUND NO. 251 ESTIMATED REVENUES Taxes: franchise Taxes Niscellaneous Revenues TOTAL REVENUES ESTIMATED EXPENDITURES Debt Service fund Tranfers Out TOTAL EXPENDITURES TOTAL DEBT SERVICE FUNDS (NENORANDUN TOTAL ONLY) ENTERPRISE FUNDS UTILITIES EAST FUNDS UTILITIES EAST OPERATING FUND - FUND 10. 419 ESTINATED RECEIPTS/RESOURCES Charges for Services miscellaneous Revenues Total Receipts Net Resources Available - October 1, 1990 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND RESOURCES EXHIBIT "A= k-6o-a1n Schedule 2.02 $1,353,545,529 0.2002 --------------- 270,990 13,580 257,400 400 257,800 2,700 260,500 41500 $265,000 ===sss===s===== $265,000 ______=====s=== $52,710 H0 --------------- $53,210 asss===s======s $25,620 27,590 --------------- $53,210 $874,850 $249.510 12,530 262►040 101,470 $363,510 _:_____=====ass Schedule 2.03 Schedule 4.01 PAGE A OF 8 UTILITIES EAST OPERATIN6 FUND - continued: ESTIMATED EXPENSES/RESOURCES Operations C lassified Total Expenses Net Resources Available - September 30, 1991 TOTAL EXPENSES AND RESOURCES TOTAL UTILITY EAST FUND (MEMORANDUM TOTAL ONLY) UTILITIES NEST FUNDS UTILITIES NEST OPERA7IM6 - FUND 00. 425 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Charges for Services Miscellaneous Revenues Equity Transfers In TOTAL RECEIPTS ESTIMATED EXPENSES Operations later Treatment later Transmission and Distribution Customer Services u4stevater Collection stevater Treatment Sack Charges to Utility East Unclassified ' Equity Transfers Out Contingency TOTAL EXPENSES UTILITIES N:ST BOND SERVICE FUND - FUND NO. 426 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS/RESOURCES Miscellaneous Revenues Equity Transfers In TOTAL RECEIPTS ESTIMATED EXPENSES Debt Service UTILITIES NEST BOND RESERVE FUND - FUND 00. 427 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Miscellaneous Revenues -STINATED EXPENSES equity Transfer Out 1323,110 21,190 344,300 19,210 $363,510 fiiiii=====ii== 1363,510 ii=ii=liiiilill $8,876,040 239,800 504,760 ............... $9,620,620 1794,600 1,331,680 947,110 353,670 11120,410 1,935,890 43,010 694,310 2,232,630 167,310 $9,620,620 =lilt=ilili=l:: $50,000 2,415,800 . rrrrr....rrr.r i2,465,800 ===li::=tiltil! $2,465,800 1206,300 s=iil:Till:ii:: 1206,300 lii:illlli=l=li g - qa -Al c> Schedule 4.01 Schedule 4.02 Schedule 4.03 Schedule 4.04 EXHIBIT "A= PAGE 5 OF 8 UTILITIES NEST RENENAL AND REPLACENENT FUND - FUND 10. 428 ESTINATED RECEIPTS Niscellaneous Revenues E; WED EXPENSES Equity Transfers Out UTILITIES NEST GENERAL RESERVE FUND - FUND NO. 429 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS/RESOURCES miscellaneous Revenues Equity Transfers In Total Receipts Net Resources Available - October 1, 1990 TOTAL RECEIPTS AND RESOURCES ESTIMATED EXPENSES Equity Transfers Out UTILITIES NEST IN -LIEU -OF -TAXES FUND - FUND NO. 431 ESTINATED RECEIPTS Equity Transfers In ESTINATED EXPENSES "-iclassified UTILITIES NEST SQUARE ONE DEBT FUND - FUND NO. 440 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Niscellaneous .Revenues Equity Transfers In Total Receipts ESTIMATED RESERVE Reserve Requiresent UTILITIES NEST CAPITAL INPROVENENT REPLACENENT FUND NO. 441 ESTINATED RECEIPTS Niscellaneous Revenues Equity Transfers In TOTAL RECEIPTS ESTINATED RESERVE Reserve Requiresent EXHIBIT =A" $40,000 140,000 .:===s=====____ $51,410 40,000 91,410 413,370 $504,780 _______________ =504,78D 1337,800 _______________ $337,800 _______________ 1104,500 253,450 $357,950 $357,950 $11►500 42,080 --------- ... --- $53,580 =====s==s=sS=== $53,580 f-go-ZIb Schtdule 4.05 Schedule 4.06 Schedule 4.07 Schedule 4.06 Schedule 4.09 PAGE 6 OF 8 U11LI71ES NEST SEVER CONTRIBUTIONS -IN -AID -OF- tZ - "7' .2- / a CONSTRUCTION BOND FUND - FUND NO. 442 Schedule 4.10 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Niscellaneous Revenues $65,000 Evoity Transfers In 194,750 TOTAL RECEIPTS $259,750 sRssssssetassss ESTIMATED RESERVE Reserve Requirement $259,750 sssisasRa8sasaR TOTAL UTILITIES NEST FUNDS (NENORANDUN TOTAL ONLY) =k3,846,580 ssRassaa=ssssis SOLID HASTE DISPOSAL FUND - FUND NO. 470 Schedule 4.11 ESTINATED RECEIPTS Charges for Services 12,333,520 Miscellaneous Revenues 11450 TOTAL RECEIPTS $2,334,970 ESTIMATED EXPENSES Sanitation Services $2,180,700 Recycling Services 130,560 Unclassified 23,710 ............... TOTAL EXPENSES $2,334,970 sa==ss=:issi=:: TOTAL SOLID WASTE FUND (NENORANDUN TOTAL ONLY) =2,33�,970 ss::sRRR==sssss TOTAL ENTERPRISE FUNDS (NENORANDUN TOTAL ONLY) =16,5�5,060 asaRaRRRR=R==== INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS NANAGENENT INFORNATION SERVICES FUND - FUND NO. 501 Schedule 5.01 ESTINATED RECEIPTS Niscellaneous Revenues $20,000 Internal Service Fees 255,110 ............. ft- TOTAL RECEIPTS $275,110 sssssssssssssss ESTIMATED EXPENSES Operations #272,830 Unclassified 2,280 TOTAL EXPENSES $275,110 CENTRAL PURCHASINUSTORES FUND - FUND 00. 502 Schedule 5.02 ESTINATED RECEIPTS Niscellaneous Revenues $2,400 Internal Service Fees 139,490 DOTAL RECEIPTS 1141,890 isiRRaRiRRRRiii EXHIBIT "A' PAGE 7 OF 8 CENTRAL/PURCHASING STORES FUND - continued: ESTINATED EXPENSES Operations Unclassified TOIhL EXPENSES FLEET SERVICES FUND - FUND 00. S03 ESTIMATED RECEIPTS Niscellanecus Revenues Internal Service Fees TOTAL RECEIPTS ESTINATED EXPENSES Operations Unclassified TOTAL EXPENSES INSURANCE SERVICES FUND - FUND NO. 504 ESTINATED RECEIPTS Niscellanecus Revenues Internal Service Fees TOTAL RECEIPTS F"INATED EXPENSES .ministration Operations Insurance Claims Reserve Requirements TOTAL EXPENSES TOTAL INTERNAL SERVICE FUNDS (NENORANDUN TOTAL ONLY) 'a TOTAL ALL FUNDS " " (MEMORANDUM TOTAL ONLY) 136,680 5,210 --..... -.... --- 90 143,000 �60,890 --------------- $503,890 1499,810 4,080 .......... 0.... 1503,890 $42,000 854,050 .............. $896,050 $134,790 238,460 161,000 361,800 =896,D50 ssssssissss==:s =1,816,9A0 =37,069,580 �_so-aie Schedule 5.03 Schedule 5.04 EXHISIT 'A' PAGE 8 OF 8