HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-90-249C Temp. Reso. #'Etlg CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA q. RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION RE -ADOPTING ESTABLISHING AND MODIFYING RATES AND CHARGES APPLICABLE TO THE TAMARAC UTILITY WEST RE- ADOPTING AND AMENDING PRIOR RESOLUTION MO. 87-334 AS AMENDED BY 87-348 AND R-88-302 TO: CLARIFY SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE FOR CERTAIN COMMERCIAL CUSTOMERS (SEC. I AND II-D), . REVISE CRITERIA FOR NUMBER OF ERC'S FOR CIAC CHARGE (SEC. I -I AND II-G), DELETE REQUIREMENT FOR LATE PAYMENT CHARGE (SECTION I-1 AND II-H), PROVIDE MAXIMUM BAD CHECK CHARGE (SEC.I-K AND II -I) ELIMINATE SERVICE AVAILABILITY CHARGE FOR 5/8" S.F.•IRRIGATION METER (SEC. I-E), DELETE SPECIAL PROVISION FOR WATER AND SEWER USE CHARGES (SEC. II- ), MODIFY PROVISION FOR USE OF CIAO FUNDS TO PAY DEBT SERVICEN SEC. II R), DELETE SECOND CALL BACK FEE FOA METER'INSTALLATION (SEC., III AS), DELETE PROVISION FOR DPAL CHECK VALVE INSTALLATION (SEC III-D)) AND REPEAL RESOLUTION A-87-334) AND PROVIDE FOR AN ZFrZCTI7 DATE. WHEREAS, a Public Hearing has been bold pursuant to Sec. Z2-9E of the Code of Ordinances of the City of Tamarac) and WHEREAS, tha City Council has considered the proposed amend- ments and input from City Staff and members of the publics and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tamarac determines that it would be most efficient to have one Resolution setting forth the rates and charges for Tamarac Utilities Nest, and, therefore, re -adopts or amends the rates and chargoo�sot forth in Resolution R-87-334 While repealing said Resolution. WHEREAS, the adoption of the Resolution will make certain amendments to the charges and provisions set forth In Resolution R-87-348. 2. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: . SECT16H 1: That the rate schedule set forth below shall be applicable to all customers of the Water and Sower Utility served by the City of Tamarac for customers West of State Road 7. .RATES AND CHARGES + WATER A. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIiL - WATER service Availabilit Ch y tYge All Meter Sizes (ao consumption) Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons -3.04/sto S. MULTIPLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - WATER Service Avail bility Charge Per Unit All Motor Sizes (no consumption) Consumption Charge per 10000 gallons S 3.00/mo 1.04/mo C. HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION RECREATIONAL FACILITIES - WATER Service Availability Charge (no consumption) 3/S• Motor 4.65/a►o - 1" Meter 1 1/3• Meter � 8.60/00 Z" Meter iS.10/sic 16.00/mo Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons 1.0/00 RAPE Indicates deletions RATE Indicates additions - 1- , Temp. lteso.S9 g D. COMMERCIAL - WATER Service Availability Charge (no consumption) 5/a' Meter 6.75/mo 1` Meter 24.90/mo 1 1/2- Meter 72.65/mo 22 Meter 72.65/mo ore than one 2" meter or meter larger than 2" xist ng service Is based on the average monthly consump ion for the previous calendar year. Now service.is based on estimate by the Utility Director. Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons $1.04 . Z. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - IRRIGATION MITER j Service Availability Charge (Ab consumption) Ali-meter-sfses . i"_ Meter 610.70/mo .58 Meter 0.70 mo. Consumption Charge per 10000 gallons 1.04 F. HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION RECREATIOXAL FAMILY - = CATION WATER Service Availability Charge (no consumption) !" Meter .25.20/mo Meter 54.90/mo 2 • Meter • 54.90/mo Consumption Charge per 1000 gallons 1.04 G. COMMERCIAL - IRRIGATION WATER Servici Availability Charge (no consumption) 5/6" Meter 16.15/mo 1" Meter 51.60/mo 1-1/2 Meter 60.70/mo 20 Meter 90.70/mo Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons 1.04 H. FIRE LINE CHARGES 4' $ 200.00/yr - 6` 700.00/yr 6" 1,200.00/yr Over d" By Agreement I. CONTRIBUTION CHARGES (CONNECTION CHARGES) Contribution Charges - Water $1,049/ERC CIAC charges are based on the number of Equivalent ' Residential Connections (ERC's), the meter size and the use category. An XRC is the average daily flog for a detached single family residence.(ci}rrently determined to be 160 gallons per day). Meter size shall comply with the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. User category shall be as follows: 1 1. hater Service a) Detached single family residence b) Multi -family with single miter c)t Home owner association recreational facili y d) 'Commercial 2. Irrigation Service •) Commercial f) Rome owner's association q) , Single family - 2- -- Temp. Rego.# 5918 Based on 1990 4987 consumption, and-prejeeted-eeasn.mption-for-e esimunftY-at-bufld-edt-fuelerr-aetad;r the number of ERC's are as follows: Motor User Category No. -of ERC's (a) 1.00 3/86 thru 2' (b). 0.73-VGVVnit 1" (c) 1�.7,2„ IV-0606 1-1/20 and 20 (c) *3.24 aT88 5/8E (dj 2.48 fri 10 (d) 0303 8e3 1-1/2" and-9r -�Z 3.84 1 17.01 Over 2 (d) Calculated Utilities 5/8• (e) 4.84 3r'9 le _ (e) 6.85 9,r8 1-1/29 (.). 15.0 48r4 2.."_ S �2 44.. 95 i - S� 1.43 (f) 3.04 9-ra- 1-1/2" and 2" (f) 9.19 $r�. 42 dt6 1-1 2" SgZ 3.08 J. OTHER USES - WATER Any customer for which no schedule directly applies, sha - use COMMERCIAL RATE PER UNIT. Re---Be�irgaeat-ekarge-e8-8r5�-shai�-be-added-en-tiapaid balaneer his deletion is retroactive to 10 i 90 .; K. Return check charge minimum $10.00 or St of face amount, ' Whichever is Greater, up t,o, a maximum of $15.0o. II. RATES AND CHARGES - SEWER A. SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - SEWER - Service Availability Charge (no consumption) All Meter Rises $5.70/mo' Disposal Charge per 1,000 gallons for 15,000 gallons or less $1.61/mo Over 15,000 gallons - No additional charge 3. HOMEOWNER ASSOCIATION RECREATIONAL, FACILITIES tgWER Service availability Charge (no consumption) 3/80 Meter 3.70/mo 1" Meter 10.35/mo 1-1/2" Meter a 18.45/mo 28 Meter 18.45/mo Disposal Charge per 1,000 (no maximum billing) $1.61 C. KULTIPL$ FAMILY RESIDENTIAL - SEWER Service Availability Charge PER Unit (no consumption) All Meter Sizes - $3.70/so Disposal Charge per 1,000 gallons for quantity of 15,000 x number of units or less 1.61 Disposal over quantity of 15,000 gallons x number of units - Wo additional charge eri - 3- i Temp. Xoso. D.. COMMERCIAL - SEWER Service Availability Charge•(no consumption) 5/8, Meter 8.25/eo 1 • Deter 30•. 50/mo 1-1/20 Meter 88.10/mo 2" Meter 88.10/mo More than one 1 2' meter or muter larger than 2" Existing service is based on the average monthly Iconsumption for the previous calendar year. Now service Is based on estimate by the Utility Director. Consumption Charge per 1,000 gallons 1.61 Dump■ter (Existing and Future) t a) Service availability charge (No consumption) b) Consumption fee based on 7,300 gal. discharge per mo. e;--8ebt-sari#ee-ebarge-based-en ene-f #;-FiRe G B INDUSTRIAL WASTEWATER SERVICE RATE To be determined on an individual basis according to volume and characteristics of wastewater. (Refer to SEW] USE ORDINANCE.) G. F CONTRIVUTION CHARGES (CONNECTION CHARGES) Contribution Charges -Wastewater 1$1,424/ERC CIAC charges are based on the number of Equivalent Residential Connections (ERC'■), the meter size and the use category. An E.R.C. is the average daily flow for a detached single family residence. Meter size shall comply with the requirements of the South Florida Building Code. User category shall be as follows: 1. sewer Service (a) Detached single family residence (b) Multi -family with single meter (c) Home owner association recreational facility (d) Commercial Based on 4987 1990 consumption, and-pre�eeled•eoaseeptfen-far-ape eeaaan#tr-at-bu##d-ext-{aA#ass-noted;7 the cumber of ERC'a are as follows: Hater Size 5/8• 5/88 thru 20 $/a- 1" . - 1-1/20 and 2' 1• 1-1/26 and-2e Over 2" Doer Category NO. of ERC's 1.00 73 unit 1.Go f•85 ira$ .24 fr# 1.72 .48 or? .03 d8r4 3.84 Calcu Q1 ated by Utilities 2. Future Dumpster ssnneeted connections to sanitary sewer system shall pay CIAC sewer charges based on each dumpster being one (1) BRC. G C OTHER USES - SEWER j Any customer for which no schedule directly a li 1 use COMMERCIAL RATE PER UNIT. Pp es shall Nr---9e�#ngrent-ebarge-ef-it5�-skal#-be-added•ea-reps#d-ba�aaaer This deletion is retroactive to 1o/i/9o_ r• 4_ • Temp. Reso. . �$ H Return check charge minimum $10.00 or 5% of face amount, whichever r areater, up to a maximum of $15.00 B In addition to all other charges, each category of sower u sill pay a debt service charge. Such charge will be calculated based on the user's category, and corresponding ERC rating fx>er R 8�Z tines $4.15 each month. R�r---�n-geaoral�-the-later-and-Beaver-lice-Bharge-rYrtea-rha##-be- operated-Drab-that-rawer-rates-charger-at-ai#-t#s►er-rha#�-bey rdff#e#eat-te-easrra-that-teta#-aaara#-sewer-srvearer,w###-- egrai-er-e�cae•d-the-rrn-sft- ' " #:---]►aara#-6peaatfear-cad-lLa#ateaaaee-f6-i-M;-s�epearer-ef-th sewage-systems-aad- 8:---l►nara8-rxpaad#trier-for-sop#aerarat-er-sepa#s-{A-d-A;-ef egb#paeat7-aeeesre;e#es�-er-appartrnaaeer-aeeessarY-te--- aa#atafa-design-eapae#tY-cad-parferaaaaa-drr#ng-the----- derfgn-h#fe-ef-a�#-treatneat-werks�--iieweverT-Tatar----- sha##-b•-derfgurd-te-seeever-ealY-rreh--A-i-A-expend#--_ ' tesres-sr-are-eeas#dared-asraa#r--fa-part#er#ar7-the----- sates-sha##-net-be-les#gnrd-ts-recover-the-fe##ew#ag---- !1►pe r -ef-asa-seerrrf ag-R-d-R-e�ipenre a r-- ar------_--sewage-R-i-R-that-#r-feeeeured-ar-part-of-the- expanrfen-sf-lhe-eapae#ty-ef-a-traataeat----- • pant-er-peuwp#ag-stat#enT-er- b:-----__--sewage-R-i-R-that-#s-#narrrad-ar-part-of-an-- upgrade-ei-sewage-fee###t#es-that-fr-comers-- arY-te-reet-mere-striager�t-off#rant-h#a►#ta--- t#ear-regr#red-bY-regr#aterY-ageaeY*-ea------ c-___-____-sewage-R-d-A-that-#s-aeaerrftated-ar-a-resrit ed-aaa-:ado-ea-mate`ra#-d#rartarrT-------____.. Feud#ng-ef-the-sewer-R-i-R-e�cpead#teams-h#rte #a-{a;-thxeeegk-{a3-sha##-be-from-fradr ava##as#e-te-the-title##tr-6ystee-as-detersfnad bY-Bence##-ea-a-care-bY-care-bar#rt--!here-A- R-expeadf trrer-car-be-Eeuaded-freer-the-sewer Reveatia-Ceaarat#sa-aYstemfBapfta�:-7sipseveseat Aeese:atrr 8=---A-prerata-share-ef-genera#-adm#a#strat#vr-•=paares-cad-a • prerata-share-ef-the-debt-rrrv#er-expenses:- da-rrsaarY7-e�cpeares-h#rted-fa-Beet#eae-{#}-and-{A;-rha# be-reeevared-faem-the-far#ab#a-reasrept#ea-pertfaa-ei--- the-regr#ar#y-sehedr#ed-b#l#fags-thew-expearer-referred te-fa-seatien-{3;-rha##�be-reeevered-free-tbe-m#afara--- serv#ae-ava##ab##ftr-charges-cad-debt-rerv#ae-ehargerT-- =aeh-rrari-the-asor-charger-w###-be-revfeMed-te-l�asrre-- that-rater-are-rrfE#e#ant-te-recover-ah5-p-i-M-cad-aer.ra RI�R-expsara r �-d f-�eetr-rater-rha#5-fr-aairrted---«-,�.-_�-_ aeaerdfaq�Y,r- . R. OVEstab##sh flainUin a saver CIAC debt Device account in revenue fund. Flee-S#I►13-charge-#ae#rder-a-debt-rerv#ee-ehar4 ef-B�yo89-par-BR6-ts-seeever-the-pert#ea-{sirs;-ef-the_----_- Ser#es-#98f-Aevanre-Beads-wh#eh-appifes-te-projects=that-bane fit-frtrre-deve#epmentV This charge ecount shall re- cover 38v6% future users share of all de t service payments throughout the life of the series 1986 Revenue Bonds based ratio of 2xisting flow to total reserve ca acit b r 1-1 e - 5- • Temp. Aso. 59/8 Per-i6f89•{9AA-8AS1S�-transfer-$989Tg96-dreg-S#A6-Center 3►eeerat-net-4iA-i4a-i9A-ts-Q#716-tsbt-serrriee-:erraaae-dwsdT III.METER INSTALLATION AND OTHER CHARGES A. METER INSTALLATION CHARGES/DEPOSITS �•. Residential or Homeowners Association Recreational Facilities _ METER 8IEE CHARGE DEPOSIT 5/8" $115.00 55.00 1" 225.00 145.00 1-1/20 40000 290.00 2" 525..00 460.00 Over 2" BY AGREEMENT j2. Commercial and Multi -Family 1' 115.00 65.00 1" 225.00 165.00 1-1/2", 400.00 375.00 28 525.00 460.00- Over 20 BY AGREEMENT 3. Renters 5/8-&3/4" 115.00 210.00 1• 225.00 290.00 1-1/26 400.00 580.00 2" 525.00 460.00 Over 2" BY AGREEMENT 4. Construction 5/8• 112.00 65.00 - Over 5/80 BY AGREEMENT 6r---(i5A:6A-der-meter-Basta#latfea-ter-oaeh- additional-service-call-if-meter-saanet-be installed-first-tr#p: . �. CUSTOMER SERVICE CHARGES During normal After Normal Working Hours Working Hours _ !toter Turn -On $10.00 $20.00 Motor Tura -Off (not applicable for termination of service at consumer's request) • 10.00 20.00 (normal working hours are defined as 700 A.M. to 3:3O,P.M., Monday thru Friday, excluding weekends and holidays) --/I C. METER TESTI10 DEPOSIT Charge 5/8• 20.00 18 i 1-1/2• 30.00 2 • 60.00 Over 20 Cost plus 5% Eff-M Temp. As s a . t ,5'918 w 1pr---9S1lb-EHSEii-YI�bVS-9N6li1bSl1186H--liBiiCSS-l�►1I�bi RESIDENTIAL C�sst-ef-daa#-ebevk-va#♦e-p#us-#68-Eer-aia#e#etrat#re-ves Sr1AACK FLOW TEST TEE $50.00/Tent • lus Tamarac uildin e t. Plumbing orm t foe. CT *Test required prior to connection of water service and annually (or at intervals determined by Utilities Director). If test indicates malfunction, $50.00 test fee shall be paid for •ach re -test. Fr REIMBURSEMENT FOR EXTRA MZNSES Costs for repairs to water and sewer lines on private property by City utility or public works shall be chargei to consumer as follows: Services provided Hourly Jet Rodder - Includes Jet Rodder Operator Regular $68.00 and Video Operator Overtime $3.00 Video i Sealing'- Includes Video Technician Regular '$75.00 'Overtime 90.00 When Jet Rodder and Video are used together Regular $125.00 Overtime 145.00 Sackhos - Machine 25.00 Machine with Operator . . . . Regular 38.00 Machine with Operator . . . . Overtime 45.00 40 Trash Pump '8.00 Service Man/Truck one-man Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Two -man Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Three-man Crew . . . . . . . . . . . . . loreaan/Truck Regular $25.00 Overtime 33.00 Regular $38.00 Overtime 52.00 Regular $51.00 Overtime 72.00 Regular $28.00 Overtime 37.00 Regular working hours are defined as 7:30 a.a. to 3.30 p.m., Monda through Friday, excluding weekends and holidays. Overtime costs a All hours other than rigular working hours. MOTHER EPECIFICATIONS AND DEFINITIONS A. Customers shall be billed by the City for services used c a monthly basis. S. Customers outside of the corporate limits of the City receiving service shall, in addition to the rates set, pe aisurcbarge of 25% on water charges only. C. Service availability charges shall be prorated for cust- omers becoming a part of or leaving the system during a billing cycle. D. To qualify as a Homeowner association -, Recreational Faci lity, the following criteria shall apply: - 7- 1 Temp. so. • 59/ CONDOMINIUMS AND COOPERATIVES: 100% of the water and sewer to used exclusively for the • op -owner's benefit. Bone of the water and sewer is used in any endeavor whict sells or rents a commodity or provides a service for a •tee. Bach point of •ervics•is separately metered and billed. A responsible legal entity is established as the customex to Whom the Utility can render its bills, and receive payment for said service. BONSOMMRS' ASSOCI&TIONSt 100% of the water and sewer is used exclusively for the aeaber homeowners' benefit. Son* of the water and sewer is used in any endeavor which sells or seats a commodity or provides a service for a fee. Bach point of service ss separately metered and billed.. A responsible legal entity is established as the customer to Whom the Utility can render Its bills, and receive payment for said service. Xembership,in the Homeowners' Association which controls and operates the common facilities is required s a condi tion of property ownership in the -subdivision; and such requirement arises from restrictions of record Which are set out or incorporated by reference on each member home- oxaerIa deed. Such restrictions require each member homeowner to pay hi proportionate share of the costs of operating and main- taining the common facilities. This obligation to pay slut be enforoeable by placement of a lien on the member homeowner's property and by foreclosure for son -payment o such liens. The Homeowners' Associations are comprised of persona owning contiguous lots In a planned development, and the commonly owned facilities are located within the develop- - • sent. X. A customer account deposit shall not be required of other utilities if the City has an account for service from the customer. • - s- • Tampa aye s o , 9 : BECTION 2: That Resolution R-87-314 Is hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall become effective i sdiatel upon adoption, except for items noted to be retroactive to 10/1/9C PASSED; ADOPTED AND APPROVED THI •Z `� DAY OF 990. i MAN ITZ, YOR ATTEST s - • OL A. VATS, CITY CLERK I HEREBY CE t I have approved is RESO UTION as to : RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE AM MMOWTTZ a1L?,N D;STRICT 1: CI' i RO!-iR CITY ATTO T; tr C!P.•`; C1�U�",Ate"� CI��.ICT a Vim HOFFMAN DXTRICT4: C!hj SENDER TvMTERESO 2 9/15/87—LG � • 2/Z8/89 4/S/89 4/12/89 4/28/89 . 9/12/90-3M ' 9119190—NB 10/8/90-3m .10/22/9a-NB ,I t 9_ Temp: Ae804 i .579/8 SECTION 2: That Absolution R-87-334 is hereby repealed. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall become effective SLediate13 Upon adoption, except for items noted to be setroactive to 10/i/90. PASSED; ADOPTED AND APPROVED THI ,ZV DAY QF j 1990. i RMM AMOMIT ` TOR ATTEST: CAR OL 11. V11H8, CITY CLERK I HEREBY CE t I have approved is RESO UTION at to :t1"m : CITY ATTO -.a TUMTERESO ' 2 9/15/87-LG 2/28/89 4/5/89 4/12/89 4/28/89 9/12/90-NB 9/19/90-NB 10/8/90-NB 20/22/90-NB r .2 RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYO RBRIAMOWITZ D)STR'1QT 1: C/;i ROHR DIST: iC12: CIM SCHUNIANIN GISii.ICT 3 VIM HOFFMAN 1D:'TR10T4: CM SENDER i -- 9 -