HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-85-0201 1 Introduced by CIA Temp. Reso. 3474 1 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA 2 RESOLUTION NO. R-85- ,--7 o 3 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE SALE BY COMPETITIVE BID OF THE CITY'S GENERAL OBLIGATION BONDS IN THE 4 AGGREGATE PRINCIPAL AMOUNT NOT TO EXCEED $8,000,000 (CITY HALL AND POLICE STATION PROJECT) AS MAY BE 5 NEEDED; APPROVING A NOTICE AND SALE DATE; AUTHORIZING PUBLICATION OF SALE NOTICE; APPROVING THE FORM AND 6 DISTRIBUTION OF A PRELIMINARY OFFICIAL STATEMENT; 7 AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 8 WHEREAS, the City Council pursuant to the prior approval of the g electorate of the City adopted Resolution No. R-84-121 on April 25, 10 1984, authorizing the issuance of its General Obligation Bonds in an 11 amount not to exceed $8,000,000 as may be needed for the purpose of 12 paying the cost of planning, constructing, financing and -aquipping 13 a new city hall and police station for the City of Tamarac (the 14 "Bonds"); and 15 WHEREAS, the City may sell the Bonds by competitive bid in 16 accordance with the provisions of Section 218.385, Florida Statutes, 17 which require that official notice of such sale be published one or 18 more times at least ten days prior to the date of the sale in one or 19 more newspapers or financial journals published within or without the 20 State of Florida; and 21 WHEREAS, the Home Rule Charter of the City of Tamarac requires 22 that notice of a sale by competitive bid be published twice with the 23 first notice published at least ten days prior to the date of sale in 24 one or more newspapers of general circulation within the City; and 25 WHEREAS, it is necessary for the City Council to prescribe the 26 method of providing notice of said sale, providing a date for the sale 27 of the Bonds, approving an official sale notice, and authorizing all 26 other action necessary in regard to the competitive sale of the Bonds. 29 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY 30 31 32 33 34 TAMARAC, FLORIDA: Section 1: That it is in the best interest of the City and its citizens to sell its General Obligation Bonds in an amount not to exceed $8,000,000 (City Hall and Police Station Project) by competiti bid pursuant to Section 218.385, Florida Statutes. 1 Section 2: That the official notice of sale of the Bonds be 2 published twice, once on or before February 13, 1985, and again on or 3 before February 20, 1985, in the Fort Lauderdale News and Sun Sentinel, 4 a newspaper of general circulation in the City of Tamarac, Florida, in 5 the form attached as Exhibit 'R' and on those same dates, in a financial 6 journal within the Borough of Manhattan, New York, New York, in the 7 form attached as Exhibit "B". 8 Section 3: That sealed bids shall be received no later than 9 1:00 A.M. on Wednesday, February 27, 1935, that said bids be opened 10 at that time, and that the bonds be awarded to the successful bidder. 11 Section 4: That the City Council authorize the distribution 12 of the Preliminary Official Statement in substantially the forma 13 attached as Exhibit "C" in connection with the sale of the Bonds. 14 Section 5: That this Resolution become effective iiimediately 15 Pan its passage: 16 PASS,ID, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this, �j I ay 0:7 r 17 1985. 18 19 20 MAYOR 71 TTEST: 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Su1STANT CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that T have pproved the for and correctness f this Resolu n. CITY ATTORNEY RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR: KRAVITZ DISTRICT4: V/M STEIN DISTRICT3: CAM STELZER DISTRICT2: C/M MUNITZ DISTRICTI: C/M BERNSTEIN -Id:� OU EXHIBIT "A & B" rrr rrr F r= 1 i ► IWN.♦.". -• NDtiae is hajEb givm d1c 4e City QLrcjl Of the Qry of WW1 w, l� (4C "` Lt ) wM nmdve w {bids, In car of the lrdes� Krwee I raWx, in the sty auca Ombexs, 5B11 L W. 88th Aarm, mac, Florida 33321-W10, wdl 110 O'clock A.M., Larsl tine an NMdt i3, 1985 for the prdim of all, ht ant Less than &U, of its $B4O00,OOD CUT of Mwaoc, Florida, areml M115adm ftEds, (may %U - d ihlioe St , Bra 1%4 (the "Brass"). le Bards are to be dated t ft t 1, 19M and %]I mcum an Q 1 of a Kh )OW, is the ymm and a mLam as folI : .... ., r ,rr x .r rrr r rrr rr rrr r rrr r rrr r rrr :r rrr •r rr rrr .rrr �cr rrr �r rrr .rr -:r rrr :r rrr -rrr r rrr rr rrr ru r rrr rr rrr rr if rrr sr rrr •rr. :.r rrr The Bonds shall be isaual in rigatetW f= only, in the deremirliodons of S5,M) rich or any ttegrdl .tip] tl,ererf . on the Bands is p rjable semi-an.elly aKh April 1, aid Orxnba 1, =Mr cizz Q Ir 1, 1965, by died[ or d1a t sailai taa the rqostead a m s tim . din at (the -Poft VW). TV of &e aids and the prim, if any, peyaUe tapm redamptien, sae pie qpOn FWWLIUM and s.tcatW thereof at the t dndpal aarpaWe tnat Office of tite RWIrg fat. 2a Bads daU to abje= to raim;x1on as set froth, below. 4fte Bands m3tlm3rg in the yeas 1986 to 1995, iricl give, mall wt be &*dam to tedemptian pdar to thtdr ] dates of a=city. 2e Ba& notaig in dte yearn 19% to M, both krUdve, dell be NLbject to redempdM prier to their a i dates of aeoarity, at tie option Of the CLty, from any finds 1ep11y aaailable far wdh Prpmte an and after Cats 1, 1995 (i) as a Qmle at any tine, or (:Li) is part, from tdoae to time many iiterest pum date, is irrratee order Of-1hwl and by lot rtddn aKb UCrity at the pdna4 al aastt dw and a=ed intatest to the date of redmFdW4 Flan the fQUO dT prwdLm, in pmrtW of tie pdm amxrt of the Bards to be te1eeaoa1, if reamed In tte fiollowft paiads: iedod (both dates irl adve) —tion R ad m October 1, 1995 — 3D, 1997 9 (bane per) Ortobrr 1, 1997 — 9ept3D, =) Z (ND paroact) Q#nber 1, mm - 3), X03 u (ore pit lladL7 Or�aber 1, 3x)3 and dgaeafoer >� lie Recce we bdrg issued prrs't t D iawlludan 16. A 64-121, adop W by Or sty QxZCU Of tte Qty (tie �n�l'� an April 25, L 4, as a*piamated, and the GxStWXJM and Lacs Of the Share of Florida, 4=3-irg its Rw Rile drartw, Its Code, and Gvpter 166, Florida Mat tes. Ice Bids were duly approved by a majority of the votes oast in an elation leld an Mmrh 13, 19R4. 177he fonds are being isskned for the mniripal prpose of finarirg the ocst of the desip, per, OWSMEMM and t„�.tattar3rn of a row CLty H1.1, and R i,ae Maian, irrt,riUg all eapdpnt, faaaznitare and other mated items dhmereto (tine 'fcvject"). Sufffty 'hoe City pledges its fuU faith, credit and todrg poaaar for the prompt pwfla't of bath principal of, redenptirxa Ism, if any, and interest as the Fords as such payments become due. The papal. of, re3mpdon preuhm4 if any, and the interest an all such Bxds sha11 be payable h= the Greral Rnd or any other 1*111y available furls of the City. Ike CLty droll levy ad aallent a iaally an ad valorem tar upon all taxable property in the City, oA%7 and above all adv r taxies adrriaed to be levled by the CLty, sufficient to pay such pdzndpal, presdrm, if any, and interest as the sane due and Priable. ,he Bonds have been validarsd by ju#nat of the Circuit Court of the tenth .illa�radt of Florida, in and for Brrawe rd Cbarty, Flodda, raxJer d an Amgast 6, 1%4, and the time for taldrg an appeanl has expired. Mere are rn VPwls pent - ..., Rgliwld In the apdrdana of FYrne .laaabraa<i Stwartz N3S' MO& & ' from all federal irrnrne t w , and the Bxds and tle income odscixg ataates, s jeampt are ea�pt fxrm tax�ian urnder file laws of tine Sate of F1[r1da, a� as Oo �P tames �� in said CttapGer a0, F7crida 9tatx>tes, an irtitertst, iramne ar para�Lts c><n debt obligat rm awned by aorpa�s, as Florida Stataaes. The Batads are offered for sale an the basis d st the interest ti7 rW is rant &tenet to lbder-al incase tnMaltinn, on the date of delivery of the Bards to the aaooessfW hmiddes. If, prior to delivery of the Bxds, any event duLM o= 4ddn alters that tar q=Ipt stabs, the sarmmed bidder may have the privilege of va klirg the prdvee amtxact by givirg Jmmai ate written notice too the Finance Urectar, wfnreLFM the Sxd faith d-e* of the pardteser will be tebmied and all respective obligations of the parties will be teamdnatei. immtn t uses and Awni of Rub 1. line Bmk wM be awvded to the bidder why bid proUm the la-est net it t mat to tine City. the net inteteat st of the Rids dmil be determined by a=PX:Lrg the total want of interest pe�nble a► tine Bxds form ititria a 1965, to m their respective dates of »�'ity and � dvrefrcm the ann u t of any p ud m offered, or adding t�eto theamxrt of any disaoarat hid, and adding diatvto the amount of any mxdcipeal bend ta¢anre presL m. Pb bid will be amepted QAch provides for any discount greater than 2l of the per value of the Ends, exludirg the predam for immrddpal bond inns zwc e, if sperified - 2. Interest fates mist be mAtdples of 1/8, 1/10 ar 1/20 of 1Z. Tie WhEst interest rate nwed may rat ecaaad the lawest interest rate naamd by mare than three pa<aext (M) ad interest nxdtes met be weed in aaca'dirg cooler. All Eards of the sane mtirity must lest the same single interest note from the elate thereof to neCrity. A odd spedfyiag a blank or sry pereexnt of Urmv st for any ma dty will oat be -id�d. BM-PMW R= and Cttd Brdth logic LAU bidsmst be simitted upon the "(Efirlal B(d lbrm feed by the My, mist be tnoarditicr al, and mst be delivered My in a sealed slope athemed to the ikdersigr�ed and mai�hd "PraCrsal fur $8,000,CIUD �' of Tamarac, Florida, aAigatdm arms, (CLty Ehll and ]blues Ratim), SnIffi 19W'. Only one bid from each bidder with. be aorsidered. Each bid mst be aamm wdm by a good faith deposit in the fom of a oertified or beck caetder's dte* for $160,000 dtmn upon a bank or test o=prW incorporated in the Udted States of Anarica, payable unorditiaially to the Order of the City of M roc, Florida, an i Ach m ihhbm st wM be allowed. The am u t of the d s:k of the SMICesdi3l bdci3a mUl be apglial m the p d m= pdm but in die evert the m omsshil bidder fails or refusas m tam up ad pay far the Bads in a000ciaioe wd thh his bid, the amorit of said Sxd %dth dieck may d m be retained by the Cixy as and for full and =Mete liquidated dmWm. If the City *811 fadl to i.s sLe or deliver the Bards, the auut of the @x d faith deposit of the a rcessfiil bidder wtLll be ret►rna 1. DdMy of the Bads The Bonds wM be delivered to the a=essful bdin the Bxuughh of Mwhattm, City and Rate of N!w ib&, an or abxt April __, L9Q5, or at a x h other time and place as is mituoy agreed upm► by the CLty and the sinful b i . Rill paym t of the balmoe of the purd-we prim, irrluRT &=ml Interest, cost be made to the City at delivery by the m=essful bides in Faimml Pesem or other +m.Lt-pay awaL able funds wdxbad mst m the My. The Bmds will be amrtaapirded at delivery wfthh nay clnsixg dXUDatS, kclubx'g an uVAUfUd tea' as m their legality by Fine Jaaabson Slim= Nish ffiok s Btgland, Turd, Media, Bard Quisel. QrWn legal wM be peed an by Jaa M. itr drg, City Attorney, CLty of MmWw, Harida. C[SIP Identification n�rs will be prittad an the Bards, but wiill mt arstibiE a part cf the aantmsr* eviderred by the Barks. Aay error or au slim with meet thereto ,411 not OxVde.e Cm for refusal by the aua msfirl br(dder to accept delivery of the axib in aoraardi rm wtitth the terns of the bdd. Mzdudprtl. Az d ina zame If the Hoods qslify for the isasnoe of any pAie9 of nadelpal bard ittsmam or any aamd=-xtt dw efcr, ur❑arditiOrmlly and irrevocauy gum mm ei% pit of pdncipEkl of ard irterest m the Bmds, any pzdrese of ardi ply or c omit t d aU be at the m e apt m of the bidder. guuld a bidder specify that the CLty shall "thin mmidpal. band fimmm, the pnmdm wM be paid by the arty from the prmeeds of the BxdB. N3tim of dtaL-drg arch ira wane mM be published an Mnifimcts. Ex h bidder cost spedfy on the "OE rLiO Bld mW wthedin m daipal bard irDxwm is rued and tare >wfim to be paid dmefor. If the Bards are amcded an an Insured basis, reference to such policy shall appear m tie Bmis. k6xwld n bad of ar mssEul �drie< aubsectdar 218.38(1)(b)(2), Florida Es, reiVins dhat the M894 udwwmttff of the sm1m;6A bidder file with the City, mid-dn 9D days after the delivery of the earns, a Ott setting fartih my fee, bus or VmDA-ry per, in =Tml iah with the Ruds, by any uderw:Uw to arty pexsah not regularly employed by the admWiter. 2w i shall be filed with the CLty even if m me h fee, bongs or grabAty has been paid by any �. e City reserves the r4 t m detena m win is the sumceesful bdddes far the Bxris, the reject arty Orr all of there bids for mds, ad m waive arty irfounality in any bdd for the Birds. NAtdrg herein stated, ha,�+er, shall 1:bdt the rj* t of tie ww&j m p imicize the details of his bid after 11 O'clock A.M., 10ml time, lihrdh 13, 1985, or m offer the aids abject m awwd by the arty. As sack as possible after the We of ttte Bxtds, the City, if so tecisted, UM fu to h the mrrxsul bidder "Uhh a reamable thhof orgies of the final tffi,dal wtthrwt diwW• A umber of a #es of the final OMCW win 9tatepart d all maar► m more d m 5M much cop Lw. Akuticxal aopiss TAdll be delivered upon request and at the Oger se of the Copies of the preliadnny Cfficial Statema3t art Official BW R mm rela irg to the brds may be obtained frm the urder- p d at 5&1 N.W. 83th Aware, mac, Florida 33321-5010, (telephone: (3'6) 772-9XD), or from Des► WLtter R--yinlds Ix. 325 Jotn 1b:IK ibad, RAIding G, Tgl&msae, Florida 3003 (telephm: (904) 38(-1184). 1 1 IVA Un / A (� V � v O cam, lD lm f,a )DAD atyofmomm. mEhis QuMal (Njoadim DMIS (ah► Hill nod ROM sty Bid 1984 FITIMM nLrectz)r M3rd 13, 19B5 5B11 N.W. 89th Awaim 7mmmc, Florida WI-5010 Dw Six: Fbr E4 t Mi lim Dtillaxs ($B4O)O,Oab) p*CiPsl =unt, Qre al a0godon krds, (City Hall aryl 1al.ioe Stadal), Sn es 1964, of the CLty cf Uwxac, F1 ida, dated Fardr 1, 1985, described in the a xhsd Official Notim of Sale, 4ddz is Hereby made a part of tuts proposal., and for all b t Mt lees bran all of odd Bx-ds, with irterwt ratites per anm ai said Hxrds maG.rirg October 1 in the years and smarts as follaas : Due perripal liar Lm Rate Ile FHndpd Am`xrt Ratle 1986 $140,0OD z 1996 $1010M % 1997 OD,WD z 1997 4OD,O0D x 198E 170,000 % 199B 440,00D x 1989 19D,aD x 1999 4®,Om x 199D MD,00D x 2m 53O,aoo x 1991 237,O0D z zol 20,00D x 1992 250,03D % mm 640,O0D x 1993 270,O0D x 2003 710,O0D % 1994 3O0,aO0 z Z04 2005 78D,O0D 850,OOD z z 1995 33D,OOD z me offer to pay the am of Dal>ars ($ with aamied inLesert, if any, to the date of delivery. fit the tame of dlivery of the Haxis, tare City shall R=Lgh to us, free cf d=W, fire uqnjjfW opird n of Fire Jao*sm &hertz rest, Made & Rglard, Mad, Florida, Brd Quisel, WprMW ft sty of said Harris, tqpdw with tyre uaml cl,adr g pis, as specified in fire Official Nike of Sale. in amxdanm with the official r xIm of Sale, we Brim handth a certified or boric oastder's duck in the smart of Qie Hundred Sbay Mmuserd Dalms ($160,O0D) dram upm an Inxrp°xated bank cr uxut acmpsrry, Pridge unOmditia'811Y to the arier of the Clty of 2mm=, RaIda, to be applied in aoazdanoe with the Offidal rbtioe of We. aiis proposal is is not [d-a* are] msde for bards cm yhg mmxlcipal bard kyxar re with ttre insurance prad m to be paid for by the Clty of mac, Flrarida, fmn the B3rd Fooseis. M-j s proposal is u* ad jest to any omftdcm not egressly stated herein or in fire a m ed rbtim of Sale. ire namas of the urduvritns cr mates of fte aomuot ftry are associated for the prpaee of tidy proposal are listed an a separate &het attadved hoe bo. Fegvctfuuy slbwvtw, the a interest cost, amp txd frm tkrr-h 1, 1985, to the wwrLty dates of said $8,OM,0O0 of EX& at the Eate or � mia3fied In the ahme rrooa ml. i8 . . . . • • . . . . r • • . . . . . r . . . • . . . . . . • . . . . $ W, premLum or dLs=Ttt offend is. .y,... . . .. • • . . . . . • • . . . . • . . • • • • . . . • irazance pnmdm tQ a pEd by ft City is (Cmm out if mt �) • • • • • . . • • • . . . $ net irtEPrem trot is. • • . • . . . . . • • • • • • • • • • • r • • • . . . . • . $ a mrW rgt interest cost rate of these Bards is .......................... x Tare above comixitatin is aabodrted for pspoees of infamaticn ally cad is not a part of dzis p Maml. ft aiditia, or altaatim is to be ae3e to tWs Official Hid F m, and it mast not be deWad firm the mimW Official N3dm of Sale.) 1 1 I do hEeby wkmla* the xetimn of the Sand faith check in the smart of $160,000 mrlcaseci nth th s bid. By: —4- R u ]NEW ISSUE 50. "�.v EXHIBIT "C" FIm DRAFT 2/8/85 Fri PRELINDURY OFFICIAL STATEMENT, DAM , 1985 Ltings : !body's: Standard i loor's: (see 'Ratings" herein) In the opinion of Bond Counsel, the interest on the Bonds is, under existing statutes, regulations and judicial decisions, exempt from all federal income taxes and the Bonds and the income thereon are exempt from taxation under the laws of the State of Florida, except as to estate taxes and taxes imposed by Chapter 220, Florida Statutes, on interest, income or profits on debt obliga- tions owned by corporations, as defined in said Chapter 220, Florida Statutes. anted: March 1, 1985 $8.000.000 CITY OF TAK"AC, FLORIDA GENERAL OBLIC&TION BONDS (City Ball and Police Station) Series 1954 Due: October 1, as shorn below The Bonds are being issued for the purpose of financing the construction of a new City Hall and Police Station, as described herein. The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Resolution No. R-84-121, adopted by the City Council of the City (the "Council") on April 25, 1984, as supplemented, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, including its Home Rule Charter, its Code, and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. The Bonds were duly approved by a majority of the votes cast in an election held on March 13, 1984. The City pledges its full faith, credit and taxing o mpower for the interest onmpt the payment of both principal of, redemption premium, any, Bonds as such payments become due. The principal of, redemption premium, if any, and the interest on all such Bonds shall be payable from the General Fund or any other legally available funds of the City. The City shall levy and collect annually an ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the City, over and above llxes author- ized to be levied by the City, sufficient to pay principal, on premium, if any, and interest as the same become due and payable. The Bonds shall be issued in registered form in the denomination of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof. Interest on the Bonds is payable semi- annually on April 1 and October 1 commencing October 1, 1985, by check or draft sailed to the registered owners thereof, drawn on (the `Paying Agent"). The principal of the Bonds and the premium, if any, payable upon redemption, are payable at the principal corporate trust office of the Paying Agent. The Bonds shall be subject to redemption as set forth herein. The Bonds shall bear interest at the rates and shall mature in the amounts and on the dates as set forth below. Price _ Price Principal Interest or Principal Interest or Due Amount Rate Yield Due Amount Rate Yield 1986 1987 $140,000 150,000 1996 1997 $360,000 400,000 1988 170,000 1998 440,000 1989 190,000 1999 480,000 1990 200,000 2000 530,000 1991 230,000 2001 580,000 1992 250,000 2002 640,000 1993 270,000 2003 710,000 1994 300,000 2004 780,000 1995 330,000 2005 850,000 SEALED BIDS FOB THE BONDS WILL DE RECEIVED UNTIL 11:00 A.M. (local time) ON MARCH 13, 1985. The Bonds will be offered when, as and if issued, subject to approval of Fine ,Jacobson Schwartz Nash Block & England, Miami, Florida, Bond Counsel. The Bonds are expected to be available for delivery in definitive form in New York, New York, on or about , 1985. II CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA se 40Z- ( MAYOR Phillip B. Kravitz CITY COUNCIL Jack Stelzer Raymond J. Munitz Allan Burnstein CITY MANAGER Elly F. Johnson FINANCE DIRECTOR CITY CLERK Stephen A. Wood Marilyn P. Bertholf FINANCIAL ADVISOR Dean Witter Reynolds Inc. Miami, Florida Sydney M. Stein CITY ATTORNEY Jon M. Henning BOND COUNSEL Fine Jacobson Schwartz Nash Block & England Miami, Florida -3' 1 Bb chalet, boric r, salesm n or oft r person has been attaadaed to give any infionmitLon or m make any repreq3tations, other than those contained in this OEfical Stawner t, and if given or aerie, sic► other iafonzd i,m or I i i on must mt be teUed upon. lids oEficid 9Gstsmait does not axodtute an offer to sell or the solirdtation Of an offer to buy, nor dull Brae be any sale of the hxxis by ary person in mY jurisdicticn in 4dch it is unlawful for axdi pea m to make arh offer, N21citation or sale. The infamadrn set forth hm n hes been obtained from sources Qtch are beli,eWed to be reliable but is not guarantied as to aawracy or ompletness. I e inEaumetim and expre9sions of opinim herein are subject to dime wlthat codas end neither the delivery of this Official Statement nor arty sale made herardet shall, under ay dtnm3tscxe6, create any impliradm that there boas been m dlwW in the ad fairs of the CLty of 2rr ww evince the date hereof or file earliest date as of Q ch said Infam3ion is given. Re�. . • • . • • • • . • • • • • • • . • • • • . • • . • • • • • • • • • • • . r • • . • • • • . r • • • . . • • . • 1 Radmption �. r • • • . . • • . . . . . . • . . . • • . . . • . . . • . • • . . . . . . . . . • • . . . • • • . . 1 RZPOW. ♦ . • • • . • • • • • . . . • . . . • • . . . • • • • . . • • . • • . . . • . . • . . • . . • . . • • • . . . • • 2 IfflicatimrffBond Ptweeds ............................................... 3 S3 Epp and of Rrds• • • • • • . r • • • • • • • • • • • • • • . • • . • • . • • • • • r . • . . . • • • • • . . . • 3 sa rl ty for Bards .................................................... 3 Adplain /�Ot CM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 ply A, . Procedure. . . . r . . . . • • ► . . • . • • • . • . . . . . • . . • . . . . • . . . • • . . • • . . . 3 assessed `blue of ale Property ............................................ 4 le"of Ad va om WM . . . • • . . . . • . . • • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Property UK Bates All QAwlappdrg ....... . . . . . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 property Mx levies and Ctallar_tia s............................................ 5 E�dmawd Debt Service RquEremits............................................ 6 9tatemt of Direa and wrlappdrg Debt ......................................... 7 Sammy of Direct and Omrlappirg Debt .......................................... 8 per, g. apL,,l,i,,,,.., m � �............................................ 9 LI m Bond Sales. . . . • . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 U[ BEmption. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 litigation ........................................................ 9 .............................................. 10 Validstinn......................................................•. 10 Iegality......................................................... 10 Mak Sale* . . . . • . • . • . • . . • • • . • . . . • . . • . • . . . • • • . . • . . . . . . • • • • • . . . • . 10 y,.� irg....................................................... 10 Othe r Mitte s . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . r . . . r 11 Athxizaticn OrcerdT OEfidal Mataunt........................................ 11 ann y of Can hm sic m of the Fesd itim and the Original histnment ... • • . • • • • . • • • . • • .. • .... A-1 (dal hfomstim — City of Mmmac........................................... B-1 Ac=xrffc's Feport. . • • • . . . . • • • • • . . • . . . • . . . . • • . . . . . • . . . • . . . • • . . • . . . • • . . 0-1 ism of Bond Q uasel gdrdm ..... • • .. • • • • • . • • • ....... • • .. • • . • . • ..... • • . • • • • lrl 1 OFFICIAL STATEMENT $8,000,000 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA GEMAL OBLIGATION BONDS (City Hall and Police Station) Series 1984 INTRODUCTION The purpose of this Official Statement, including the cover page and appendices, is to provide information concerning the sale by the City of Tamarac, Florida (the "City"), of $8,000,000 principal amount of General Obligation Bonds, (City Hall and Police Station), Series 1984 (the "Bonds"). The Bonds are being issued pursuant to Resolution No. R-84-121, adopted by the City Council of the City (the "Council") on April 25, 1984, as supplement- ed, and the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, including its Home Rule Charter, its Cade, and Chapter 166, Florida Statutes. The Bonds were duly approved by a majority of the votes cast in an election held on March 13, 1984. THE BONDS The Bonds shall be issued in registered form in the denomination of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof. Interest on the Bonds is payable semi- annually on April 1 and October 1 commencing October 1, 1985, by check or draft mailed to the registered owners thereof, drawn on (the "Paying Agent"). The principal of the Bonds and the premium, if any, payable upon redemption, are payable at the principal corporate trust office of the Paying Agent. The Bonds shall be subject to redemption as set forth below. The Bonds shall bear interest at the rates and shall mature in the amounts and on the dates as set forth on the cover page of this Official Statement. REDEKPTION PROVISIONS The Bonds maturing in the years 1986 to 1995, inclusive, shall not be subject to redemption prior to their stated dates of maturity. The Bonds maturing in the years 1996 to 2005, both inclusive, shall be subject to redemption prior to their stated dates of maturity, at the option of the City, from any funds legally available for such purpose on and after October 1, 1995 (i) as a whole at any time, or (ii) in part, from time to time on any interest payment date, in inverse order of maturities and by lot within each maturity at the principal amount thereof and accrued interest to the date of redemp- tion, plus the following premiums, expressed in percentages of the principal amount of the Bonds to be redeemed, if redeemed in the following periods: Period (both dates inclusive) Redemption Premium October 1, 1995 - September 30, 1997 3% (three percent) October 1, 1997 - September 30, 2000 2% (two percent) October 1, 2000 - September 30, 2003 1% (one percent) October 1, 2003 and thereafter none Redemption shall be made upon not less than thirty (30) days, or more than sixty (60) days, prior written notice to the registered owners of the Bonds to 1 be redeemed. On the date designated for redemption, notice having been given in the above manner and moneys for payment of the redemption price being held by the Paying Agent in trust for the holders of the Bonds to be redeemed, the Bonds called for redemption shall become and be due and payable at the redemp- tion price provided for redemption of such Bonds on such date, interest on the Bonds called for redemption shall cease to accrue, such Bonds shall cease to be entitled to any lien, benefit or security under the Resolution, and the holders of such Bonds shall have no rights in respect thereof except to receive payment of the redemption price thereof. Bonds which have been duly called for redemption and for the payment of the redemption price of which and accrued interest to the date fixed for redemption moneys shall be held by the Paying Agent in trust for the holders of the Bonds to be redeemed, all as provided in the Resolution, shall not be deemed to be outstanding under the provisions of the Resolution. PURPOSE The Bonds are being issued for the municipal purpose of financing the cost of the design, plans, construction and installation of a new City Hall and Police Station, including all equipment, furniture and other related items thereto (the "Project). NEW POLICE FACILITY (1 Story) 24,735 Square Foot Building $1,973,000 Architect and Engineer Fees 176,000 Carpet, Furnishings & Equipment 255,000 POLICE STATION TOTAL $2,404,000 NEW CITY HALL (2 Story) 46,310 Square Foot Building $3,339,000 Architect and Engineer Fees 234,000 Carpet, Furnishings b Equipment 600,000 CITY HALL TOTAL 4,173,000 SITEWORK 13 acres $ 889,000 Architect and Engineer Fees 62,000 SITEWORK TOTAL 951,000 CONSTRUCTION TOTAL $7,527,000 PROJECT CONTINGENCIES — 60�- 2,_000 PROJECT TOTAL $8,130,000 K APPLICATION OF BOND PROCEEDS The proceeds received upon the sale of the Bonds shall Construction Fund and shall be held by the Finance Director payment of the Cost of the Project in such manner as shall the City's policies respecting the disbursement of moneys the Project. Any moneys remaining in the Construction Fund is completed shall be deposited in the General Fund of the SOURCES AND USES OF FUNDS SOURCES Principal Amount of Bonds $8,000,000 Less: Underwriter's Discount 160,000 Accrued Interest Interest Earned During Construction ' Total Sources USES Accrued Interest deposit to Sinking Fund Deposit to Construction Fund costs of Issuance Insurance Premium Total Uses be deposited in the and applied to the be consistent with in connection with when construction City. $7,840,000 470,000 $8,310,000 8,130,000 60,000 120,000 $8,310,000 SECURITY FOR BONDS The City pledges its full faith, credit and taxing power for the prompt payment of both principal of, redemption premium, if any, and interest on the Bonds as such payments become due. The principal of, redemption premium, if any, and the interest on all such Bonds shall be payable from the General Fund or any other legally available funds of the City. The City shall levy and collect annually an ad valorem tax upon all taxable property in the City, over and above all other taxes author- ized to be levied by the City, sufficient to pay such principal, redemption premium, if any, and interest as the same become due and payable. AD VALOREM TAXATION Under State law, the assessment of all properties and the collection of all county, municipal and school board property taxes are consolidated in the office of the County Property Appraiser and County Tax Collector. Municipali- ties are not permitted to levy property taxes at a rate of more than 10 mills for all municipal purposes; however, there is no limitation as to the rate or amount of ad valorem taxes levied for the purpose of paying debt service on general obligation bonds. The laws of the State regulating tax assessment are designed to assure a consistent property valuation method statewide. Property Assessment Procedure Under Florida law, all taxable real property and tangible personal proper- ty must be assessed at fair market value, with some exceptions. Real and per- 3 sonal property valuations are determined each year as of January 1 by the Pro- perty Appraiser's office. The assessment roll is prepared between January 1 and July 1, with each taxpayer given notice of any increase in assessment. The property owner has the right to file an appeal with the Property Ap- praiser Adjustment Board, which considers petitions relating to assessments and exemptions. The Property Appraisal Adjustment Board certifies the assess- ment roll upon completion of the hearing of all appeals. Millage rates are then computed by the various taxing authorities and certified to the Property Appraiser, who applies the millage rates to the assessment roll. This proce- dure creates the tax roll, which is then turned over to the Tax Collector on or about the first Monday in October. The Florida Constitution entitles the taxable permanent residents of the State to a $25,000 homestead exemption. The Constitution does not limit or restrict the ability of the City to levy ad valorem taxes without limitation as to rate of amount for the purpose of paying debt service on its general obligation bonds. CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA, ASSESSED VALUE OF TAXABLE PROPERTY Adjusted Fiscal Tax Roll Real Personal Taxable Value Year Year Property_Propert _ Exempt 1976 1975 $362,609,589 $ 31,267,101 $ 13,460,670 $407,337,360 1977 1976 388,502,239 37,945,987 16,439,610 442,887,836 _ 1978 1977 400,476,540 47,315,738 20,897,287 468,689,565 1979 1978 406,095,065 47,315,738 20,806,006 474,216,809 1980 1979 419,149,660 43,366,948 23,456,090 27,837,436 485,972698 524,344,878 1981 1980 451,656,511 44,850,931 675,855,144 50,689,450 2,588,622 729,133,216 1982 1981 1983 1982 783,782,924 61,819,480 - 845,602,404 1984 1983 773,507,476 61,170,673 _ - 834,678,149 889,580,594 1985 1984 820,073,350 69,507,244 State law requires full valuation. Assessed values as of January 1 of each year. Figures submitted by County Tax Assessor. Levy of Ad Valorem Taxes All real and tangible personal property taxes are due and payable on Nov- ember 1 of each year, or as soon thereafter as the tax roll is certified and delivered to the Tax Collector. A notice is mailed to each property owner on the tax roll for taxes levied by the county, school board and other taxing authorities. Taxes may be paid upon receipt of such notice, with discounts at the rate of 4% if paid in the month of November; 3% if paid in the month of December; 2% if paid in the month of January; and l% if paid in the month of February. Taxes paid during the mnofta�aeshbecomeidelinquentdiscount. Aprilllun- paid real and tangible personal property the year following the year in which the taxes are levied. The delinquent real property taxes bear interest at the rate of 18% per year from April 1 until a certificate is sold at auction, from which time the 4 Ci r CITY OF TAMARAC, YWRIDA DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT As of September 30, 1984 DIRECT DEBT General Obligation Bonds General Obligation Bonds, Series 1984-A (1) Self -Supporting Indebtedness: Water and Sewer Utility Revenue Bonds Less: Reserve Fund Total Direct Debt OVERLA.PPIRG DEBT(2) Broward County School District Applicable to City 2.8% Broward County Public Improvement Bonds Applicable to City 2.8% Special Obligation Capital Improve- ment Refunding Bonds, Series B Applicable to City 2.8% Gas Tax Revenue Bonds, Series A Applicable to City 2.8% Total Overlapping Debt Total Direct and Overlapping Debt $ 370,000 8,000,000 $ 12,670,000 ( 1,308,207) 11,361,793 $ 35,015,000 239,415,000 $ 980,420 6,703,620 44,440,000 1,244,320 19,135,000 535,780 $19,731,793 $ 9,464,140 $29,195,933 (1) This issue. (2) All debt listed as Overlapping Debt is secured by a tax source. rl 11 n CITY OF TAMARAC SUMMARY OF DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT As of September 30, 1984 DIRECT DEBT General Obligation Bonds $ 8,370,000 Self -Supporting Indebtedness _11,361 793 TOTAL DIRECT DEBT TOTAL OVERLAPPING DEBT TOTAL DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT FINANCIAL PARAMETERS $19,731,793 9,464,140 $29,195,933 Population (1984 estimated) 32,251 Total Assessed Valuation - Tamarac $ 1,224,265,994 Total Taxable Valuation - Tamarac $ 889,580,594• Total Assessed Valuation - Broward County $41,257,634,787 Total Taxable Valuation - Broward County $31,661,901,744 Source: Broward County Property Appraiser's Office; Preliminary, as of July, 1984. DIRECT DEBT General Obligation Debt Self -Supporting Debt TOTAL DIRECT DEBT TOTAL OVERLAPPING DEBT TOTAL DIRECT AND OVERLAPPING DEBT VALUATION Total Assessed Valuation Total Taxable Assessed Valuation FINANCIAL RATIOS Percent of Total Percent of Taxable "Per Assessed Valuation Assessed Valuation Capita Tamarac Tamarac Tamarac .684% .9412 $ 260 .928 1.277 352 1.608 2.218 612 .773 1.064 293 2.385 3.282 905 - - 37,961 - 27,583 8 BUDGETING, ACCOUNTING AND AUDITING The manager shall on or before July 1 of each year submit to the Council a budget for the ensuing fiscal year, together with a message, which shall out- line proposed financial policies; describe important features of the budget; explain any major changes from the current year in financial policies, expend- itures and revenues; summarize the City's current and overall financial and debt position and include such other material as he deems desirable, and as the Council or Charter may require. The general fund budget shall be presented on an accrual basis for expend- itures and on a modified accrual basis for revenues, and shall provide a com- plete financial plan of all funds and activities for the ensuing fiscal year, and shall contain such details and be in such form as may be required by law and by the Council. Also, it shall show comparative figures of expenditures and revenues for the current and past fiscal year detailed to show the in- crease and decrease in dollars. The total of estimated expenditures shall not exceed the total of estimated revenue and appropriated fund balance. The City may maintain an unappropriated surplus of no more than ten (10) percent of its total proposed expenditures of the general fund budget. No more than five (5) percent of expenditures of the general fund budget may be included in the budget for contingencies that may not have been in- cluded or which may have been underestimated in the proposed expenditures. This figure does not include unappropriated surplus. The City shall adopt formal budgets for all other funds when it deems such budgeting to be consistent with generally accepted accounting principles or when required by law. OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTF.NBER 30, 1984 Total operating revenues for the general fund for fiscal year ended Sept- ember 30, 1983 were $7,643,954; expenditures were $7,832,426. These figures compare to the budgeted amounts for revenues and expenditures for the same period of $6,865,747 and $8,405,434, respectively. The budgeted fund balance at year end was $1,296,346 as compared to the actual amount of $2,647,561. Of the $2,647,561, only $ were unappropriated; this is in keeping with the City's charter which only allows the City to maintain an unappropriated fund balance of no more than 10% of its total budgeted expenditures. OPERATING BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR ENDED SEPTEnKR 30, 1985 Total budgeted operating revenues for fiscal year ending September 30, 1984 are $ ; budgeted expenditures for the same period are $ ; and an appropriations of $ of the beginning balance of $ , will be applied to balance the budget. The unappropriated beginning balance of $ will be the year end balance and is in keeping with the City's policy of the unappropriated fund balance not exceeding 10% of proposed expenditures. PENSION FUND The City has a single employer contributory defined benefit retirement plan covering all full-time employees. As of June 1, 1982 (the most recent actuarial report), unfunded past service costs were approximately $56,000. The City has elected to amortize the past service costs over forty years. The 9 ft City's annual contributions to service normal costs and past service costs were $300,269. The present value of accumulated plan benefits was $849,621, of which $486,881 was vested, assuming a 7% interest rate. At September 30, the plan's net assets available for benefits were $2,092,465. FurURE BONA SALES Pursuant to the City's Home Rule Charter, a special election was held on March 13, 1984, at which a majority of the qualified electors voted in favor of the issuance of not exceeding $15,000,000 Water and Sewer Utility Revenue Bonds. The City Council has authorized proceeding with such issue and the refunding of the City's outstanding Water and Sewer Utility Revenue Bonds in mid -year 1985. The City has no plans to incur additional bonded indebtedness at this time. TAX EMPTION In the opinion of Fine Jacobson Schwartz Nash Block & England, Miami, Florida, Bond Counsel, the interest on the Bonds is, under existing statutes and judicial decisions, exempt from all present Federal income taxes and the Bonds and the income thereon are exempt from taxation under Florida law, ex- cept as to estate taxes and taxes imposed by Chapter 220, Florida Statutes, on interest, income or profits on debt obligations owned by corporations, as defined in said Chapter 220, Florida Statutes. LITIGMON There is no litigation pending that seeks to restrain or enjoin the issuance or delivery of the Bonds or the proceedings or authority under which they are to be issued. There is no litigation pending which, in any manner, questions the right of the City to pledge the Revenues to repayment of the Bonds. There is no material litigation pending, or to the knowledge of the City threatened, involving the City except the following: As noted on the cover page of this Official Statement, Moody's Investors Service, Inc., and Standard & Poor's Corporation have given the Bonds ratings of and , respectively. The City furnished to such rating agencies certain material and information regarding the results of its operations and the Bonds. Such ratings reflect the respective views of such organizations and an explanation of the significance of such ratings may be obtained only from the rating agency furnishing same. There is no assurance that such ratings will remain in effect for any given period of time or that they will not be revised downwards or withdrawn entirely by either or both such rating agencies, if, in the judgment of either or both, circumstances so warrant. Any such downward revision or withdrawal by such agencies, or either of them, may have an adverse effect on the market prices of the Bonds. 10 1 VALIDATION The Bonds have been validated by judgment of the Circuit Court of the Seventeenth Judicial Circuit of Florida, in and for Broward County, Florida, rendered on , 1984, and the time for taking an appeal has expired. There are no appeals pending. FP_ZF_W"_1 The Bonds will be accompanied at delivery with customary closing docu- ments, including an unqualified opinion as to their legality by Fine Jacobson Schwartz Nash Block & England, Miami, Florida, Bond Counsel. Certain legal matters will be passed on by Jon M. Henning, City Attorney, City of Tamarac, Florida. PUBLIC SAT The Bonds shall be sold at public sale on March 13, 1985. U®EBVgITIHG (the "Underwriters") have agreed to purchase all, but not less than all, of the Bonds at a price representing an aggregate discount of $ from the face amount of the Bonds as set forth on the cover page. The interest rates on the various principal maturities as bid by and awarded to the Underwriters and the initial offering prices are also Indicated on the cover page The initial offering prices may be changed from time to time by the Underwriters. The Underwriters expect to make a market on the Bonds. O'BBB MATTERS The information in the foregoing pages is presented for the guidance of prospective purchasers of the Bonds described herein. The information has been compiled from official and other sources and, while not guaranteed by the City, is believed to be correct. So far as any statements made in this Official Statement and the appendices attached hereto involve matters of opinion or estimates, whether or not so expressly stated, they are set forth as such and not as representations of fact, and no representation is made that any of the estimates will be realized. 11 1 AUTHORIZATION CONCERNING OFFICIAL STATEN ENT The delivery of this Official Statement has been duly authorized by the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida. At the time of the delivery of the Bonds, the Mayor and the City Manager will furnish a certificate to the effect that nothing has come to their attention which would lead them to believe that the Official Statement, as of its date and as of the date of delivery of the Bonds, contains any untrue statement of a material fact or omits to state a material fact which should be included therein for the pur- pose for which the Official Statement is intended to be used, or which is necessary to make the statements contained herein, in the light of the circum- stances under which they were made, not misleading. CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA 12 Mayor City Manager APPENDIX A SRKKARY OF CERTAIN PROVISIONS OF THE RESOLUTION AND THE ORIGINAL INS2RUMT In addition to the summaries of certain provisions of the Resolution set forth elsewhere within this Official Statement, the following is a general summary of certain provisions of the Resolution. Such summaries do not pur- port to be complete and accordingly are qualified by reference to the full text of the Resolution, copies of which may be obtained from the City or its Financial Advisor upon request. Definitions When used in the Resolution, the following terms shall have the following meanings, unless the text clearly otherwise requires: "Bondholder" or "Holder" shall mean any registered owner of any Bond. "Bond Registrar" shall mean either the Finance Director or any bank or trust company, either within or without the State of Florida, designated as such by resolution of the Council prior to the issuance of the Bonds, which shall perform such functions required of the Bond Registrar by Article II of the Resolution. "Construction Fund" shall mean the special fund required to be established and maintained by the City pursuant to Article IV of the Resolution. "Council" shall mean the City Council of the City of Tamarac, Florida, or the Council or body in which the general legislative powers of the Town shall, from time to time, be vested. "Cost", when used in connection with the Project, shall include the cost of planning, constructing, development, including the cost of all labor, materials, machinery and equipment, the cost of engineering, architectural, financial, advisory, planning, design and legal services, bond insurance premiums, fees of rating agencies and all expenses necessary or incident to determining the feasibility or practicability of such construction, and such other expenses or costs as may be necessary or incident to the financing herein authorized in connection with the Project. Any obligation or expense heretofore or hereafter incurred by the Council and any amounts heretofore or hereafter advanced by or to the Council in connection with any of the fore- going items of cost may be regarded as a part of such cost and reimbursed out of the proceeds of the Bonds issued under the provisions of the Resolution. "General Fund" shall mean the General Fund of the City designated as such by the state law and in the annual budget and the annual audit of the City, required by law, from which the general operations of the City are funded. "General Revenues" shall mean ad valorem tax revenues levied and imposed in the City and all other funds legally available which are eligible to be credited to the General Fund of the City. "Government Obligations" shall mean direct obligations of, or obligations the principal of and the interest on which are guaranteed by, the United States of America. "Paying Agent" or "Paying Agents" shall mean the Bond Registrar, the bank or banks or trust company or trust companies, either within of without the State of Florida, at which the principal of the Bonds shall be payable. A-1 "Project" shall mean the design, plans, construction and installation,of a new City Hall and Police Station, including all equipment, furniture and other related items thereto. Bond Registrar and Registration Exchange The City shall cause its books for the registration and for the transfer of Bonds to be kept by the Bond Registrar. Any Bond may be transferred only upon an assignment duly executed by the registered owner or his attorney or legal representative in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Bond Registrar. Any Bond may be transferred only upon an assignment duly executed by the registered owner or his attorney or legal representative in such form as shall be satisfactory to the Bond Registrar. The principal of any Bond shall be payable only to or upon the order of the registered owner or bearer. Bonds may be exchanged for a like aggregate principal amount of Bonds of other authorized denominations of the same series, interest rate and maturity. The City shall execute and deliver, and the Bond Registrar shall authenticate, such Bonds which the registered owner making the exchange is entitled to receive. No charge shall be made to any Bondholder for the privilege of registra- tion, transfer or exchange, but any Bondholder requesting any such registra- tion, transfer or exchange shall pay any tax or other governmental charge required to be paid with respect thereto. The Bond Registrar shall be re- quired to transfer or exchange any Bond after the mailing of notice calling such Bond or portion thereof for redemption has been given as provided in this Resolution during the period of fifteen (15) days next preceding the nailing of such notice of redemption. Each Bond delivered pursuant to any provision of the Resolution in ex- change or substitution for, or upon the transfer of the whole or any part of one or more other Bonds, shall carry all of the rights to interest accrued and unpaid to accrue that were carried by the whole or such part, as the case may be, of such one or more other Bonds, and notwithstanding anything contained in the Resolution, such Bonds shall be so dated or bear such notation, that neither gain or loss in interest shall result from any such exchange, substi- tution or transfer. Ownership of Bonds• Transfer of Title The City, the Paying Agent and the Bond Registrar shall deem and treat the person in whose name any Bond shall be registered as the absolute owner of such Bond, whether such Bond shall be overdue or not, for the purpose of receiving payment thereof and for all other purposes whatsoever, and neither the City, the Paying Agent nor the Bond Registrar shall be affected by any notice to the contrary. All such payments shall be valid and effectual to satisfy and discharge the liability upon such Bond to the extent of the sum or sums so paid. Mutilated LostS Stolen or Destroyed Bonds in case any Bond secured hereby shall become mutilated or be destroyed, stolen or lost, the City may cause to be executed and delivered a new Bond of like date, number and tenor in exchange and substitution for and upon the cancellation of such mutilated Bond or in lieu of and in substitution of such Bond destroyed, stolen or lost, upon the owner paying the reasonable expenses and charges of the City in connection therewith and, in the case of a Bond destroyed, stolen or lost, his filing with the Bond Registrar evidence satisfactory to it that such Bond was destroyed, stolen or lost, and of his ownership thereof, and furnishing the City and the Bond Registrar with indemnity satisfactory to the City and the Bond Registrar. A-2 Cancellation and Destruction of Bonds All Bonds paid, redeemed or pur- chased, either at or before maturity, shall be cancelled upon the payment, purchase or redemption of such Bonds. All such bonds so cancelled shall be destroyed by the Paying Agent, which shall execute a certificate of destruc- tion in triplicate describing the Bonds so destroyed and one executed certi- ficate shall be filed with each of the City and the Bond Registrar, and one executed certificate shall be retained by the Paying Agent, which shall de- liver a duplicate thereof to any other Paying Agent then acting. Construction Fund A special fund is created by the Resolution and desig- nated the "City of Tamarac General Obligation Bonds Construction Fund" (the "Construction Fund"), to the credit of which such funds as are received in payment for the Bonds shall be deposited. The moneys in the Construction Fund shall be held by the Finance Director and applied to the payment of the Cost of the Project in such manner as shall be consistent with the City's policies respecting the disbursement of moneys in connection with the Project. Any moneys remaining in the Construction Fund when construction is completed shall be deposited in the General Fund of the City. Investment of Funds Moneys held for the credit of any fund or account established by the Resolution, shall, as nearly as may be practicable, be in- vested and reinvested by the City, in (a) the Local Government Surplus Fund Trust Fund established by Section 218.405, Florida Statutes (1981), as amended; (b) Government Obligations; (c) interest -bearing time deposits or savings accounts in banks organized under the laws of the United States and doing business and situated in the State of Florida, in savings and loan asso- ciations which are under state supervision, provided that any such deposits are secured by collateral as may be prescribed by law; (d) obligations of the Federal Farm Credit Banks, Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation, or Federal Home Loan Bank or its district banks, including Federal Home Loan Mortgage Corporation participation certificates, or obligations guaranteed by the Government National Mortgage Association; (e) obligations of the Federal National Mortgage Association; (f) commercial paper of prime quality of the highest letter and numerical rating as provided for by at least one nationally recognized rating service; (g) time drafts and bills of exchange, commonly known as bankers acceptances, which are drawn on and accepted by commercial banks and which are eligible for purchase by the Federal Reserve Bank; or (h) investments in repurchase agreements of any securities authorized above; provided, however, that any such investment described in this paragraph shall at the time be a legal investment under Florida law for the investment of City funds. Moneys held for the credit of the Construction Fund, shall be invested in obligations which shall mature or which shall be subject to redemption by the holder thereof at the option of such holder not later than the date when the moneys held for the credit of said Fund shall be required for the purposes intended. Depositaries and SecuritZ All moneys received by the City under the provisions of the Resolution shall be deposited with a bank depositary or depositaries shall be held in trust, shall be applied only in accordance with the provisions of the Resolution and shall not be subject to lien or attach- ment by a creditor of the City. All moneys deposited with any bank depositary in excess of the amount guaranteed by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation of other federal A-3 agency shall be continuously secured for the benefit of- the .City and the holders of the Bonds either (a) by lodging with a bank or trust company approved by the City as custodian, or, if then permitted by law, by setting aside under control of the trust department of the bank holding such deposit as collateral security, Government obligations, or, with the approval of the Finance Director, other marketable securities eligible as security for the deposit of trust funds under applicable regulations of the Comptroller of the Currency of the United States or applicable State of Florida law or regula- tions, having a market value (exclusive of accrued interest) not less than the amount of such deposit, or (b) if the furnishing of security as provided in (a) is not permitted by applicable law, in such other manner as may then be required or permitted by applicable State of Florida or federal laws or reg- ulations regarding the security for, or granting a preference in the case of, the deposit of trust funds. Effect of Covenants All covenants, stipulations, obligations and agree- ments of the City contained in the Resolution shall be deemed to be covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements of the City and of the Council and of each department and agency of the City to the full extent authorized or per- mitted by law, and all such covenants, stipulations, obligations and agree- ments shall bind or inure to the benefit of the successor or successors there- of from time to time and any officer, board, body or commission to whom or to which any power or duty affecting such covenants, stipulations, obligations and agreements shall be transferred by or in accordance with laws. Effect of Partial Invalidity In case any one or more of the provisions of the Resolution or of any Bonds issued thereunder shall for any reason be held to be illegal or invalid, such illegality or invalidity shall not affect any other provisions of the Resolution or of the Bonds, but the Resolution and the Bonds shall be construed and enforced as if such illegal or invalid provision had not been contained therein. The Bonds are issued and the Resolution is adopted with the intent that the laws of the State of Florida shall govern their construction. Execution of Instruments by Bondholders and Proof of Ownership of Bonds Any request, direction, consent or other instrument in writing required by the Resolution to be signed or executed by Bondholders may be in any number of concurrent instruments of similar tenor and may be signed or executed by such Bondholders in person or by agent appointed by an instrument in writing. Proof of the execution of any such instrument and of the ownership of Bonds shall be sufficient for any purpose of the Resolution and shall be conclusive in favor of the persons relying thereon with regard to any action taken by them under such instrument, if made in the following manner: (a) The f act and date of the execution by any person of any such instrument may be proved by the verification of any officer in any jurisdiction who, by the laws thereof, has power to take affidav- its within such jurisdiction, to the effect that such instrument was subscribed and sworn to before his, or by an affidavit of a witness to such execution. (b) The ownership of the Bonds shall be proved by the registra- tion books kept under the provisions of the Resolution. Any request or consent of the Bondholder. of any Bond shall bind every future Bondholder of the same Bond in respect of anything done by the City in pursuance of such request or consent. A-4 I APPENDIX B GENERAL IMEMATION - CITr OF TAMARAC The following is a brief description of the City of Tamarac (the "City"), including certain information concerning its economy, governmental organiza- tion, indebtedness, current major revenue sources, expenditures and general fund. Except where otherwise noted, the information has been provided by the City. Created in 1963 by the Legislature of the State of Florida, the City occupies approximately 11.6 square miles in the northwestern portion of Broward County (the "County"), the second most highly populated county within the State. With its population of approximately 32,000 people, the City ranks 13th of 29 municipalities within the County. GDVJLNMF1rfAL STRUCTURE The City is governed largely by the provisions of its Charter as adopted by the electors of the City on March 9, 1976. Under the Charter, the five member City Council is the policy -making body of the City government. The City is divided into four districts, and each Council member is re- quired to reside in a different one of these districts. The Mayor who runs "at large" may live in any district. Electors vote for each Council seat and not just for the representative of the district in which they live. City Council members serve for two years. The Mayor and two Council members run for election in even numbered years and two Council members run in odd numbered years. The City has a City Manager form of government. The City Manager is appointed by the City Council as the Chief Administrative Officer of the City government. The City Manager directs the functions of the City government through 11 departments. Legal services of the City government are provided by the City Attorney, who is appointed by the City Council. The City Manager prepares and submits the annual budget and capital improvement program to the City Council and executes the budget and capital improvement program in accordance with appropriations and ordinances adopted by the City Council. The City Manager generally begins the budgetary process in March by preparing a letter of transmittal with specific instructions on general budgetary policy for departments. Each department then prepares and submits its proposed budget and in April internal meetings are held to review the aggregate budget. After approval by the City Manager, the tentative budget is submitted to the City Council which holds workshops in which the public is invited to participate. Following these workshops, public hearings are held where again public comment is solicited and considered. The City Council then adopts the budget prior to the end of September. The Council then determines the millage rate necessary to fund the budget. The general fund receives all of the general revenues of the City not specifically levied or collected on behalf of its various special funds. B-1 POPULATIOw ESTIMATES of Mmamc AtvrErd QxrLy_(1) Matt- of Mari& (1) Utted des (3) l4ulatrim *nml 2 RpAatim knial % ibpt l m A.i al 2 as of J9n 1 Anaal % Year as 3D as of April 1 Q as of Apdl 1 Qg (000) 1974 14,195(1) - 840,700 - 8,453,10D - 212,932 - 1975 14,217(1) .15% 876,70D 4.29% 8,618,500 1.96% 214,931 .94% 1976 24,067(1) 69.3D 894,60D 2.04 8,744,33D 1.46 217,095 1.01 1977 24,469(1) 1.60 921,90D 3.05 8,92D,OCD 2.01 219,179 .96 1978 25,858(1) 5.70 953,37D 3.41 9,156,700 2.65 221,477 1.05 in 26,40D(2) 2.10 9BB,1CD 3.65 9,448,50D 3.19 223,88D 1.08 1.980 29,376(2) 11.30 1,018,257(3) 3.05 9,746,40D(3) 3.15 226,444 1.15 1991 3D,104(2) 2.50 1,047,313 2.85 10,106,(DD 3.69 225,976 1.12 1982 31,158(2) 3.50 1,067.%(M 1.85 10,375,300 2.66 231,256 1.00 1993 31,223(2) .21 1,090,353 1.25 10,591,701 2.09 233,506 .97 1984 32,251(3) 3.29 1,10D,777(3) 1.M 10,930,399 3.2D _ 235,74B(4) 1.39 Banes: (1) Lhiversi-ty of F3adda, Snm cf F=xn c." Hsiress Rye wch. (2) &uwd Qtrxy, f3arlda. (3) United 9tadt BXTW of (fines. (4) As of OtxQber 1, 19B4. ECONQ!!Y The City has been developed primarily for residential purposes. The majority of the population consists of retirees. The major employer in the City is Visual Graphics, Inc., which manufactures various types of equipment for office and business uses. This firm employs approximately 550 people and has offices located in many cities in the United States and abroad. There are over 16 commercial banking and savings and loan offices located Within the City. The land use plan adopted by Broward County and by the City provides for 5.09% of the total area of the City for industrial zoning. CITY OF TAMAxAAC. FLORIDA EU11DING PERMITS pplex and Aid. and Alter. Wal Wallar SLr& Family Miltifanay Fit Femdi Yam' a; mluetim Units wmtim wusdm 311rMm mil) 1974 331 $ 7,685,OA ' 199 $ 4640,000 $ 8,490,238 $ 2,172,W $20,%7,892 1975 62 1110,000 35 630,000 4,025,850 1,926,8DD 9,663,650 1976 119 5,508,655 74 2,797,568 2,585,000 1,784,212 12,675,435 1977 97 8,633,8B4 477 6,511,2D7 1,737,549 4,689,692 21,572,232 1978 255 11,875,720 360 9,648,63D 6,665,M 4,439,759 32,629,929 1979 216 9,893,579 476 12,791,664 4,872,548 6,025,260 33,583,051 M 142 6,385,241 30B 11,490,810 5,035,000 10,002,309 32,913,360 1981 12D 6,161,240 217 3,862,477 4,315,187 6,007,129 2D,417,033 1982 56 3,585,593 145 %684,210 2,868,309 7,672,741 19,810,853 1993 L% 8,640,345 519 15,478,289 16,5A,760 4,651,119 45,329,513 1954 64 4,878,232 60 13,283,72B 2,197,600 1,518,904 21,875,464 3xroe: Qty Bdld Tg B-2 1 1 BROWARD COUNTY AND OTHER AREAS PER CAPITA PERSONAL I1ICiWO) 1975-1983 United Broward County _ State of Florida States Year Ending Current Percent Percent Current Percent Current December 31, Dollars(2) of F1 of U.S. Dollars(2) of U.S. Dollars(2) 1975 $ 6,379 115.4% 109.2% $ 5,530 94.7% $ 5,842 1976 6,904 116.7 108.4 5,918 92.9 6,367 1977(3) 7,754 118.9 111.0 6,520 93.4 6,984 1978(3) 8,668 118.3 111.5 7,330 94.3 7,776 1979(3) 9,696 118.2 112.0 8,202 94.7 8,657 1980(3) 10,979 119.3 115.5 9,202 96.8 9,503 1981(3) 12,440 120.1 117.6 10,362 97.9 10,582 1982 13,091 120.0 117.9 10,907 98.3 11,100 1983 n/a n/a n/a 11,592 99.3 11,675 Sources: U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis, Unpublished data. Florida Statistical Abstract 1984, page 137. (1) Per capita amounts are based on a Place -of -Residence in the United States and the State and Counties of Florida. (2) Current dollars are actual dollars relating to the year in which they were spent, with no adjustment for inflation. (3) Data for 1977 through 1981 are revised. 1983 Median Household Effective Buying lncowe ("EBI-) Total Median Percents a of Households by EBI EBI Household $10,000- $20,000- $35,000 $50,000- (000) EBI $19,999 $34,999 $49,_999 and Over Broward County $ 13,188,329 23,815 25.2% 30.6% 16.8% 11.6% Florida 106,985,550 20,794 .27.4 29.4 13.9 8.70 Source: Sales and Marketing Management, 1984 Survey of Buying Power. Copyright 1984 - further reproduction prohibited. B-3 F] 1 1 BROWARD COUNTY AND FLORID& MEDIAN HOUSEHOLD EFFECTIVE BUYING INCOME 1977-1983 Change 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 1977-83 Broward County $13,798 $15,053 $16,977 $17,825 $19,904 $21,566 $23,815 72.6% Florida 12,106 13,173 14,915 15,359 21,301 19,007 20,794 71.8 Source: Sales and Marketing Management, 1984 Survey of Buying Power. Copyright 1984 - further reproduction prohibited. BROWARD COUNTY GROWTH FACTORS AND ECONOMIC INDICES Savings & Loan Association Savings Bank Deposits Total Auto Year Accounts (000) (000) Telephones(1) Registration(2) 1974 N/A $ 2,164,314 698,541 604,218 1975 $ 3,438,943 2,219,114 728,607 674,251 1976 4,245,215 2,125,663 772,536 781,058 1977 5,346,834 2,675,156 822,745 1,182,836(3) 1978 7,375,161 2,964,179 883,769 890,745 1979 7,375,161 3,168,114 916,741 876,474 1980 8,087,200 3,562,453 994,697 886,986 1981 8,430,797 3,529,554 1,039,165 920,085 1982 8,866,087 3,762,434 381,057 905,388 1983 10,323,236 5,262,970 405,674 957,810 1984 11,545,772 5,270,413 n/a 1,024,761 Sources: Savings Accounts - Federal Home Loan Bank Board; Florida Savings and Loan League; Bank Deposits - Florida Bankers Association, Orlando, Florida; Telephones - Southern Bell, Statistical Fore- cast; Auto Registrations - Motor Vehicle Registration, Broward County. (1) 1974 - 1981 Telephones leased. In 1982, Southern Bell broke away from AT&T. Figures for 1982 and 1983 represent number of telephone lines into residences, businesses, and include coin operation stations. (2) Florida Department of Highway Safety & Motor Vehicles. Includes State owned passenger cars. Fiscal years July 1 - June 30. (3) Change in State Law requiring registration during birth month. B-4 I 1 1 M COLLECTIONS AND REVENUE SHARI!!G Documentary Sales Tax Col- Gasoline Tax Stamp Tax Col- State Revenue Year lected (000) (1) Collected (1) lected (000) (1) Sharing (2) 1974 $ 123,895 $ 32,709,299 $ 11,733 $ 290,631 1975 121,604 32,289,831 8,362 326,015 1976 134,017 31,668,053 8,227 429,797 1977 159,239 34,082,942 10,308 594,950 1978 195,990 37,481,487 14,483 654,372 1979 229,619 40,001,003 18,061 697,848 1980 258,568 39,911,320 23,450 751,777 1981 285,905 38,326,472 25,782 808,840 1982 325,324 39,177,912 19,606 873,047 1983 370,685 40,910,942 21,027 865,572 1984 443,715 46,198,912 31,741 868,403 Source: Florida Department of Revenue. (1) Broward County. (2) City of Tamarac. Name Tamarac Hospital Corp. Inc. F 6 R Builders, Inc. Tom Glick City National Bank of Miami Woodland Golf Assoc. Inc. Tamarac Town Square Barnett Construction, Ltd. Tosha Investments Inc. Noranda - Devco Joint Venture Don Carter Hanes of Florida, Ltd. CITY OF TA ARAC, FLORIDA TEN LARGEST TAXPAYERS 1984 Type of Business Taxes Levied Percent of To- tal Taxes Levied Healthcare $31,632 1.72 Developers 17,353 .94 Individual 14,270 .76 Banking 11,386 .62 Country Club 9,802 .53 Shopping Center 7,978 .43 Shopping Center 7,179 .39 Shopping Center 6,614 .36 Shopping Center 5,864 .32 Bowling Lanes 4,820 .26 Source: City of Fort Lauderdale, Florida. The resident labor force in the County increased 63.1 percent between 1975 and 1984. Annualized unemployment rates for the County, the State and the nation can be seen in the table below. B-5 1 BROWABD COUNTY, FIARIDA, UNITED STATES LABOR FORCE AND UWEKPIATHM ESTIMATES 1975M-1984 Broward County Year Ended Civilian Unemployment Rates December 31, Labor Force(1) Broward County Florida United States 1975 342,312 12.8 9.7 7.8 1976 346,169 10.2 9.0 7.7 1977 378,074 7.4 7.0 7.0 1978 391,531 5.8 6.4 5.9 1979 405,774 4.5 6.0 5.8 1980 427,784 3.7 6.0 7.7 1981 435,000 5.3 6.8 9.8 1982 499,364 8.2 8.2 9.7 1983 512,859 7.2 8.6 9.6 1984* 542,751 4.8 6.1 7.0 (1) All numbers represent annual averages. * As of December - preliminary data. Source: Florida Department of Commerce, Division of Employment Security. EROVARD COUNTY MAJOR MANUFACTURING EMPLOYERS January 1, 1984 Number of Broward Employees Motorola (Paging Radio Equipment) Gould Systems Engineering Laboratories, Inc. (Computers, Digital) Modular Computer Systems Inc. (Electronic Computing Equipment) Bendia Air Transport -Avionics Division (The Bendix Corp.) Harris Computer Systems Division (Harris Corp. - Computers) Sensormatic Electronics Corp. (Electronic Surveillance Equipment) Glaxo Holdings, Ltd. (Glaxo, Inc. - Ethical Pharmaceuticals) Visual Graphics Corp. (Photostat Cameras and supplies) Westinghouse (Relay Instruments) Burroughs Corp. (Power Supplies) Source: 1983-84 Directory of Florida Industries, Florida Chamber of Commerce. B-6 2,500 1,350 1,240 850 850 650 572 554 535 525 Agriculture Contract Construction Manufacturing and Mining Transportation, Communica- tions and Utilities Wholesale, Retail and Trade Financial, Insurance & Real Estate Services and Miscellaneous Federal, State and Local Government Total Including All Others (1) Annual Averages. BROWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA X"LOYMENT BY INDUSTRY (FULL AND PART TIME)(1) 1980 1981 1982 1983 1984(2) 3,639 3,993 3,787 n/a n/a 32,233 31,699 25,526 26,200 32,675 41,229 42,799 41,219 43,100 44,128 16,695 17,897 18,359 18,300 21,365 101,431 107,457 107,040 112,400 116,893 29,430 31,678 32,481 34,000 33,084 78,544 81,353 84,678 95,400 102,484 43,650 45,564 43,452 50,600 49,684 347,549 362,660 360,020 380,000 404,687 (2) Second Quarter Data Averages. Source: U. S. Department of Commerce, Bureau of Economic Analysis. TRALWSPORTATION The City has a road system totalling approximately 122 miles including approximately 22 miles of divided roads. It has its own interchange of the Florida Sunshine State Parkway. U.S. Highway 441 also crosses the City. Furthermore, the City is located within 1 mile of Interstate 95, which runs along the entire eastern seaboard of the United States. Interstate 75, which extends to the western coast of Florida and continues north through Georgia, Tennessee, Kentucky and Michigan, is being developed south from the City of Tampa to the City of Miami. The proposed crossover from west to east will be south of Tamarac. The major east -west roads in the City are currently at least four lanes or are in the process of being widened to that width by the County. Adjacent to the eastern boundary of the City is the Fort Lauderdale Executive Airport, which provides modern facilities for executive aircraft. This airport has in excess of 200,000 takeoffs and landings per year and currently operates 24 hours a day. The City is approximately 10 miles from Fort Lauderdale -Hollywood International Airport. Port Everglades, located in Ft. Lauderdale, is the largest port on Florida's lower east coast. It is equipped to handle major ocean-going vessels, with outer channels 500 feet wide and a water depth of 45 feet. The turning basin depth in the port has been increased to 42 feet. A cold storage warehouse is now nearing completion. Office space is available and a bulk terminal for fertilizer is in the planning stage. Foreign Trade Zone Number 25, which encompasses a portion of Port Ever- glades, permits duty-free status to foreign goods arriving for assembly or storage and later trans -shipment to foreign markets. In the County fiscal year ended September 30, 1984, over 58 thousand tons of cargo were processed through the Foreign Trade Zone. B-7 1 n Ll EDUCATION The City has an Elementary, Middle and High School. There are four four-year colleges and universities in the County: Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University, which are public, and Nova University and Fort Lauderdale College, which are private. Florida Atlantic University and Florida International University are two of the nine universities in the Florida State University System. Nova University, with an overall enrollment of over 8,000 students, is the second largest independent university in Florida. Broward County Community College and Prospect Hall are the two two-year colleges in the County. SCHOOL ENROLUEM BHOWAYD COUNTY SCHOOL DISTQICr Fall of Year Students 1976 136,549 1977 137,350 1978 136,892 1979 135,313 1980 132,655 1981 127,637 1982 125,641 1983 125,374 1984 126,852 Pre -Kindergarten through 12th grade membership. Source: Division of Public School, MIS, Florida Department of Education. B-8 J APPENDIX D , 1985 (Form of Bond Counsel Opinion) City Council of the City of Tamarac Tamarac, Florida Ladies and Gentlemen: We have examined the Constitution and laws of the State of Florida, in- cluding Chapter 166, Florida Statutes, the Rome Rule Charter of the City of Tamarac and certified copies of the proceedings of the City Council of Tamarac, Florida (the "City"), including Resolution No. R-84-121 enacted on April 25, 1984 (the "Resolution"), a resolution adopted in furtherance thereof and other proofs submitted including the election proceedings, the validation proceedings and related proceedings of the City Council relative to the issuance and sale of the following described bonds (the "Series 1984 Bonds"): $8,000,000 City of Tamarac, llorida General obligation Bonds, (City Ball and Police Station) Series 1984 Dated , 1985 The Series 1984 Bonds bear interest payable on October 1, 1985, and semi- annually thereafter on April 1 and October 1 of each year at the interest rates, and mature on the dates and in the principal amounts, set forth in the following schedule: Principal Maturity Principal Maturit Date Principal Interest Date Principal (October 1) Amount Rate (October 1) Amount 1986 $140,000 1996 $360,000 1987 150,000 1997 400,000 1988 170,000 1998 440,000 1989 190,000 1999 480,000 1990 200,000 2000 530,000 1991 230,000 2001 580,000 1992 250,000 2002 640,000 1993 270,000 2003 710,000 1994 300,000 2004 780,000 1995 330,000 2005 850,000 Interest Rate The Series 1984 Bonds are fully registered as to both principal and in- terest as shown on the registration books of the Bond Registrar and are issu- able in the denomination of $5,000 each or any integral multiple thereof. D-1 City Council of City of Tamarac Tamarac, Florida , 1985 Page 2 The principal of, premium, if any, and the interest on the Series 1984 Bonds are payable in any coin or currency of the United States of America which on the respective dates of payment thereof is legal tender for the payment of public and private debts. Principal of and premiums, if any, on the Series 1984 Bonds are payable at the principal corporate trust office of the paying agent under the Resolution. Interest on the Series 1984 Bonds is payable by check or draft mailed to the registered owners thereof. The Series 1984 Bonds at the time outstanding which mature in the years 1986 to 1995, inclusive, shall not be subject to redemption prior to their stated dates of maturity. The Series 1984 Bonds maturing in the years 1996 to 2005, inclusive, may be redeemed prior to their respective maturities at the option of the County on and after October 1, 1995, as a whole at any time or in part on any interest payment date, in the inverse order of their stated maturities and by lot within a stated maturity, at the principal amount thereof and accrued interest to the date of redemption plus the following premiums expressed in percentages of the principal amount of the Series 1984 Bonds to be redeemed, if redeemed in the following periods. Period (both dates inclusive) Redemption Premium October 1, 1995 to September 30, 1997 3% October October 1, 1, 1997 2000 to September 30, 2000 to September 30, 2003 2% 1% October 1, 2003 and thereafter none Any such redemption, either as a whole or in part, may be made upon not less than thirty (30) days or more than sixty (60) days• prior notice as pro- vided in the Resolution. The Series 1984 Bonds have been issued under and pursuant to the constitution and laws of the State of Florida and in accor- dance with certain resolutions passed and adopted by the City Council of the City of Tamarac on January 25, 1984, March 20, 1984, April 25, 1984, and 1985. The Series 1984 Bonds were approved by the voters of the City of Tamarac in an election held on March 13, 1984 and validated pursuant to an Amended Validation Judgment dated August 6, 1984. In our opinion the above -described proceedings show lawful authority for the issuance and sale of the Series 1984 Bonds. We have examined executed Series 1984 Bond numbered 1. From such examination, we are of the opinion that: 1. The Series 1984 Bonds have been duly authorized and issued under the provisions of the Resolution for the purpose of paying all or part of the Cost of the Project (as defined in the Resolution). 2. The Series 1984 Bonds are valid and binding general obligations of the City payable from the levy of an ad valorem tax within the City and are se- cured by a pledge of the City`s full faith, credit and taxing power for the prompt payment of the principal, premium, if any, and interest as the same become due. D-2 1 City Council of City of Tamarac Tamarac, Florida , 1985 Page 3 3. The interest on the Series 1984 Bonds is, under existing statutes and judicial decisions, exempt from all present Federal income taxes and the Series 1984 Bonds and the income thereon are exempt from taxation under Florida law, except as to estate taxes and taxes imposed by Chapter 220, Florida Statutes, on interest, income or profits on debt obligations owned by corporations, as defined in said Chapter 220, Florida Statutes. Respectfully submitted, FINE JACOBSON SCHWARTZ NASH BLOCK 6 ENGLAND By 1-3