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City of Tamarac Resolution R-70-001
r RESOLUTION NO. 70 - 1 A RESOLUTION ESTABLISHING A MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE, APPOINTING CERTAIN PERSONS TO THE MAINTENANCE COMMITTEE, ESTABLISHING CRITERIA FOR COMPETITIVE BIDDING FOR LAWN MAINTENANCE SERVICE TO THE CITY INCLUDING PROCEDURES TO SAFEGUARD EFFICIENT OPERATION OF THE MAINTENANCE SYSTEM, REMOVING CONTROL AND RESPONSI- BILITY FROM THE CITY ADMINISTRATION, AND FOR OTHER PURPOSES. WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac is a city organized in the nature of a condominium wherein the city has accepted certain restrictions, buildings and maintenance obligations concerning the maintenance of the exterior of residential buildings within the City of Tamarac, including the mainten- ance of lawns for said residential buildings; and, WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tamarac has been advised that income and expenditures intended for maintenance functions should be separate and segregated from general city administrative functions and deems it wise and expedient to establish a maintenance committee to control, supervise and be responsible for the lawn maintenance function on all residences within the City and to remove the control, supervision and authority for lawn maintenance functions from the City administration; and, WHEREAS, the City Council further deems it wise and expedient to award a contract to a lawn maintenance company to perform lawn maintenance functions on residential buildings within the City of Tamarac in accordance with certain specifications established by the Council and to effectuate this end, the Council has established specifications for the receipt of competitive bids from lawn maintenance companies to perform maintenance functions within the City and has published said bids in a newspaper of general circu- lation in Broward County and, if said bids are otherwise acceptable, will instruct the appropriate city officials to i RESOLUTION NO. 70 - 1 (Continued) -2- • execute a contract with said company; now, therefore, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the control, supervision and authority for lawn maintenance functions on residential buildings and certain public areas, within the City of Tamarac shall be in a maintenance committee, designated and established by the Council, and, the responsibility for said functions shall be removed from the city adminis- tration. SECTION 2: A maintenance committee is hereby established and shall be composed of fifteen (15) members who shall serve at the pleasure of the council. The initial fifteen (15) members shall be in accordance with the list attached hereto and identified as Exhibit "A". SECTION 3: That the specifications for bidding on the maintenance of lawns, shrubs and sprinkler systems within the City of Tamarac, Florida, for a period of March 1, 1970 through February 28, 1971, established by the City Council at a workshop session and published in a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County, Florida, said specifications attached hereto and made a part hereof as if set forth in full herein and identified as Exhibit "B", be and they are hereby ratified and approved by this reso- lution. SECTION 4: The duties of the maintenance committee shall be the general supervision and control of the lawn main- tenance functions, including, but not necessarily limited to the section designated as "C" on Exhibit "B" attached hereto. The chairman of the maintenance committee, or his appointed designee, shall report to the Council at the first regular monthly meeting of any and all activity on the part of the committee. It is expressly understood that the committee shall have no power to bind the City of Tamarac to any con- tract, or to otherwise make any decision affecting the rights, • RESOLUTION NO. 70 - 1 (Continued) -3- duties or obligations of the City of Tamarac, without prior approval from the City Council, said approval to be in the form of a resolution. The maintenance committee shall re- ceive no compensation for services rendered. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 17th day of February, A.D., 1970. aoz4t MAYOR ATTEST: City Clerk [7 0 L ;j:t :/�/ -�4 /V �.rG..._ v�. /\r1 • C.'Y♦ rVG ) ....+v......v ^� .�...A. .:. .:�....:. Ni.:, l.i L-�vl� •_��'i i� ... li �c'w� .,V.J J`•% %� . rn 4� Ci.i'.L G .7 iiG .: 11 "-• � �'/-• ..\ v'� ' .:.lJ .. C...^ J lV •J i.i .a. �..t `. ' v C.L 2S, U.--J ).L :'':l ya�i^Ur :v,'jC. 1\'til 2, 6 th 2NG ^vsµ✓� 1 G1 T 5L: h � /J/,yl1�l u J :.S ;'rG—JG c:.: j i20 .'':.UG 56✓ -�vv 49 :,Drive rwl'iE:Vyv ��CiC 1h r i1 ii'� i/J ✓i ♦�. ::: w -,am V S i iC..: y j. / \� . L<1 J(,i i : 1. v r/ %Y l ricvrs�d Gar-ncr ar' P�yjw 1~:. ii am O-n J ; j .: :,�! TQc3 r/fG." :., Li.. ��-, •err Y li`�.n:. ' ... /^,-,— 7,/... �/ .•'�,, J r ,.,a i 7. Harold Bi..Zirlrls 07 50 `.V C3 L/�1arcr.Cc .. Gv_ ..G.r 1�y _ i �6 Hay Zr;h, U..Eir 1. 5 i/' U 7�',"Y� 'tCJ .-a.0 �. 5 (08 N'1! Ter Hob 1. Xi lty 571G :�.�r 65 S.iJ. / � 01 5"1l�U jG^.01 o1camSir.y 72_,z Harry Brown 7200 N, V, 57 "t 972--615 JfC/'C4, ;;011y LrIV0 �� ��-'"3:J✓� �,'OGc . 2h 2 Herman Sc.haclrrwn 591.5 Bluo B3Facn C.,. !... , / TPA vvi; 7' t 2.Orrad L iOw1. 620/ %h,^h.:l ;;0 7 a o 7; EXHIBIT A = (!,Initial 15 ,�to be chosen from above.) uun man—T 'a '4;V'Rm h I r :,n, - - 3 EXHIBIT B - �- - < 970 10 L_n. _- J y 7- :,"r 0 Z. - 0 C.0 V-,."VuM_ OL Lynn J.1a7.bin 0 14ombcr Z�P�;ci-fic at ion -10 Instructions for to I., � _L cl-ro & - covcring, _11C OU i�1U.ntuz;,11y o,;ttinV1%;Z0G,,_,,1_,L_ __ -by ho Oo--mlittee c jj-, j nooz, p o rz,. t c d 0 e.- h c-, - f o 1-0 -,� -n:? Od o,:) -n c or n In g r c a VC/ v a E o, I " - - :,.,. d A 1110W. i ad -id 112,aymontos" Wil! I -) n z; U n �,n a Lu,,,-, -p Z�u :1i B i ngil ai r C) c,,:. -'r, e >iucll UwEi:Y d ah v.L r, L o An o 3�7,.T' 40 E, 1, ko- '. . In my c.- being fully I1Rotiriz,,,O" U L 1.,v rdvi,,z;ry capacity and of"er only 11S,-,ypjc,, .ap--ci-fications. Final spocifications bCon sl,,7nod to an aictivc ]?Ir .,:rjd� lizocneed llngineor and follo".%-d 'Ing ,,hrou&li to b--1 d 1 ro t 0 Follol,,,Iing ea' ,, Gpo3jficD.t-,Or, % L L ,,Airing study by your Co-mmit"Ajec which �4. foec-L as out-ot"anding". I— Area Coverago,. Solect-Ion of largo t,,reas Vvlill realucO competitive blelding by sh:atting - Q'I ., cut the sinxller operator. aro Recreational ax,a maintenance. services t"') be included �,nd all modia Strips c,.xcluded, 2-- The type of "Bidding, must be decided "S to CD wether a "Lung Su-,rii BA.51C Bid"on a designated n-a-mbcr , pRICE existing homes., in, the, A Mplvit-h a "UNTIT On ver? 9 fo-r added advantageous than a ztrai��ht "Covox-all U1JIT MICE,' BID on an app.-oximate numbw, of-homoa within the Area Vhould the UNNIT BID 1-2,"r."OE be bazed on each (zinglo) Outt"61'19c -or on the basis of !v'r)11,TTHLY UNIT ppRICE re xd-A,.ti3ia of cuttino*G�3. 3-- Payments made to the dontractcr c�,n be on the b.,Ilsis of c,nce a month evonly proratod d:aring term of c,:,)ntri&Ot �j or pro-r"tcd ,zo as to refleb't the numbw of cutt'Ln.L-,S actually made during t-11ac mont.hj,zc11 as 1 in Dvo, and 3 in Juno. 4, The term of Contract is, most -important. A ohort for aprox.6 r, 7 Mol-lt�rls uP to cotobc-r 31cit-1970 ` WO Fall;' within the yc��w has the ndvan1L,$:,-,,go of t.-yinS 3u a PILOT !-P.Clj'�T viihich found un-6aU;3f4PtorY Vfould not be as binding a full Ye on the c)thr and short term Co-ntract could increcaae t-ho BID PRICE tHht-i't lrt) 11x irn i, w'i W, tFll) If "It o NO T'11�13 '1TION. TO B I D DM-i S. .o po C Sy a e, 0 for 44proxirplat-(a - ly ho m co lo c a t c d in 0 1 t y Tamp-ra.c , Sli.--- to� of 14!nn�Lo t---County of Broward, 1,if, 11 bc) r ec i o v o d by tola r 0 1 t y of T -, �m ac on or b o f o r � 0--c lock Li, on L I —lcV u 970 at tho Offc� Of 4-hz� City C 1 w k -In t.i o 0 1 t Y E*,�� 11 lo o -- tc, d ;s�t, D�- 10 0 Rock I an d Ro -- d . If -W h, a "Fr o Po 6 a -1L iv u, �i --'� t d t1r., cjn "U- h �: a c1dr o z s is P.0. B-30 �6- Tort Lauderdale FL�. tla- elate and p"'a-c haroln do-Jignal-cd the s eal ed bido ( pro vj- 1 1 be opened and read aloud. The envelope of thv ucalod 'U(Pooposall) mustj boar t:io B.-Iders name & addrass----date and tlmcj of opening, and the nature of 0. t-ho bid (propoLa:.). The City Council of tho City of Tlam�-ae reserves the right to reject any or azll bids (Pooposals) and walve any do-Locto. The spec ific ation 2 including , bidding form may be obtaincd at tho City Cl.mks offico -.11-ocated in the City 5100 Rock Island Road. Alternate proposals will be aceopted covering lawn maintenance consisting of Vass cutting-fcxt-alization and post controll includiA maintenance of sprink1cr, systcms . Also a proposal for 2'� lawn maintenanco only and izwink..'Lor system maintenance only. City Clwk--City of Tamarac. Date S*P*E*C *F*1*0 COMPLETE LAMN ILL-'UNT. ��NOL Cutting & 141.lrez.tmcntij olf Q-raLs Alternat�� L�,Bi SPIRINKLFR SSYSDiu Operation & 'Maintcnznce J%ltcrnato OBO OVOIALL LAVIN IfIAINMNANCE j%ND "11�1111N SPRINKLER SYSTEM MAINTE]MANCE'J' Cutting and 5;ro"-t:-,,ent of Grass operation & Maintenance INSTRUCTIONS FoR BIDDERS Alternate bid (proposal) will be, rccicved as stipulated In the "Notuice To Bidderd" and they City of Tamarac (owner) reserves the right to accept any of the three alternates proposed by any one Bidder under these specifications. Proposal forms which are part of these specifications must be used and only bids using this form will be acptcd.cc Any supplimuntal offers of conditions or propositions mist be kept soparato from the bid proper on the for-" provided. Any suppliment considwiLd by the City Council as being advantageous to the City may be included in tho "Contract Document" at the discression of the Council. Proposals must be filled In -in ink or typewritten. Prior to the submission of the proposal the Bidder shall make and shall be deemed to have made a complete and careful examination of the site of the project and familiarize himself of the work area coveragev-the operationa� features and the grass clippings disposal arrangement. Each proposal must bo accompaniod with a bid bond or a certified check on a local bank In the amount equal to 10% of the maximum bid price. Either check or bond shall be made payable to the City Of Tamarac, and shall bo forfeited by the Bidder in event he does not enter into Contract within 10 days after the official notification of the acceptance of proposal. Cheeks or bonds of un-succesful Biddrts will be promptly returned. The City Council reserves the right to review all bids for a period of at least turo weeks prior to accoptance. The successful Bidder will be recpiirod to furni&li a "Contractors Bond" (Performance Bond) on a form and with sureties satisfactory to the City of Tamarac (owner) .in a penal sum of not less than the Contract price. Should the sucessful Bidder refuse to -or fail to execute a Oontract and to furnish a satisfactory "Contractorz Bond" within the; cspcifiod 10 da o after z,*%-xd he sh'Ll forfeit his Bidders cort"Ified Mck. or bond. rp F 0,71Art O011171._0 rjRw • r"h, C 0 n tr ).c t o'n c, mat e'ly o -n C c to 1 3 1, 7 3 r4i.�7. 0' 17*1 c �d - V - yc;:�z, ':!L�. In ovent City of \;lzy i.n. cw,_'U-abli sh-? ng z� L;7_! m,--.!nt� n,',,.nce Contrf ct- by octobcr a 'n co'rl"" become o cvid,,',nt--thcn Contractor (biddw) zha1-.;';0 by w,.wittcn contin*Lo .aiiL� Con - for a per1od not tdo c;xcccd 30 d.-.yo 0c to bi+ 3' i 9 70 o is hz Goo tre— t or. tho UNIT , noir o -nd, Lxea tho pric,:� po2 i iL c o v r�I I- ' .1 c h m,not V caus� ur:,rc?entto be conAd,- �r_d cn a;a%. and llnvoici�✓Q' C�i� 'X4'�rap on 5L uniit- 2 EN T S -t Pa-ym-L,nt 't;o -�h�� b') T.a..do on C. nionthly upon ",�,ulbmilttal 01C invoici-�, n.ur,,bcL:, as woll as* tho, .i.liw tion o_," =a :�;yzotjcm�; during "u-ho mo'n",;h,or th,.zx(;o:",,'w('i'Lch wo Lin addition to unit,,.;,, o:'." 'Ojz� paid for on tho, b_Zii�� of the Cont�?z-nC-Wol-s Ijill L� P:ricc 2,0--, A;iddod Payment to tho Contractor wor1r. par for m.cd undQr, the "Basic Lump BidO will alsx) be madc on " monthly b..c;i� prorz;Ltod in prorpor tion.1 months cover cd by the Contrzot. Thy City o-f wLl- I .J-, V?"-" Z 0�6 "Y 0-a -9%), A of ez0h Monthly "nvo"_Lcr c� prioto complo� WioAn of the Contr..ct. Prior to final payrmont of the Contri��ct ;' i-Lu g �_ 1Z the Con trac lJor, no" di'n,he -. 10,Z with it ld. tho dontractor Gha,.11 tho 'City Of Tamarae in du p 1 _' c at o , a n I d a v i t ( I e i n w 5" 1 v w I w1h, -'[- c1a is izatisf"acfor y to v l w C;i-y 0- Tamarac to t-he off cct that all labor -matcrialz and appi-xa.tuo uzod on tho pro joct hai; boon paid In full by him, the Contractor. WIYETY The Con 'tv-r#,:.ctwo::% chrtll au c,li tuimE;s t,,?,he reasonable Precautions for tne, t!":."Cly Of tho, QM-0'-c � )YOCS on the work and of th,Public and -;-'Or the Protection of property and shall co,-;,�ply with all stwatc and mur_f%cipal safety 'Lalws & r'p,'ilations. Propcz'rty Insurance and wolzman compensation muot be provided ari roquillrcd by I.-V!, and satisfactory as to coverage amounts by the- City of Tamarn�c. InZ.Urancol' must not lapi &Lx-rg the term if Contz"ct. TH-6—Contra-toles (Bidder) ehall not any part of his con trzwt or Sub-Conlxacto any part thereo'_',w vji'tdhou, "U- the prior approval of The City Of Tari=-ac c.ond thus Surety --both in lrritwini3. SH2 11 L THe c�hal'! zc;ve, hzcarm-loz�a and Indemnify thC-ity of Tanaatac from any o.- all cla:Sms J su"L t d -,-Ap o c &:� din &-- -f3-- l4-h e� in f r in g em on t- o f ar, .77 patent or covci�.Ing cxiy cqulpm;nt ujod in Crhewoz�k. DI W R I 1vi I NAL T -1.0 N The Contractor ( 3J. d d cr. ) w.-IL 11 n of di sc I n z,:U- a n. ga I n s t achy employco or applicant for Dmploymcnt bc-cayse of race, creed,color or natural origin. EXTENSION TO 2441=0:E�SnR,� ",rND Each and a 1 of 'u-11(:, C o V C,n an -(j z and asr 0, em o I -U 0 co n t a -J'L n c a i r, -U h it: 12 f:.�i Z -X' 0 (-j ii t, r t:�4 , U- c f 'A' cc t rj d bv 1-0 h o a � a C, ,;; P tj a—, i c o of the propo------' tirzll oxtund and to be, binding u-',on thL3 succQo:�.;o:?L aoz--',zns, o--tho P4.rtio.-;, thcra",.o. .M 150 ELLAN AD U S SuffielkDnIj L and -d"cquato flr�;tj -ni"f' kits must be ziada avz�Li'ab"' 4-:, for -.11 employc-r,. JL d (,,, q V .4. - u at e safety and 'vovlk:ng toolo -trucIts c"tc. r1u3t be provided and by the Contractor. A:R",tA AND WORK TH—aBid.dor muu� t# includ�,in his bid ,rice: "-1-1 , tools-4 -Iny ,..-.r=d all otiaor nccessary urucicz;� nnach appliances and I L 4-lecessiary to peg^forr- thol ma-intonance ccrvico spccified in tho2s, specifications. SatisfzscCory laork and rocults Thall be Judged by City of Tzm-�:�cnc Area Superviry)l?s shall be thy; go-betweer, (Liason) for thy? Contractors field rcprescn"clve zi-nd they City of r2c;Linara-C City C.-Lcrk L acting in behalf of tic City Council members. Unsatis.-L'acfor y worls per formed by I'lhe, Contractor shall be judged In the field by a duly appointed represonativa of the Contractor -and City Of Tamarac. The area covcrage dsign.-tcd for the Bidders "Basic Bid" consists of mvA.Intonancac spool-'Ciod for Homes within the follow-ing dczcription of Basic Coverage,, :Moto-- Describe A,,,ezL CovoArago by City S3clv-ion-lot &- bloOlr, ii;.nd tipulotc nu.m.bor of existing hoi,,',es and i.nticipatcd added *,'.o.r;,,ws during period o-.L'-' contract. ;' I �bo o vlldu sect.-Iona.16. maps Wit I I o ILI t I i no s Of A:A CZ. Oovorage---"old sUme and bind into the opecification volume. 5 H E�-!' T The Biddor muLtj wit -'a hi�,�� b1d a 1,"Unit. ,;compodycovfrinn,-v.t for malntwa"-21) 0' rnnIL�i.-.eontact Such unit bid i s b-�� �,,d on z,. -I'LIxon]. o-;,' n(:;;a H. ,,-n .-,L n z.1 dr t o b e a ei 0' c A;-� - z- 0 o v cr a g o bo u n y for tlac be-f' -,01itngxpr ess piwpo zo o-tN-J. jngomp� -1d a. This on I Hora cj,Z4 ,1. s con sid, 4ir cld a f air estimate, an(:1 any in 'G'--10 final count �ltor the 4Un-1t Bldi;' AL"Ll?.NATE, ?tiJAOI B![D--- Under this hcadi-�,; t-.Ur, BLC7,1 -To�?m providoz for full --nd .1— in - -1-ho 1, laith Satl,ZfZ�CtorY CUU6 , c�� c, f U I rco and the lwan tr.atmcn-. a"--h fwt��.I�zc�r z�nd pos-�- control' .L ij -1 v -" v --. all In strict accordance witia the oz- i,fiC � k;.L o :, z provided hcrain.a'%.Izo Club i�.>u` . Cr tip;doni l Arc&G ALTERM-'�- E 11, 1 BID Under this hoading t:ao Ldl� ','orm provide for fU*11 r.,iaintonanco and opoi'atwion of al-1 la,,wn zy�-Ucmi; for the specified !'Bazicll number of homoo, "Unit", number of addod lhomos. ",*-,-,o C:Lu'b houo4D -Rcorca"Uon-al nu mb e ar ad -*,me-Lal7n ',Lw-inklor Syz;toms th;3 In addition to t`io 1 maintenance swvlco :hall i4ne-11-1da all distr-16bult-jion mzair.�; and all automatic v"-IveL.--clocks etc. ALTZRMATZ' 11011 BID Under this heading a, lum.p ,.,ur.,4 bid is offered including all designated laork covered by both Alter nat-e Bids, IIA" and qB11 0 CHOICE OF BID ALTZR"1jArm,;,',3. Une MY C70U-561�70 tha, (;Ilv-y of Tamar.,,c reocrve.s tho riF,r,ht to accept oit"hex n�ltcrnatcj ff,�4 or separately or a cove=r 11 comb -Motion of both under Alternate IQ 11 . Thc- B.-Ijd.der rx,,s"L' arr,44.nge his bid a-coordingly. 0 EXEN.iPTIONS Unifer Alterrl.-tc 'Slid "A;1411 tuh,v-m�aint'enanc rj sevvice covering fyrasscutting and treatment excludos all media strilpi; (B1oulev?,-es) In C It- y s t.- e e t 0 as well as -public Road o," Highway Rig- t-of-41ayL. The City of TazmarLto Public I'lorks Dept. must arz� angu for such Maintanzaice cxc"Ausive of this 81d Project. Under Altornate Bid OBIO the maintenance: servico covcr.lng -Aprinklr sy6tjomL excludos the maintenance of all pressure pumping unit"5 �,vit in the iiAroa Coverage". repairs, replacements, and operating expense Is to be born by the City Of 11amarza . EXHIBIT C DETAILED SPtIFICATIONS ALTMNATE "A" Lawn Muintenance. 0 Lawn Grass Cutting and Treatraont. 6 to Y_-L ? at-qg--O Established lawns as provided by the 4Developer" are of the 3t.Augustina Type, which may have more than one Variety which requires different cutting and treating requirements . The, Florida County Agricultural Agents Bulletins &over the care o - Southern--F,"Lorida grasses and—t-h—PISO Bulletins are to be the yard -stick in the Contractors (Bidders) mode of operation. The Bidder shall make an Area Coverage survey to fully acquaint himself with the type and varioty of all lawns in the Area Coverage prior to submitting his bid for maintenanco. Such survey shall also include existing requirement for lawn sod replacement necessaxy to bring all dead areas up to par with the surrounding e7ownig arears., such lawn sod replacement must be included In the Bidders Basic & Unit bid prices,, and replacements, whexe necessary shall continua throug�hout tho term of contract at which! time all lawns within tho Area Coverage must be without necessity of lawn cod roplao- am an t. I 'V 10WING EqUIPILIENT .111 mowing equipment must be kept In repair with sharp mowing blades leaving no frayed ends. The rowers miust be sufficiently heavy so as to ride tho earth contour and not float on the turf. Reel type mowers are to be used for gonoral mowing except for trim cuts around trees -bushes etc.and strt;clturcs such as houses and curbs. such trim cuto may be made with a rotary mower to allow for agility and closeness 4. to etrue tures. SHELT 5 0 6 BZHLBIT C CUTTING 11,77C�H11 C71? -,,cTl`,-,;�n —11oo In hc (21�' --tL 7, a s, L; -2,lu z , 4 t -a U- a or or sk'p--c'd gc�d mot."n r U XU I'l �j C,-L U z � 111'a �� t �-.O -,xx 2c, -ar L-ic'a b ol-CY z i c c. ri c -a t t i and in � v h,, i if C c d L' J n o a i� f amorgcncy o::- un�con-4oj-.Lod z�;,cto O naturo beyond la zo n, r C U n 4 S " 1 , � i -�, -� �j - "- C) topcd ez �i --- bo c o -n � 3 -O�at .- U s S L; to avoid una-,,�L, pdo,;n to L,. 2;1 Wa6 rho ck too 731atj. T iaz. o u t t, i, - �%z� , ,, tuh,3 roe' pry--u T "-W -L:L t� CL �.n d r c -� t a:,? y ut- p ,Eow k��r - -z Ic -ynchron4' Z;3 C;.. x.i vG loava a L; Cutti.ng 0 In t w L- ca t- i'-t-in Y..wto U U L t h e b - d p t c� o n 1- 1 i�,.o c;r z and 1C, h o r U c y 1-d L 4; on rotz�ry zu6,-'.- lb,,� az 21*' :[+r,om h,,-,�-d f lat E�ur GRIAY 5 S C "1, 111".11 as: rl l- 0 J-, an d r o Uy v N:Ii�o o� Q -Lk 0 ko be *fit t od rircj s c n, to h,-,r• it.! 1 oo L c u t I n c c.o- ,. g, j ul u U e t�; L L i h,,,Ir , cl ) a, U , .Liov; �-P or fi-rot -.-ine ccvcrn,,,,-.% the 100 • c u t t 4j. r. 1c, n cc o a. ary fo f - - J job. -1 a c h,-,,r o -LAi.L U j•-- not used on an approvQr type of (1,oin) -.,,uCz-,'U 'bo . Th-e pur-poce and inte�,,%t of complete ccLto.11-fng IS to avoid r,ar-tch .,,,,hich hindero watc-ring, 13rot-Cot-ion w�nd promotes fun[n c>U R u n n y n s the mow of , r op to e dly :E'Oom, tilt, bz.0-:i yard aro.-. to tho for dum-ping will not bo permitted S S1610h, rvill Cam;" L 1 0 0 -m Pac t -'L (�,n an d damaged F tj Ltoli�;n,,; c):? runncroa cstehi n2;L; (c i" ppi n� ,�i ri-,u st -b--, rem, ovcd by tho- Contrc.ctjor, in trucka. iron, points of depo�Jlt, on th.--, otreot; c,- othc-a,.,.Iizc, on the samo day a ; cutting), occiwL. Dc-p 3it- �o left ovwnitt:: car, irapcdc: ot cut dran- ur Lp - ;,) zn d c I o storm In ovcint o' uno"xpectcd rain. The Contractov diLvpo4;+r, of t1l.w clippings vt a dumping ho choozcs and bcj rospon6iblo for 3ucl3. dizpoo-al and cotv the rc;o-f, TRI'LUAING GI: EDGI!1,�G/ Tho ConlWacfor L; employonz; rnu�t extremo caution In tho uzc; of edgor,� confinod to edging str oot,, p a rkin g aroao sid,2walkz,curba ol"C. If used cl000 to structure W.-,Ilz oxtr, care mu bo taken not to ccar,inj'uro or diccolor tho stucco finJLoh. All gruBs and dirt dD.poAtcd on walk s-!�tr o� tu� i�nd parking aroma rru,,qt be -,,%,"rc?t clean by .11and or by vacum. EXHIBIT 0 a TRrMVIING OR mm I nu 'j Lx b contours T:;um'V' -3J, dccarc 20 from dzm I-, g-4 n -, the t.- L; x.nd o 1 � n 4 ,al f -,-, c,.:: -"C' ic.-.' aG to refral"n. f io w cr o . -or n..g must br; do no c; oun-'7' cu-L -Uiv,tod arcas- or trt,G,, ,;;!1ruD by c pr ' at c r. iow in macron c; ol, "J, wha V wl"114. not —z4lp `Cho gra.,,,o by runni.- - whcc I j low n to I avc'l • -I L Cuitiv--tod Maintac ,w.nc,,� Vito wit,hin uah. 11--Cd rc'!'zaoval-tr--v'. nc , t 1-a d C. a and/or (' 1-1 the b-"d 'Such woi11-. nmuu-LA bdcno on as pr i v to ,arranScz,-;:;n*c Conl .q for a.nd llo-no-ovvncr. Such pr-',v--to by Contrz�.clucor not Impood, C;-f Go. tr""C"U-Od' if oo, tho :nu-v ongage addcd holp QUO do -%jh'L;L ty.00 o'2' Sprinkl,'Z' ho--�,do b�L, as P�t of t.ho E;ra:�z by of a 4;a.-14.'WabL� too' or ap�ratu-� h an d o:L -1 L MUNNIMUM GRASS CUTTT'1,`1TG The p u r pzo z; 0, and - I n t- c., n " of L- , a j j c u , U- tw i r; g 4-, r. d- trea'U-mc,nt Co -tract- i� "ko Z,a'Otain for tie Honac-owncr a neat,well igloo mods`", post froo, The contractor 6hall ,::pply 1ii;:� prof osalona,"2- In decidin.F)* wh,,n g!--- �.s cutting, za.nd peat con roll is requ-'rcd un.de..- tevm.s of -*U-hi--- spo,clficat.-a.on. To the City of Tar-noxac and sine hor.r;o-ovincoz a ctandaxd of main't"Onan3o Procoeduro tiiL follo%,vinT rainiraum. Inter veils 01, C) graos cutt-ing-, -fort-alixation �,nd pwst con troll, is hereby spoo'-fied. Sn ng June --Aplil cc Mc".-, 5 -u t- 1 0 June' 3 cut-tings '-up '11111c),�r."h:;—July ��ptembc,.---July & AUKUZU 5 So-o-tozabor 2 F.all November 3 DQc-c,ai"bcv, 1 J,,,-,nua�ry Fobi;,.rary 4; re.h, kvcvago for full px mont-141, (Note) Sod rc.place-mont- to to© the dis-crc,,-,sIon Of the Contractor for -woper tim-In'c,• 0 0 EXHIBIT C 0 i,"ERTALIZATION OF 7\7D 1H ? l The C o n tr ac -Wor -- '! -1 n c.0 c; � y 14. ,'jx r , tools, and ol;hcr apparal;us ncoz�;sa3Fj"-for ,;�doquato --nd appllcLion Of an V.Pprovcd 'U1-ypo,&?adQ :=,11 "n--'1.*,;-a46.i�'-1 of .i -,,'Candard mako of lc'wn f or tali zer. typo, i-2�,,y 1� cit-hcr p,1-1,11i;t or and murt, b;.� wv�'J:? sn y ✓p. x u in a ctandawd approved manner. `the � :ppiiczt--Aon pc-x, LcjcLzro foot aiuolv- b-,, prescribed by tho Tho 4%.nc.lysio be at loast 6-6-be C..nd 0 ;�c, or C= 10 1'7 --I C) d 0 roquiroz.-ont of c t, z'L n, vzx-sou;�i combinat- - ions ot'hcr �,!i,4,n c� b-6-C', a�i el ter, nod by h c 1'y o rl �" 0 vl- 0 la,marac, Cl:ch rnu�;- L- m the 0 or. tr ";.c tj W and coverca ft�llly -Jn az; BTID. No 3,,�,?ring and Pc�ll T;-'u-;�V- bQ f u r n I ga,) d " d �- -p� d b y C o n ac o r , 5. s, I g"L,'1 t variance in tho dc-lu-�jo o-f apj-llict�tj�Ion can 3ccul�- t ;D 110 CL t �L C) n to wc-atacv cond', tion a, h,-j 17 o'v A..'&E" -P- must be mado 15101h. -,-nd ",'Pli:L 15,61n. Uo Fall applic4" 001-uw.z.c�.n 5th. &- Oct bi:�r 5t'- Two full and. of lw,'- f��.,r-uallzer .k� A. do -L '. I L must be In tho bid 1,7)vlco, both basic and by unit. PIESTICIDE-TREATIM147,1 T OP AND, Q'I:LTB 1-DOUSEL J. Sn. al Y EL�O:F Th-e-Contractor- r. - 3 S Cr equipment and ot-hor app,.,xatuo to .-pply In an appi'-ovod manner and aroa covcr"—,o ncco--.&::Lry to provido rca:;on,:bio controll of all typ(Ds o.-.�' lavurn graas postj d��trlrnont-al to the contlnuijd hod .,.!-Loh End of turf. The used must ba in aocore.,:�,nc;o v;--'Lch tho Florida i?L,-.,icultrlal Agonts Bulletin 1,,nd In such lawn pests roquix-co, -Iavorn -,oel V.'hich coot 12 also included in the Con tr--Ctorsi B:-sic Bid and Unit 2,Ld Set datos *fc.- of Lire to bCj flexible howover tho raini,-num i;1-Lall be at loaoto once por month. Samploo o--!' the spry oc,]Lution may bo col'.'Acctuwd and analyzed by The ".',I".-y Of Taus xac If docrr'.od ncco6u,:ccy. Adoqua,ta caro mrazt bo tahcn by the contractor to properly viarn all resiellonts,in the Wway area, ac to tho calf'otoy of closod windowocloth,> on linos etc. I z 6-4 1 121 ?1 T E EXHI B# C , ". - . - m, — �,- �, - , , I � T S�R -� "'. i:-117� v � , i , � % ALTERNATE "B" � �; -:� !�'l .L.;�; Under thl; (bid(I-Qr) Y S r c pa, ! r s a n el c.]. I L furnish al]'. --Izb3r OUPP-L P t h �-; r "G, y p tw z o -P,3 x9zr, t u s n cc s � y tee k e o, p a lawnprn-r it. roa cveag-,in io,ho, i v -L. U. - Tai s ine ludc , ; c 1 1 k e g c o r. ei � all distrLbution Paains !�?om prcs4;uro purripoy to all 1nd4vid=-- the: u -p k e e D cx cc- z=, 6 o c saw t- for s a t i G -.L' ac to v y c pc r a t.0 o of all automatic, This main te.n.1-,no� LczvLoo o!xclude�,,;. T.,Iainten"nc(�, operation .-nd f0i? th"w c1cclur"ii L.- exi-Ivc-, prosv.zriyf )Umpz; �y,-,tz)m watc;r und�- higi pr o s our o, AL 11 under gr o r, v p � _*',r s n c 3 k� ---, o, y -fo r la, p k on or leaking supply li 1 nu (all incluEcd'-) mu��t lb�a handlod c.,:,��rjZcnoy rcqurinE; .11:amediatc rcpzz,]Lr so as to avoid flOodin,', -ZOO;OrOpCrty L.rd In m;UUnS undam&^o--.nld --opa-'ro cvwtion be tia1con to prevont t-ho, oicc- Lccon4lxoll the under E;roBend =.inz :,'rom boingr dam-..gcd. of All excavationz rccuL,:�d for undQ.-Lrc,----,d, mains mu.,,,"v- bo donlz� In, a and all L-od rc ult.-Ing room settlomc�nt of �Jackf.JA.11 s im l i by brought- up to the surrounding c1cvation. I --l' �aL- i n. k.AL c v h c., z : d c must bo ad1ju.,,tod to the gpound l0vol by using-- propr:-.,- riser nippla lungthL., spray nozzolz Lzc;pt- cl,,"-,n and in viorking order. Type �i of nozzolp, shall be such as to jprovid� maximum sprinh.2.cr covc�ag-- and repl,;,ccd whw�L, nee :,,d�;d to obtain such covor-ago. Sprinklnr system on the media strips zxf., to be operated by the City of T-InaarQo ane., maint-fincd .by the City Public lvll'orks Dept. Timm automatically op°rating- tuh4 sprinzler or systems within the t!rea co,,,,�Tago must bo rogulz-.,tad to maintain con3tant watering periods cmd re -set for corn t following timing powo.- :supply U outajgcs. ALTERNATE 'IC" A 001,21,11%,ID IV —SIC a UINIT BID 0OVEIiINN BO T, ALT:21NAT'!w BIDS wIM 11B11 Noto—The City of rz-swvea th4� right 16 to accept any one of ziaa tarce altuernatoze, 4�.o well "t,, rejllct any oa' ".161 lb.Idz,and waivit any .;w bid clef i;ctip. n 'D �AD No to --Due to the cOnc ("n Ls t1ao 0 nio -,,I L ac relative to the final w-L.) o ' _,,,T ",,a In t c,,n. ki I w a. U as Well as '44-o what COVJi:114 GE' w--'Lli bo colootod --- tlac: drz�LtinS of a proposed BID h"berm lac;ld up- hovevcr a a_amr,].�L BID FORS is o f f cv G d. la, I t h z,- c) na o b i n d i n C a t, "L 7he bid form MUST 3Z U-_7,2;,D B,,,' Y AS ITS TH12' ONLY 'Li 0 COMIPAIRE AND ZV.,k�,,TZiLT2 T.-I-1.2, BESL BID. ME BiD FORM 15 P.'UiT 0? IHE SPZjIFIGATIONTS AND IMIUST R21 .1N, Pi LT OF T1,1Z BID UN -ATTACHED MOM 4iN'Y BID .TOT E'NT11-Z2D ON THE BID FORM 311D Sn, m o 0 o n t-,, ac to r Will if not contaJncd-,offor tLtiL- cWn viwLion of how to opo�ato. Such uncontrolled bidding can '.7LQ.,,d instcad Of, -i"C"I'Lolving tho Ownora desires. SHOULD A CONM AC TOR TO JIT A. 31D.I.E, O.'L,.LPi,'1 IN T"772 ,;'ORm O-V His pgi.Sow.,i, PPLLZ��"", 1:4 BID" ) ST Ti F TZq 31] 4.4 au (jC I A. 00 N SID U10Q, BY TH7P, 0 1 TY) ALS 'X %DD '10 TH .2 V.;ILU a-, OF THE BA 131-0 BID AND UPON LEZ_-1:JVIC 2 BE -LINO ORPORTAT',O, IN THI-1], CON ra;L,,�C T IF THE BIDD1i;13 SJPPLI:vl!_: T 13 30 02,PERLD, ,ZID P.ROPLLY 5I(.1N2D BY THE S124F, PjLRTYS TUT ST(�2 E BA.510' BID , D, r L T 5 23A Y I T 3 THE OPTION OP THE 00 :11."ny To 0 c),DLi o.R R W ! rO T sUo 11i ,31jPPLL4'ZNr,-, WI TROUT IMPAIRING THE VAUj EA 0 F COINIPETI TION, . ON THE FOLLOWING SHEET 4 SUGGII]STE-1) (Sample) BID 5iR1"4 Is OFFMED WHICH IS BASED ON A FICTIIOU NU�LdB OT H02LES AND FRIC ES. SHIEIZIA, 10 3.h P 1 D) D 1-L'is ,�LT:,YiNIATF, -4AVI L. VIN it is Proposod by ti�--, Official nai-"g n-.Ldc'wi' h-L7 Ito zs to r, .,iachin cry, truc:cs ar.C. for -411-10 lawn, r,,,"ntcnancIn 'Lne dt,;Lcr4Lbt.-;,d,anj, in c,)mip I I an c e w I 4h th C , :OL�-r y h 04ty 0 Il LO J. � . 4 . - - LO �P.L.J. i. ..,�maraa *" r "'awn ma.", n c; v-'c,�� an c', ma Pcx ' o f "" �; 3' d. for the 'Lump Tum ai; -i-'*a";; folnt-'L to provide the it Is proposod, und.::- Lipw�clfied zervicaL In t1n.c -1/ 451 �.L U- Lawn3l,regcxdloss of �;Izo, and Club 11ousc "tco.-c--tion Area LzLwnia all for a lump sum bid, known a, thc; BasLo Bid, in the amount of.,� "I or propo s�;d t prov1d,,� thQ same z;.o cc 4 fiod "Homc., L�1� 11 It is further 0 -L.L service to Include anticipatcd "New homcs to bo con struc ted, during the tc;r:"r Jjlf' Con trazlk; vltthin tuht; prcwrib�d cl CY 'Wre,-, Coverage" for a UINT I I 'Ll I. �R 1 104 EE� o -1' $1 — Q It In furthor pato,d;, thzut this, bid acw Inclu(loj all costs Involved in turn'shim (Preformanco B311d-) .� a Contractor.-, Bond in the full airzuAnt of -t,,ho tzta` �,:,rrcg W , - ag,. ato bld pr-".C(--,. R17,,spec tfu".Illy 7ubrn1,tutod 4- U nld(llord Name 'Ple, 0 ; I d e n to