HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-70-032CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION # Im WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Tamarac provides that the City Council may by Resolution set pro- cedure and guidelines for the functioning of the Municipal Government, and WHEREAS, the City Council is now desirous of setting such guidelines and procedure. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL of the City of Tamarac, Florida. 1. Time of Council Meetings: Regular, Workshop and Special Meetings of the City Council shall be held at those times provided for by Ordinance. Special Meetings of the Council should only be called when deemed necessary. 2. Council Workshop Meetings: The purpose of these meetings is to provide a time at which the Council will discuss those items which appear on its Workshop Agenda. A. Should the Council determine or feel that it is necessary to have a report or a contribution made by any individual or group, a request for same should be made prior to the meeting and a presentation should then be had. B. No item should appear before the Council at a Workshop Meeting unless it is ready for final presen- tation or for final action by the Council. C. The Council may not take any official action on any matter at a Workshop Meeting. D. The Council should only consider those matters or items which have been properly placed before it by its appearance on the Workshop Agenda. E. Items which are ready for Council action should be moved, upon the motion of any Councilman, onto the next or any subsequent regular meeting agenda. - 1 - F. The City Attorney should have prepared for Workshop Meetings Resolutions and Ordinances on particu- lar Agenda items which are so indicated for such action. Should an item appear on the Agenda for discussion, upon completion of discussion and its being moved onto a Regular Meeting Agenda, the City Attorney should be instructed to prepare the necessary Resolution or Ordinance. G. Items that appear on Workshop Agendas may be moved upon the motion of any one Councilman to a subse- quent Regular Meeting Agenda if ready for final action, to a subsequent Workshop Agenda if further investigation or discussion is necessary, tabled indefinitely, moved off the Agenda if no additional discussion or action is required, or moved onto the City Clerk's Agenda list to be re -presented at a subsequent Workshop Meeting when ready for additional discussion or action. 3. Regular Council Meetings: The Council shall, at Regular Meetings, take official action either by Ordinance, Resolution or Motion upon items that are before it. A. As a general rule items will come before the Council at Regular Meetings after having been reviewed at a Workshop and being placed upon a Regular Meeting Agenda. Generally, Regular Meetings are not for the purpose of intense discussion nor investigation as to items before the Council. Investigation Etc. should be handled at Workshop Meetings. B. A majority (3) Members of the Council shall constitute a quorum. The affirmative vote of three Members of the Council shall be necessary to pass any Ordinance, Resolution or Motion. 4. Ordinances: All enactments of a permanent and general nature shall be enacted by the passage of an Ordinance. All enactments of a penal nature, or providing for the im- position of a penalty for the violation thereof shall be by - 2 - Ordinance. All acts required to be by Ordinance by the terms of the Charter shall be by Ordinance. 5. Resolutions: All enactments of a temporary or special nature shall be enacted by the adoption of a Resolution, unless otherwise specified or directed by law. All enactments required to be by Resolution under the terms of the Charter shall be by Resolution. 6. Motions: Action by the City Council not re- quired to be by Ordinance or Resolution shall be effectuated upon the Motion of a Councilman and passage thereof. 7. Action upon Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions: A. Ordinances: Items appearing upon the Agenda for passage of an Ordinance upon first reading shall be handled in the following manner: i. The Agenda item shall be read by the Chairman of the Meeting and then said Chairman shall request the City Attorney to read the prepared Ordinance. ii. Any Councilman, at that time, may make a motion for the passage of said Ordinance. No second is required to such a motion. iii. Upon such a motion the Chairman shall ask for discussion from the Council. If a specific contri- bution by any individual other than a Councilman is deemed necessary, the Chairman may then recognize such individual. iv. At the end of discussion, or if there be none, the Chairman shall ask the City Clerk to take a roll call vote of the Council Members. V. After first reading, as aforesaid, an Ordinance may be read for the second and third time either at a subsequent Meeting of the Council or at the same Meeting. vi.V,;t Should a Council Member deem it necessary to have more than one reading of the Ordinance at any Meeting, he shall make a motion for unanimous consent of the Council 3 - Members present to read the Ordinance, by title only (if so requested and there not being any substantial changes between first, second or third readings). Should there be unanimous consent of the Council an Ordinance may be read on second and third readings at the same Meeting as its first reading. vii. After such unanimous consent, the Chair- man of the Meeting shall instruct the City Attorney to read the Ordinance (by title only) on second reading. viii. Upon motion for passage by any Council Member, the Chairman of the Meeting shall ask for any dis- cussion from the Council. ix. After discussion, or should there be none, the Chairman will then instruct the City Clerk to call the roll for a vote on the Ordinance. X. The third reading of an Ordinance shall be pursuant to the same procedure outlined for second reading of an Ordinance. xi. Should an Ordinance come before the Council for second or third reading at a Meeting subsequent to the first reading, the same procedure shall be followed for second and third readings as hereinabove outlined. B. Resolutions: i. The Chairman of the Meeting shall read the Agenda item and request the City Attorney to read the pre- pared Resolution. ii. Upon its reading, the Chairman shall ask for a motion for passage of the Resolution. iii. Upon such a motion the Chairman shall ask for discussion from the Council. If a specific contribution by any individual other than a Councilman, is deemed necessary, the Chairman may then recognize such individual. iv. At the end of discussion, or if there be none, the Chairman shall ask the City Clerk to take a roll call vote of the Council Members. - 4 - C. Motions: Any action that comes before the Council which requires a motion shall be handled by a motion being made by any Council Member, being seconded by another Council Member, and having discussion on same thereafter. The Chairman shall then request the City Clerk to call the roll for a vote upon the motion. D. To pass, a Resolution, Ordinance or Motion must be supported by at least three affirmative votes of the Members of the Council. E. The Chairman of the Meeting should vote last. F. The general policy of the Council should be one that discourages the passage of an Ordinance on all three readings at one Meeting. This does not mean that such procedure is not authorized; however, better policy would dictate that an Ordinance should be read and passed upon in at least two regular Council Meetings. 8. Agendas: An Agenda shall be prepared for each Workshop Meeting of the Council and for each Regular Meeting of the Council. A. The Agenda should indicate in a list form the items which will be presented to the Council for action. The type of action that is requested by the Council should be indicated upon the Agenda next to each item, i.e., "Ordinance", "Resolution", "Motion" or "Council Discussion". B. The City Clerk is authorized to be responsible for the preparation of each Council Agenda. C. Each Agenda shall be approved by the Chair- man of the Meeting for which the Agenda is prepared before being presented to the Council. D. The items to appear on an Agenda should be those items moved onto an Agenda from a previous Workshop or Regular Meeting, those items requested to be placed upon the Agenda by any Council Member, and those items placed upon the Agenda at the request of the City Clerk. Should the public wish a particular item to appear on the Council Agenda, it will be necessary that the request be placed on the Agenda through one of the Council Members or by filing a request with - 5 - the City Clerk. E. Before placing an item on the Agenda, the City Clerk will make a determination as to whether or not such item is both proper and ready for Council discussion and/or action. Items which are not ready for Council dis- cussion and/or action should be placed by the City Clerk on a pending Agenda list and should be directed to the proper person, Committee or Board for additional work before being placed upon a Council Agenda. F. Basic Council Agendas should be prepared prior to 3:00 P.M. on the Thursday preceding the Tuesday Meeting for which said Agenda shall be effective. Additional Agenda items may, in the discretion of the City Clerk, be placed upon the basic Agenda at any time after the 3:00 P.M. deadline. Each basic Agenda should be prepared and ready for distribution by 12:00 Noon on the day following the 3:00 P.M. Thursday deadline. G. Agendas should include items which have been moved onto it from prior Meetings, including but not limited to the second and third readings of Ordinances. H. The City Clerk shall keep a copy of all Ordinances, Resolutions, Agendas and minutes in a place that is available and accessible to anyone that might request to see same during regular office hours at City Hall. 9. Requests to Speak: The general public may request to speak on any item appearing on an Agenda. A. Such a request must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk prior to 10:00 A.M. on the date scheduled for the Meeting. B. Said request shall be written upon a form to be provided by the City Clerk and shall include an indication of the Agenda item, the name and address of the person making request. C. A request to speak on any item added to the Agenda after the aforementioned 10:00 A.M. deadline must be 6 - • made to the City Clerk prior to the start of the Council Meeting. D. The purpose of an individual requesting to speak upon an Agenda item should be to add or contribute some- thing which will be constructive and helpful to the Council in its deliberation and decision -making procedure. The public is requested not to request to speak on every item on the Agenda without having a specific and constructive contribution to make whether or not said contribution is pro or con to a specific Agenda item. The public is advised that their con- tributions should be limited to subject matter that is generally helpful to the Council and is of a general nature. The public should not attempt to use this time to air personal problems. The public is encouraged to express its views to the individual Council Members outside of Council Meetings, and request that the Council Members consider their views when making its decision. Personal problems as pertains to individuals should be taken up with the City Clerk outside of Council Meetings. E. The City Clerk shall compile a list of those persons requesting to speak on particular Agenda items and shall provide same to the Chairman of the Meeting. The Chairman of the Meeting is authorized to recognize those persons who have requested in writing to speak, after the Council Members have finished their discussion and before going on to the next Agenda item. Generally, the Chairman is authorized to limit public contributions in this manner to two minutes per person, per item. 10. Public Discussion: A. At the end of each Regular Council Meeting there shall be a public discussion period which shall take place after the entire Regular Agenda is completed and the Council Members have had an opportunity to voice any additional discussions they deem necessary. - 7 - i. Each person of the general public wishing to be recognized during the public discussion period may be recognized by the Chairman of the Meeting. ii. Each individual recognized should gen- erally be given two minutes to voice his contribution. iii. The Chairman of the Meeting is authorized to curtail the contribution of an individual if it is determined that said contribution is out of order. iv. No person shall be recognized who shall be attempting to voice a personal problem, nor shall any person be recognized who is attempting to discuss Agenda items which have already been acted upon by the Council. V. Only one individual shall be authorized and recognized to speak at any one time. B. There shall be no provision for general public discussion either during or at the end of Council Workshop Meetings. 11. Any individual recognized to speak at any Council Meeting shall identify himself by name, address, section number, and representative title or capacity. 12. Appointment of Committees And Boards: A. Only those Committees or Boards deemed neces- sary to investigate or deemed necessary to carry out, implement or aid the Council in the performance of its functions should be appointed. B. Bodies created that are to be of a permanent nature should be designated as Boards and bodies created that are to be of a temporary nature should be designated as Committees. C. Committees and Boards shall be created, dis- solved or suspended by Resolution of the City Council. D. The City Council may, by Resolution, appoint a Committee or Board Chairman and Committee or Board Members. If the Council shall fail to appoint Members, it shall be the function of the Chairman to select his Members. E. The Mayor for just cause, may, pending of- ficial Council action, temporarily suspend the functions of any - 8 -- Committee or Board, suspend Committee or Board Chairmen and suspend any Committee or Board Member. F. The City Clerk may appoint individuals or Committees he deems necessary to aid or advise him in the per- formance of his duties. G. All Committees or Boards shall serve at the pleasure of the City Council. 13. Committee and Board Reports: All Committee and Board Reports will generally be submitted in writing to the City Clerk. The City Clerk in turn shall distribute copies of said Reports to the Council Members. Unless specifically re- quested by Council Members, Committee and Board Reports shall not be made at either Workshop or Regular Council Meetings. 14. Personal Comments and/or Complaints: Any person having a problem, comment and/or complaint that is of a personal nature or of a general nature is requested to submit same in writing upon a form to be provided by the City Clerk which shall be available at all times in City Hall. Said forms shall also be available for distribution to individual sections. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk to process all such forms and channel them to the proper person, Committee, Board or Depart- ment for necessary action. ATTEST: ll TY CLERK PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of 1970. MAYOR QU' �01­61-'? - 9