HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-70-055CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION N0.1LJ WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Tamarac provides procedure for the preparation and adoption of a budget and ad valorem taxes or millage upon taxable property within the City of Tamarac, and WHEREAS, the City Clerk has heretofore presented a budget message and a recommended annual budget to the Council for the ensuing fiscal year beginning November 1, 1970, and WHEREAS, heretofore the Council has received said budget message and recommended annual budget for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1970, and has reviewed same at numerous regular and workshop meetings, and WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore adopted by resolution a tentative budget,and WHEREAS, the City Council has heretofore by resolution had said tentative budget published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City along with a notice of public hearing on said tentative budget,and WHEREAS, not sooner than seven days after said publication public hearing has been held on said tentative budget, and WHEREAS, at said public hearing on tentative budget the public was present, copies of said tentative budget were available and were distributed to members of the public wishing to review same, and requests to speak and comments on said tentative budget were honored and received and reviewed by the City Council, and WHEREAS,the City Council received and reviewed said recommendations and comments by the public and has deemed it necessary and proper in view of same to amend and make certain changes in the aforesaid tentative budget, and WHEREAS, the Charter of the City of Tamarac authorizes the City Council to set by resolution a levy upon taxable property within the corporate limits of the City, that it deems necessary in order to raise such sums as may be necessary for the operation of and for public purposes of the City, and WHEREAS the Council is now desirous of adopting an annual budget for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1970, and adopting, approving and otherwise setting a levy upon taxable property within the corporate limits of the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL of the City of Tamarac, Florida: 1. That the annual budget of estimated expenses and receipts for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1970, as set forth in Schediule A attached hereto and made a part hereof as fully as if set forth herein, be and the same is hereby adopted and approved by the Council of the City of Tamarac as the budget of the City of Tamarac of the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1970. 2. That in accordance with the needs and requirements for the estimated operation for the fiscal year November 1, 1970, there is hereby levied upon all taxable real and personal property in the City of Tamarac, except that property exempted under the Constitution and other laws of the State of Florida, a tax of four (4) mills on each dollar of assessed valuation, for the year beginning January 1, 1970 and ending December 31, 1970, for the benefit of the City of Tamarac. 3. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to certify the annual budget for the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1970, and the taxes set herein upon taxable property within the corporate limits of the City in the amount of four (4) mills on each dollar of assessed valuation for the year beginning January 1, 1970 and ending December 31, 1970. Furthermore the City Clerk is hereby authorized and instructed to forward - 2 - to the tax collector of Broward County acting as the tax collector for the City of Tamarac a certified copy of this Resolution. 4. The City Clerk is authorized and instructed to keep a certified copy of this Resolution and the budget and tax levy provided for herein in the permanent files of the City of Tamarac. 5. The City Clerk is hereby instructed to reproduce sufficient copies of this budget so that same will be available for the use of all officers, departments and agencies and for the use of interested persons and civic organizations during the fiscal year beginning November 1, 1970. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this c q4-)--�_ day of Lo' 2� 1970. - 3 - A N N UAL B U D G E T 9 7 1 CITY OF TAMARAC STATE OF FLORIDA GENERAL FUND BUDG?IET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENOTNG OCTOBE R 31, 1971 ANTICIPATED REVENUES 321 Building Permits 322 Occupational Licenses 323 Beverage Licenses 314 Cigarette Tax 362e1 Garbage Franchise 36-2,3 Florida Power and Light 7,(2,�4 Telephone !2„� Water Franchise 7,3 Municipal Park' n- Lot 71,? Law Enforcement Maintenance Ad7mi nistration J11 Ad Valorem Taxes APPROPRIATIONS General and Administrative Police Department Public Works Department Building Department Municipal Court - 1 - $ 216,000. 40,000. 1,000. 12,000. 20,000. 40,000. 2)000. 2,000. 750. 47,000. 51.9955. 198,279. $ 630,904. $ 244,712. 190,054. 117,916. 71,233. $ 630,984. CITY OF TAMA RAC STATE OF FLOPII?A C F I`? E R T_, FTI I' D BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31. 1.97� ACTUAL 9 MONTHS PROPOSED BUDGET ENDED FOR 7/31/70 1970-71 u15�1 Salaries Y 32,474 $ 57,264. �> Payroll Takes i51390. 27600. Legal 85986. 21i6 000. - ' Accomnting - Audit__n7 2,765. SAW. . at; J Engi_nneri_ng 1,200. lj(}()r i' cf WiWw�&s Cori penC `' w. - r-t T L M r . • Billing Service c,.c?.._ _s 7,325. 131550, ,71 _. W? (repairs and iflaint._wC_wC,-'_ 327. 1,000. ,13 Auto Expenses 497. 11000. o ): Printing - Stationery 11090. 1,500. J5 Councilmen Allowance 2,365. 6,000. -15 Insurance C,491 11000. -17 • r T i_ Ilospi_tali.ZaLi on and Life isurar ce w 927. 00 Legal Advertising 54. .1.<000. jq Dues and Subscription 239. 500. Conri.nued ne :t page -- a _ City of Tamarac State of Florida General Fund Budget for Fiscal Year of 1.970-71 General, and Administrative -1-"'reakdown cont-'d. ACTUAL 9 11,11ONTI-11S 211ROPOS'E'D 1)A'JDCTFT; D F0 10 7/31/70 1970-71 *20 Rent - City -0- .21 Office Equipment and Furniture $ 1'084. 1,650. 222 Installment Payment on Radio Equipment 6,601. 2,863. Accounts Payable For the iscal. Year Ended 1969-70 9 7M. Cont-in.gency Resenie 77,21.5. NIOTE: Balances due on water and seG.;er bills received covering the ficcal year ended October 31, 19702 amount to $1233120. It is r-.,ntic4,-pnf-.ed that this debt will be repaid out of funds made availabl.e 't-hroi7,h any increases in the iTlticinated revenue and also fr*01-,"' contingency funds when available. - 3 - CITY OF TA,?,jAMC • STATE OF FLORIDA GENTEPAL FUND BUD ET F02, THE FISCAL YEAR E;lDlh,'(- or, )2R3, 9M'71 GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE SALARIES C'ItY Add in4-strator Of-fice llpna,,"Dr--r - Bookkeeper -n-, Clerk t P, 0 0 7 k e ep e r oecretary e c re a r,17 J- Cler-k - 4 - 12,000. 7,901+. 6,500. 5,980. 5,720. 5,720. 55,200. 4,1420. A 1 14 - 2 0 . 57.864. CITY OF TAMAIZAC STATE OF FLORIDA GENERAL FUN6 BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ~ENDING OCJ'OBi;.Z 31 1971 PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT SALARIES Supervisor ( 30% of his Salary ) Foreman Helper Helper Helper Helper Helper - 5 - $ 2,488. 6,921. 6,006. 6,006. 6)006. 6,006. 006. $ 39,439. CITY OF TAMAMC STATE OF FLORIDA POLICE DEPARTMENT T ,11jill"I'T FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 31, 1-971 APPROPRIATIONS Salaries Uniforms 'Ind Clothing Communication System Maintenance Clti ^ c e xnenses and Sunplies l 1),jr�,-, Subscription, and emberships (1(7, er 7-,menses T,liscellaneous r7 l.uto Tires A and 0; 17, r) P rl rl r) rf" e n t d,_1 C L I SerViCeS minting Snecial Ser-vices S sl-mplies p e C Travel $ 138,745. 2,300. 200. 1,200. 1,00. 15500. 15700. 4,950. 9)1,32. 2,000. 1,000. 15000. 200. 15500. 1-00. continued next page ------- - 6 - CITY OF TA!,V-k RAC STATE OF FLORIDA SIC! DE \TSEKT - CO7TI\O7jO 222SST FOR THE FISCAL YENZ . APPROPRIATIONS - CONTINUED \22J2 . Maintenance Contracts ) 623. :Zy E2pendable Tools and Supplies 200. dedical Services 800. \ Equipment Rentals . 600. ° '17 enni g and Housekeeping Supplies 75. .07 2o02 ( Emergency ) 30. :2? Qw2rvime 59600. Capital Outlay . 970. d Life Insurance g§, . pj ?aloe 3 =rent $nsvrance 375. j\ Social Security Twes . §,GJI, ,?\ ?Dz ien's Cwpensation insurance 21457. . '02 Tnsu wince on Reptal Cars ( & ) 2,053. ,71 rospitalization V 275. \, Telephone and TelegraQ \ HMO. - 7 CITY OF TAMARAC STATE OF FLORIDA GENERAL MINM 3UDGLT FOR THE FISCAL YEAR 31. l 971 POLICE DEPARTIfi "�TT 11 Chief Captain Desk Sergeant Dispatcher -Patrolman Sergeants - 4 Patrolmen - 9 Part Time Personnel_ Dispatcher - 1 - 3 - $ 9,834. 9,1.37. 3,975. 7,307. 33,711_. 67, 911.. 2,500. 43 7 0 . r CITY OF Ttl-1AP-kC STATE OF FLORIDA GENEP ^,L FUND P'Ji3LI C 6O --D T' ., 7TS�'�T Vh 1 17,7 01 Salaries and Wages $ 39,439. 02 Payroll Taxes Workmen's Compensation Insurance 603. 01 T Hospitalization and Life Insurance Street Markers and Suns 7 500, �5 Ids Road 'Main'-enance 1.?_ S 000 . e7 Sunolies IS Truck Expenses 750. g Canal Maintenance 1-5�000a 030 Insurance 02? Mosquito Control 2,000. +fit Gas and Oil - o a? 3 Parking Lot ?.?r i00. Street Lighting jr. Fountain Maintenance 2_.000. of � P�ii lam• -" `�,`� C<�?nal L'quipTnent ='�- 9 CITY 07 T R2 C STATE OF FLORIDA CE22i ± T -T Ri \2G 5E ?E >,7 52SSET FOR TEE FISCAL Y222 2:§i \ G C20222 31 1§7\ \>2�2 Salaries .2 97/oT{ Taxes r/ 2o22cen`S Compensation :\ GZ2ice Sngpl'es \,to Espenses r2 Sisc§1laneooG EZoenseg :§ 2oSni%aJiza%ion and Life Tnsuyan=e § 61,112. 2,59§. 635. 1=50g, 2,000. . 2,OGG. 2 71.292, CITY OF TAMARrC STATE OF FLORIDA F UIT ND BUDGET FOR,, TIIE FISCAL YE,'-- '- 31. 'IIITTLT)TT'r' DEPAPM,11,'I'T S13-LA RT E S 4 J-Idl-n-rl, Tnspector- Ch'i-e-E T Tecf:rical Inspector_ Ins-pect-0,-- 7 -,A - (3:1 n rl Si) e c to 2 incr,2ctor Tn,-oec'c-_or A rl c3,* f- ---nm7 T nnoector -o 1970-71 Clerk Build�ll- Licensc $ 8,736. 190. 7, 0 nl LS" . 7, 09(r)) 7,093. 6 2P,-O. 5,733. e2 07 14 65 �5 07 18 CITY OF TAMARAC STATE OF FLORIDA GENERAL FUND BUDGET FOR THE FISCAL YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31., 1971 ALLOCATION OF GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE TO MAINTENANCE Postage 1,250. Salaries $ 24,502. Payroll Taxes 1,200. Legal 5,000. Accounting and Auditing 45000. Engineering --- Utilities 3,000. Workmen's Compensation 39. Office Supplies 2,250. Miscellaneous Office Expenses 1,500. Billing Service Charges 6,750. Repairs and Maintenance 500. Auto Expenses 250. Printing - Stationery 750. Councilmen Expenses --- Insurance 500. Hospitalization and Life Insurance, 464. Legal Advertising Dues and Subscriptions --- Rent - City Hall --- $ 51,955. -13 - CITY 07 TI T WATER,) S7 727 D T U'D 7 T 0 7 T -1 -7 T Q�- T , 0(-,fo S T Tl,'-,, i A TD V Al,,7TCTPI--T2D RTEVEFUE Sections East of St -ate Road #441 1-32,626. -cc lliai-nl,�-nds 1.56 623. .�7 and �,,70odl(all(IS 0 3 6 373.290. r: r- T, ce�eJ 7 L2 n d "T o 0 c c, n a 1 (1, s G on c cos« Ro the C - J4 - CITY OF TAMARAC STATE OF FLORIDA WATER AND SEWER FUND _ B_UDGET FOR THE FTCAT YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1971 SECTIONS EAST OF STATE ROAD #441 REVENUES [eater $ 44,505. Sewer 88,121. Y 132,626. APPROPRIATIONS �327.16 Expenses ( Sewer Plant ) S 88,679. .17 Water Purchases 43,947. BUDGET FOR FISCAL THE YEAR ENDING OCTOBER 31, 1971 SECTIONS - MAINLANDS #1 - #5 REVENUES Water $ 93,514. Sewer 632114. $ 156,62€3. APPROPRIATIONS 142,20 Water Purchases $ 91,2.00. c2, Sewer Costs 63,114. c22 Administrative Expenses 21314. $ 156,_628. APPROPRIATIONS