HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-70-062• CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION # P WHEREAS, Robert R. Trachsel and Geraldine Janice Trachsel, his wife, and R. J. Bienema and Patricia J. Bienema, his wife, are the owners of certain property within the City of Tamarac, and WHEREAS, a portion of said property is that which comprises a part of the entrance way to the Mainlands of Tamarac, and WHEREAS, the aforementioned have offered to convey said portion of said property to the City of Tamarac for municipal purposes, and WHEREAS, said portion of said property is conducive to use for municipal purposes, and WHEREAS,said conveyance is subject to reverter to the grantors should the City fail to use same for municipal purposes, and WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac is now desirous of accepting said conveyance in the form of a warranty deed. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE City of Tamarac, Florida: 1. That the City of Tamarac hereby accepts the conveyance of those lands by warranty deed, a copy of which is attached hereto and made a part hereof, from Robert R. Trachsel and Geraldine Janice Trachsel, his wife, and R. J. Bienema and Patricia J. Bienema, his wife, to the City of Tamarac. 2. It is recognized that said lands contain a possibility of reverter to the grantors should the City of Tamarac fail to use same for municipal purposes. 3. That the City Clerk is hereby instructed to record that certain warranty deed evidencing the above conveyance, copy of which is attached hereto. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 4- day of November, 1970. S T : _.. _r_ MAYOR t 1 E Printed for l,awyerel' Title Guaranty Fund, Orlando, Florida I'llis instrulncnt was prcparc'd }>y: a e I William F. Leonard .1 the Law (urea of COLEMAN, LEONARD, I' �ORRISOII & RIDDLE NOAn da 1 y MCA (SIATUI4RY FORM - SECTION 689.02 F.S.) �'"lrr l.nu°cl(i,nl.►�., FLORIDA 33306 0:if}iaillilrIttllrr, Made this '� It, day of August 19 70 . L(rIairm ROBERT R. TRACHSEL and GERALDINE JANICE TRACHSEL, his wife, and R. J. BIENEMA and PATRICIA J. BIENEMA, his wife, of the County of Broward , State of Florida CITY OF TAMARAC, a municipal corporation, whose host office address is 5000 Rock Island Road, Tamarac, Florida of the County of Broward , Stztte of Florida , grantor*, and , grantee", lVitIlr1113011, That said 91•alntor, for and in consideration of the snin of — — — — — - — — — — — — — TEN AND 00/100 ($10.00) — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — — 1h111ars. :111c1 other food and valuable considerations to said grantor in hand Imid by said grautcc, the receipt whereof is helebv acknow)cdged, leas grantcd, barl;aincd :111d sold to the said grantee, and grautee's heirs and assigns fcurver, tic ful- lowing described land, situate, lying and being in Broward County, Florida, to -wit: PARCEL ffl: The West three (3) feet of the South Eighteen (18) feet of the North Forty (40) feet of Parcel "C" of THE MAINLANDS OF TAMARAC LAKES, ac- cording to the plat thereof, as recorded in Plat Book 64, page 1, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida. PARCEL1-2: A portion of Tract 8 of Section 13, Township 49 South, Range 41 Fast, according to the plat of FORT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS, as recorded in Plat Book 4, Page 31, of the Public Records of Broward County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: COMMENCE at the Southwest corner of said Tract 8; thence S-890 15'42" - E, along the South line thereof 413,39 feet to the Point of Beginning of this description; thence continue!; S-890 15' 42" - E, along the last described line, 84.16 feet to a point located on the arc of a circular curve to the left, whose radius point bears N-190 24' 09" - E, from said point; thence Westerly and Northerly, along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 1007.93 feet, an arc distance of 244.20 feet to a point; thence S-330 17' 02" - W, 30 feet((�le saille to a ointNlgocatteed on and said grantor does herchy fully warrant the title to said land, and will defem tfO�I��nsd�t�c-laws 1I clailliSIDE) of all persons whomsoever. a "Grantor" and "grantee" are used for singular or plural, as context requires. 31n Mitnnn TRIjerrLif, Grantor has hereunto set grantor's hand and seal the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in our presence: (Seal) RDLei;t , R . TracFisel - !/ ' r � Q���' - t •l e-.,. rfi� J�ic �:>..�! ._._;_1'i..-- � ALL � _ �^_ f __— _(Seal) i ! Gea Yee Janice Trachsel ren�eama � - _ Patricia J. l��nema STATE E OF FLORIDA COOINI'Y OF BROWARD I 111%'1U:l3Y CE10'11� Y that on this day before me, an officer duly qualified to take acknowledgments, personally appeared ROBERT R. TRACHSEL and GERALDINE JANICE TRACHSEL, his wife, to me known to he the person s describwd in and who executed the foregoing instrument and acknowledged before me that t hcy executed the same. 'u WITNESS any hand aid official seal ill the County and State last aforesaid this � � day of August 1970 My commission expires: Notary Public lLOLia7 i �i:i:, L . Flit ccaP:1d1: .1 AT 1,F,'Cl' L D+ "CRIPTTON t.� arc of a circula ;; -��e to the left; thence :,,asterly and Southerly, along the arc of said curve having a radius of 1037.93 feet, an arc_ O istance of 17.1.69 feet to the Point of Beginning. in the event the above -described lands should cease to be used for municipal purposes, same shall revert to the Grantors herein; it bc_�ing expressly understood that said lands are being conveyed to the Grantee for the sole and exclusive use as and for municipal purposes. STATE OF WISCONSIN ) COUNTY OF GREEN ) SS.: I HEREBY CERTIFY that on this day, before me, an officer duly authorized in the State aforesaid and in the County aforesaid to take acknowledgments, personally appeared R. J. BIE14ZMA and PATRICIA J. BIENEMA, his wife, to me known to be the persons described in and who executed the foregoing instrument) and they acknowledged before me that they executed the same. WITNT� S my hand and official seal in the County and State lost aforesaid this day of August, 1970. i NOTA PUBLIC My Commission Expires:!% �-