HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-77-142Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. 2 2, 5, - - -7- - ---i WU er M a n u e- n D 01 S *I- r ic#f ..: POST OFFICE BOX V.VVEST PALM BEACH,FLORIDA, 33402 TELEPHONE 3C��►-S�f> ! ..P..Y R._. Eu TO , 7426-404-RJ �_ • ,.;:�' March. 11 1977 t - -77-17) Mr . Ed. Cross., city Manager City Qi�. 1.a:_ a�'ac - ,� Re: Right of Flay • Secondary channels 5 o s.1. Ni. W : 8 8 th Avenue County c i B r oward. Tar arac , Florida 33321 W? = •,�? r= u�st for the release of the canal resarvations on a parcel of land vih3: h may possibly aff ct ..a ex T:.~sn or proposed works. under. jurisdiction os your office. The land involved is described as follows: SEE DESCRIPTION ATTACKED HERETO AND 1ADE A PART HEREOF T , ► . I . F o Deed No. 16198 dated December 24, 1908, Deed Book 46 Page 240 - Law-rers Title Insurance Corporation c jo Broward Count Title P � y' , P. 0. Boy: 11413, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33339 • Sec :i.on 5, Tox ship 49 South., Range 41 East .his 'unnecea;=. r daiays in processing these r? nests may create a bards .ip on tra rcpar ,; o vner or d-1.0.1 _ oiler o,tee I ; Grce� of hand your earliest cons•de Goon is reques zd. * - FailFaill L, e to a s? tliis of11ce withfin thirty (30) days from the dates of t7n s lacier W_ y result m the canal. res. e :moons c � ng released vwithout fustier notice. Verb truly yours, •• M Edward A. k1elley, Adm.. t Ais. Read. 'Est�e� Hla�. ._ _ _... _ ...._....-. cc: Mr. J. Stanley Weedon :Y-! DECAL DESCRIPTION A. portion of Tract 32 FLORIDAFRUIT LANDS COMPANY SUBDIVISION NO* 2 of Section 5, Toxmshi. 49 South Range l as t i P � g 4 E as recorded xn Plat Book 1 Page 102 , of the Public i.c Records of Palm' Beach Count l.or ' a County, Florida,,, , beingamore pAr ticu.larly described as follows: Conmenc ing at the Southeast corner of said Nor Section 5 , thence N 0 ° l0 j 05 �� West on an assume . d bearing., along the East line of Secti on 5; a distance of 3245.93 feet; thence due West a distance of 1767.Q8 feet to. the Point of Beginning. of this description and. a ' g P point on the Forth Right--of--Way line of N. W. 77th Street- thence c . , ontznue due • West along the last described line and alon th.e North Ri. h.t--of--Wa g g y l ine of N.hT. 77th Street, a distance of 205.67 feet • thence* due �-orth a distance of 200,00 feet; thence due East a distance of 200..00 feet to a point located on the West Ri ht--of-Ijav line of ��T 88th ✓ lr� w Avenue and. on the are of a circular curve to the left Ng avin a radi �.s of 21.06.00 feet and whose radius point bears North 82 ° 17' 01" East., from the last described point; thence Southerly along the arc of said cur-�.� - Y g s �- •�e and along the West Right--of--Way line of N. W. 88th Avenue a distance of 172.25 feet to -a point of reverse. curve • thence Southerly and lges terl.y-, along the arc of a circular curve, to the right g t, having . a ra.dilas of 25 feet, an arc distance of 44.68 feet to the Point of z r r s ' •. e n an.d.s __s �t *ate, lying and being in Bro yard Cent _.x..zz y 1 -, 3 -. 226