HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-77-163Proposed by: � a` i�m ((JP,�(7�`F/2 Introduced by: 47 Cl O) Llln 1)Z41L4LJ CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION / Z--* Temp . # �(� A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR AND THE CITY MANAGER TO ENTER INTO AN AGREEMENT WITH BROWARD COUNTY PROVIDING FOR WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY PERSONNEL OF THE BROWARD COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE' DATE . WHEREAS, its City Council has the City of Tamarac, by and through requested assistance of the Broward County Department of Transportation for and lateral drainage pipe, and installation of catch basin WHEREAS, Broward County has necessary work at a cost substantially would have to pay County assistance.,., if the work were and the resources to do the less than. the City to be performed without WHEREAS, Broward County has assisting Cities with such work subject its expenses by the City, and adopted a policy of to reimbursement of WHEREAS, the City of Tamarac desires to enter into an Agreement with Broward County providing for the work to be performed by personnel of the Broward County Department of Transportation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC: SECTION l: That the Mayor and the City..-... Manager be and they are herebyauthorized and directed to enter into an E v7� 1 j,., ,� w x_ . __ Agreement with Broward County, hereto and made part hereof, a copy of which is attached SECTION 2: That the work to be performed would be the installation of a catch basin on the west side of University Drive at approximately Northwest 76th Street and construction of a lateral drainage pipe across University Drive tying into existing catch basin and drainage system flowing easterly on 76th Street. SECTION 3: This Resolution becomes effective immediately upon its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED thist of 1977. ATTEST: I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness s of this RESOLUTION f� M. GEMM Wo RECORD OF t VOTE V/M H. MASSARO G/Nil- M. WEI =; E RGER C/M I. M. DIS'I~I"ILLY C/M M. KLIKA -2- f 213 • a i A G R E E M E N T ■ PROVIDING FOR. WORK TO BE PERFORMED BY PERSONNEL Or THE BROWARD COUNTY ": OF TRANSPORTATION i v 214 i 4 • ARTICLE 1 PREAMBLE In order to establish the background, context and frame of reference for this � Agreement and to generally express the objectives and intentions of the respective parties herein, the following statements , representations and explanations shall be accepted as predicates for the undertakings and com- mitments included within the provisions which follow and may be relied upon by the parties as essential elements of the mutual considerations upon which this Agreement is based. 1.2 CITY, by and through its City Council has requested as- sistance of the Broward County Department of Transporta- tion for inst allat ion of catch basin and lateral drainage pipe. Broward County has the resources to do the necessary work at a cost substantially less than the CITY would have to pay if the work were to be performed without COUNTY as- sistance. &flay-ef-age 1s4-iRg--Cam.-tzi-ez -dry--tire-(1.3 deleted per: GC Farm #18-3 8/20/76 -3- Is • 4 • 9 A G R E E M E N T Providing For Work to be Performed By Personnel of the Broward County Department of Transportation KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: That BROW ARD COU T TY, a Body Corporate and Politic, and a Political Subdivision of the State of Florida, hereinafter referred to simol�� as COt�''ITY, through its Board of County Com�riis s ioners , elude its successors and assigns, AND The City of Tamr.ra.c Lion of the State of Florida, CITY. which term shall in - a munJ cipa.� cor-oora.-- hereinafter referred to simply as W I T N E S S. E T H, that, for and in consideration of the mutual terms and conditions, promises, covenants and pa�-- ments hereinaf ter set forth, follows : GC Form #18-2 8/20/76 COUNTY and CITY hereby agree as _2- No Text 10 ARTICJF 2 DEFINITIONS AND !DENTIFICATIONS For the purposes of this Agreement and the various cove-- runts , conditions, terms and provisions which f ailo��, , the D:-- -�I HONS a�:d IDENTIFICATIONS set forth below are Assumed too be true and correct and are they of ore agreed upon by the 2.1 2,2 3 COUNTY Browa.rd County, a Body Corporate and Politic, .1'olitical Subdivision of the State of Florida. CITY. City of Tamarac withwithi n the State of Florida . WORK and a a municipal corporation (To be completed in detail for each project.) Install a catch basin on the west side of University Drive at a pp ro �r ima.t� ely Northwest 7 F Street and cons-t ruct a. la. L e ra_l drainage pipe across University Drive and tie into e��.st ing catch basin and drainage system flowing easterly on 75 Street. Foam #'J 8-4 8/20 70" 4-- . No Text i� . � 1 • A T I C L E J i `1.\ 1 E "D 3. 7 Uu`;rl Y agrees to �erfGrr:i tie �';0RK as def snecl in Article 2. 3 of this 11reerzt. 3 - L C0U:,% lY aR,rE'eS tO spec^p 2"eCGI'C�S o: itG.tL &.I COS is i, pc;l`_ fa��:.i,�a tl:e and shall ra�e suc,� records avaii able uO C; I r" Y upon request, 3. 3 CITY agrees to indemnify, defend, save * and ' old harr:Ll ::ss i. )e COUIT ?'Y f ro], L41 a-d against all liabilities , j udar�.en is , cos �.s , dar:ar;es , expenses and attcrne}-s' fees for personal injuries, property ual1). ae or for loss off lire 01- rG� ert � p 3 rest ltin., from or in any i.uy connected with the 1'ORK ex::ert A. liability for personal injuries, property damsaes or Ions of. ! ife or property caused by an act of cor���. * ion or om-.; ssion of -i-he COUINTY, its agents , contractors or employees. In .:addition, durin_o the term of this aareememt, CITY agrees iO Ii4 inta n at i is omi expense witx7 an insurance company gut ori Led to do business in the S t« to of Florida an i.?�s1._:r �tI1C0 �)O� LC}' cotiTeri:.a l.iabil.i ty for cia�.� es on. accou� t a� Do "ily injury or death r esuiti n therc�frcr, to any pG�•son b ceasor ef. the COUNTY IS perforrmance of the 'OR K. Such l i�ty insurance polio}r sha 11 na;;,e the COLjNTY as an c�., "-iondl insm eCL c.:.cl shall be car reed in hie aml.ot:P.;. inc- i c ated on t]`c certificate of insurc-i nce at tac1.ed to t1l=� s agr �,,cmen t �=rid r,-", I a part hereof, CC FoS t f „ ,. _. _ _ �„ .� . - t -.. - �. r r _ w i _� -4 7, r7' 7 1 v � T C-I 0 A T� T , ) M1_ m+ncr r-d go tIldocunirApocI anu i a - CI s 0 _r Un t i 0 1 - I S c o r e s p o n 1. co v c r s a tu i c) �-J. s e e e n a n (a n ccw b 1 o t 3-ri Ca t t e],.- s c. t h c:) paruir_',s agree th('-It th­ C-1r*e no co7m.1-n to _reemen e, T underst.andings t-f-le sub-' e--c,1'- this Ac­ree- tj CD - A n this d,�- c c o r d nc-I-r .1. m rat -I t 1**.,, a t a r e n o t- c-,, c n t.c-_ , ,L- r � 71) L..O s a cr r e e d t h a n c) t 0 t be p-T.-;ed3l.tea. ued up; '­,).-L'1.cti� y P'r 7 - 4- *,v7h --It, n oral or ifurth,17-'---- no i a 62 LDnamer),di,,tent- c ICI-Ie c o ian r� h n h a I b e tn_ f f e t i v u n G c o n a d vit zp� cumpnt -I - with the and cic _A. (J_ A f Q nc:.ecuted it y h eo with - EXECUTION h-0e In 1 0 _17 n c o u n e Jrs p a r I; s h h mad�E�- at)ICI T. 11� T F."O S S "��I H 0 e_cl C 11C UL CI t h- C V No Text signature: BROWARD COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMIS. STONERS, signing by and through its authorized to execute same by e"*) J La'al 1 Lw2q1rqw"_qwP1q�19 and ATTEST: Chairman , Board action on the day of COUNTY County Administrator and Ex- Officio Clerk of the Board of County Commissioners of Broward County, Florida ATTEZ'T :. City, Manager City Cler, GC Form #18--7 8/20/76 • CITY, w 7- M f of the same ,gh i t s SSIONERS. �. C,ha. man 6.L_, 9. This document prepared by Office of General Counsel for Broward County , Florida BETTY LYNN LEE, General Counsel Room 248, Courthouse Fort Lauderdale, Florida. 33301 By Assistant General Counsel CITY OF By Acting -Mayor 30th day of September l k• 15 77 r t aIt 0