HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-77-209Introduced by: /� � �i�1 Temp. # 920 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R:�1:17-09 A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE EXECUTION OF THE DEVELOPER'S AGREEMENT WITH TAMARAC UTILITIES COVERING THE CITY OF TAMARAC RECREATION PARK FOR CENTRAL WATER & SEWER SERVICES. WHEREAS, Tamarac Utilities, Inc. has submitted for approval two copies of a Developer's Agreement covering the City of Tamarac Recreation Park, and WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tamarac wishes to approve the signing of said agreement with Tamarac Utilities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the City Council hereby approves the execution of the Developer's Agreement with Tamarac Utilities covering the City of Tamarac Recreation Park for central water & sewer services. SECTION 2: That the appropriate City Officials are hereby authorized to execute this agreement. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this „'"day of 1977. ATTEST.* �CIT LtRK ��— RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE Mnvoa W. F,°,_ca �,..., I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION. C�11 CITY ATTORNEY V/M V1. rol;1� RO mom C/M I. M. D111SRAELLY C/M M. KL(KA �, I Page is too large to OCR. No Text .. -.I Other Charges r.n.w.���rrrrw Meter Installation Fee: Based on l" Meter requirement - Deposit Requirements: 1" Meter Based on 1" Meter Service - Water - $32.00 Sewer - 35,00 Total = $150.00 = $67,00 Payment provisions on the above two .items: in advance of meter installation. Inspection Fee: 2% of water and sewer improvement cost (minimum -charge $100) . In, ,Witness )WTheri;�of , Developer and Service Company have executed this agreement 'on e.day of 1977.. WiViness As ,to. Dewelo er 0 Witness As to Service Company By41 . TAMARAC UTILITIES, INC. By. ri Richard B . ShapircU Vice President & General Manager mb [J kv4* to ASSOGIA�l t I\!' Q0.1 0 consulting civil and environmental engineers plannere a land surveyors aerial and construction photo surveyors a land development consultants tt " EXHIBIT A SKETCH a At3op S FOR LEAP £rIZ95N ! NO US t i`1C� N Y- 00/ 00 Ll SCALE: i' zoo' r DESCR [ PT I Oil : . Nr ID N Q POO PO5F. p 5.1 lip ;a Di m � I � N tJ N > Ct Z • . r..lr . 11.a07. COMM &.hJCF.=ME!W7r A portion of FORT LAUDERDALE TRUCK FARMS SUBDIVISION of Section 4 Ran < <� �... � � _ Township 4 9 South-9 41 1*ast, as recorded �n Plat Book 4, Page 31, of the Public [Records .- _. o r I r�ua t d County, Florida, being more particularly described as follows: t Coomrriorlc- i ng at- 1-h(3 S'ou•t-heiist corner of said Section 4; thence N 00' 12' 16" W a , long the East I i nc, of srj j (j SE)lct ion 4, a distance of 2396.14 feet • thence "4 t tt s �9 7 ��. w, distance of 60- 00 fecit; to -the Point of Beginning; thence N 87"4 I '24" Yl 4a d i sfianre of 3792.21 f(!C-4-l-; thence S Ott° 121 1 Ott E, ' distance of 410.00 feet • N �37�I t2Q-" thence, �- rJ a d I .s , ance of 446.33 feet; t honc e N 00° 12' 16" w, a distance of 547.43 ff;Eat ttjetic,t- 10 N 10°_��'21 " E, a d i lance of 617.08, feet; thence' �J 77008' tt E i Stan e 3 �-9 a d � . o f 1.� . �,� f ec;t; 1-hC!rice 5 12051 t 1 1 " E, a distance of 431.84 f eot to a Point of C;u rvat u rc; of a c i rcu lar curve to t[lo I of t-; thence Souther- I y Find [aster I a long the arc o f curve, y � J . a � cj �_ , hav i nq a rad i u % c�•f 600. 00 f E;j; t•, an arc d i s•t~al�co f �� � � ' i �c o� t t� ur vc. 0 9.. 313 feet; -# hence I' 89 .7 44 E.: , a d i stance o f 551. 26 fe(:, f; thence S 00012' 16" E, a I on a I i ne pa- f 1 c, I w i -t-h an foci, ti�l c: ! � f• c� f a ��. ., �3 P d f 0 . t)0 s rnE.�istjr od at r.I c�ht an�.t 1 es to �t�hE� East line of said ` c.c- t� i curl 4 a distance of 270.56 f eo t-, to the ro i ll�t• of-, f bog i nn i nct, con fa i n i rig 10. r - ~ of -- , -, .� 0 a� r rr�c r r l y i riq arici h("% i l-Ic Is UPDATr_S and / or REVISIONS DATE HY '�Sr�rJK'�LAy'isr.;'si..lists6i7as.�escsis'�s�::�.:�«•'a.3:.sS: ;.x�s�•� "�- ..,•�,•••••••, GRl'WN E3Y � zx in B rc}wtl r(-1 C;o cJ r ) -1- Y , Florida. C NOTE The undersigned and CRAVEN • THOMPSON & ASSGClA7ES, INC. make no repros sentolions or guarontees as to the info►raotion ref13eted hereon pertaininq to twu rmr;nts,r«Ihts of ways set bock lines, reservations, agreements and otter sirnilor mntters,ond further, M this Instrument Is not intended to reflect or set forth all such mutters. Such Information should be obtained and confirmed by others through approprime title verification. • r Lands stoc,wn hereon were not obstroeted f ur right -of — way and/or efi%emeolft, 01 ret.nid d A 7 Cats CKLD BY: � F.B. PG. }ALE. NO. --- - - - - - 0 1