HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-77-055Page is too large to OCR. Page is too large to OCR. .� - f call of the F . r e D epart€�en t i �:.e area and boundary o • s preference over that. of the Citye* shah receL e f�r� THIRD: Shots 1 rl. -: the Fire DapaYtrle.�n �. be • :in riutua I fire assistance and. aid to otheran gFire � ��r' ire c l be x-ece •ved b� t'rie City, .hen and Depa rtm. ent and a a . • Fire a tt e n t or a mute a l aid f � re con any , _ in such event the Fi e Depar ,- • s • � o nd hall it nt ed1 ately xespond to . .t•,na� cnever can xes,, o sooner, s _ the call of tha Ci ter F CURT - Shouxd the F ire Departnent be i E- as set forth in ' aragraph SECOND anc. a�.hertra-se, occu p ., THIRD ab: ve then. the Fire Depa.r �.nent shall. paxc..graph f . _ f e uest and obtain, as �_uch. "back:---uo" service fro_i sc-:�e r cr fare denartmen t as possible and. prac t cable Ito ass . s ocher ,, the Ci ter .. - `� The - Flxe Department shall nain.ta n FIFTH: c for the protection of the City for purposes of �x�s�, ran e n' f Zn and saving harmless the said. Ci ty against any �.na er1 �. � g �' N and all claims suits, actions, a.a_maaes , and/or causes of • ' ` sin during the term of this Agreement for. any ac-c�.on ari � � nal injury, Ioss of life and/or damage to property _ p.rso - - excepting, however, - fog -the gross negl; Bence of the Ci.ty's agents f or einpl oye>es . SIXTH: Tamarac agrees thaw paat� eats to e De-oartr�ent for its services to the City of Tama)cac the Fix _ . the terns o f 'this i. s A reemexit shall be made on the under � following basis l00 Dollars (�10 _ 00) for Ten yen and 04 each. / single f Wady residence. (b)' Duplexes and other apartments at the rate . of Ten and 0 0 10 0 Dollars ($1o.00) per un't (c) Acrea e at the rate ©' Twenty -Five Cents per acre, a • (d} Tc-;o and OO/lOO Dollars� (2. 00) for each platAL--ed vacant lot. •,Its stablishments in accordance Ib 10, ie) Co-!xi.=..!rciaI e the following: 1-999 square 35,00 99 sq uare .,uare f eet___------.-- 21000 2,999 square 70.00 3000-3,999 sapare feet----------_---- , 4,0�00-4,999 square -80-00 5,000-5,999 square feet- 890.00 at • 959-00 6,Ooo-6,999 square fee' 7,00.077,999 square LeeL-. 1034. 0 0 • fees---�--____��- OIC6,00 8,000-8,999 square 9,000-10,000 square ).(),000 and over pved Tamarac furtheragrees that as lots are.im' ,.- V .'I, they shall have beer issued ,he certificates 0' occuPancY the apj:)1icabIe -fee. pay iTtwmt ediately to the Fire 'DepartmeE.-na.-L • e aforesaid scheduleft pursuant to th S E VEN "T H: The parlt-_ies aq that Taultarac -o ar as shall pay quarterly In -advance to the *]Fire De timen hereinafter proVidea for those ntonies -Pursua--il' to the -1-•joned sch%e6dule. The f ailure of the City tocollectaf o-remsebn ever on the. CO S •Monies shall have no effect- w1liar-soe %-.Y Sal it payment for each and every parcel of land within the area.. EIGHTH: The City agrees, that Fire DemwpartmE.Mt shall not be enargecl any fee for the use of such fire hydrants as are located within the C&-ty-for consu-i7i.ption of 'vter r x n the performance of. any of its obligations under this Agreement. NINTH: The City rams to the Fire De.----partment t1le righILL and authority to inspect buildings and outbuildings within the municipal limits of the City for determining possible safety and fire violations of accepted standards of same within Broward County, Florida. t TENTH: This Agreement -shall have no force and effect until such time as it is approved by the Broward County Fire Control. Commission of Broward County, Florida. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have hereunto set their hands and seals this 93,1 day of ,gqa,,� C.4 1977. t CITY OF TAMA C , FLORIDA BY: TEST: CITY MANAGER CITY CLERK CERTIFIED AS TO FORM.. AND CORRECTNESS CLTY ATTORNEY WITNESS: ' WITNESS: 4 FIRST PARTY NORTH ANDREWS VOLUNTEER FIRE DEPARTMENT SUB -DISTRICT 10 OF THE BROWARD COUNTY FIRE CONTRQL .COMMI S S TON BY: t SECOND PARTY t� APPROVED THIS �7.-- DAY OF 1977 BROWARD COUNTY FIRE CONTROL COMMISSION BY • - 4 -