HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-88-102Temp. Reso. #5000 .1 2 3 4 5 .9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 a 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-88- /e� A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE APPROPRIATE CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE A LEASE AGREEMENT WITH BROWARD COUNTY SCHOOL BOARD PERTAINING TO THE USE OF THE TAMARAC ELEMENTARY SCHOOL FACILITIES FOR CITY SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAMS FROM JUNE 27, 1988 THRU AUGUST 12, 1988; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC# FLORIDA: .SECTION 1: That the appropriate City officials are HEREBY AUTHORIZED to execute a lease agreement with Broward County School Board pertaining to the use of the Tamarac Elementary School facilities (Room 131 and 132, Hallway, Cafeteria, stage and restrooms) for City summer recreation programs from June 27, 1988 thru August 12, 1988, a copy of said agreement being attached hereto as "Exhibit 1". SECTION 2: That the appropriate City officials are hereby autho:r,'ized to execute said agreement on behalf of the City. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED, AND APPROVED this/,2 day of 1988. ATTEST: I NORMAN ABRAMOWITZ MAYOR - CAROL E. BARBUTO y CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. /J i"� G aO4 RICHARD DOODY /� CITY ATTORNEY U RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR ABRAMOWITZ /,uP DISTRICT 1: C/M ROHR w� DISTRICT 2: V/M STELZER_ PiSTMCT 3: C/M HOFFMAN D', I-RCT 4- C/M BENDER 1P 0 APPLICATION AND LE�j E FOR 11SE OF PUBLIC SCHOOL FACILITIES TO: Superintendent of Broward County Schools 1320 South~ 15*urth Street - % sic, i,?. z,_". Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33312 s in Tripli**) 17- r 4Complete Form The opikaintmuawouthorization i-or mseofthq,public schoot Jeciligies 1ndiqateq!for thq,purpqse!*nd a q the times shown below: .?no; ib,­;, T12, HALLWAY , "OIK 173 1', 400M A "Ittik, 'STAGE, RESTROOMS TAMARA'C_1'Zf:EMiWTK`ki FE School, Facilities needed: t' A.M. Dates: JUNE 27 AUGUST 12, 1988 From: 8:30 PM To: 4:60 P.M. 7 e ase of lit--tj:8MfflER*K19CREATIjD1q -CITY -10F'TAXARAC'�,f P p"J,):�irpq, 7 ,1 . ..... &INTAWARKC RECREATION 1DIV-1S11ON' S) 0�­ Nar;4 Speiikie(s) SCHOOL Yes: Help,roquired; Custodian.L.,,_ J swial Polic.q..1yo: ,ol t* paid by;. A O�� Others _11—ATobetmidby: N/A : lf;ri, -,_: _! Crt- lhlarni!"6f 6100'01icent_.` ,C1TY AF 7AAA-RACqiALBC-&EAT Z0N DIVISION - Broward County fieadciuwtbrs* 7 If an organization, is it nationwide? N /A _1When foamed? _N/A 1r0thlWfrd*rs: ".N/A I Is thq!e­a:,Rsr ol6ro6ization in County? N /A V "kumberof ocal- meYbeii I N/A '722115900 MAYOR NORMAN ABRAM - OWITZ Phone No.: r7 11 CITY MANAGER JOHN P. KELLY Phone No.: 722-�900 "C' :W_6R'Ki-"`DIR.MICHAEL R. 2 2 '4 il 0 PUBLIC COUZZO­ Phone No.: Charges: Rental $ -0- Utilities t -0- Custodian %,_!__01­1: .. .... -DAILY GLEANING SUMMER STAFF. f_xtrj help. ",Other$ 0 "UIVI SION A deposit in the amount of $ .�'I.Lo_,• mps - t* submitted with application or no'liiier than N/A tv'' �7 The deposit will apply toward the total charges. j '� "'Y LIABILITY INSURANCE RiOUIREMENTS: :o' . br, s LIMITS: Bodily Injury $100,000 per person, $300,000 peivwurrence tF, ,Property, Dprpage 1),$,,Z5,000 per occurrence !J1 NOTE: lnisur'anci reflecting the above'limits and naming the School Board dif Broward County as an Additional Insured must be furnished to the Risk Management Department of the School Board at least 48 hours prior to use of %cflities-referred to herein. 7 G I.; c %e 9 * I (person niquestin§ permtt), , '! 7 , ­ik 9vgnAnq,6n behalf of myself and the organization I itpresent, do berebY solemnly wear -or affirm that vve support the Constlifition of the United States and of the State of -Florida. 1-do herebyalsoswear or Ofirm *n1behalf dfthe "riintfon viarned herein that no person is excluded from membership in quch organization nor from participating in the,4ctivity or program covered by this agreement on the rou,nds of pex,r#�e,'color prnational origin. 5gA iL , ,;J I. IUC, Zrf:,s n iL V. x "_13n, VrI -4 pit'.• in—1� ilAl 0 Date of Application: 1AC Notn"ann �,.poramzoW I tZignstury of Applkant f)0--t�'Al WL CjE' ­17, Mayor of the City of Tamarac llpwoved.W; per/ rM4 , - 41 rifle 6 Til is:)O! 1., .1 $v!) "i'D ito 9d mv 2111 rT 7,; �'Iuf V.) rl,U, bb, C, 6 L,.; . s I - V i or, 9:1 Z, - 0 Approved by:6811 -NW !8,Ay&nue,,Tamarac, Fla. 33321 � i .. APWk"r`s�M1Pn1 address 57 -1 or pwrw, 70 fi- AUi1HO'RIZ'A'T'I`bN FdF'I-USE 'O'F*tJ'B'IL16ikDL'AC(LITIES ISCON61T,IOPIEE)UPON A-,t,)Vk'N'cEiA+4hlT;* THE CHARGE(S) SHOWN ABOVE AND COMPLIANCE WITH THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS ON REVERSE SIDE. e7,!l 1, MC 1! jo, rr cr;vinef for school file Copy to Risk Management D"rt"'lient 4 10, CDpv and Provisions to L*we Z. nit Rev. 31511976 W18777 0