HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-88-177Temp. Reso. 45064 3 3 4 3 I� 'J 8 -9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-88- / l 7 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR TAMARAC PARK BALLFIELD RENOVATION - BERMUDA SPRIGGING, BID NO. 88--23; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on May 11, 1988 and May 18, 1988; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on May 24, 1988; and WHEREAS, Turf Master, Incorporated, is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the bid of Turf Master, Incorporated, in the amount of $8,750.00 for Tamarac Park Ballfield Renova- tion - Bermuda Sprigging with funds to be taken from Account #001-555-572-549, titled Parks Renovation, is HEREBY APPROVED. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this ��day of 1988. J ATTEST: NORMAN ABRAMOWITZ` MAYOR CAROL E. BARBUTO CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved this RESOLUTION as to form. RICHARD DOODY CITY ATTORNEY RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR ABRAMOWITZ DISTRICT 1: C/M ROHRDISTRICT 2: 2: V/M STELZER DISTRICT 3: C/M HOFFMAN �6 DISTRICT 4: 4: C/M BENGF k� CITY OF TAMARACV�5ppIGINAI- C07Y IS Fixed price bid Request for Proposal DATE: May 24, 1988 BID N0: 68-23 (This IS not an order) T of 2 . (All blanks must be filled In) PAGE NO.: fTEM(S)REOUIRED: TAMAR.AC PARK BALLFIELD RENOVATION — BERMLIDA SPRIGGING USING ACTIVITY P - y7 - PARKS Buyer. MI CHAEL R . COU Z ZO, JR . Phone (305) 722.5900 BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE 2s00 P.M. Tuesdayt May 24 1988 Eastern Standard Tone or Eastern Standard Daylight Sarlrigs Time as applicable The Offiew IMW aria?[ be as recorded on the Daterrlme Recording Clock in the City Clerk's Office. It will be the sole responsibility of the bidder toeneure that this Proposal reaches the Off ice of the Cil y Clerk. City of Tamarac on or before Closing hour and date shown above. The Legal Advanisemant, Invitation -to -Bid, General Conditions, Instructions to Bidders, Special Conditions, Specifications, Addendums. and any other pertinent document form a part of this proposal and by reference are made a pan hereof. ANTI -COLLUSION STATEMENT: The below signed bidder has not divulged to, discussed or Compared his bid with other bidders and has not Colluded with any other bidder or parties to a bid whatever. (NOTE: Nopnmiums, rebates or gratuities permitted either with, prior to, or rlte, any delivery of materials. Any such violation will result In the cancellation and/or return of materials (as appiicabie) and the removal from Bid Listls; TO THE PURCHASING OFFICER OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC: We(l), the below signed hereby agree to furnish the following anrcle(s) o, service s I at the price(s) and Imms stated subject to all instructions, Conditions, specifications, and ail attachments hereto. We(I) have read ail ailachme, :s including the specifications and fully understsnd what is ►equlred (By submitting this signed proposal, ei officially accept a contract If app,ove. by the City and such aCM11anCe C17vlrs all the terms, Coridilions, and specifications of this proposal; and wa(I) hereby agree that we will make available for audit to app►oprtale City Auditors any applicable business or financial records peninent to a resulting order or contract.) All prices to be quoted F.O.B. Buyers Destination Tamarac, Florida (Delivered at the applicable City address Indicated on the Purchase Oroer 1 FAILURE TO QUOTE: If you do not quote, please return quotation sheet, state reason thereon and request that your name be rela,nep on ou, mailing list, otherwise, your name may be removed from our bid mailing list. Bids are firm for acceptance within 60 days after bid opening date -TERMS: 100 a/o 30 _ Days or by X yes n0 other. of Month (To apply on date of delivery and acceptance of material.) If awarded ALL ITEMS BID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF 0 Is offered in addition to any terms offered above. GDO ELIVERY- 14 calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (City reserves the right to consider delivery time as a vital consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: state any vartat ions to specifications. terms andiorcondrttonsinthis space orreference herein aIIvaiiancescontaineC on, otme, pagesn'tm,s Proposal Form or in any bid attachment NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILL BE CONSIDERED OR WILL BE DEEMED TO BE A P Lr-Y Or THE BID SUBMITTED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION IS LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN This CO.uvr, NC SEPARATE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID. AND THE CITr V-ILL NC7 BE BOUND IN ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER BY ANY VARIATION OR EXCEPTION OR LIMITATION NOT SPECIFICALLY LISTED WITHIN THE B:D DOCUME N7S ALL PRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FORTHE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCE I-'ia"- THERETO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN N no statement IS cone netl n to s scare t s hereby implied that your Dad COntplies with the full scope of this BId Invitation. If Purchaser Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposer's address shown below, please Complete the following: Mail Purchase Order to: Central Florida Turf, Inc. 3798 East Kinsey Road Mall Payment to: Avon Park Florida 33825 Telephone No.: 800-422-1187 w/Area Code 0POSAL SUBMITTED BY: Mall Bids to: NAME(Printed): Dennis M. Crews Title: Company: (Lop red TitieinFUW Central E1nr rja nirf, _Tnr�_ Address: SIGNATURE: DATE: May 17, ICIAR Indicate Which: Corporation: lfd**ed References Applicable to Proposal: Partnership: invitation To Bid — F1 Individual: Index of General Provisions Clauses -- F2 General Provisions -- F3 Other: (Retain one copy for your files) FORM Ft BIDDERS NOTE: Both sides of this Form require signature. Y-YY--17� SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE Invitation To Did rY OF TAMARAC I t N.W. 6681h Avenue Florida 93321 $ONo _ 88-23 CITY Date May 24, 1988 P&W No. 2 of 2 W1 ttiaraC, 1'M bib I p s�pec�Iai �KIBo �a(ll�oMck� pp�lb �I� blued. ~ad at applicabM eMh► d+ttlnation as Indksted below . '—j UDDERS REOUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR DID SOND: Ths C ty "I1 require f m stl Bidders, a certified check or bid JJ bond In ft amount of fire (5) per Cent 04 tree Wd, which shall be forlehed to the tatty iri ft mnt tM Bidder, to whom the business is &warded, shalt fall or muse to cCmp►y wtthttx speeMiGationa of Via bid. Checks w1U be returned prornptlY to unsuccessful Bidders sfter award of bid. Failure 10 a+Ai+r+ta 91if bid bond with the bid Could =as r9*0W" of " bid. P£RMJ►►tCE 110ND5: The M si�1t Ariar to 1Rre excvtior+ ci go var>!r'aet, M%Ars 1M bidder I* furnish bonds Covering the& RFO .faithful performance the CCrmact and the payment CA ail dblipations arh�ingehereunde► In such form and amount as the City may ` prescribe and with aurisuretiss "wvd through ro Bidder's t�aW1 aoiraiastttaybe ag+eaable totheparties. If Such bonds ere Stipulated. the premiurns shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder chat► d+eltver fie ragvired bonds to V14 City not later than the date v1 execution of the Contract. QUANTITY Deliver To An. OE9C%IPT10N UNfT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICE Furnish and install certified Tifway II Bermuda sprigs on 3.5 acres of prepared outfield area at Tamarac Park. Sprigs to be applied at the rate of 1000 bushels per acre. Bidders encouraged to view project site prior to submission of bid. Contractor will be required to verify actual number of bushels of sprigs supplied. Awarded Bidder will be required to meet attached contractors liability and indemnity requirements. (Attachment A) Title Sales Manager Compsn Name Central Florida Turf, Inc. Addrea 3798 East Kinsey Road Avon Park, Florida 33825 10 1110DER5 NOTE: Eoth tides of this form rpuire ei" urs. Bid #88-23 •CITY OF TAMARAC CONTRACTOR'S LIABILITY AND INDEMNITY REQUIREMENTS ATTACHMENT A R_,�-SL- / 7 2 Workers' Compensation In compliance with the statutory limits of the State of Florida, including Employers' Liability with a limit of $100,000 each accident. om rehen ive general Liability Insurance $300,000 a Minimum limit per occurrence combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property damage liability covering: I. Premises - Operations 2. Independent contractors and sub -contractors 3. Products and completed operations 4. Contractual Liability Automobile Liability Insurance $300, 000 Minimum limit per occurrence, combined single limit for bodily injury liability and property damage liability covering: 1. Owned vehicles 2. Hired vehicles 3. Non -owned behicles lRertificates of Insurance The City of Tamarac is to be specifically included as a named insured (excluding workers' Compensation). In the event the insurance coverage expires prior to the completion of the project, a renewal certificate shall be issued thirty days prior to said expiration date. The policy shall provide a 30-day notification clause in the event of cancellation or modification to the policy. All certificates of insurance must be on file with and approved by the City Risk Manager before the commencement of any work activities.