HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-1261 Introduced by Terre. Reso. #; 4 0 9 7 2 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA 3 RE- SOLUTIM NO. R- 8 6 - /,-V- (a 4 A RESOLUTION ISSUING A DEVELOPMENT ORDER FOR "ME 5 SPRING HOUSE PROJECT. DEVELOPMENT ORDER NO. 18 4 AIM PRWIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. 1�,IE1EREAS, pursuant to the instructions of the City Council of the City of 8 Tamarac, Florida, a public meeting has been advertised in accordance with applicable 9 law of the date, time and place of the meeting regarding the review of the applica- 10 tion,for a development order by the applicant for development approval; and 11 WHwREAS, the City Council has examined and investigated the application, 12 staff and Planning Commission recommendations, and the attached Development Review 13 Status Sheet dated 4 / 17 / 8 6 ; and 14 WiERFAS, the City Council reviewed the development order and accompanying 15 documents at a public meeting; and 16 WIMREA.S, the City Council has deteniined that the application is in com-- 1 7 pliance with all elements of its Comprehensive Plan, or will be in compliance prior 18 to the issuance of a Certificate of Occupancy for any unit on the development that is the subject of the application. J NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY Tf]E COUPICIL OF THE CITY OF TAMAFtAC, 21 FLORIDA: 22 SECTION 1: That the development described on the attached development review 23 status sheet dated 4/ 17/ 86 is granted a development order to proceed subject to 24 the following conditions: 25 A. Construction is to be in ccsnplete coVliance with the plans and spec- 26 ificat.ions submitted by the developer to the City of Tamarac as described in 27 Section II of the Development Review Status Sheet and approved engineering drawings. 28 B. Cammencgment of construction shall be no longer than one year from the 29 date of this approval. If the development does not comTence construction within 30 one year, this approval is null and void unless an extension has been granted in accordance with applicable regulations. C. The development order is assignable, but an assignment does not 33 discharge any assignee from strict compliance with the order unless the City Council 34 consents to modify any of the original requirements. 35 36 Temp. Reso. # 4097 1 1). Additional conditions established in order to issue the development 2 order are set forth as follcws: 3 1 - APPROVED subject to the control structure being located at the discharge to the Turnpike Canal and with the full understand- 4 ing that there no longer would be a requirement for the berm. If, by any chance, after further engineering studies, the data indicates a 5 berm becomes necessary, the area between the berm and the rear property lines of Mainlands 7 shall be drained with a swale that has a minimum slope of 0.6%. If,any berm. is necessary at any location, there would then be a requirement for the developer to install catch 47 basins with positive outfall at each individual lot affected by a berm. 8 9 10 11 SECTION 2: Should any section or provision of this develognent order be 12 declared by a court of campetent jurisdiction to be invalid, the city Council shall 13 determine if the other portions of the order remain valid or whether the approval 14 shall be null and void. 15 SECTION 3: This development order as conditioned shall beccme effective 16 inuiediately upon passage. 17 PASSED, ADO= AND APPROVED this. 2 3 r d day of A2ril 1986. 20 21 22 23 24 .Is- .2(0 22 28 29 30 9 1 3 34 35 36 DNIWN214�1 'Wil YPYMIP CLERK C pu< I HEREBY 4_W_WT'%( t4at L2�,ave V MAYOR RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR:HART DIST. 1: C/W MASSARO DIST. 2: C/M STELZER DIST. 3: C/M GOTTESMAN DIST. 4: V/M STEIN d94 d4 7AWARAC. FLORIDA 23321 1WORTMWEST 1111" AVENUE. �\W-z , 7tLIPMDNE 722-SM e0000 184 Orig. Dt7v. Orcer �— givised Dev. Ordtr 0-mm� # 19-85 SPRING HOUSE FINAL PLAT AND SITE PLAN FUster tilt Project locatio; Nnrth &$tr-omer-AAa-IslatW-2J—& ri rommar--ia4 B1*d-119hi"-S-P--C1ubhou&e) Developer OXEM 21VFLQPMENT FNTERPRTSFS IU% owner * 5ARAL P_ALM GOIF CLU13 YNC- Reto"nded Dge for Council Action 4/23/86 Zoning R-4A Acres 15.2 44 Med Density Res dentiep�opzsed LiSL. 300 two & three story Future Land Vbt Designation. -- rental apts DEVILOPM10 ORDER FDR: Revised Site Plan riftl site Plan — - x � final Plat 1. SIATF APPRDVAL MOMS: Final Site PlAn.—Fin&I Site flat City Plonr.tr city Envionter Cmef Widin; Official Fire '.;,itf Finance Director Plat Site -Plan 0 "1,1,1te4/16 /86 APPRDIN'AL or APPRDYAL V-710 C011DJUDUSIDate 4/16/86DVIIA Final Site plan dated Rev 4/10/86 Final Plat dated Rev — 12155 --Wmmmmmmmmg� - - I Revised site Pion dated . Rev planning Corrission linditp of ccrpliance with Certified Plan: See pAge 4 of this report 18/86 Al AS 1trD0%rD!D&%r 4/ Comment$ cont'd DEVELOPMKI REVIEW SIXTUS SMrt 0 FIV. LANDSCAPE PLAN: -Staff Action APPROVAL APPROVAL WITH CO%DI1IONS.x VNIAL Date 12/11/85 12/16/85 APPROVAL . APPADVAL WITM CONDIMMS VE47AI 8/15/85 MUM MKITY XMD"ITS1 MIN r""Irtr 'REIMPT: Dole (If applica.02) -CcMents, MVILMRS AS:1ME1,1S1FEtS (w�ere a�pplitoble)@- 3- v Y. M A lkl� A. Water and Se-,,er—DJVt1;2er A:rfr-�ent City En;inter Approval/Date A�V 9 1 Do t� *SEE C.I 4-1-1 8-&--ATTACHED TO THIS S REPORT 2tfNer Devc1crert (Covenants$ Stipulations* Ott.) See sheet 4 Retention Right Agreement *Canal Maint.Esmt from S.P. to City R/W Esmt Flowage Esmt from oxford to City Access Esmt between S.P. & Oxford Pu0ic! Sal Flowage Esmt from S.P. to City Sidewalk Esmt Ing/Egr E Drainage Esmt. from S.P. to City Water Retention Agreement Util. Esm I Drainage Esmt frgLm S.P. to City Ingress/Egress.E.�5nk,,,unt-S '26.6Z7 _00 e Fire Hydr L. Rrel"Ite vetr�r, -- -- St., Re;viredlAtres JL2uz. Provided 3;eficienty/Ures 335.M/A:re Fee &-nount I Q A 1 7 7MMMMMMMMMO� Project Amage 1;-744 _ 1 323D/Arre Water 9 Sewer Ctp�trjLij=4 Charlts rte Amount S P- INamber of Mr.% T" 0 fRC Review ree, if MIT thalm It tAts ree Amunt 3 750,00- g. Local Parks/Recreation rte Amount % 102,870.00 Acres Required -0- SlAcre 1,3716 It 75-.,000.— DIficiency/Acres -63,559-.74 Total 450.00 Prepaid frigine;rring rtes roe Amount S =3, Due 09.74 B;"lance' 3. lonts loto Amount S 302,449.00 Date: Approved by My' City Attorney - J. IDn Silt StAutifictlit" (Fees to ble void at tint of building perrit issuance) K. Future Traffic Needs Fees L. Future Traffic Signalization Fees 13,803.25 43,200-00 ty t Esmt r-1 0 a Fait 3 1 ( to # a t)rVrL0PmrK1 KvIrw SIATUS swr.rT m� mvnopmrKi vrvirw ltlrtLIU�� A. FVU L ' It 4'jjef jerwitt 0 Certification Of City fnilfiter or Consultini MY tWhItt Of Availabil I vic.11, WILL 51 AVULABLE .. NOT AVAILIkIlt ,V, Ser AVA�LuLr a Date comnents liaste-wattr Treatment And DiSPOSAl Service Unification of City Efijineir or ConswIting city ["ginrer of Availability of Service: AVAILULt 4 -� WILL BE AVAILABLE dmmw� NOT AVAILABLE lute emments C. Solid waste Disposal service Dttt?T,jn&tjc,n of Availability of Service: AVAILABLE X WILL BE AVAILABLE... NOT AVAILABLE Data D. Drainap Adequacy CjtifjC1%ic,n of City Engineer or Consulting City Engineer of Adequacy of * Drainage: ADMATE WILL It ADIQUATI .-- NOT AMAUT1 - bite Cw.r, ants 1, Re;ional Transportation NeUeork Cem-pliance with P-inimjm standards: COMPLIES WILL COKPLY .. X DOES NOT COMPLY Date Coments F. Local Strem ing R046S Complianct with llinim= Standards: COMPLIES WILL Dots wn mny Date Cwr. ants 6. Fire FroteLvion jervict Cor,pliance with P-inimjm Standards: COKPLIES,�� WILL C04PLY DOES NOT COT70 Date Car.-ments H. Police Protection Servict Ccmpliance with Kinimm Standgrds: -tOKPLIES X WILL CORPLY DOES NOT COMPLY mate Uments, - LV:11 farkil (Park& and Recreatiol!mvities) Lana DeliLation Reqjired/Acres, Provided Cash in Lieu of Land 1-1716 GrDss Acrts Pkz. I JL5�10601AC a S ITZ' 0 �00 lilt-& or,pliance with the Standards of the Iroward County School Board: SCHDOL SMS NILDED FOR ELTY.LKIARY SCHOOL W21 krtDID 0 10,10M SUDDL KEDU D, WE111D 0 HISM SCHDDL Letter from School Board Dated Is Page 4 DrVrL0t"e,rh1 strviEw sixTus vtEl 1 V311. FAXESSINS FEES (PAID): site plan Review: 1064-nn RevJ$td Site plan: Plat Review: schir-lift Other: STAFF cav'Eh"IS: a 0 51*1�zW in general tchforrgnte with clatarat's Land Propned develtment I Use plan tienient and retorrendt: lopm*nt # 06ster File # 19-85 for: Mcort4n" Of PIPVO SPRING HOUSE FINAL PLAT AND SITE PLAN INS& to thq requirr�entS If'CludId in the Report and the follDwin2 Staff recommends approval of the Final Plat and Final Bite Plan and Landscape Plan, subject to Council approval and acceptance of all agreements, easements, covenants and stipulations. 0 2 0 1 �- I