HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-191f� [1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 Introduced by _V/M Stein CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION R-86-191 Temp #4139 Rev. 5/22/86 Rev. 5/28/86 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC AMENDING RESOLUTIONS R-84-34, R-84-122, R-84-146; PRO- VIDING FOR RULES AND PROCEDURES TO BE FOLLOWED BY THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR THE TIME AND FREQUENCY OF REGULAR, SPECIAL AND EMER- GENCY MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES FOR THE CALLING OF SPECIAL, EMERGENCY, AND WORKSHOP MEETINGS OF THE CITY COUNCIL; PROVIDING FOR THE TIME AND FRE- QUENCY OF COUNCIL PRE -AGENDA MEETINGS; PROVIDING FOR PROCEDURES WHICH COUNCIL SHALL FOLLOW WHEN HOLDING PRE -AGENDA MEETINGS; PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL BE THE CITY CLERKS RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THAT COUNCIL NOT CONSIDER AT PRE -AGENDA MEETINGS ITEMS NOT HAVING ALL WRITTEN APPROVALS FROM STAFF; PROVIDING THAT IT SHALL BE THE CITY MANAGER'S RESPONSIBILITY TO ENSURE THE COUNCIL NOT CONSIDER AT PRE -AGENDA MEETINGS ITEMS NOT REQUIRING LEGISLATIVE ACTION; PROVIDING THAT COUNCIL SHALL TAKE ACTION AT REGULAR MEETINGS BY ORDINANCE, RESOLUTION OR MOTION; PROVIDING THAT ALL ORDINANCES OR RESO- LUTIONS SHALL BE ADOPTED ONLY UPON THE AFFIRM- ATIVE VOTE OF THREE (3) MEMBERS OF COUNCIL; PROVIDING THAT MOTIONS SHALL BE ADOPTED BY AT A MINIMUM A MAJORITY OF A QUORUM; PRO- VIDING PROCEDURES FOR THE READING AND PASSAGE OF ORDINANCES, RESOLUTIONS AND MOTIONS; PRO- VIDING FOR PREPARATION OF AGENDAS AND THE AMENDMENT OF SUCH AGENDAS AT A COUNCIL MEETING IN ORDER TO CONSIDER ITEMS OF AN URGENT NATURE; PROVIDING FOR A PERIOD OF PUBLIC SPEAKING UPON ITEMS BOTH ON AND OFF OF THE AGENDA; PROVIDING THAT ROBERT'S RULES OF ORDER SHALL APPLY IN THE ABSENCE OF A RULE SET FORTH IN THIS RESOLUTION; PROVIDING FOR A WAIVER OF THESE RULES FOR THE PURPOSES OF A SINGLE COUNCIL MEETING; PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Charter of the City of Tamarac, provides that the City Council (may by Reseltitien se shall determine its own rules and order of business; and WHEREAS, the City Council is now desirous of setting ' forth such rules and eel-ure.)order of business. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE CITY COUNCIL OF ' THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA. SECTION 1: The following rules of procedure are hereby established for City Council meetings and Resolutions R-84 -1- 34, R-84-122, R-84-146 are hereby amended to read in full as follows: 1. Time and <Regular Geune-I frequency of Council Meetings: _kshep and speeial meetings -0fthe --Eit-y be held at these times previded fe by Ord in , .�-v in acc or�-AW-t;A; i h t h e p r-evi R ism A. Regular Meetings: i. Regular meetings of the City Council shall be held on the second and fourth Wednesday " of each month.Eem->During the month of August, Council shall have no (reeesse regular meetings. ii. begin at 9:30 a.m-r4 Should a regular meeting date fall on a legal holiday the meeting shall E- berescheduled by Council so as to . occur within three (3) working days prior to or(reset to the ae;ii busra6'ss--day> following the holiday. iii. The Mayor is hereby authorized to change the beginning time of the Regular City Council Meetings when he deems necessary with reasonable notice to the Public and Council Members. iv. Regular City Council Meetings shall begin, recess and adjourn in accordance with the following schedule: a. The first meeting of each month shall begin at 1:00 p,m.,.Council shall recess for dinner at 5:00 p.m, and shall reconvene at 7:00 Ram —when necessary. Council -2- t ' 2. shall adiourn no later than .10_:_00._ p.m•, unless the meeting perigd is extended by motion of the Council 4 The second meeting of each _Month_ shall begin at 9:00 a.m. Council a l recess for lunch t 12:00 noon and shall reconygne at 2:00 p.m., when n cessary. Council shall adiourn no later than 5:00 p.m. unless the meeting perigd _ is extgnded by motion of the Council. B. Special and Emergency Meetings: E "4 Special meetings may be held on the call of the Mayor or of the majority of the Council Members upon no less than twelve (12) hours notice to each Member. In the event of an emergency, the Mayor may call for an immediate meeting of the Council . <-n-> C. Workshops: May be held upon the call of the Mayor or a majority of the Council. Council Pre -Agenda Meetings: A. The purpose of these meetings is to discuss and review the status of items which may appear on the agenda of the next Council meeting. This meeting will be held on Eb-ht the first (1st) and third (3rd) Wednesday of the month at 9:00_a.m.,. except August in which no pre -agenda meetings will be held. Eel__ ________ ________,.. The Mayor may change the date or time for this meeting Ee-r if he deems it necessary. -3- B. The City'Clerk shall maintain a log of all items under consideration pending final action. C. All items which _Council is to consider<atien for Placement(and) (for et'o- of t_e)on the agenda at the next regular meeting must be submitted to the City Clerk prior to or at the Pre -agenda (workshop or by Thursday) meeting (5. remote —the Gownail meeting). D. Items scussed at re- agenda (map--be+meetings may be: i. put upon a Regular EWerltshep->Council agenda (ready) for final action; ii. eld for a subsequent FWe-ltshap>pre-agenda <if fit- - meeting; v. plaeed upon the Gity Clerk's agenda 1-ist to be presented -at -a Bubsequent Workshop Meeting when .. Eeady_.. -few additional dis_ e s-es ' eti ea-.-> E. TheCity Clerk shall ensurg_that no item is brought to Council for discussion at -the Pre -agenda meeting unless written a s from all relevant Staff Members have begn- received. The City Manager s a l nsure that no item is brgugbt to Council for discussion -at the pre-aSends_mgcting which may Properly -be handled by the City Manager or his Staff and -4- e r ' 3. which does not require legislative _ac ion by the Council'. 4£s> F. All documents required in connection with or back up to (the> items to be considered at a Regular Meeting (wiII)shall be in the hands of the City Clerk and available to members of the City Council not less than 48 hours prior to the Council Meeting. G. Any Council Member may place an item on the agenda for consideration at the next regular Council_ meeting by contacting the City Clerk no later than 5:00 p.m. the Thursday prior to said Council meeting. Regular Council Meetings: The Council shall, at Regular Meetings, take official action either by ordinance, resolution or motion upon items that are before it-,.(, or tare —:tee shall -b e t a-b-led . > A. The City Attorney (should)shall have prepared for all Council Meetings, resolutions and ordinances on particular agenda items which are so indicated for such action. Should an item appear on the agenda only for discussion, upon completion of discussion and its being moved to the next Regular Meeting agenda, the City Attorney should be instructed to prepare any necessary documents. Geuneil at Regular Meetings afteE having bee an being pleeed upon a Regular Meeting a9ePAIa-(. Genefally,- RequlaE Meetings —aEe---for the aetien by Council.) Q•� •rs H Voting on ordinances and resolutions shall be by roll call, and each vote shall be recorded in 4the>a journal. The Clerk shall call the roll in the following order: The representative from District ne l b c ll d u on first for his or her vote and the representatives of District two (2), District three (3) and - District Four-- s a l t en be- call d on to vote in a successive order. Tie Ma_y_gr ghall br - Galled to vote last_ A majority of Council will constitute a quorum. An affirmative vote of three (3) members shall be necessary to enact any ordinance or 1, adopt any resolution. A motion shall pass by an affirmative vote of '-three (3) er— mere una- ? .'bM_s.>a major t of u u image n iRanGe. All enaetments of ---a- pen-a1 na-t-4LI-r-e, or p oviding yy, imposition of: a penalty r theviolation thereof shall be by efdinanee. All aete, xq i r e d te-he by -ordinance by the tz'�m& Q- the ChaEtenshall be by efdinaRee v law. All .enaetments Eequired to he -b- ie-so-1 ut-J o r "�Gr the terms ef the Charter-, shall be by reselution.) me Eiil-ai. Motions: Action by the City Council not required by State Law, by thg—City Charter or Code of Ordinances to be by ordinance or resolution shall be effec- tuated upon the motion of a Councilman, a second and passage thereof. A record of each Council Member's vote on a motion shall be recorded by the Clerk. (iv.)ii. Items on the Agenda: Items on the agenda do not need to be called in their numerical sequence. (The)Time limitations or urgency may permit the Chair to handle items as he deems expedient. Est-.)iii. A request for verbatim trans- cription of minutes of an agenda item shall be the prerogative of any member of Council, prior to the approval of the minutes. 4. Action upon Ordinances, Resolutions and Motions. A. Ordinances: <-Itefas apse i rg- men the agenda Council consideration of an Ordinance upon first or second reading ,, or a_resolution shall be handled in the following manner: i. The Chairman shall request that the City Attorney or his designee_ read_ the_ _ title of the ordinance or resolution. Eire ii. Any Councilman, at that time, may make a motion regarding said ordinance or resolution. A second is required to such a motion. -7- 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 is 16 17 16 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 -- 30 31 32 33 34 iii. nc a motiDn as been made and seconded the Chairman shall ask for discussion from the Council. sueh ind-ivi-du-l.TUpon the conclusion of Council discussion members of the public shall -be --Permitted to speak. iv. At the4end-ef)conclus'on of discussion, (or if there be none, the Ghaifman shall rise) the City Clerk tea -)shall take a roll call vote of the Council Members. eitheratsubsequent Meeting of th4 Geuneil er, if an emeEgeney, at the same F,vi. AEtef--streent, the Ghaiiman eihe 1 2 3 4 � 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1s 16 17 i is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 26 29 30 31 32 33 34 "47)F. Aftimar d'3aeusc i-6?T-9E Ghaiffftaa will 6equent tG the'fir-st Feading by title the be ,the rara sheuld Ec then iasbEuet the Gity�- reading, aft -a upon a met-ien and- car•nnd ' Meetingto adept the ordinanee, the the eouncil. there be none, inatfuect- theCityC-1efli fez —a v e t e en the Resolut agenda item ----and lut-onto be Upon its E4 GCding/ the Ghaifman e-f diseussien, of should the Chairman will then be the all fell erd T rearequesta the V-1LTF JG iilCin sTiAll ask ,,r�-yt h y f e f a F�� t i e-n..-enmotion T7LT�'W�Vh a motto Ghair-man shall ask < T1- the end aF d se r1�TZ.TG GI1Z- GTi�G�CT1�1'i nene, the Ghairman Geuneil e r�e��len� ,,,, �] y and a seeei'��','�`Che for` '1a5elutyy��ion.) y -the us f the��T�""'�be LT'�j� s� 1 O �'r�e � Y' the Giby� shall ask (G.)B. Motion: Any action not requiring an ordinance or resolution shall be handled by a motion being made by any Council. Member, being seconded by another Council Member, and having discussion on same thereafter. The Chairman shall then request the City Clerk to call the roll for a vote upon the motion. w= 1 2 3 4 S 6 7 8. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 f 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 rirocet4. 49. The Eh a Eman ef-the --Agee t-•ing sh a ul d v et-e—1 a s_t v > C. Exceptions: Where g Bgsolution is placed upon a consent agenda by Council at ,ts_,,,pre-agenda_ _meeting, such_ Resolution may be passed without read- ing the titlp of said__.Eesolutign and without discussion by Council or the .._R ublic...._No , consent agenda, containing_ResolutiQns, shall be pawed by fewer than three (3) affirmative votes. 5. Agendas: An agenda shall be prepared for each Workshop Meeting, Regular Meeting, Special Meeting or Emergency Meeting of the Council. A. The agenda should indicate in a list form, the items which will be presented by the Council for action. The type of action that is requested by the Council should be indicated upon the Regular Meeting agenda next to each item. B. The City Clerk 49 ...hef ed Le`shall be responsible for the preparation of each Council agenda. (Q. The items to appear on an agenda sheuld be t items Be ret s agenda WeEk may be Eequested by any Counel:1 Member through (D. K. At a regular Council Meeting, supplemental items of an urgent nature may be added to the agenda by sl council Member (eouneiI4,the City -10- I I 11 2 3 4 7 9 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 "7 is 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 „1 32 33 34 Manager, or the CityA,ttornev with --g at least three (3) affirmative vot appearing the additien ems-emsupplemeatol item,-€ez diSGUGGiOR, eon ide-atien and aetien of that item at the—Meetingv>-the consent of at least three_ (3) Council Me be s 4�D. Council agendas should be prepared by the close of business Friday preceding the Wednesday meeting for which said agenda shall be effective. 6. Requests to Speak: The general public may 4est t-434 speak on any item appearing on the agenda. (A. The Ghair may reeegnize the fequest.-> A.-- At the first regular Council Meeting of each month, from 7:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m., the up bl-r shall have an opportunity to discuss matters not designated for discussion on the Council's agenda. At the second regular Council Meeting of each month, from 11:30 a.m. to 12:00 noon, the public shall have .the opportunity to comment on matters not designated_for discussion on the Council's agenda. <B. The purpose e.1 an individual fequesting to aratican- and decision -making pL-eeeduL-ex� <G.>B. The Chair may limit discussion by members of the public Hwhether speaking on an egendjzed item or other matter,to a jQasonable time period. FMembers of Council shall not be limited in their discussions,__Although Council may close debate on an issue in that -11- W 1 1 2 3 4 5 r k 6 7 0 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 19 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 29 29 30 31 32 33 34 manner Provided in -Roberts Rulps of Order. 7. General Rules of Procedures: For any items not herein specifically covered, Roberts Rules of Order shall apply. rules spal1 byebsarved Geurtesy to All-; �j „17"CT�-• i e e t o Alit l The Rule of the MajeElty* The Rights of the Minority, anEl Partiality to Nenew> 8. Waiver of Rules: Without t n cessit of amend- ing this Resolution Council mayt by a 4 5t s vote for the purposes of a single Council-.. Meeting, waive any rule contained herein, whera_ such rule is not re aired to be followed b Federa Law State Law, the Cit 's Charter o Code of Ordinances. Where fewer n five 5 Council members are in attendance thesg rules may be waived only by --consensus of all Council Members present. .SECTION. 3: The Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its passage of Ordinance No. 0--86-35-6/25/86 G —, PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED thisd� 1986. `ATTEST: CITY C RK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correct- ness of this RESOLUTION. l i V X.�r�QL-1r1oP l'� CITY P TORN 12956038 86/p RECORD OF COUNCtt VOTE MAYOR: HART� DIST. 1: C/W MASSAI DIST. 2: C/M STELZE DIST. 3: C/M GOTTE; DIST. 4: V/M STEIN -12-