HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-029Introduced by Temp. Reso. #3979 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-86- aZ-?— A RESOLUTION APPROVING AND ACCEPTING A 5 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT FOR A WATER MAIN OFFERED BY PROGRAM UNDERWRITERS, INC., FOR PROGRAM UNDERWRITERS OFFICE BUILDING NO. 2; AND PRO- VIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION_.: That the utility easement offered by Program Underwriters, Inc., for Program Underwriters Office Building No. 2 project, is'HEREBY APPROVED and accepted, a copy of said ease- ment being attached hereto as Exhibit "l". SECTION 2: The appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to execute said easement on behalf of the City. SECTION 3: The City Clerk is hereby authorized and directed to record said easement in the public records of Broward County, Florida. i9�(�_I� ON 4: This Resolution shall become effective upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this,�?-22day of , 1986. I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the f,im and correct- ness of this RESOLUTION. O WAW�4*COPZZ d*4 7�ffA—YCP5R_ RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR: KRAVITZ DIST 4: C/M STE„IN.,,.........._,..�A �-�- - DIST 3: C/M COTTESMAN DIST 2: C/M MUNITZ DIST 1: V/M MASSARO Nr'I1 L`4 p-oa v% -) UTILITY EA -SD-`- This Utility Easememt made this .2gAlfl day of 1984, by PROGRAM JNDERWRITER a F Io-ida Jr*C:.=;'or, C, University Drive, Tamarac, Florida, 33321, , (Grantor) and the City of Tamarac. a Florida municipal cortcxction :.4.ing ar, address at 5B11 Northwest 88th Avenue, Tamarac, Florida, 5332 , (whenever used herein, the term "Grantor" and "Grantee" shall incline the respective successors and assigns of the parties hereto, whenever the context so ad=its or requires). WITNESSETH: WHEREAS, Grantor is the owner of that certain real prc erty loca:ec i-. broward County, more particularly described in Exhibit "A" attached he_etc, (hereinafter referred to as "Servient Estate") and W E.�EAS, Grantor desires to grant unto Grantee a ron-exdlusi a es=e=ent to use a portion of the servient estate; NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the sum of TEN LDL;A=.S ($10-00) anc other good and valuable considerations paid by each of the parties ;e-ztc tO the other party, receipt of which is hereby acknowledged by both parties, the parties hereto do hereby grant and agree as follows: I. Grantor hereby grants and conveys to gran:ee, its and assigns, a non-exclusive easement over and uaon the serviazt estate prc�V*!Jed that G- - tne installation, and maintenance of p-,;blic uti:ities,i sha i i ► e ';m; tec To sz _. of the Servient Estate as is not covered b- buildings and c.her struCtL-as; Provided, furthermore, that all parts of the Servient Estate which sha:i ue disrupted in connection with the maintenance reconstruction or ad,ition to 2. Grantor reserves all rights not herein granted pursuant to this easement, including but not limited to, the righ: of free ingress an. - egress over and upon the Servient estate and to grant further easements under, over and on the servient estate; prcvided the., in no even: sh_'_= an;; of the rights herein reserved impede the easement herein grantee or t'ie Contemporaneously with the `�lsuancc of exercise of the rights of use thereunder. the final certificate of orcv-an�c�,'c r the Servient Estate, Grantor shad provide as built e`se-vnts and rante_ forthwith release this easement of record.upon request of the Grantor. 3. The provisions of this easement shall be tindir:> _h-- parties ,hereto and the respective Successors and asslgr.s cc *public utilities shall be prorpt:y re--tcrec. . T- ring s-itb and binding upon the servien: estate. 4. 7bis easement shall not be released or altered wdtbout consent of the Grantee. IN WIMMS WHEFEF, Grantor has bere=to set his hand and seal oo the day and year first above written. Signed, sealed and delivered in the presence of. Ct1w&rY +�.'Z!ja 1Fi 14�Fv taa:'�L itn Witness - I kOLM- ' CMIFI' that I have approved the form and correct- ness of this Utility Fasec,®t . STATE CLF FIBRZA =My OF Be"MILM PROGRAM UNDERWRITERS, INC. By: +_ W_:2� (fig) City of Tama-ac I L'ZP=-' CIR'TIFY that cc this day, before me, an Q!,"cer duly al:tborized iz the State aforesaid and be County a.fores ; d to take ackmv;vledggner. is , persxally appeared _ of PrograrnAP-.deon-Iters. to me Imo m to be the person. describe:in and Who exe=ted the faregoiag 1rstn =t and he &rJmv 1ed_red tpfor`: ale t"a t :1e �i:G.:.:teu 4be sa. 1FIIh'"-'S. zy hand and official seal in the County and State last aforesaid this 10-: day of A.D. 191s4 NOTARY VNLTC STATE OF FLORIOA My C01MISSION EXP. NOW 21,1987 BONDED TRRU 6ERERAL INS. YND- L1 I .. 2 I STATE OF FURIDA ODL,6N= OF WMAID I IOUB CERTI"r"Y that co this day, before ice, -n Officer duly 1��ttrarize the State aforesaid and County res to t awledgt-lerts, personally appeared to me lnaa-n to be the person described in and stlo execut the foregoing instrmmnt and y� acknowledged before me that <p exerted the same. IF:TIrx"`l�S L77 hand and official in the County aAd State U t s;ozes e*. id this day of A.D. 1986. IOTART hYlLIC STATE OF FLOMIN NT CONNISSZGN CAP. APR 21.1988 "WI) TNNY GENERAL I19. YND. F.ev- 2i1-I83 OFIC it'll S h i p 3 2 DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYORS LAND DEVELOPIMlENT CONSULTANTS 6191 W_ ATLANTIC BLVD. MARGATE, FL. 33063 305-972-3959 SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 5 FOOT UTILITY EASEMENT THE WEST 5.00 FEET OF THE WEST 20.00 FEET OF LOTS 8 AND 9, BLOCK 11, OF THE PLAT ENTITLED "LYONS COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION NO.3111 AS RECORDED IN PLAT BOOK 76, AT PAGE 31 OF THE PUBLIC RECORDS OF BRDWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. (BEARINGS SHOWI,: ARE BASED ON RECORD PLAT) Kµr w rfrr !" w - Xlu rrl 0 70D -ov 1' /Oio �WV r sre� rcf✓ I 7 3 f G 7 A to it 12 .13 14 Is l6 r7 r r•. pw F7,- oil t .ZvEippr,P309F✓ •nrl7' F�'H �i'•.+ w tO' rn-rtl .ra writ e..pr�wr .tcwxt w.wrwo LOCATION MAP o y �.. �EASTE.1rL I/ L/•VE C 0 r5 d .PNO 17 BL�4! //ti ,,,,^ _ i tri 1 1 1 ) 1 elAle' 4,0r40 1 a a v o ui ti � b i. b 0 1 1 I I e A'ZIA/E tor9 I SCALE UPDATES and/or REVISIONS BATE �Y CKrD 1 By CERTIFY, THAT TIE ATTAIWO gWrcN AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION AND OTHE71 FER10101 DATA SHOWN! HEMON, C.STHE 04OVE 9"- CRIBED MIOPEIITY CONFORM TO THE MINIMWI T1&*- tICAL STANE.ARDS FOR LAND BURVCYNIB IN "& STATE OF FLr$IVDA AS ADOPTCn 8V Tr.F KpOATUDIT OF INOFEBBION& RESI`LATiON, BOARD OF Y,S BIMVETORSr IN »FTEMM 1991. AND THAT LAID SKM I TK:rS AND CORRECT TOT"[ BEST OF W KNOWLEWCE AND tE . ijlSlE►RODUCTIONS OF THIS SHETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITN AN EMBOSSED SIMIVEYONS SEAL. to LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/OR RIGHTS -OF -WAY OF RECORD. S.) DATA SHOWN HEREON WAS COMPILED FROM OTHER INSTRUMENTS LAJIRY Y MINO AM AND DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A FIELD SURVEY AS SUCH. REAIS AND SURVEYOR 90.4020 STAY, OF FLORIDA 0 9sO4di 7;777 .5 riw� DATE /O • P0.86 DRAWN CHECKED Gff I JL PG. 'DANIEL CARNAHAN CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. CONSULTING ENGINEERS LAND SURVEYDP, 5 LAND DEYELOPMVVT CONSULTANTS &ioml w ATI AAIT1r RLVD. MARGATE FL. 330.63 30!2 92' 3959 M11 r1 � ••. SKETCH AND LEGAL DESCRIPTION 1 UTILITY.EASEMENT TILITY EASEMENT LYING WITHIN LOTS 80AN���9, BLOCK 11 . OINTHE PLATPLAT N76, TLED "LYONS COMMERCIAL SUBDIVISION N SAID UTILITY PAGE 31 OF THE PUpARTICULARDLY DESCR�BEDDASOFOLLOWS�.ORIDA, EASEMENT BEING MORE COMMENCING AT THE NORTHWEST NCORNER OSAID LOT STHENCE 5WESTLINE OFSAID LOT 8, ADITANCE OF 40.00 FE�T; 00 1��., THENCE N.89°47'44"E•, ALONG A LINE 40.00 FEET SOUTH OF AS MEASURED DISTANCE Al RIGHT ANGLES TO AND PARALLEL WITH THOOFHSAIDLINE EASEMENSAID T;LOT THESGLACONTINUE OF 40.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING N.89°47'44"E•, A DISTANCE OF 180.00 FEET; THENCE 5.00°12'16"E-, A DISTANCE OF 15.00 FEET; THENCE S.89°47'44"W•, A DISTANCE OF 125.00 FEET' THENCE S.44047144"W•, A DISTANCE'OF77EDBATERIGHTHANGLES- TTO°ANDIPARALLEL WITH HE 40.00 FEET EAST OF AS SUR AFOREMENTIONED WEST LINE OF SAID LOT 8, A DISTANCE OF 70.00 FEET TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING. SAID LANDS SITUATE, LYING AND RBEING ECORD IN B OWARD COUNTY, FLORIDA. (BEARINGS SHOWN ARE BASED 3 h N. Ql0I9'4fif 40.oa- P. (J. C. Af w caw- Lo Td r. NB9.4��Q Ee000� ..-ZZ al o „1q. alti �br11 SCALE:/`,so' UPDATES and/or REVISIONS DATE K.aa r . (. w •,per rrl BID • r• /tlC •R P Ott %�= r�iN \•I.tY', LOCATION~"WA v- , 6 Pr v It A r aft joy CK�D 1 11ERENT CERTIFY THAT THE ATTACHED :INCH AND LESAL DESCRIPTION AND OTHER PE]ITINoff DATA SHOWN HEREON. OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED pe*pL TT GoW0AMS TO THE MINIMUM TELMICAL StANDARDS FOR �MD N TW STATE OF FLORIDA At AD�TED THE NvwffMENT OF IROFESSIONAL REBULATtON,004RD 0} ND SIAWCTORSa al SEf�TgMKR I1/1, AND TWAT SAID SKETC i. rRuE AND CORRECT TO THE NEST Of W. KHOwLEDCE AND Itf, 1) REPRODUCTIONS Ofi THIS lXETCH ARE NOT VALID UNLESS SEALED WITH AN EMBOSSED SURVETOR`S SEAL. !J LANDS SHOWN HEREON WERE NOT ABSTRACTED FOR EASEMENTS AND/Oil RIBHTS-OF* WAY OF RECORD. S.) ED AND DOES WNOT RCONSTITUTE EON WAS MAILFIELD RSURVEY AS SUCN.OM OTHER UMENtS (/ L ARRr SIRN REGIS RED LA STAT Of VLOf CHECKED i1.. J /_ SURVE:'OR NO 4020 NO. B5o9ow DATE DRAWN /.& FS/ PG All