HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-385Introduced by �/Z&/ > Temp. # 6 -7 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 RESOLUTION NO. R-86- -:3 3-5- A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR WELLFIELD PROTECTION PROGRAM -- FORT LAUDERDALE PUMP STATION - TAMARAC UTILITIES EAST _ PROJECT NO. 86-16, BID NO. 86-24, AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE WHEREAS, The City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on July 23, 1986, and, WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on October 10, 1986 and October 17, 1986, and WHEREAS, bids were opened on October 24, 1986, and WHEREAS, Utilities Services, Inc. is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the bid of Utilities Services, Inc. in the amount of $21,500.00, is hereby approved. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this -ZaZ day of 1986. BERNARD HART - MAYOR ATTEST: LARRY PERRETTI ACTING CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION. MAYOR: HART DIST. 1: C/W MASSARO DIST. 2: V/M STELZER DIST. 3: C/M GOTTESMAN DIST. 4: C/M STEIN ❑ Fixed price b ORIGINAL: COPY IN Request for Proposal DATE: October 6, 1966 iBID NO: 6 6 - 2 4 (nis 16 not an order) (All blanks must be filled in) PAGE NO.: 2 rMM(S) REQUIRED: WELLFIELD PROTECTION PROGRAM - FORT LAUDERDALE PUMP STATION - -186-16 WILLIAM H. GREENWOOD USING ACTIVITY: firer: _ r,mTT_ FS_i1TDFrr rrr)D - Phone (305) 722.59M BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE 2 p P.M. A. . do t obe r 24, 1986. letem Standard Time or Eastem SWOM DsYWITI ti<aringa ikne as applicable The Ofrldal lima alien be as 'scot on the Dote /Time Recording Clot* in the City Ciews Office. N will be the sole responsibility of the bidder to ensure that his propc"l reach" ft OfI ce of the C1ry 'Clerk, City of Tamarac on or before closing hour and date shown above. TM Legal Advertisement, tnvitatiorrto•Bid, General Conditiens. butru ,Ntona to Bidders. Special Condnions. 80scilkations, Adderwk ms, and any .ether pertinent document form a part of this proposal and by reference are made a put hereof. ApM.CMUSION STATEMENT: The below signed bidder has not dnr W to, discussed or corripered his bid with other bidders and has not ool►udad with any other bidder or parties to a bid whalever. (NOTE No premiums. rebates c gratuities pennilled elther w1th, prior to. or she' ar'y dolnery of materials. Any such vl Mbort will result in to cancellation and/or return of materials (as applicable) and the removal from Bid Llsl(s) TO THE KOCMASING OFFICER OF TFIE CITY OF TAMARAC: We 0). the below signed hereby agree to furnish the following 81111C (s) Of servlce(s) -at the prices)"terms stated subieCl to all instructions, Conditions, specifications, and all attachments hereto. We p) have read all Attochments frleivaing to apeclecations and fully understand what is required (By submttting this signed proposal. we p) 011,6011y accept A contract If aparove 3 rallablthe e f audit tand such o OPP AF lot City cceptance C004M alAud"M Oft 8PPtll�&and buusiness orllfin�ii 4WI Isms Perend Umnt to a reraulltingree g or0�of aentract t we will )e )All prices to be quoted F.O.B., Buyers Destination Tamarac, Florida (Delivered at the applicable City address indicated on" Purchase O►de,.) iFAILURE TO QUOTE: 11 you do not quote, please return quotation sheet, state reason lhereon and request Vol your name be retained on our knaiiing list, otherwise, your name may be removed from our bid mailing list. Bids are firm for acceptance within 60 days after bid opening data yes no other. TERMS: % - Days or by of Month (To apply on date of delivery and aceptance of material.) if awarded All ITEMS BID HEREIN (when applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF % Ja offered in addition to any terms offered above. IDEUVERY: calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (City reserves the right to consider delivery time as a vttsl consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: St+te vry varhtiona to aprciRcationa. ttinha ar+d�a► oer+dnicna n era eoaae or nrfa•snr+e t»rein en variugaa taohtalned a+ anrr saes ar n+�s Propma! Foam a In any M anaehmant NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILL BE CONSIDERED OR WILL BE DEEMED TO BE A PART OF THE IMD SUBMITTED UNLE SS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION IS LISTED WITHIN THE 010 DOCUMENTS AND REFTRENCED IN THIS COLUMN NOSEPAAATE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUIRMI TTED BID. AND THE CRY WILL NOT BE BOUND IN s#M MANNER WHATSOEVER BY ANY VARIATION OR EXCEPTION DR LIMITATION NOT SPECFCALLYUSTED WITHIN THE IND DOCUMENTS ALLPRICES • WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FiRM FOR THE KRIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION THERE'TO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE BID DOOL ME14TS AND REFERENCED IN THIS COLUMN. M no e1 %word n cwftlned n tfrt apace, * is hereby dr oed fhat year bid ownpleas with We tWI @ON* of the and Ift~Iot, 'If Purchase Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposers addresa shown below, please complete the following: •Map Purchase Order to: Mail Payment to: Mail Bids to: Telepfwo No.: w/Area Code PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: &ME (Printed): TWO: CpmpsnY-. awa.l Re9iaWW Tilt r+ -Ix;,l T Address'AAd O �J( SIGNATelephone No. *2 & DATE: 2_4 Indicate Which: Corporation: Enckm"d Refe"W40e Avpoembh is Primpaears Partnership bvAabon To clad - F1 individual owe e1 Grarwroo F*aroioww Caw~*-F'! firer p ~10 P" r among - F] /►eta+` erg o"or la+ ~ rose) .�,.., . @Kx*'*rs "OTT 604, suer a+ ere Fem rya err Invitation To Bid ;k1d No 86-24 • ITY C>F TAMARAC �11 N.W S8th Avenue ,marac, Florida 33321 "Lkmar amns•- Page No, 2of 25 _..._.� All prices to be quoted F.O.S. Tamarac, Fbrlds, Delivered and unloaded at applicable city destination as Indicated below. The following special conditions (if cMcked) apply to this bid. It C71 BIDDERS REOVIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND: The City shell require from all Bidders, a certified check or bid �y pond in the smount of five (5) per cent of the bid, which shall be forfeited to the City in the event the Bidder, to whom the business is grwarded, shall fail or refuse to comply with the spectlications of the bid. Checks will be returned promptly to unsuccessful Bidders efier award of bid. Failure to submit thiis bid bond with the bid could cause rNaction of to bid. DXPERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shall prior to the excution of the contract, require the Bidder to furnish bonds covering the .faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all obligations arising thereunder in such form and amount as the City may ascribe and with such sureties secured through the Bidder's usuaf sources as maybe agreeable to the parties. If such bonds are ipuisted, the premiums shelf be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder shall deliver the required bonds to the City not later than the date �t of execution of the contract. CUANTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE .mp Sum The work to be performed consists of furnishing all labor, tools, materials and equipment necessary for a complete installation as specified and shown on the Drawings, and generally to include: the removal of an existing buried tank, together with its supply, return and vent lines; furnishing and installing new 10000 gallon tank and constructing its containment area around existing generator complete with and including mechanical work, electrical work and miscellaneous work as required. INFORMATION TO BIDDERS AND CONTRACT RELATE SPECIFICATIONS ARE ATTACHED HERETO AND ARE A PART OF THIS SPECIFICATION. rli o- CitV of Tamarac City qW 311 Northwest 88th Avenue amarac, Florida 33321 -t: Marilyn Bertholf, City Clerk Bidden Si atur A0DaItI0 2 e6 Title Company Name W&lt c� Address :±L::L Z�t --- BIDDERS NOTE: Both Sides of this form require signature.