HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-86-439r` 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 Introduced by_ G/W_ Temp. Reso. #4409 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-86- -3 9 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR INSTALL- ATION OF AN ASPHALT PARKING LOT AT TAMARAC VETERAN'S PARK, BID #86-31; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the administration to go to bid at its meeting on October 22, 1986; and WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News/Sun Sentinel, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on October 31, 1986 and November 7, 1986; and WHEREAS, bads were opened on November 18, 1986; and WHEREAS, P.C.I. Paving, Inc. is the lowest fully respon- sive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BEE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTIQN 1: That the bid of P.C.I. Paving, Inc., in the amount of $24,070.00, is HEREBY APPROVED. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this oZ6 day of .1986. ATTEST: CAROL E. BARBUTO ASSISTANT CITY CLERK II HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this Resolution. CITY.....ATT RNEY`, _,. A. BRYANT APPLE6&T / /C/W/ MAYO BERNARD HART MAYOR: HART DIST. 1: C/W MASSARO DIST. 2: V/N1 STELZER .�. DIST. 3: C/M GOTTEr"U'."AN DIST. 4: C/M STE;N CITY OF TAMARAC 1z�/ ,_ORIGINAL. COPYO Fixed price bid� �=.> Request for Proposal October 29, 1986 8 6 - 31 (This Es not an order) 1 IBID NO: G( PAGE NO.- (All blanks must be Mad in) %t �c q0 . o b- of it lTEM(S) REQUIRED: ASPHALT PARKING LOT 4210 USING ACTIVITY. Public Works NvIyer: OtIone (305) 722-59O4, IDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE 2:00 PA" November 18, 1986 Eaatem standard Time or EmMom Bland" ah'aght Sthdngs TWO as applicable. The Official 1N11e shall be as rIF'0 ded on the Date/Time Retarding Clock In the City Clerk's Orfios. R will baths sole responablity of the bidder to onsurs that his proposal reach the Orfree of the City 'Cleric, City of Tamarac an or before dating hour and date shown above. The Legal A&WIleement, motion ta•Bid, general Con�tions, N>stniCWO to Bidders, Special ���e, tiont. Adde►duma, and any •alher pertinentdocumenttorte a part of this proposal Arid by rNerenoe are made a Part hereof. ANTI.CCUUSION STATEMENT: The below sipped bidder has not divulged to, discussed or Compared his bid with other bidders and has not colluded with arty other bidder or parties to a bid whatever. (NOTE No premiums, rebates of gratuitAt permitted either with. prior to, or aver any delivery of materials. Any such violation will result in the cartoallatlon and/or mtum�ofmaterWs (as spplicable) and the nmaval from Bid ust(s) TO THE PAC14ASING OFFICER OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC: We p), the Wow signed hereby agree to furtMah the foliowlnp ArtiCle(s) or service(5) 40 the price(s) and terms stated subied to all instructions, conditions, specifications, and all attachments hereto. We (q have read all attachments including the spectfications and fully understand what is required (By submitting this signed proposal, we 0) officially accept a contract If APP►oved by the City and such acceptance Covers all the teens, conditions, and specificationsand we of this proposal; awe (1) hereby egret that we will make rvallebis for audit to appropAate City Auditors any applfir "O business or ftrhandel rec+aeda pertlnenl to • resuwng order a Contract.) IAII prices to be quoted F.O.B.. Buyers Destination Tamarac. Florida (afivered at the applioable City address indicated onthe Purchase Order.) FAILURE TO OUOTE:1f you do not Quote, plesse return quotation sheet, state reason thereon and request that your name be retained On our trhsihng list, Otherwise, your narne may be removed from Our bid mailing list. Bids are firth for aocaptance within W days after bid opening dot- � yes--.-�--fjoi other. TOMS: 9L Days or by of Month (To apply On state of delivery and acceptance of material.) W awarded ALL ITEMS BID HEREIN (whhen applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF-.I�* % 0 offered in addition to any terms Offered above. DELIVERY; calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (City reserves the right to consider delivery time as a vital consideration when making or recommending award). VARIANCES: State any nfttiorn to spscEicsb:om. urns and/w ao iditians In ws sosce arrsfsrsrros heMin go vsrianoes ow tsired on other psges CO this Pmpo"1 Form or in"tmd sttachfMnt NO VARIATIONS OR EXCEPTIONS BY A BIDDER WILL BE CONSIDERED OR WILL BE DEEMED TO BE A PART OF THE DID SUBMTTTW UNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION IS USTED WrrMIN THE 910 DOCUMENTS AND FIEFEAENCED IN THIS COLUMN NO SCPARATE CR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMITTED BID, AND THE CITY WILL NOT BE BOUND IN ,ANY MANNER WHATSOEVER BY ANY VARIATION OR EXCEPTION OR LIMITATION NOT sPE CMALLY LISTED WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS. ALL PRI CE S wu SE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE Blp DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION THERE -TO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFOW40 IN THIS COLLaAN. If no atalsrnsni is mnlaimad in to Neel, h a hereby ftplied that your aid comWies with "AAI amps of in Bid invllation. .B PLlrcl ase Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to Other than proposer's address shown below, please Complete the following: •Mail Purchase Order to: mail Payment to: Mall Bids to: -Arvt Lo t -�OS' - 2] , w/Area Cade SAL WOM11'1ED BY: c• NAME (Printed): - Title:_ &7WAi-t4.M1� ; -- - - Company* a*pI ppislargd This ih R W Address: WONATURE: DATE: . ii Z Zh► d 3o .6 ( Telephone No.:. - r indicate Which: Corporation: - EndmW RNersnaes Applleable to NoPoaal: Invitation To Bid - F1 &Wait of General Pravlsbns Clauses - F2 Genera( Provisions - F3 Partnership: Yhdividual: Other: 111tetain erne Copy for your Nee) grow , -■UDDERS NOTE: Both sides Of this Form require signature: r SPECIFICATIOtiS AND BID SCHEDULE B,d No 8h-31 invitation To Bid Date October 28 1986 CITY OF TAMARAC 5811 N.W. 88th Avenue Poe No. 2 of 5 Tamarac, Florida 33321 All prices to be quoted F.O.B. Tamarac, Florida, Delivered and unloaded at applicable city destlnation as indicated below, TM following special condKions (if decked) apply to this bld. BIDDERS REOUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND: The City shall requwe from all Bidders, a certified check or bid Elbond in the amount of five (5) per cent of the bid, which shall be forfeited 10 "City in the event the Bidder, to whom the business is �rded, shall fall or refuse to comply with the specifications of the bid. Checks will be returned promptly to unsuccesstul Bidders 7f[er award of bid. Failure to submit this bid bond with the bid could cause ryection of the bid. i r'7 PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shall prior to the exWion of the contract, require the Bidder to furnish bonds covering the .faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all obligations arising fhereunde► in such form and amount as the City may prescribe and wfthSuch miums shallbepaid by tM Bidder. The Bidder shall sources as may be 1 deliver the required bonds to the City not later thaeeable toV* parties, If Such n the date nds are stipulated, the pre of execution of the contract. OUANTITY DESCRIPTION ASPHALT PARKING LOT To provide all materials and labor required llin an asphalt parking lot and J. or ins a g -access roads at The City Of Tamarac Veterans Park at 7825 Southgate Blvd., Tamarac, F1. (northwest corner of Southgate Blvd. and North University Drive. L. Work to consist of excavation and removal of excess fill. Installation of a lime ro base to be compacted and bonded to 6" average thickness. Surface new area with Hot Plant Mix Asphalt rolled to 1" average thickness. Approximately 2,900 sq. yrds. (contractors are responsible for familarizing them- selves with the site and taking area dimensions prior to bid). All underground lines are to be located and protected prior to beginning work. All work to be performed in accordance with County and City of Tamarac standards. Deliver To: (_: Utz)'MAJLA-e--' qn. UNIT PRICE I EXTENDED PRICE 010 Bidders Signature Date %b Title fc cz Company Name E4J f v -i r Address 122�s2Lizk3.413D BIDDERS NOTE: both Side: of tfiis form require airmuire.