HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-093Introduced by C/M Disraelly Temp. L� 2220 Rev. 3/24/82 1 2 3 4 5 e..'s 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 -0 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 33 34 35 36 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION N0. R-82-93 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR ANNUAL GROUTING CI-0,1ICALS FOR THE VIDEO -SEALING EQLn 'r - BID #82-10. WHEREAS, The City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on February 24, 1982, and, Tn1iIMAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on March 5 and March 12, 1982, and WHEREAS, bids were opened on March 17, 1982, and WHEREAS, Polymer Chemicals, Inc. is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION I: That the bid of Polymer Chemicals, Inc., for Acrylami_de Grout 2.29 per pound, 6.36 per gallon, 997, TEA, 0.845 per pound A.P., to be paid as purchased during the year with a 27o discount if paid within ten (10) days on each invoice, is hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 24th day of March, 1982. F MIV�-W aall�ea- ASSISTANT CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION. V i'a E MAYOR - RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR: Q DISTRICT 1: DISTRICT 2: DISTRICT 3: DISTRICT 4: f '.7 CITY OF TAMARAC OR I G 1 AIA G0U 061xed price bid O Request for Proposal BID NO: "�� This k toot an order, (M blanks must be tWed in) xi Koo1 T A DATE: PAGE NO.: VEMIS)REOMM: BUYER'S ANNUAL GROUTING CHEMICAL REQUIREMENTS FOR THE VIDEO -SEALING DEPARTMENT U8010 ACTIN: Blryer. PAone (305) 722-59M .� BIDS MUST BE "Mil TED ON OR BEFORE o2 00- /Vl A.M. • 3armol 17 / A 931910m 90ndwd1 Tarr 0rEasbm Str+dw Dvv1W spaetnos Tina a 01100abta. The oftW finis vW be as nwded an to atejT me ftC0rCbClark C V oh T*inac an or oCity s Ofkw. M w N1 be the aota me; a wlbiliy a fha hifth r to Wwte RS at Ais praposet weehee the OMKe of the city esosirtp flow and date shown spore. 11ekepatAOrerllaar1M.1-AvAIM"OMo4-id, wwatCprdMipne,lnstrueli0trto9idders,SPeoWCorreNtlone.�ee lfOrleAddendums.endany other partirrM doclllrrrnI forma per! of the proposal and by reference are mach a ""tend. iTAT MENT. The bebw $igned bidder Ass not dMdged b. dlsaatced or p n si wed Ws bid I t other bidders and has not WkWed with SPY other bidder or parbas to a bid whatever. (NOTE: No pentillnr, ntpates or 0 partdtlad eEhar h►.1>►br to. or suer any deiryery dmaWrials. Any such tliolation wIN resuN in this ornFaNa 0 - of/or refJMOf M@U We 418 2 PIkONO) nd we nmowt from Bid Listis). 70THE I'UIICHASPICOFFICER OF THE CITYOFTAMARAC:Web),UtebaiowsipltadharebyePetbfurNMiM toMowhnpaKicic(s)orservice(s) Of the priWS) and bans stated abject to aN irfiretione, conditions. Spacitications, and aN atWehxrteltts hereto. Wa p) hwe read all attachments lltcivdinp the apedlicatiotts and tiny understand what is requi►ad (gy subntflling tNe sipnaQProposat, core p) dficiaNyatxapt a contract N approved by the le and such acceptance corer all the bens. corditieons, end Weefte ions Of thou proposal; and we (q h"bY agree that we WNt neke atraRable for ar a fo app *do* CitY Auditors &V app"WO bl Wnm Or Ama WW >feemde 0 WON I to a felift-o order or contract.) AN Pries b be quobd F.O.O.. &WS DwhrwbcnTi w=, Fbd& VeNreredat tee appiicob Cfy address indicated onlhe Purchase Order.) FAILURE TO QUOTE: M you do not quote. Pieria return quotation sheet, MW Rwon thlsllaorl and n AISSI #0 Your near be retained on our tatft list. ofher*ibs, You► manta my be removed from Our bid melt list. ads are firm for scoeptar" within go days &fter bid op d 19 dste,.- YYY TERMS: _ NET 3_0 Drys or by N/A OfMIX111(TO apply on date Of dNivery and 2% 10 aceptarloa Of material.) If awarded ALL ITEMS 010 WREIN (when a>,plicabie). an additio w plla'ouorr OF_- ( zero) 0 % k Offered in addition � any teens end above DELIVERY: THREE (3) q�r days after receipt d purchase Order delirefy time as a vital Consideration when making or recommend)ng award). (City nsetves the tight to consider ♦AKIAWES: StaN any wuristiorna to soeCu�Catior,r, terms ardjW GW d#w* in,* apace aria4reroa heroin as eenteN�sd en ether woes of tni: p�FE� �mT Cam SEPARATE ft* Ml Form W inanYtiW*"ACMnXnt. MO VARIATIONS OREXCEPTIONS SYA MDOMR WLL eE CONSCEiiED ODSUOMMMOUKESSSUCMVARIATIONOREXCEPTIONISLtSTEDNRTMINThESIDDOCUMENTS Oq WILL t!E OEEMEDTOaE APART OFTHE t)R ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLLAED WITMNN A SUSMMO 910. AND THE CITY WILL NOT BE SOUND IN ANYMANNERWHATSOEVER SYANYVARIATION OREXCEPTIONORLMARATIONNOT SPECIFICA{LrUS=WrT"NTHEBODOCUMENTS ALLPRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE so DOCUMENTS UNLESS A 90XR TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION THERETO AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN THE 80 DOCUMENTS AND RE$ EREMCEp IN THIS COLUMN. N na etateffeW a Corkained in this specs. a a hneby bpied go you► bid cowpbe4 wah to fkdl wops or this aid Irwilation. Order Payment Or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposers address shown below, please complete the 11611 Pwchase Order fx Mao Payment tb: Polymer Chemicals, Inc. Polymer Chemicals, Inc _ P. 0. Box 23771 P. 0. Box 23771 :a Lauderdale FL 33307 Ft. Lauderdale FL 33307 .phone No.:— (3 0 5) 4 8 5- 013 3 SIr/Area Code PROPOSAL SUBMITTED By. No Bids 10: Polymer Chemicals, Inc. P. 0. Box 23771 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33307 tifAW i3,r+teq: Alan B. Grant Title: President ComDantr. 020 Replsterad _Polymer Chemicals, Inc Addrear P. Box 771, Fort Lauderdale, Florida 33307 aGMTURE.- TeWphww Na: (3 0 5) 4 8 5 - 013 3 DATE; March 12, 1982 IndicateWhicfi: Corporation: XXX F+telosad Rtfaratocs APPIkatble Ire PONWS h Partnership: kwitatkm To !laid - Ft Gomm No PI2onc Clwec —F2 OIINr' - 41eMM 9na Ieoor for tla� +�••� SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE htivMU*n To Bid -bid No. 82-10 MY OF TAMARAC Date March 17, 1982 811 N.W. Bath Avenue amarac, Florida 33321 ftp No. of Aflpriees to be quoted F.O.B. Twnwbc, Florida, Dognredsndu kmKwatapplicsbw dydestindionas indicated below. The following """' Conditions Of othedued) d1PPlY to this bid. D BIDDERS REQUIREMENT FOR CER I IF CHECK ON BID BONirTfhs Chly*WN raquiretnorn Bidder:. s Certified check or bid - bond in the amount of five (5) per Cant ofthe bid, which shall betrfeitedtothe Ciyinthe event the Bidder.towhomthe business is awarded. shall fait or refuse to Comply whh the sped<igti01114 ofthebid. CheftwlM be nturnedpromptlytounsuxxessfui Bidders after award of bid. Failure to submit this bid bond with the bid could cause rein coo I of the bid. � PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City Shan prior to the excubon of the oontrsct, require the Bidder to wnish bonds covering the %WW performance of the Contrast and the payment of all obligations arisingftreundsr in such form &W amount as the City i`4�. >prescNbeand with such sureties secured the Bidder's usual scumes as maybe agreeable to the parties. If such bondsi r Stipulated, the premiums shallbe paid bythe Bidder. The Bidder shill delivverthe ►equriredbondsto l he Ciynot Iaterthan the i of exacutbri of the contract. GUAINOTITY DESCRIPTION UNIT MtiCE EXTENDED PRICE BUYER'S ANNUAL GROUTING CHEMICAL REQUIREMENT FOR THE VIDEO -SEALING DEPARTMENT The chemical sealing materials shall be an acrylamide chemical grout of the AM9 type.as manufactured by American Cyanamide or equal. The chemical grout shall be in the form of a dry powder and shall be packaged in convenie: bags for handling in the field. The chemical grout shall be a mixture of acrylamide and a methylene which when cata- lyzed with triethanolamine (TEA) and initiat with ammonium persulfate (A.P.) in the manu- facturer's recommended proportions shall for a stiff impermeable translucent gel. All quotations shall be F.O.B. Tamarac Utili- ties Warehouse. The unit prices shall be good for 12 months. The City shall place orders during the contract period for ship- ments not less than 500 lbs. of chemical grou , or one (1) 55 gal. drum of TEA, or one (1) 225 lb. drum of A.P. There must be a written replacement warranty on the quality of the chemicals in case of failure to perform as indicated by the manu- facturer. If there is a shipment received that it not acceptable, it is to be replaced at.the expense of the vendor. T PRICE PER POUND ACRYLAMIDE GROUT I 2.29 UNIT PRICE PER GALLON 99% TEA 6.36 UNIT PRICE PER POUND A.P. 0.845 Estimated annual requirements are: Acrylamide Grout - 9000# TEA - 165 Gals. A.P. - 1350# +erwer To: 20,610.00 1,049.40 1,140.75 Date 3/12 Title President Cc. pam/Name Polymer Chemicals, Inc. Ott Address P. O. Box 23771 Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33307 BIDDERS NOTE: Both Sides of tbis form npui a slipmam 0 TEL. (305) 485-0133 TEL. (305) 563-5752 TOLL FREE: (Outside Fla.) ;� POLYMER CHEMICALS, INC. (800) 327-4346 ��i� do00 OV - il �; ; P.O. BOX 23771, FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 33307 March 12, 1982 City of Tamarac 5811 Northwest 88th'Avenue Tamarac, Florida 33321 Attn: Office of the City Clerk RE: Bid No. 82-10 March 17, 1982 REPLACEMENT WARRANTY Polymer Chemicals, Inc. agrees to replace any chemical which might fail to perform as indicated by the manufacturer. Any shipment delivered by Polymer Chemicals, Inca which is not acceptable shall be replaced at the expense of Polymer Chemicals, Inc. Yours Alan Grant AG/cs truly, MICALS, INC. CHEM G