HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-0801 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 i 20 21 22 23 .r.0 27 28 29 30 35 36 Introduced by C/M Disraelly CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R-82-80 Temp. #2177 Rev. 3/16/82 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR PAINT AND STEEL REPAIR FOR TAMARAC UTILITIES WATER PLANT - BID # 82 - 4. WHEREAS, The City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on January 27, 1982, and WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on February 2 and February 9, 1982, and WHEREAS, bids were opened on February 16, 1982, and WHEREAS, Blast -Air, Inc. is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. FLORID: NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, SECTION I: That the bid of Blast -Air, Inc. in the amount of $48,200.00 per bid, less item F, is hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this 16th day of March, 1982. s_ MIVW0 ��/ (.�"'� CAI" • ° ASST . CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR: DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT r � P RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE CITY of TAMARAC O Fixed price bid O Request for Proposal �a? — This is not an ofdeil BID NO: Wanks ltMrtit be fDOd )inM DATE:._. 'AGE NO.: 1 of 2 ITEMPi REOLMED: PAINT AND STEEL REPAIR FOR TAMARAC UTILITIES WATER PLANT G AC'TMTYs wryer. �hOfN (:N) 722•U00 nBRUARY 16, 1982 BDs MUST BE SuBmfj I ED ON OR BEFORE 42 Paetem 3tindard Time or Eastern alsrrdard OeyliOht BwlI10a Time as appM TM Otlloiel 1w Clean o ee a mpk on the Oat m ody ng 0lW* Inure ft Clerk's ONioe. kwE 6000 soh res woufQ► d Mr biddeNoeneure (flat tris per vwaursthe Office otthe City Crrk c ft d Taara n on or eoto►o dosing tmw and dale shownabove. _ Addendurl wW any b�e+r� a Os►l a o►000w a"d sy wi�irarl�oi �baiedeaprf�• flts bid wnh Other bidders and has not �lfT1�OLL1>IiION WrATEMt�: The below sipr+ed bidder Ira erg dMulpsd to. Oiseueeed W ooeepered etM vrW prig to, or after any OOftuded wnh any other bidder a parhees 10 a bid whabvsr.ROE. No premiums, eabebs or peatl111ias peeenitled� ttr eereo�ral Iron bd lAt(s). alelivary d taderiaie• Aay such viohtlon ww rerun in tlrs IyarroeYtron ardor wbrrn d eradsriaN ilea a00lic�) �TqE'e1l1CMA3MGOFFICEROfT4ECfTYOFTAMA1tAC:IMep►,lhebelowsipnsdhsAbt►11P�b llrtoMowh+Os�cls(slorssrmes1 aR the price(sj and terms abted subjeet tD aM hlstrleetiorr, Contstiona. �• and altadM1eerla herelc' h1 ~� read aN atttchrtlenls iududkV the epeCifications and fully urlderstand what b required lSy wbrelletinp lhistipnedaroPau. we p! accept a 6 th@tct it approved �ythe City and such aCOeptance Courts all the bens. earditwe. and •� d the pcposal; and vre m Mtaby spree tfrt we will rrleke avaMew for audit b appropbb clear AuOm argl e00� umneu or flnurolai ~sods Mt1MreM b • resuleMrp order W aerltrad.) *Avices tote quobd F.O.d . crrYeA DestirrtionTanlarac. Fbrfda (penvensd at ties applicable CNy address b%dioabd cn" Adeaee xOrder) VALURE TO OMM: gym do not quob. phase rettnn quo "im sheen• sib lesecel tlleeecn and eequsd ylaR > Clarets ba retained On our ...Ib..w � �� .w,.. x n nw may be removed from our bed emiMnp list. gIdS am firm tot ae.aptalrla Mllhin W dayS attar bid OPI IF vat TERMS: % Do" W by -- of Month (To apply an dab of dNivef► and a0bowtoe of material.) T awarded ALL (TENS IND HEREIN Wwn SWftbie), an additiorrl O OF_ % ;s offered in addition tD any terms d aabbpoyv�e DEUVERy. - ealerldar days abet receipt of Purchase Order (City retewes the IW to consider dguvM time as a veal consideration vftn making or ww%oommandinp *weed)• VARIANCES: area vvvmr*t;crestoter+n WdfWeord+ m1 Mnt►ftm& aaNranoerieminettverlanoe DEEW edonotnros T dents +,pppaaiFOnnor+nenraid.rl.tree~r►t.NOVARIATIONSOREXCMCNSaYAWMAWLLOECONBCER6DORYVa.IaEpEEMEDTOaEAPART ARATE aDsuomffTEDLpCnSauCMVARUTIONOREXCEPTIONISLIS=WffMINTrEMDOCLPEMA DiEFMW-EDINYOOSCOLUMIN.NOSEPARATE OR ACCOMPANYMIG DOCtJM1ENTi OR LETTERS WILL aE CONSIDWREDAS OC4M= WRMIN A SUPAI= aD. ANDThE CRY WILL NOTSE aMM IN CRACCOMPA W41)O UMENTNYVAF11AT10NORExcERTIONOR M�AITATIONNOTSPECVCALLvLISTEDWRvmTt4E D ws ALLPRICES WILL A CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERM a�DICATED W tto THE aD DOCUMENTS MIU A ADDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION TW%Uo &MD UPS K CM ExCEP'T" wffmw THE aD DOCUMEutTS AND REFERENCED N TMIS COLWIN. M no starnlere w contained OVAe0ace. a is rlareDy &pW 9W your aid WOO" wan to AIM scope of ills ad kwumn. ! pwdm ae Order Payment or Future bids are to be mailed to olnar man prOPOmws 4maw.s:.www 1 rr..`...• •^---- -- - - ioaoMrirta Re Perdlaa Order tax Map Payment to: ve ephone NIL:. w/A►oa Code PRMSAL W NUT= BY. l+1ANiE (PtiMedr A....i._Td S'M"IfIeCd- -Trite Z;,prnpgny; E.apfl "epi Wed Tft in ,, 1g. '' 12tdJ= Mat! afds !o: ------------ Ei Stt3NATf � L Telephone Na: _ �`' r )—, C-� /-yi Y 7 -MATE:-i P Indicate whk*r corporation: I �ropoeet: Parvara .. - AIldos.d ItebrarKes Aoolieeble b — IrarRalion To IN - F1 Individual: bde: of Go"" hoviatona claws-P2 Olhar. Oafsm previaiees-sa SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE kw tation To Bid lid No. IT Y OF TAMARAC Date all N.W. 88th Avenue unarac, Florida 33321 Pace No. 2 of 2 All prices to be quoted F.O.B.Tamerec, Florida, Deliwredwidwdoaded atappkabb city destinatiot: as indicatedbalow. The followlnq special Conditions (V checked► apply tp this bid. BIDDERS REOUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR 00 BOND: The City shellreguire from all Bidders. a certified check or bid :.-77 bond inthe amount Of fte (5)per card ofthe bid, which shall be forfeited to the Cityinthe event the Bidder, towhom the business is awarded, "I fail or refuse toconoy with the specifications of the bid. Checks will be retumedpromptlytounsuccessful Bidders after award of arid. Failure to submit this bid bond with the bid could come rejection of the bid. PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shall prior to the excution cf the ordrad. require the Bidder to famish bonds covering the ��••++ faithful performance of the contract and the payment of all obligations arising thareunder in Koch form and amount as the City may Drssctlbeand with such sureties secured through the Bidder's usual sowces as maybe agreeable to theperties. If such bonds are stipcilated, go pramkm shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder dw debrertha regained bonds to thm Cily not leterthanthe date d execution of the ordract. OUANTITY DESCRIPTION tINR PRICE EXTENDED *RICE 1 PAINT AND REPAIR STEEL FOR TAMARAC UTILITIES AS PER 1982 SPECIFICATION FOR PAINT AND STEZ REPAIR OF TAMARAC UTILITIES WATER PLANT ATTAI 'SEE PAGE 2 of 2 FOR BIDDING INSTRUCTIONS I. Lump sum bid for Items A,B,C,D, and E If City of Tamarac for any reason decide to paint less than the total job include in the above lump sum, awards may be mad for individual parts as follows: I. Lump Sum Unit Prices (See Base Bid Description) A. 4 MGD Accelator B. 8 MGD Accelator C. Six (6) gravity filters D. Two (2) Lime Storage Silos E. Sandblast and Prime Exterior Sur F. Price per pound for Steel Repair G. To qualify, bidder must furnish a list of public utility installations where he has successfully applied paint as designated in this specifi- cation. I BASE BID $ 49kjcxs,- j$ t &,00 . - $ C`47coo , - Is 6" 9oc. - ,-. $ /a -CV a . - 1$ /Q,-mS o=- $:z $ 3 oar: $ Bidders Signature Date Tick CompanyName Address Ceo 111D�►� gs ..C+-. - �-•�- ,.ys. "w : a .