HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-302F 127 Introduced by• C- TEMP. RESO # 2492 1 2 3 4 ,5 7 8 9 10 u 12 13. 14 15 16 r• 1-7 I- 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 1' 32 33 34 35 36 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R � A RESOLUTION RECOMMENDING RELEASE OF CANAL RESERVATION ON . COLONY WEST EXECUTIVE GOLF COURSE A PORTION OF SECTION 8, TOWNSHIP 49 SOUTH, RANGE 41 EAST SOUTH FLORIDA WATER MANAGEI"1Ea DISTRICT E=JEST 4 1 317. WHEREAS, THE City of Tamarac has been requested to state any objection it may have to release of 'Canal reservation across the property described heroin,!add WHEREAS, the City Engineer has examined such request and has recommended the City file no objection to such release. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED -BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the City of Tamarac has no objection to the relea of canal reservation on, Colony West Executive Golf Course, a portion of Section 8, Township 49 South, Range 41 East, South Florida Water Mgt. District Regtu # 13317, EXHIBIT "A" attached hereto. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this the day of ,198.?,. ATTEST: CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the fWrm and correctness of this RESOL ION. ATTORNEY ki'cer MAYOR RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE fIVATATAIA DISTRICT 1: DISTRICT 2: DISTRICT 3: DISTRICT 4: is e L �xn►� 8� TGXZER4, ,"N R. MALOY. Executive Dinett,t, South Florida Water Management District - POST OFFICE BOX "V". WEST I%LN1 BEACH, FLORIDA 33M TELEPHONE (306) OB6.1 M W REPLY REFER �cQ`� sT VJUST. S�O�J OUR FILE # 8roward County Right of Way Division 2020 Wilton Drive Wilton Manors, Florida 33305 Attn: Henry Cook, Director Gentlemen: June 8, 1982 Re: Right of Wit- Secondary Channels County of 8roward 1 i � We have a request for the release of the canal reservations on a parcel of land which may possibly affect existing or proposed works under jurisdiction of your office. The land involved is described as follows: M7 T23711UT "A" ATTAGIED IS^�:Tn 2AD1: A PP=,, L.J.J. D L r� eei J. 10, Pa;;e 74, Dated 3/1L/I3' Apnlicant: Michael J. Salonone, P.A. Suite J 621 South `.i eceral hi-.111 tray Fort Lauddrdsle, Fiarida 33301 As unnecessary delays in processing these requests may create a hardship on the property ow or devel- oper of this parcel of land your earliest consideration is requested. Failure to advise this office within thirty (30) days from the date of this letter may result in the canal res- ervations being released without further notice. Very truly yours, eo t f4' -z z •� Edward A. Melley Real Estate Division P M/bmh u lllt � 1982 - cc: City of Tamarac TAMARAC CM ENCl = FORM RE4 - REV. 4178 EXHIBIT "All .SccLion 8, lXoi4n:;h!p 119 soil' e III Ea t, A -novtion ofLh, Mn(y of FORT _-tAUj)F.RbAI,x* TRUCK FA111-:S SUBDIVIS.103, as recorded in 1')Iat Book pa �v c 31, of t-lic Ilublic of .13roi-jard Couti Ly' Florida, being more particularly describcd as follows: • Co=encina at the northeast corner of zaid Section 8; thence South 00o 011 .37" East, along the hest line of said. Section 8, a distance of 2637.99 feet; of DC.F thence North 880 59, 0511.1lest a distance of 53.01 feat to the Point.. in- ning of ::his description; thence North 000 01' 37" I -lest, parallel irizIn and 53.00 fee'- West of, as measured at right anUlcs to the -art line of said section 8,, a dis-talice of 155A.05 feet to a point of curvature of a circular rve to the left; thence Northerly and 1.1csterly aloe- the arc of said curve wing a radius .of 25.00 feet, an arc distance of 39.27 feet to the Point of n-cncy; -thence South 890 58' 23" West a distance of 35-00 feel -Ito 2- Poi --it of Curvature of a, circular curve to -the :Left; thence Vest1crly and Sout erly. along the arc of said curve, Iiavin.- a radius of 285.00 feet, an arc distance Of 40.13 feet; thence' South 0` 01' 37" East, a distance of 135.00 fee;;; ence 11 cc o'L.686.27 feet; South l6o, 02" 51' llezt, a dis tan' ; thence South 6�_5 341 29" East., a distance of 660.52 feet; ' thence Vorth '120 09' 58" West, a distance of L. . .hence hol. 52 _fv.ct; thence North 88c' 59' 05" Wes;;, a distance of 280.00 Sect; t V'orth 09"-501 20" East,, a distance of 1001.80 fe-6t to the Point of Curv_,".,urc JL of a circular -curve to* the left; thence. Northerly, anon - the arc of said f curve., li::.ving a radius of 220.00 feet, an arc distance of 201.04 cat; Vncnce Vorth 610 117' 33"*Ear-t, a distance of 1j1:8.95 fact; thence South 390 5 117 East, a distance of.).00.83'fect to an int1crscction %tit`h the arc of = circular - curve to the xi;}it, having a radius of 335.00 feet anti vhosc radius Point bea. South 370 11.9' 54",Bast ,, from the last described point; thence Zastcrly alo.-.- the arc of said curve, an arc distance 0^ 76.60 fect.; 'to an intersection with 'the: arc of a circular curve to the left; thence Vortherly and West- erly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 300-00 feet, and ,whose radius point bears South 890 57' 07" Uest, fro.-i the last dc:;cribed arc distance o" 250.54 feet to the Point of Tanpericy; thence point, an . 4 Vorth 1170 531 50" Wes t, --ii _distance of 541.03 feet; thence I'orth Oo ol "2711 I 1t) a distance of 1110.00 feet; thence 1.,ortlh 880 59 loll west, Parallel 1_. i and 53.00 feet South of as.nicasured at, riL1111.- :angles to the 1.-orth line said Section 8, being further described as the South Right -of -,.-!ay line 142N:cNab Road, a distance of 100.00 -feet; thence South 00 01' 37" East, a distance of 13 .g.661 feet; thence Southwesterly along the arc of a circular curve to the right, whose radius point bears IJ .urLh 880 59' 10" V'cst, from the last described point and having a radius of 3.280.00 feet, an arc dis- tance of 999.70 feet; thence North 57c) 59' 05" lest, a distance of 7.1, feet; thence-` M 320 001 55" I -lost, a distanc,: of )J5, feet; thence South 570 59' 05" East, a distance of 162.50 feet to the point of cu- rvature of a circular curve to the right; thcnce SotLlherly along ',,lie arc of said 4, curve having a.radius of 175.00 feet, an arc distance of I' cc o the & . Point of Tangency; thence South 170 311' 17 Ues-t, a distance 0., 0 'cc': to the point of curvature of a circular cu--ve to the left; thence - Bout: erlY, along the are of said curve, having a radius of 375-'00 fcct, an arc dlsta7-cc of 172.37 feet to the Point of Tangency; thence South 080 115' 52" F_astt, distance of 5111.39 feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right; thence Southwesterly, along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 100.00 feet, an arc distance of 1113-00 feet to rate Point of Tangency; South 730 091 58" 1-jer.t., adisranee Of 117.65 feet to the T)oin'%.* of curvattze - of a circular curve to the rie)it; 'L,.Iicncc Northlics'erly along I. -he lare o= 0 UO a curve, havini-I a radius of 75-00 feet, an arc distance of 137.1 "cc" 'a J_ Ia of reverse curve; thence I�Torthwc_stcrly alon- the arc of an arc distancc c to ,the 'left., having a radius of 125.00 f ect, to the point of Tangency; thence Vorth 38o 111 55nt-Ics", a di -stance of :21. e of 11115.00 feet; tl.,C..ce� M-M30-fact; thence North 03-0 00' 55!' ):as.., a distance � 0 �O 1 29 11 distance of 100.0-0 feet; thence 11.0 .1.1 �_/ 3 Vort. 580 59' 05" West) a dist t of curvature of a circular C-�'--Vc feet to the po�in I -lest., a distance of 189:57 'cc- I alonU, the arc of said cUrvC., havinc, a to the right; thence Iforl-IMIcstcrly, radius of 385.00*fcet) an arc distance of_2L2_ .81, feet; thence South 590 .11' Ilest) a distance of 375-89 feet to the po'l.,It of curvature of a circular 39 along the arc of zaid curvO., hZ%'V'-n-Z; curve to the left; thence Southwesterly, A - A, 517.J11 Ice -to the Point Of a radius of 1420.00 feet, an are distance o� U 1. L, %. Tan7,cncy; thence South 380 19' 01's I-Icst, a d"'L.111ce L of 177_12 feet to --I on the arc of a circular curve to the riCbZ) whose radius point bears bO'.:'h 07 froLl the last described *_PoinL; thence Solitnenstcr-y, - 00 110' 39" We t, A. , an arc cc 0;% the arc of said curve, having a radius of 83P_IOO- fCC.. .i�=• �.�{ ;: e:: j 1.11t:UCC its ch V ,1. ofee-..;L Gja ��' �V1� y U a _ r co 1' ��� 1;:1::;: a di::tiancc a.' �.95.30 fcaL to the join` of ct•-v^'u-c o'' hnr an .59 1 3' ' C jilt thence i:.%str_lY, algn�; ;:he arr. o: -ail ccuv.:, .1 c i r, ular ck.k Y i,liC . . a xaclilc:: of 90.00 i eel, nn arc distance of 129.7u feet 'i o the po_at o_ h..� ln�, p rr�i 11 feet to .he T.X:iCccicy; thcilce Sough 3311 55 I::t:• , a distance of 23�s.9 point of curvature of a circular curve to the rie;it-; thence Southerly alone, tlic arc of said curve, having a radius of 75.00 feet, an arc distance of 51-33 fee:: to tlic Point of Tang, :ccy; tl►eacc South 010 00' S5" 11CJV, a distance of 199.51 to the point of curvature of.a.circular curve to the left; .'%,licncc Southca5terly, along the arc of said curve, 'having a radius of 110.00 feet, an arc.. dis tance of 51.87 feet to the Point, of TarLi r cncy; thence South 260 00' 00" East., .t distance of 31. 57 feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the right; thence Southerly along the arc of said curve, having a radius of 200.00 feet, an arc distance of 1��.30 feet to t::e point of Tangency; thence South 010 00' 55" Ties', 2 distance of .00 feet to the point of curvature of a- circular curve to the right; tinet -ce Sou th- Lacs-crly,along the arc of s, id curve, havin;; a radius of 75.00 f ect, an are distance of ll46.59 feet to the Point of Tangency; thence North 670 00' 00". I1est, a distance of 11111.50 feet to the point of curt'•=tUre of a.circular etuve to the left; thence T:orthwes terly along the are of said curve, having r �l 30 feet to the Point of :c radius o" 050.00 feet, an are distance of 13, 1. Tangency; thence north 880 59' 05" I -lost, a distance o" (�i7 ``5 feet to a point on the arc of,a circular curve to the left, vhose radius potent bears. Sou�ti, 690 41' 30" West, from the last described point; thence Worthtiiestcrly, . Dion- the arc of said curve, having a radius of 770.00 :cct, an arc distance of 185.01 feet; thence South 530 00' 110" 1•les::, a distance of 110. feet to a point of curvature of a circular -curve to the right; thence westerly, alon- the arc of said curve, having a radius of 75.00 feet, an arc distance feet to the Point of Tangency; thence North 570 53' 23" Ilest, a distance pf 92.83 feet to the point of cu rvature of a circular curve to the left; t'.:eace tIestcrly, along the arc. of said curve, having a radius of 250.00 feet an arc distance of 167.23 feet to the Point of i'zi:gency; thence South 830 1:7' 04" -I feet; thence Souhl: 88o 111' 111" 1-lest a distance of Z•lcst, a dis lance of 121 11. thence 17 8.98 feet to the point of curvature of a circular curve to the riE,h-; ATortr.�es Lerly, along the arc of :;aid curve h :ving a radius of A. 1110-00 A.ee ar. arc distance of_. 1 .77 feet to tiie Foicit of �ngency; thence Korth 370 22' 33" ZTest, a dicta zee of 93. ts1 feet to the llcli nt of ct+rva�tu e o. a circular c;L-vc 1 y alon a the arc of said ciu-vc, havinr- a radius to t1�e left; thence I�or�hc•�es,.erly (� • of 1110.00 feet, an arc distance of 1.82.�i�t ieet to the Point of i-n ;e^c:l, she: ce South 6"l° 5"t' 33-�� llest, a di:::ancc of 1>�.'�}1 feet to tiie point o� cuxvatL~e o. a circular curve to the right; thence 1•lc: tcrly and: P or -herly alo^g the arc o: said currve,, having a radius of 125.00 fect an arc distance of 2o7.3S :cc�t; n ice. T 0 1' " I•.:1,�, a distance of 2. 0.'-+o to the Poic;t of Tangency; Lhcncc r.or�h lU i 3 feet to the point of cu vature of a circular cu_-•ve _0 the left; �hc;�cc I�orth- having a radius of 300.00 :ect,o arc 2�� crly along the arc of said curve, thence i:o= tii 2•� 35 distance of 1'02.91 feet to the Point of 1angenc•/; distance a. distance of 175.39 feCt to the point of ciu-vaturc of a circular curve to the •right;; thence Northeasterly along the arc of sa.:d cur-1.�c, Navin^1�^`�`". radius of 15.00 feet, an arc distance of 1?ci.1�6 feet to the Fein,, o. 1a.•�. , ,,' 760 " East a distance of 218.1.2 fcct �0 the point o: c:�--1=- ..hence North (a 00 3> - -' -. '� stc�-wy and Sou,,..�:ly tore of a circular curve to the righ", thence i,4 are of said curve, having a radius of 150.00 feet, an a_ c cista: ce arc 3?3.35 feet to a. poi:�t of reverse curve; thence Sou:.he-s-erly, ,.loaf the a:c o-:�- circular curve to the left, having a radius of 1.10.Ob feet, an arc distance 91.05 feet to the Point of-an-ency; thence South 27 53 51 EaJ%., distance of �ui�.U�1 cc:L to tide X1aii1L of curvature of cui ccu} avi"iCar �cr�oius the lcf t; thc�:cc clod Lhca:. Lcrl Y alcicc€; the gal c of ,� of lOO.OJ !'cct, .ul arc di.;Lccncc o£ 1.1�9.1c5 fc:eL; 11lcncc ;:orth 200 >6` 13 of t, a di:: La�►c..: or 1'13.30 feet to tlic Ilo5.c11 of curvature of a circular curve to tlic xiglii:; thcncc ItorLicci3.y a:l.on1; the arcetorto1�ap�intcor reverse cu�•ve; of 290.00 feet, an arc distance �r 236. > thence I4ortllwCsl:.crly along the arc or a L11Cc'I fccL to a pointlofVrcvcrs�C a. radius of 25.00 feat-, an arc distance off - aloe t}ie arc Of a circular cus•ve to the curve; -thence Nortlilicscerly C 1 `•' sect; the :cc having a radius of 725.00 feet an /mar/c(((JJj di. Lancer a } ] ( /� t 10" ticst, a. distance af�n fe, �."Jllr ncatJoi��0aT1 (,l es 1.O'r J1 e�V 830 59' �i+���� _ para11c1 with and 53.00 feet Last of,nce o ' line of said Section 8, a distance of 1359.73 fCeL��tnrin" I.ESSrand EasC a distance of 5171.63 feet to the lolnt, or hc� « at the Ilortheast corner o: the folloijing described parcel. Conmencin� li�►e therco�,, Section 8; thence South oo° of 37" Ea�t_alo_n:: the East a •- ytlz�cc"of'2�,3"T.9`) 1'ccl:; thence North 880 59' 0>" iJest, a dista:�ce of �• .'s Scct; 1.11ciice Norwl Qv= v-L' 37" Hest, parallel with and 53.00 t of, a:; �;,a:;;;i•.:.i ril;ht ankles to, the last line of said ;section 8, a diL��ancc o- fect• to the 110ilit".0f Beginning of this description, said point bci :C• described as being the point of curvature of a circular curve to the . thence Northerly and Vesterly along the arc 'of said curve having a dills of 25.00 feet, ailarc distance of 39.27 feet to the point of ianCeacy; thence South 890 5t31.23" West, a distance of 29A7 feet to a point of curvature of a circular curve to the right; thence Westerly and northerly along the arc of :lid curve, having a radius of 575.00 i"eet, an are distance of 1,19.25 :eet to the Point of T.-mC cncy; thence Forth 720 09' 558" 1-jest, a distance of 1.18 Feet; thence North 050 3111 29" West a distance of Ii .118 feet; thence South 720 09' 58" East, a distance of 22.83 feet to a point of curvature of a ircular curve to the left; thence Southerly and Easterly along the arc of Rid curve having a radius of 525.00 feet, an are distance of 163:p6 feet to i'le Point of Tangency; thence horth 890 58' 23" Lest, a distance of-29.1;7 .6 to a point of curvature of a circular curve to the left; thence Easterly and. Vortherly alb, the arc of said curve, having a radius of 25.00 feet, an ' are distance of 39.27 feet;, thence South 000 01' 37" East, parallel -with anti 53.00 feet Hest of as measured at right angles to the Fast line of scid Section 8 a distance of 100.00.feet to the Point of Beginning, and also LESS and EC:EPT Parcels "B",and "C", and Road Right -of -Way for Westwood Boulevard West of the Village, as recorded in Plat Book 80, Page 19 of the Public Rcc- ' -ords of Broward County, Florida. " a FA - CD OD 0 min P. 10 A0. 1 A I .•. .=={:�•:/.::':::i:':::�:j.Y�: is �: No Text