HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-0281 j I Introduced by j% 1 2 3 4 5 i 7 8',I 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 .3 a 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 �32 33 34 35 36 Temp.# 2138 Revised 2/10/82 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR LAWN MAINTENANCE - BID #82-1 WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on November 30, 1981; and WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News, a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on December 30, 1981,and. January 6, 1982; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on January 15, 1982; and WHEREAS, Quality Lawn Service, Inc. is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the bid of Quality Lawn Service, Inc., in the amount of sixty-nine one -hundredths of one cent (.069�) per square foot (Price per cutting $4,198.30) with additions or deletions to the scope of the work as determined by the City Manager, is hereby approved. If the square foot of cutting is adjusted upward or downward, a change of payment will be made at sixty-nine one hundredths of one cent (.069G) per square foot. The term of the contract is from February, 1982 through September 30, 1984. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this loth day of February, 1982. ATTEST: ASSISTANT CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTI�ON. > CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR: DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT MAMR RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE CITY OF TAMARAC sr,,�! Fixed price bid p Request for Proposal DATE: (This is not an order) PAGE NO.: Bi1D NO: yr-7--�-ustbe-fllledin) 11TEMM REQUIRED: Buyer: 9 A T R Ij "'" T c �'� Phone ij305) 722.5900 USING ACTIVITY• 1:.rs.-- BIDS MUST -DE SUBM 17'!ED ON OR BEFORE _ a d 10 _ n tie as %corded on the Ostelrnne main Sbndard Tire w Eastern Standard DsYNOf+f Ssvinps TM * as sppNcabw Trio OtfiCiai lime & proposal reach" the Office of the city ecordinp Clock in tM Ctb Cwrk's Oltice. a will be the sow responsibility Otto bidder tows" that trs proposal City of Timvac on or before dosing how and data Mown above. 1CondKions• ions.Adderldinris. andsny ,e Le#pat AdveAiserrreM. prvfbtiortto•8id. aer►erai Condltiorls.Inttrudions 1p t3idders. SOsua tier persnrer>t docurrian► form a Oars of this proposal and by teleren&v we mods s W tlaeof• has not dtwlped to. dsci"W or compared ttis bid with other bidders and ties riot •iTI�OLLtJStOff ><TATEME1wf T: Tire below signed Kidder rebate: or pratulties VWMMed either with. prior to. or after any �uded with any Other bidder Or partieswill rfsufl�tAt gr,celtati0n � Of Materials (as appNcabla) and the terrrpvst Iron+ Bid List(s). etivery d rrlsterisls. Any such viotaiion DTME P1tRCMA3MG OFf tGER OF THE CtT1► OFTAMARAC: We (q.1hs!»bw si�nsd f+by a loturNsfithe lollowlrip tHicw(s1 or srnricetst the gets) and arms stated subject to all instructions. conditions. ipeeNications, and ail ariachms �sr�oMiciNyacicept sneoM�sct approved ttudinp the epetMiCatiorlf and Cully understand whit is required BY i^'i^p ttis signed pro0op icable business or i n s of reco►ds oeAiinant to a resaw"a order or contract.) � the City and such acceptance covert an the fermi. Oonditions, and specifications d this propoiat: and we (I) Mnby apse tMt we will make 4allable im SUER to appropriate City Auditors any eopl v prices to be QWW F.O.B.. Buyers Destination Tamarac. Florida ipeli,ryred at tha City address indicsted onthe Purchase Order •) AILURE To OUOTE: N you do not quote. pwsse return quotdion sheet, safe "Wori thereon and agwst that your fans be retained on our riling list. otrwrwise. your nerve May be removed from our bid W ft Nat. Hide are firm for acceptance within W days after bid openIng data:___ Yes no _--'Other. Deys on of by _ of Month (To apply on date of delivery and TERMS: �' aceptanee of material.) Nk awarded ered + ALL ITEMS BID any cams offereden applicable). an additional DISCOUNT OF - DELIVERY: _ calendar days after receipt Of Puy MS Order (City reserves the right to consider delivery time as a vhal consideration when making Or Wormmandin0 h�rF0VARIANCES* m Oa+$ 8nsy a �,"&CMneMf NO VARIATIONS tR EXCEPTIONS BRA BIDDER WILL E CONS REDeOR 1ML SE DE ME ED 08E �Paa OfTr1E aipSUBMiTTEDUNL£SSSUCHVARIATIONOREXCEPTIONISLISTEDWITHIN rIEB�D000ur�tEMSA►rppEFERENCEDiNTrrtSColtJI�I NOS£PUNDIN AOR nn rrnIEaNw�u►TSOEVE_Rsvt v AT10�NOAEXCEPTTIIONOORLIMITATIIOONN01SPECITHIFICALLVLLrSTTEEDBwRi�TwEBTHE DDOCUMENTSALBLPRC S AWILL BE ND LISTS CONSIDERED EXCEPTION EDAS rlptWITOR T THPERIOD INDICATE 8 DOCUMENTS I�niD:�FEREWITHIN HE BNCED TID AWS oLLNd UNLESSNTS ftDafA nynr sstwoamee SPECIFIC ws eoecO. a is Hereby i Mist your ad Compiles wan Ins NAI etOOt of va Bid M+ritation. I purchase Order PaymbM or Future bids are to be mailed to other than proposers address Shown below. please complete the nibwin0: hall Purchase Ordw to: Man Paymod to: VIA Bids tic: .r telephone No : wlArea Coda PROPOSAL SUBI!M�TTED BY: �,r^ c' S 11AME (Print . rompatlY Rew t TWO to truthtill �1J� ttb SiGNA 4 Fol?Z, Telephone No.: Indicate Wfwch: Corpogtion: M ltiapesar Partnership: Enclosed References Applicable Individual• brAlation To Bid • Ft kldeX of General pro,rwiofs Clauses-1>~1 Othar: QGeneral Provisions — ii ♦ SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE - _ Imitation To Sfd 1C17Y OF TAMARAC SBtt N.W. 88th !!venue�- Tiernarac. Florida 33321 Attprtces tobe QuMedF.O.e•Ten+o*ac.Florbs.>De ifw bid.ideO alsPpucabN City destinslwnas Indicated Detow. .Me foUow,%q specw condnions p ch"ked) XW11 pIDDERS REOUIREMENT FOR C£RMED CHECK OA BID 90NO:V* Ct shatrecp** troy+ se oiddms Certified the ck o►bid bond Alhe s WWA DWI (S)1v ant of the bid.which shag be foAeKed 10"CityinMe event the Bidder.towhomtht twsiness is awarde0.0a11 tall or refuse bwiththe apetiGcaW%of the bid. Checks wW be returned pronnptyb unsuccessful Bidders after sward of bid. FsUe to sit this bid Mond with ft bid onufd am rejection of the bid. p�ERFORMANC£ OONDS: W* Ck shall prig to the exafion of tht ooR+lrad. itequke Ins Bidder b tumis*bonds covering t" faithU perfprrnante of the W*80 and the paym M of as oN;ptions afting thereunder h s„ch form end amount as the "y R a prescribe andwlM auCh wret.es up�reQlhrpughlht &ddePs vswfsources as resybe d rbondstofMn Cejnol later ft the dam SUiputated.the prsmiwns shaft be paid by the Bidde"" Bidder shah dt�er Ins tequlr of sstctlibn of the eor+tratt. ! pL1AWTITY OESCA/tTION - I ova maintenance for the City of Tamarac for the period 2/1/82 thru 9/30182o iiork to be performed in accordance with attached details specifications and srouad plan. VN17 MICE The City estimates a total hutting area of 59752.470 i.To Bids are to be submitted Is accordance with the schedule attached. As an option. the City Sag elect to extend the contract period an additional 12 or 24 South: Bid prices ass to be stated as followas 1PRICZ VIR R ESTIMATE Soso 19 Cuttings nos. 52 Cuttings mos.. Is cuttings . PRICE PER f.To CUTTiRc .orb t 1U#30 Brigs the Coors* of any contract eatered tat s a result of this bid the City may elect to dd or delete specific cutting areas. The esultant cost aball be adjusted by the S.T. Ties bid. idders most attach a listing of local refer — sees (Dade, froward sad/or Pals Bch Counties ) a s south period EXTENDED ►RICi TOTAL COST PER YEAR �1�.J11 • �� �n • A) /,W ///z .4 5 - ..._ %.J r N(Wh "Os sf eds t"w met**