HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-2081 2 31 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14! 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 31 32 33 34 35 Introduced by: j/ Temp. #2242 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA Rev. 7/28/82 RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR CONSTRUCTION OF FACILITIES FOR CAPORELLA PARK - BID #82-16 WHEREAS, the City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on April 14, 1982, and WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on June 4 and June 11, 1982, and WHEREAS, the bid specified that it could be split or awarded in parts; and WHEREAS, bids were opened on June 16, 1982, and WHEREAS, the lowest and best bids have been determined by the City. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the bids for the following items listed in Bid #82- 16 are hereby approved: a) By B.K. Marine in the amount of $12,480 for a footbridge. b) By Caporella Ticon in the amount of $26,340 for the sod, ground sign, lake clearing, etc., asphalt trail and parking lot. SECTION 2: That the bids for the remaining items of Bid #82-16 are hereby rejected (and will be accomplished by the City's Public Works Department) . PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this day of QAA 1982. MAYOR - ATTEST: ASSISTANT CITY I HEREBY CERTIFY at I have approved the form a correct ss of this RESOLUTION MAYOR: ` DISTRICT CITrORNEYI DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE CITY OF TAMARAC / 0 Fixed price bid --`` 0 Request for Proposal DAT; May 5, 1982 IND NO: _ (This is not an orde4 'AGE NO.: 4U blanks roust be filled in) M �QEp; _ Construction of Facilities for Caporella Park, Tamarac, Florida, as included on .he attatha TiAt of MA Prialt RALPH THISSEN &=NO ACTIV)TY: Wyor. rTTV nr TAMADAt "we (305) 722.59M 2:00 P.M � JUNE 16 1982 I *M MUST SE 8MM"M ON OR WORE ;"- . faswri su nderd Two W Kaftm Slsndsrd Dey'Bp�ftt sovk a 7bo as opp:oable• 11te en"tl tuns shafA be ar wooded onto Datefreme Clock III ft Cs0600P Tahatsan bp�ad eo OBSP Mob drown apo1d>Y+a blddaban+jsu that Iris prrjl0osdwrJw tM O�ttoe ottna Cyr 11te Lepat Ad�N»rn.ra tM�atioMo�se. w� rat cenerliona.a+atruct+ona b aiddaRs, so MM oo11-1+s.10 R�d.ndunla, sod a++y sa>rr aerbnend dowinrna taco! s part d ttis vmpoeal and ft rowenoa "mob a part Aa+rd. jjMCoLLtuttfolt %TATTEMPl T: tl* below SW" bidder tlas noR dwlped to, dsalaeed WWI** Ilia told slllh eNier bidders srd has not elokufed Wnh any otlle► bidder or penes to a bid whawar. WE: No pnemillms. rebabs or pstleltiet periidited enf+m wtttO, prior to. a attr eny syeirery d rsnteriak. Atny aut:t violation Mtl etawn ati >!M ifarfcelltlion and/or ,elute! d aiatseiata � ailpscabbi and 1M +leeeorat /coon Sld Listts). 1DTt►tE �L1RCFtASlNG O�FFtCER OF?MtE Cff1f OFTAIIAARAC:We tlf,lhebelowsipnedAwsSysprise!ott�n+ItshlhaloRb�OaAide(slaeervieets) do** prioe(s) Bald teens hereto. W* (I) !lave read all atta>;hments 411C111ding the $McK"ions "fully urberstendwMt is MQuhe.d (ey S&RO tting Nis sipnedpeopossl, we (I) vMidaMyaxeDt s W.I.sct Mappnoveti by the City and such acceptance covers all Nis terms. twwdions. and spKit cations of this popMl. web tape try tbe+neby ghee Otis! we Will Woke saMble for suM to appmpdsts linty Auditm ant► apptkable h uinea or hAncW wooeds 0eetineIII to a wait a ceder or SwAraef.) 02 vices w b quoted R0.5.. Buyers Dest+nationTinrrae,:befds d at the apioabte City address lndietledanthe Aerchase Order.) VALLLMtE To Ou(yTE: gym do to plot*. please wtuen gOlDWon thee!, state be wtWod on our sa ftV fiat, vlfwwiso. your taom slay be removed tom W blo Malik MI. ➢ids an ham for amplance wimb 120days after bid ov e d ip dat_= Piss __ro- tiler. 1gR5: _ Qn % WHEN COMPLETEn of Month (To appy an dale of O1086My and acnianoe of nwierial.) S awarded ALL ITEMS STD 01EREIN (when apfiNh4), an additions! DISCOUNT pF r) 'X M offered in addition to any terms offered above VELMERY: 30 - plendar days oiler tecetat of Puehsa Order (City reserves thw fWd to,consider I deliveryas &m a vU consideration when making or tecwrownding award). VARIANCES: bw"veriet;aolowet9cefiW4.1hirmsrwfwW411 %InftsmaceV19%+WOO t+101i'm40 awnas=tee+eea+arr+oaoe+drms �ppp��ifprn+Orine+�SeOeftrtCMnt*A NOVARIA11ONSOREXCV"*NSBYAtBIDDERWILLIECONSD0400RWILL BEMIkAMTOSEAPART OFTi1E OID SLIBMMM LKJSS SUCH VARIATIDN OR EXCEPTIDN ISL1ST= t ffWNT*E BIDDOCWENTS AW PEFERENCED INTrnS COLLPAN. NO S"ARATE OR ALCOkVANYING DOCUMERTS ORt.MERS WILL ISE CONSIDEREDAS INCUM WIT K%ASUBMTTED BID.ANDTHE CITY WILLWW BEBOURDON ANY MANNER WIMTSOEVERBYANY VARIATION OREXCEPTiONDRIOArtATIONNOT So'ECIF4ALLYLtSTEDwrT"NTK9iDOOCWfNTS ALLPRCES WILLeE CONSIDERED AS FORM PDR T14E PERIOD INDICATED wRMIN TI4E BIDDOC WrENTS LONLEU A BIDDERTAKES SPECIFIC EXUPTIONTMER£TO #00 LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION WITHIN TrE $ID DOCUMENTS AND RE:ERE = INTINS 0016LOMd. a ro Natenlers1 w iorlOMMI11In gm area. a is hereby & C I ftl VW 60 — it' e - wIIA So fare *cops Of V* ad Ile411112 L i1 ft=l.&a OrderAeymerd w future bids srs to be mailed to other than prOPosefa address shown below. OleaBe comDnie the Mart PureMse Order Im "aPayment So. Matt Side riot on Tnr caTno1___ (same) Avenue u iarile 1 L ahthouse Point. FL 33064 Telephone No:. �� �1 ��1 (�n� wlArea Code "OPOSAL SUBMITTED BY.' 1HAMF(PfWI: Rnhprt T KannPrly Title:-. A iDmw. 09111 Telephone No.: DATE: Irdirste Which CoWation dnebeed Retererteee AOO�aeN xx- 00 tioPMr: beOAtstbn To fliO �Ft �� IDIOM �0 -Page SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE tl w stion To Bid =1 Of TAMARAC Date Tim o l F, l QR 811 N.W. Wh Avenue 01 ST=. Florida 33321 thoe No. 1 er 2 00 prices Lobe quoted F.O.IH. Tamorse, Florida, DeNwrod vW wdoodedst applicaW oft destination as indieatad Wow. ..• ' he following special conditions (If checked) apply to this bid. MDOM REOLRREMENT FM CERTF= CHECK OR 80 BOND:TIre Clythantequlre*arn stl Sitfde*s. s WtI adt heck or bid , bond in tM amount of five (s)per oent offt bid,which shall be forfefted tothe Ctyin9w event" Bidder,tow vo nthe business is awsndsd, shall fall or refuse to corn* wlM the speolkAtiwe of ft bid Chadds will be returnedprarnptbto urteuooessful Bidders after award of bid. Fa vre to subs* that bid bond with the bid could cause isisctiort d V e bid }IFRFORMANCE BONDS: The CMy shelfprbr to the ext tnion cot* oontrme. wool the eidder fo iuRrtish cords t�overmp the J 1sttMui aerfomance of Mecontract andit psyr+ ni of all obligations arisinglw*undsr in such folr+and amount as** City may vrestxibe and with suchsureties secxrredthrauph the &dder'a usual sount~esas maybe apresabk lathe parliet.Mauch bonds are sti wW*d,Vw prernhns eftap be pall byft Bidder.Tbe Biddersiufldelnsrft required bards 109w ftnoliMertwr►the date of exam 'on of In contract. cuANTtTY ' DESCRIPTION I UNIT PRICE 1 EXTENDED PRICE 1 �I. 'DESCRIPTION. Furnish an nstall a lump sum bid (itemize each item) for the complete work described and located on the plans prepared by R. S. Rubin for Caporella Park, site construction plan dated 10/23/81. Owner retains the right to delete portions of the work from the contract. . The bidder is required to carefully examine the site to fully acquaint himself of all conditions attending the execution of the work located in Caporella Park on Prospect Road 1/4 mile north of Commercial Boulevard. The work shall be completed within 120 days after being notified by the owner to commence construction. II. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. The contractors a be responsible for the main- tenance, establishment and survival of all landscaping plantings for a period of 120 days after completion of planting of all items included in this contract. Trees shall be fertilized with placement of 21 tablasized fertilizer with 20-10-6 analysis. All plant material shall be sound, healthy, vigorous free from plant disease, insects, pests, etc., and shall conform to standards for Florida Grade fl or better. All questions regarding items included in this con- tract shall be directed to Ralph Thissen, Public Works Di rector 722-4210... --_ III. LIST OF MATERIALS TO BE INCLUDED IN 1 Fishing Pier S Foot Bridge 1. The bidder shall be responsible to submit sealed engineering drawings in full accordance with the ..South Florida Building Code for Building Depart- ment approval prior to initiating construction. The drawings shall be in accordance with the • drawings prepared by the Public Works Depart- ment dated July 1981, (a copy is attached). *wwTo: CAPORELLA PARK (Total Cost: .,a $ 156/L.F. $ 156/L.F. $120,210.00 $12,480.00 $12,480.00 Address 3401 N. E.21st Avenue Lizhthouse Point, FL 33064 u YGSo o-fag CITY OF TAMARAC EK Fixed price bid -fir"KL cO� D Request for Proposal . DATE: May 5, 1982 /6 CNS Is not an ord*4 �D No. 4OW b4u*s Rust be furled m) PAGE NO.: IMMM)REOUW=: Construction of Facilities for Caporella Park, Tamarac, Florida, as r. included on the attarhpd lice of matpriale= RALPH THISSEN NO ACTWffY., 9W*r. - rtT- nt: TAmAoAr PlIOIM i 722-39W SIDS MUST K WA� ON OR MORE2 : 00 P.M. � JUNE 16 1982 tStalera Standard Time s tiasltm wa rd Dtyt+pht solttrMtpa Tirtt = appt=b%. Vw efuolat We ntltatl w as soefdtd onto Dotefime flecordirtp Cbok in tlw CMy Cie+lc'a OMia.1t wfA be ffft soN reaportalpiliyo(Btt bid , lowtatst tbtt Ata pripoaalwaeNaa tAt Otfiot of lht city Dorm, Cagy o1 Tihwu an orbefore oioahp ffotr and data shown ab". . 'TM Lopez AdrtrliaolArtt, ttlflAtationlorDid, Qerterat Cortdlliorr, lna�tetiorta b Biddara, Sptcbt OottdMions. Bpaoi�+Stlris.Addaftdlerta, ��oda*ly �lfiat plrtiryt>d >bta • part o1 t<tii pOpalaaf axtd by rMerenpe aft slsade i paA Ifaft0l. AWn4NOLLV5M STA700I T: Ttfe t obw tipped bidde+ fts not dk4ped too, dsoaaaed wow moi Ilia acid eft e0wi Aidders and has not m4aded with any other bidder w penes to a bid whatever. Mn: No pnrttiurrta. wbaia: or Rstufts pw I ldtted etthtr Wm wiw to. a after any drlirtry of astteeWe. Mir tut h rbiation w41 wa+att llt tff. >Zartoa—tioeland/or wttlrsrt d taslerism {pt t00`e'able) ald t�Ita 1Bttlovat*anBIO Liatts). ZOTHE PURCM31NGOFFICtER OFTME CfTV 0FTAMARAC: W.0L9w bobwsipntdMr�f►sprstict�+oiBhlhttolbwlnptAidttsfasewioets) aM life priwi) and terms Rated subod to all btet►u two, oonditiorta, !>QeCMiGatiort{, aid NI attaChrMrtla Atrtlp. W! p) ttavt rand aM atlactanents lnetudmg ftte neeMiatbm end fully undtrstandwhat it MQuhad (9ytwbnlMft %ssipntdpppptal,wt O) officiafysmW at ortlract ifagprmd *y the Clfy and u h aoctatsnn t:ovtrs all the terms, towdiona. and apesrtficatiw a of this p mpoaat; and we M tomby agroe that fro trill owitt callable 1w audit to alppmprlsb City Amdttols any apptkaMe Awlnaaa or >ilnaeAd moor* pwUned to a waWlUto Oda a OWArwL) Rif prbta fo be gttott0 F.o d. guy" DtatntottionTwmw.:brlda vetireltd eltht mpambte Cry 144 *+diowltdwvft Rtrtf w or"?) IPA1L.URE TO CLXM: *you tto not quote. abase rectum quotation shttt. Stitt waaon>Mtttoatarfd wqutat tftst ytyurrenal tit wta+ned anew mean hK ot!WW". your name may be trantorad from otar bid wmft mt. M+da afB ttrm for acoopb hoe wllhinl 20dan aflrr bid opts i date.__If yr: � fro ettw- 79111MS: on % wur►a COMPLETrn Of Iliortth go =Ply on date of dNivay and 10X-60 days after aeeeetanre of wnric_ aceptal,"ofeaterial.) x ewi*ded ALL ITEMS 910 HEREIN Wen applicable). an sOdtt WW OISCOLUtT OF 'X is tittered in addition to any terms Bred above DELIVERY: 120 Calendar days after fecal% of Purotase Order (Oft roseroes tht tl Wd to Consider I daliaery dims as a vtW consideration when mowor aking rrortlrwnoV at Wd). VARIANCES: two ia%wwlvsaeettl'etti e,ttrrresendfwoadlfionsin9*Ogg* wfg% noetwepift ovtrb"matxr oogoneM+t e""dfAis IroposstFor+*ortia�,ir>�dtttaN+rnent NOVARIATA)NSOREXCEM*NSBYABIDDERWLLSE COIM*RMCAV ).LK hgmTOBEAPARTtWTME ODSUBMtTTEDUNLESSSUCHVARIATIONOREXCEPTIONISLISTOMTMNTOEBIDDOCUwM SAND REFEREN=pjTMISCOt�tJMnl NOBE►ARATE OR ACCOMPANYING DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDERED AS INCLUDED wrtWN A BUBMIT M BID. AND THE CITY WILL NOR BE BOUNDIN ANYMANNEAWHATSOMABYANY VARIATION OREXCEPTIONORLWIIATONN01SPECIFICALLYUSTEDwrTMNTMEDID DOCUmENTt ALLSR►CES WLLBE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD PaCATED WRKIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTIONTtfRETO MID LETS SUCH EXCEPTION WfTttN T*E BID DOCUMENTS AND RMAIENY.fD INT#6S ODUA N. Sepstalammi aonsam gIng s =en.A * WOW I Is i- a that yw aid " g , - a Wn b "Same d this ad lemalliwL M Pu ohm Order ftpwfd or Future Olds are to to mailed to other than proposers a0drau shown below. please complete tffe flla Purdwss OrdeNla Mail pay o" kc TitepAone (305) 584-3300 w/Area Cottle PROPOSAL SUBMMW BY: Man Bids roc HAM(p*d,dk Robert N. Caporella Title: President - T,,wnwv. g*P1 Rep+sl red TINa in /lit i1 T i c on Inc. AdPost Office Box 16927 Plantation Florida 33318 (30�� 584-3300 SICNATUtts !-+' ter• �� Telephone No-- - June 16, 1982 twtdicat0 vwtk C Corporation: _ XXX embsed Rtfemnoea Appokwo 10 Psopatal: Parbwmh1p. — erwutbn To Bid - f1 SPECIFICATIONS AND 81D SCHEDULE hwltation To Bid Page 3 Aid No. 82-16 MYOFTAMARAC vat* June 16, 1982 foil N.W. Wh Avenue ,atasC. Florida 3=1 laQe No. of Aliprk*s Lobe quoted F.O.S.Tomww, Fbrida, D*VvortdwW mnbl dedatappkabie sly► das*wUon as Indicated below. '"We followlnp special owWWons (K chi P1,* ) apply fo this bid. 9IDDERS REQUIREMENT ICON CtRTWM O*CK OR WD SOND:7ft Cftyshsltrequht * msli bkkk n.s c*Mfieddteck or tad boW inft smouM other Csf per cent of the bid, whiz! shaft befw%n*d to the Cltyinew a W#* 8idder.lo Won thebusiness is 4 w tbd, shalt fait or refuse to co nply wtththe specifications tithe bid. Checks will be I*turnadprampthNounsrsc*ssful&dders lsfter award of aa. Fabun to submit thfs bid bond with to bid eaW,o m ngeoon of the ad #i WORMANCE ems: TM City aheltvior to the aau1ion a u+e torthaaf, rsaufrs the 9kkW l0l~ fonds eaerinp the J Itiedulaer w" ance of the nontra.Ksndft payment of all obligations arisingt wourwbr in such form sad smaxkt as the Citymay V eszrlbe sndwllhauchsureties sec ureditw9h the flickWsu ualsouroesss may be sgr*eable totlte Oarties.Msuchbonds are stitrfat*d.lhe prerniums shall be paid bythe 8ickW.The Didder"deWeNhe required bordstotAe CWnol Iat*rtlanlhe date et axawlion of ft contact. l41JAt11 MY of s e ft OPTION UNIT IIMIIM EMNDEC PRICE I. 'DESCRIPTION. Fu_r_nfs_F_a_nJ7nstall a lump sum bid (itemize each item) for the complete work described and located on the plans prepared by R. S. Rubin for Caporella Park, LUMP SUM site construction plan dated 10/23/81. Owner retains TOTAL BID $121,150.00 the right to delete portions of the work from the contract. . The bidder is required to carefully examine the site to fully acquaint himself of all conditions attending the execution of the work located in Caporella Park on Prospect Road 1/4 mile north of Can�nercial Boulevard. The work shall be completed within 120 days after being notified by the owner to commence construction. ;3 H. SPECIAL CONDITIONS. M %r- a.t.: The contractor shall be responsible for the main- tenance, establishment and survival of all landscaping plantings for a period of 120 days after completion of planting of all items included in this contract. ' Trees shall be fertilized with placement of 21 tablasized fertilizer with 20-10-6 analysis. All plant material shall be sound, healthy, vig&bus free from plant disease, insects, pests, etc., and shall conform to standards for Florida Grade #1 or better. All questions regarding items included in this con- tract shall be directed to Ralph Thissen, Public iiorks Director 722-4210... --_ I. LIST OF Fishing Pier Foot Bridge 1. The bidder shall be responsible to submit sealed engineering drawings in full accordance with the .South Florida Building Code for Building Depart- ment approval prior to initiating construction. The drawings shall be in accordance with the • drawings prepared by the Public Works Depart- ment dated July 1981, (a copy is attached). irwwr r - CAPORELLA PARK $20, 200.00 $20,200.00 $ 20,200.00 $ 20,200.00 Bidden S' Ong6/ 16/82 Title President COMPIRY er„e Ticon, Inc. .• .d Ad&gu P.O. Box 16927, Plantation, Fla. 33318 SPECOCATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE Invitation To Bid -Sid No. 82-16 TT OFTAMARAC Oate June 16, 1982 I KW. Wh Avenue trnrat, f1orids 33321 lope No. et Attprives to be quoted F.O.B.Timsrsc,Florida, DellveredwWwWoodedstapplicabie city destination as indicatedbelow. Zhe /otbwing special aorrditiorn (if checked) apply to this bid. ."� BIDDERS REOUIREME'NT FOR CERTr= CHECK OR BID dOND:The Oityslbll req*0 iron *%9Wders. a oertlfied check or bid N*V nd inthe anraloint offive (5) per oof the bid. ~sag beio lefted tothe Cityinthe eventtheSidder.towtromthebusinessis rarded, shall tall or rrfuse to cong*j with the specifications Oahe bid 0h@cUw9l be ratumed VMff4 tyt0 U1NuC &WulE,dders or award of bid. Failure to subs* Mis bid bond whh the bid could Satre rejection of the bid �NCE BONDS: The py WON prior to the excution of the ca MacS, isquh�e the Oddw 10 furNst+ bonds covefft the J !a ul periortnan a of the eW*=1 and the payment of all obligations arising theteunder M suchlOrIn andamourn as the City rr.sy Vresc ibe and with such sureties seau►ed through the Bidder$ usual sources as maybe sgreeabtetothe parties. If such bonds are adipulated. the vwnk ns WW b$ aaidbythe Bidder. The Bidder"deliver the required bond 10910 Clp►not later fhan the date s( exaculion of the contract. 10"I" TY ' rnntinuprl- fnr rAnPAVY-friloN ' •YhlftVR E EXTENDED PRICE 7 00 Trees identified in notes on:site construction plan 139.00 13,900.00 • 10/23/81. 7 Metal trash receptacles - 31high x diameter. Anchored to ground by appropriate method. 150.00 l,050.00 3 Redwood picnic tables 7'-00 long with 2 redwood bench s 310.00 1,550.00 per table attached to a 4 concrete slab by appro- pr,iate anchors. 0. .4 3 3" diameter x 16' high metal flag poles -anchored into 18" x 30" deep concrete footings (or an acceptable alternative standard flag pole). 445.00 i,335.00 7D0sq f of Bahia sod laid tightly together rolled into place and thoroughly watered. .125 125.00 1 Aluminum bike rack - 6'-0" long anchored into ground. 225.00 225.00 3 Charcoal grills on 3" diameter posts anchored into 12" x 12" concrete footings. 125.00 625.00 73 Security lights placed around the site connected to appropriate exterior electrical panel box. 2,137.00 32,055.00 7 Wood ground sign per drawing on site construction plan. 1,365.00 1,365.00 LUMP Sum Excavation of lake and adjacent bank at N. E. corner according to plans with fill placed beneath parking 4,000.00 4,000.00 lot. 24DO if Bike/walk path, 3' wide, 2" thick asphalt paving on 4" crushed road rock. 5.35 12,840.00 9DD sy Paved parking lot: IV thick asphalt paving on 6" crushed road rock (approximate size) 7.65 6,885.00 SDD If Not dipped galvanized Guardrail set on concrete posts with wood brackets.' Installation and material to be 9.59 4,795.00 to accordance with Department of Transportation, Florida specifications, Conti rued d*$Wra: al: Bidders S' 4- Date 6/ 16/82 Title President Company Noma Ticon, Inc. Addnm P.O. Box 16927, Plantation, Fla. 33318 NIDDIERS NOTE: loth facia el lfrh form aaWie WWW1 rra