HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-82-163I 2 3 4 5 6 It7 I 9� jb 12 13 14 15 16 17 24 ZS �x b 27 28 29 30 131;L 33 35 36 Introduced byCj?j Temp.# 2314 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. R�a-163 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR 4 SUBMERSIBLE SEWAGE PUMPS AND APPURTENANCES BID #82-15 WHEREAS, The City Council authorized the Administration to go to bid at its meeting on May 12 1982, and, WHEREAS, bids were advertised in the Fort Lauderdale News a newspaper of general circulation in Broward County on May 18 and May 25 , 198 2 , and WHEREAS, bids were opened on June 1 198 2 , and WHEREAS, D.O.Whitehair & Associates is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder, per City Engineer memorandum of June 16,198 NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION I: That the bid of D.Q.Whitehair & Associates in the amount of $11,176.00 is hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this�day of 1982_, /--��-- V ATTEST: C10Y CLERK Q I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have .:approved the fopm and correctness of this RESOLLyfi-'ON. I RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR: DISTRICT 1: DISTRICT 2: DISTRICT 3: DISTRICT 4: • - CITY OF TAMARAC S 0 ORIGINA1 C4P1 0 Fixed price bid es ® Request for Proposal 'DATE: BID NO: IS (This Is ftot an order) to blanks nntst be filled in) PAGE NO.. jWNG ACTrj": UTILITY WEST Nyyo� L. KEATING PhotN (*) 722.5900 BIDS MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE 2 `00 P.m SM.. JUNE 1, 1982 i 8stem Sbndvd Time a Easbm dk rd DayipM 8avi+pe Tble ea appMable. TIIa IMF-* *wool bo as ncerded on the Daterr me Aacordinp Clock fn the ChtyCbrk's Ofhm. Kwtu be the sob am,M►atthebidderbenaira fltallds mPoaalreacllesthe odicp of the City Clerk CNy of Tatr WW on or before closing hour and dale ahownall ova. - 1ft CapN Adtisrfiaeelsnt, tIMllltioMo�aid, dsnarai Cerldifiorts.InslrUle,7ione b Stddara, SpeW C m dl,,m S; F& s I* F -, Addendua&. and any olhar P Wwfd dootrfrand form a peat of go Proposal and by rNetsm an fade a pert food. dlfTiCOLl1!=IOq STATEIIIENT: The babes signed bidder has ra dMAped to. ditumad W oonlpsred hk bid with other bidders and tws not =Nuded with any COW bidder or parties to a bid whatever. MOTE: NO premiums, rebates or patulties perrnitted elUrea with. prior to. or after any dalieryof ate ials. Any each violation wW recap in the =mmja lion and/or return d wtdwbb (u appkc00) and thle removal from Bid List(s). 70MffPURCHASM 0FFICEROF7WCt1Y0FTAMARACWeftftbelowsipnadAlf-I preetotirrrdal+thefollowinpsrpeb(slorservicets) sift Prioa(s) and tome stated subject to all b&firctions.conditions.awehiestions. andall attachxntsftts hereto. Wee) haw read all attachments ifdudinp the apecif"lions and fully understand what is required (By "wAtinp tNasipned proposal. we 0) officiallyaceept a contract M approved *Vft City and such acceptance covers an the terms, conditions. and specification& of this proposal: and we M hereby agree that we wNi fmke areVOW for SUM to appropriate Cky Auditors any applicable kebMa or O nt:iet aeeorda pee!lneW to a muftnp order or contract.) AtPrbes to be tttrote0 RO.d. stayers DeatinatiortTalrlarae.t}brida patirered ofthe appiieabte C:tN address irldipted=vft Purchase order.) VA1LURE TO OUOTE: it you do not quote. Pbaae salon+ gl10tation sheet, fatale aatuorl fhareonand raquestttNt your fen» >)ae catered on our sealing at of rwiee. twur came fay be removed from our bid nailing list. Lids are line for atxepdartoe within eD rays aftet bid Opettirtp tda� yes __.tlo ��++•* 7ER#I1S: NET 3e D Days or by d Month (ro apply on date of dellmy and ,saeptarloe of material.) - N awarded ALL ITEMS SM HEREIN (when apolrcaweL an additional 0MCOtJNT OF 4 offered in addition to any terms ot(eried above >DELmply. / 5 — 30 Calendar days after retxipt d Purchase Order (City reserves the riphd to consider tdetivery tirm as a lintel consideration when making or reeornmriding award). VARIANCES: am* anyvar+ationsto apeeMiealiona, henna wofw twin min oft space W rererelloe !*job+&I mr*"m eontai"d on wor paces of" :r000aslFWmWr►&nybdaltachnW NOVARIATIONSOREXCMIONSBYABIDDERWILLBECONSIDERED ORWILL 9EDEEMEDTOBEAPART OFTHE AID SUBMRTED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION ISLISTEpvM"WTHE 9IDDOCUMEWMANDREFEtREt4EDINTHISC4XUMN.NOSEPARATE OR ACCOMPANYNNG DOCUMENTS OR LETTERS WILL BE CONSIDEREDAS INCLUDED WITHIN A SUBMfr=DID. ANDTtE CRY WILLNOTBE BOUND IN ANY#AAt*4RWHATSOEVERBYANYVARIATIONOREXCEPTIONOFILIMITATIONNOTSPECIFICALLYLISTEDW tO#NTHEBIDDOCUMENTS ALLPRICES WILL BE CONSIDERED AS FIRM FOR THE PERIOD INDICATED WRHIN THE BID DOCUMENTS UNLESS A BIDDER TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTIONTHERETO AND LETS SUCH EXCEP nQw Wrr#CN THIE BID DOCUMENTS AND REFERENCED ININS OOLiAK M rho atatenrnf is eontamo in this apes. a is hereby rMbW slat VW bid soeOWS u th the 601 Wqw of this as NMletam if Puurchhase Order Pftwwd or Futon bids are to be mailed to other than p►opmes address shown below. please eompbte the Wall Pwchm 01dsr to: Mall Payment tw.. Map aids to Telephoee No.: W/Ana Code PROPOSAL SUBMITTED Illy: (Prim: cklul: K 40,dA RJ Too: Aso c,,A`re- L Y1p +edrn+.tiww_p•Qn h;-reWP- e ,gsstdl.4T-es Adif a r 0. QD� �D 7 O0�E"�v qe e., �i y , jCZ pR,, A S-17(.3 SONATURE:ig*ttk W&ZA&t,41 Telephone NW 3t�5 = RZO - 4E8(�tio SATE: V..2 Y/ d& indicate Whiok Corporabtxt: 1/ fndosed RefwWass APPIk"o le Prepssal. dip: bwlbtion To Did - PI tidividNai: Index of Genera! Proviatera Cbaasa-Va Diller: Cenerel henbiona-fi Stetain one papa for you► INes) SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE kwHstion To Sid mid No. frf OF TAMARAC Date 311 N.W. Bath Avenue unarac, Florida 33321 ►ape No. of All pekes tope quoted F.O.B. Tamarac, Florida, Dell"redandWdOw adatapplicabN sty destination as indicatedbWow. . 7M following special conditions (if checked) apply io this bid. SIDDERS REOUIREMENT FOR CERTIFIED CHECK OR BID BOND:The CMy shallrequire from all Bidders. a certified cheek or bid pond i the amount of fin (6) percent of the bid, which W all befoe%ked tothe Ciy in the want the Bidder. to whom the business is �, awarded, shall fail or Muse to Comply wit the specifications of the bid. Checks wits be returned pranptty to UnsuccessfulBidders after award of bid. Failure to submit this bid bond WM fhe bid COWcause ejection of the bid 1 PERFORMANCE BONDS: The CMy ells pia to the exCWion of fhe 0 a I act. squire the Bidder to tuernist+ bonds covering the —.J 1aitW pedormsnoe offhe contract and the payment of aE obligations arising thereunder in such lam and amount ae the City may Prescribe andwit such sureties secured ft Bidder's usualaourcesas maybe apreaabktotc: parties. Ifsuchbonds are stipulated.fha premkns shagbe paid byte Bidder.The Bidder" delinrthe Iregnired bo -do tuft Ciyrot Isterfhan the date of exe=Abn of the contract. - GUANTITY rr DESCRIPTION UNIT PUCE EXTENDED *RICE N V 2 srwwlrw. "All L AFP-10 ABS, OR EQUAL, SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS fo /68e & D TO DELIVER 166 GPM AT 60' TDH "Bts L AFP-20 ABS, OR EQUAL, SUBMERSIBLE PUMPS D TO DELIVER 400 GPM AT 66' TDH.- EP MOTORS SHALL BE CONNECTED FOR OPERATION A 240 VOLT, 60 HS 3 PHASE SERVICE. PS SHALL COMPLY WITH THE ATTACHED SPECIFI— 'IONS AND ALL SUBMITTALS SHALL BE ACCOMPANI PUMP CURVES AND MANUFACTURER'S LITERATURE ,TAINING TO MATERIALS, OPERATION AND MAIN— ANCE PROCEDURES. ADDITIONALLY, OPERATING ICIENCY SHALL BE INDICATED FOR THE DESIGN DITIONS. 'DTTMDC ts A ts LIDE RAIL BASES AND UPPER BRACKET, CHAIN AND OUPLER TO ALLOW INSTALLATION INTO EXISTING ET WELLS. fonts ►E RAIL BASES,AND UPPER BRACKET, CHAIN AND LER TO ALLOW INSTALLATION INTO EXISTING WELLS ,f 30 4 "-Q -e 304, OD 4, 3 3 6, `L'' ea� /Pa*, OC -*eoe8, 4---, I Sidder:Sirmfe Date -- I/ Az Title q#35Qe/ii re Company Name DO- UA;TehA;i2 # d5.5DEiATES` xt, Add,, P. IJOX /09 % -gay63 DIDDERS NOTE: Both hides of dds form nquier fie.