HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-81-033INTRODUCED BY: 0ATEMP. RESO.#1848 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 i 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 32 33 34 35 36 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION REQUESTING CONSIDERATION FROM THE UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF HOUSING AND URBAN DEVELOPMENT FOR LOCAL PLANNING ASSISTANCE FUNDS FOR FISCAL YEAR BEGINNING JULY 1, 1981. WHEREAS, the City Council of the City of Tamarac has recognized a need to provide for orderly growth and management as contemplated by the passage of the Florida Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act of 1975, and WHEREAS, the HUD 701 Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program administered by the Department of Community Affairs provides funds to assist localities in meeting requirements of this Act by preparing implementation strategies, programs and mechanisms. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the City Council of the City of Tamarac, Florida: SECTION 1: That the Department of Community Affairs is requested to consider including the City of Tamarac, in its application to the United States Department of Housing and Urban Development for local planning assistance funds for the fiscal year beginning July 1, 1981. SECTION 2: That the City Council of the City of Tamarac indicateE its commitment to comply with the appropriate state and local laws, rules, and regulations for the administration of this program, in- cluding but not limited to, necessary matching funds, funding only eligible planning activities, etc., which are more fully described in Chapter,9B-4, F.A.C. SECTION 3: This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon adoption. PASSED, APPROVED AND ADOPTED this�day of ,1981. V114 ( 0o ATTEST: MAYbR - -� ASSISTANT CITY CLERK I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION. l �11JA "? b� A, oo CITY ATTORNEY RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE MAYOR: DISTRICT 1: DISTRICT 2: DISTRICT 3: DISTRICT 4: I 5811 NORTHWEST 88TH AVENUE TAMARAC, FLORIDA 33321 TELEPHONE (305) 722-5900 February 13, 1981 Mr. Manny Ponce 701 Program Coordinator Florida Department of Community Affairs Bureau of Local Government Assistance 2571 Executive Center Circle East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 RE: City of Tamarac 1981 "701" Preliminary Application Dear Mr. Ponce: Enclosed please find an application for "701 Comprehensive Planning Assistance Program funds for the City of Tamarac signed by Mayor Walter W. Falck. This application is submitted in compliance with the application requirements as per the letter from Michael C. Garretson of February 3, 1981. If you have any questions or require additional information, please contact me. Thank you very much. attachment EC/ Sincerely C an Cross C—,---�Iirector of Community Development APPLICATION. FORM FOR THE 701 BE POSTM RXED BY: COMPREHENSIVE PLANING PRCGRA`2 & / TO BE ACCtPTED FOR PROCESSING ''O BE SUBMITTED TO: Mr. :funny Ponce, 701 Program Coordinator Bureau of Local Government Assistance Department of Community Affairs 2571 Executive Center Circle, East Tallahassee, Florida 32301 APIVCANT (City, County) : Tamarac, Broward County ADDRESS: TELEPHONE: 5811 N.W. 88 Avenue, Tamarac, Florida 33321 305-722-5900 CHIEF ELECTED OFFICIAL: Mayor Walter W. Falck OFFICIAL RESPONSIBLE FOR PREPARATION OF APPLICATION (if different from above). TELEPHONE: 305-722-5900 TELEPHONE: Evan Cross, Director of Community Development 305-722-5900 The Applicant certifies that, to tie best of his/her knowledge, the data in this application are true and correct, and the filing of the aprrlicaticn ha been dulv authorized by, the gc-7e_._ing body of the Applicant as ccnfir.-ed b•.J __: attached r--so.%Ltion. i a Z - of -1-'hL-J CA J; e= Elected Oz=icia ►� 1 cl rr Date VOTE: Application must be signed by the chief elected official and include all iderti Lw+i r_g inform. ation, fiscal e-ffort inferaaticn, pl anni g cc=it:aen _ in :orma:tion, and a resolution from the governing body. A separate application m be su::mi tted by each governmental .-nit that is included in a Joint application FOR JOINT APPLICANTS ONLY: Please indicate below the designated common planning entity (i.e., the public or private or organization staff that % ill be responsible for performing work that is funded under the 701 procrar^). Name of Entit,, Contact Person and phone nombe> APPLICANT Tamarac LOCAL FISCAL EFFORT INFOPs^.ATION Surplus From Utility Operations The ranking of 701 grant applicants is determined in part by local fiscal fort. This is a positive measure of each community's efforts to raise venue relative to its wealth. Local revenue is normally generated imariiy from various tax sources, but in some cases, it also includes rplus utility funds that are available to =u_ nor` cter go'-ernr.+ental functions. Because surplus utility revenue data is not available from annual financial reports, this information must be included in the 701 application. For each utility operated by your local government, please report the net amount of surplus funds transferred to other governmental activities that was not specifically related to your utility operation during fiscal year 1979-80. Transfers to be included are: funds for general governmental activities; and funds used to pay the principal and/or interest on bonds for activities not related to your utility operations, (e.g., hospital and airport bonds, and funds used to support other utility operations.) Such transfers must have been authorized by the governing body. Local governments which operate utilities through dependent special district or authorities should report transfers to it from these units. ourt of Funds r_sfer_ed To: General Government Other Utilities Other Governmental i Activities (airports, hospitals, etc,) UTILITIES ELECTRIC GAS ',v=TER SF MU From combined Tamarac Utilities West of water and sewer TOTAL $ 125,000 Tamarac LOCAL PLANNING COMMITMENT AND ACCOMPLISFIMENTS 1. Indicate which of the following items have been adopted by you -- governing bcdl: a. Comprehensive Plan (as required by the Local Government Comprehensive Planning Act) Yes X No b. Capital Improvements Progran. Yes X `.c c. Subdivision Regulations Yes X No d. Zoning Ordinance Yes X No e. Landscape, Sign, or other Codes; Please Specify: Landscape, Sign, Yes, X No Platting, Parking 2. Indicate the amount budgeted for the employment of a local planning staff or for a planning consultant on a continuing basis (including public agencies) during fiscal years: 1978-79 $63,114 1979-80 $51,750 1980-81 $67,070 3 . The terra "action program" means a program which includes (1) an identification of specific actions that are necessary for imp le- menting elements of the comprehensive plan; (2) an identi=i- cation of the governmental entity responsible for undertaking each action; (3) a timetable specifying when eac, action 'N11 'ze carried out; and (4) to the maximum extent possible, agreements to participate from those governmental entities identified as -eing responsible for undertaking suc'.^. actions. a. Describe any such actions vour governnment is taking to implement the comprehensive plan. An "action plan" for the implementa- tion of the Tamarac Comprehensive Plan includes addressing the recommendations and implementation policies of the various elements. As examples, this means for the Land Use Plan, rezonings, preparation of development review requirements; Recreation Element, amend necessary ordinances; and the Utility Element, complete acquisition of the private utility and begin improvements. The city has accom- plished these items, while other necessary action s are being planned. b. ident f., any resulting on —going planning pregrains. No specific planning program has begun anew due to the action plan. The staff continues to review all necessary and applicable code5,; the Planning Commission, as the local review agency, reviews and recommends on land use items; and the Tamarac Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee reviews applicable matters. The Beautification Committee also reviews landscape plans and recommends on these items. c. List any accomplishments stemming from the programs) identified above. At least two identifiable achievements are the acquisition of Tamarac Utilities West and amendments to the recreation/platting code. The city now can plan and operate its water and sewer utility in compliance with the "201" and other pertinent programs and have control over them. Amendments to the above referenced code allows for even greater dedication of open space in the City at the highest density levels allowed by the zoning code. 4. Please check the item(s) below which describe citizen participation in your government's planning process during the past calendar year. a. No formal citizen participation process. b. A citizen planning committee which meets on a regular basis, in a solely advisory capacity. X c. A planning board or planning commission which meets cn a regular basis and has responsibilities and voting capabilities delegated by city or county law. d. Describe any other citizen participation ef`erts. Public Information Committee distributes information of all sorts, including planning activities, in their monthly newsletter on a city- wide basis. The Planning Commission will hold yearly review of the Land Use Plan, as required by local regua tions. Public hearings are held before the Planning Commission and City Council on all planning related matters sucM as waiver requests, rezonIngs, Cand Use Plan amendments, and special exceptions. 5. if applicable, describe how your present.planning program meets each of the three National Policy Objective: (a) To conser7ate and improve existing communities , particular the improvement of those ce<rr^unities :which are characterize.: by fiscal, economic or social distr_ss; la) To increase housing and a;llo1oyner.t opportunities andchoices . particularly for lower income, ^�inority i ersons , and Persons with special needs such as the elderly and 1handicappe�:, and a reduction in the cost of ,,ousi and (c) To promote orderly and efficient Growth and development o= communities, regions and Statc3, .3tiing into consideration the necessity of conserving energy. 5a It is the primary goal of all planning functions in Tamarac to maintain the present high quality of lifestyle here. Inasmuch as Tamarac's government is highly responsible to its citizens, as can be seen in Question 1 above in that the City has adopted many of the principle planning tools used to determine future development, the City means to conserve and improve the community. b The Land Use Plan caused the change of over 300 acres of various densities of residential property to industrial use last year, and the city is presently planning the service delivery and zoning procedures associated with an indus- trial park development. Many new jobs will become available upon the development of these sites. Significantly, all of the surrounding land of the industrial area is zoned at a higher density to allow mutli-family housing, which is conducive to lower housing costs and _available to more lower income persons. c Tamarac is a low density, residential community, well known for its abundance of open space and green areas. It is of optimum importance that the City maintain this type of progressive, yet responsible growth patterns. The City endorses the use of public transportation, and in fact, the former city manager is a member of a blue-ribbon panel reviewing this topic in Broward County. The City is also seeking to complete its bicycle route program by constructing a continuous bikepath system throuhg the heart of the City, in order to conserve fuel and vehicular trips. I