HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-81-154Temp. # 7 a Introduced by CITY OF TAMARAC. FLORIDA 1 RESOLUTION 310. R� 2 A RESOLUTION AWARDING A BID FOR AITA �F r'nptFRiniipi TrnTOR 3 MULTI YEAR R-Bid #81-21 4 • 20 u 32 33 14 25 16 ' 17 I 20 21 22 23 14 25 26 27 29 t• 33 34 36 WHEREAS, bids wer& advertised in the Fort Lauderdale July 1, a newspaper of general ci rculation in Brour►ard County on _,_..._.,r.-- and July 6 . 198_. ArA WHEREAS, bids were opened on _ July 15 _.198�. and WHEREAS, Eastman Kodak Company is the lowest fully responsive and responsible bidder: NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC. PILORIDA: SECTION I: That the bid of Eastman Kodak Company in the base amount of $1,240 - 36 months, is hereby approved. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this ,,,,J�day of ATTEST: CITY CLER: , I HEREBY CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correctness of this RESOLUTION. CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR: DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE Sr CITY OF TAMARA,f, O Fixed price bid „CVSa .� 0 Request for Proposal DATE: June 26, 1981 (This is not an order) GE NO , 1 81-21 PA ' BID NO: (Ali blanks must be filled in) trEM(S) REQUIRED: MULTI -YEAR RENTAL OF COPIER/DUPLICATOR USING ACTIVITY: City Clerk gayer: John M. Cezard Phone (305) 722-5900 FOL111S MUST BE SUBMITTED ON OR BEFORE Wednesday-July15*;M.;" '' W " M- M Sayings Time as applicable. The of(tpat time shall be as necortied On the Datee City ibtl' of the bidder to ensure that his peposat ranches the Office of the City astern Standard Tune or Eastern Standard Dayug ;acprding Clock in the City Cbrk's Office. H will be the sok rospons ItY City of Tamarac on or before cbsing hour and date shown above. tlor>< Addendums, and any .ne Legal AdvertlsenleMrHl� a P part � �d Vol b rofe er nce� arc�made a paA ehereiot�. 4her pertinent document compared his bid with other bidders and has not ' NTI.COLLUSION STATEMENT: The below signed bidder has not divulged to, discussed or eompa permitted ear with, prior to, or after any e) and the removal from Bid List(s). olluded with any other bidder or parties to a bid whatever. (NOTE: No premiums, rebates or gratuities slivery of materials. Any such violation will result the cancellation and/or return o1 materials (as nppl ) or service(s) i OTHE PURCHASING OFFICER OF THE CITY OF act MA AC: $1tions, specleficalowtions,and all attacchments heagree lret Wghtho followingI) havread alarticle(l atttachments the price(s) and terms stated subject to ree that we wail make Including the specifications and fully understand all tterms, t is t onsBn specifications its proposal and )w �(11 hereby a8ga contract H approve by the City and such acceptance City Auditors any applicable business or iklalxinl raeords pertinent to n resulting order or contract.) 8"IW to for audit to approP IndicatedCity address _ AB prices to be quoted F.O.B., Buyers Destination Ta arac Floiidaon (eevered at ttio state mason thereon and request thatour name be rotaine+'O n our se return mailing fist, otherwise. Your FAILURE TO OUOTE: If you uname may be remnot Quote, aoved from our bid mailing list. Bids are firm for acceptance within 80 days aver bid opening date__-- yes .= no 3- 0� S other. Days or by of Month (To apply on date of delivery and TERMS: aceptanoe of material.) NET 30 days from date of invoice awarded a in adITEMS oMSDID o any terms offered applicable), an additional DISCOUNT OF 0 calendar days after receipt of Purchase Order (City reserves the right to consider DELIVERY: makingen or commending award). delivery tmle s me iBids S rat esentl install l l VARIANCES: Stane>•dsttachmentNOVARATIONSOREXCEPTIONSByABIDDER WIL BE CONNTS IDERED OR ND REFERWIL B DE Ms spaceEDI O '0 BE A PART OF Tpi.,afai,ancetwnsinanvarisinces containedOn other pages HE Proposal Form win a yt� $ID SUBMITTED UNLESS SUCH VARIATION OR EXCEPTION CONSIDERED LISTED WITHINTHE B D BID, AND THE CtTy WILL NOT BE BOUND IN ORACCOMPANYIANT D MENTSORAR�IATTIONOREXCEa°TIONORLIMTATIONNO SPECIFICALLY S�TE�WITHINTN BDDOCUMENTS ALLPRICES ANY MANNER WH SUNLESS A WILL BE CONSIDERED 1 FI�MITHE PERIOD INDICATED WITHIN THE BID N THE BID pOCLIMENTS AND REFERENCED 1N iS COLUMN. no stag e^�eM is contained m "a Mace. R TAKES SPECIFIC EXCEPTION THERETO by AND LISTS SUCH EXCEPTION implied that your bid compiles with the full scope 01 this Bid Invitation. AltarnatiVe #4 is submitted on Attachment 1. This alternative is our multi -year plan effective for Renewal 9-1-81 through 9-30-82. Attachment #2 is our res e o mac lne re cal ements and service response. it purchase Order ayment' 6 bids are to be mailed to other than proposers address shown below. please complete the following: COMPANY Mail Bids to: Mail Purchase Order to: Mail Payment to: EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY EASTMAN EASTMAN KODAK KODAK COMPANY Q 840 S41 66thypnuo Florida 33317 Ilephone-No.: antation, Florida 33317 Rochester, New York 14650Plantation, (3)5) 7 54-2430 — w/Area Code PROPOSAL SUBMITTED BY: NAME (Printed): Warren B. Stevens Title: District Sales Mana er EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Company; (Legal Registered Title in RILL) Address: 000 Ashley�(813) e - Suite 104 Tampa, Florida 33602 224-0003 Telephone No.: SIGNATURE: X ��. Indicate Which: Corporation: DATE: Partnership: Enclosed References Applicable to ProPoW' individual: invitation To Bid - F1 Other: Index of General Provisions Clauses -F2 General Provisions - F3 (Retain one copy for your Ries) RIDDERS NOTE: Both sides of this Form reauire sionatum* SPECIFICATIONS AND BID SCHEDULE No. 81-21 ,Bid invitation To Bid Dste June 26, 1981 OF TAMARAC 2 of N.W. 88th AvenuePage No. rac, Florida 33321 F.O.B. Tamarac, Florida, Delivered and unloaded at applicable city destination as indicated below. Ail prices to be quoted The following special conditions (if checked) apply to this bid. all ed check or bid BIDDERS REOUIREMENT FOR CEng IFMtiCHECK� c shall be forfeited t the C City inthe a erequire ntthe Bidder towhom�the business is bond in the amount of five (5) per of the bid. Checks will be returned promptly to unsuccessful Bidders awarded, shall fail or refuse to comply with the specifications bond with the bid could cause rejection of the bid. after award of bid. Failure to submit this bid s covering the to furnish das PERFORMANCE BONDS: The City shall prior to the exaouttion ofthe arising theact, requireunder S' °� and smountdder the City may and the payment ofobligations bonds faithful performance of the contract are Prescribe and with such sureties seedred through the Bidder's usual sources as may be agreeable to the parties.11 such bonds to the City not later than the date stipulated, the premiums shall be paid by the Bidder. The Bidder shall deliver the required of execution of the contract. DESCRIPTION UNIT PRICE EXTENDED PRICE )ANTITY The City of Tamarac is accepting proposals for Multi -year rental including full service main— tenance for its copier/duplicator requirements effective Oct 1, 1981. The Cities' volume is approximately 50,000 copies monthly, for con- sideration, machine requirements are to include: 1. 2-sided automatic copying capability 2. Automatic feeling/collating/stitching a. min size paper-11"X14 7/8" b. min of 35 pages;stitched c. min of 1000 sheets - finisher output ray 3. Reduction capability -min 65% of 111IX17" aper For 50,000 Copies 4. 70 copies per min. -operation speed 5. minimum of 2 stitching positions 6. Paper supply capacity-2 trays/1000sheets ea. 7 Toner Cartridge -maximum weight 2 lbs. Bidder to furnish following: -9-30-82 1. One year Contract 10_1-81 to $ 1 minimum monthly charge ,355.00BIO copy allowance 29.000 copy charge above allowance 29,001-50,000 $0.0153 $1,676.30 50,001- + over, installation) charges 0 350.0 removal ) 2. Two year Contract 10-1,81 to 9-30-83 $1, 310.00 minimum monthly charge copy allowance 29,000 copy charge above allowance 29,001-50,000 $0.0153 50,001 + over 0.0 $1,631.30 installation ) charges removal ) 3. Three year Contract 10-1-81 to 9-30-84 minimum monthly charge $1 ,240.00 copy allowance 29,000 copy charge above allowance 29,001-$0.0r 138 + over 50,001 ve�— $0,0073 installation ) charges 350.0 $1 ,529.80* removal ) The bidder acknowledges City's right to award *See Attachmen a contract as best suits it's interest. The City may cancel an agreement arising from thi proposal due to lack of funding during any period y e i y . MAXIMUM 2 HOUR SERVICE RESPONSE TIME - SUBMIT AVERAGE NUMBER OF SERVICE PERSONNEL IN NOR Tg ROWA EA. /- Date Bidders Si natu 3eliver To: Title District Sales Manager Company Name EASTMAN KODAK COMPANY Barnett Bank Bul ln9 Address 1000 Ashley Drive, Suite 104 Tampa, Florida 33602 BIDDERS NOTE: Both Sides of this form require signature. '