HomeMy WebLinkAboutCity of Tamarac Resolution R-81-151Introduced by �iLl Temp. #2013 1 2 3 4 5 li 8 9 10 u 12 13 14 15 16 17 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 33 34 35 36 CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA RESOLUTION NO. A RESOLUTION AUTHORIZING THE PROPER CITY OFFICIALS TO EXECUTE A LICENSE AGREEMENT WITH MICRODATA CORPORATION FOR THE USE OF A COMPUTER SYSTEM AND APPROPRIATE SOFTWARE; AND PROVIDING AN EFFECTIVE DATE. BE IT RESOLVED BY THE COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF TAMARAC, FLORIDA: SECTION 1: That the appropriate City officials are hereby authorized to execute a License Agreement with Microdata Corporation for the use of a Computer System and appropriate software which is described in Exhibit "A", a copy of which is attached hereto. SECTION 2: This Resolution shall become effective upon its adoption. PASSED, ADOPTED AND APPROVED this o ATTEST: AS STANT CITY nERK I HEREBY .CERTIFY that I have approved the form and correct- ness of this RESOLUTION. \ d' CITY ATTORNEY MAYOR: DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT DISTRICT RECORD OF COUNCIL VOTE ,�;i� lil!►��i!I� ;� �" Et�lii;s �ii.�dLGI 'l.. '��le ui(�t� 4 �i�l�i �'u 1'i► Branch Address tsrartcn wo. 8355 N.W. 53rd Street, Suite 206, Miami, FL 33166 Microdata Corporation (herein "Microdata") 17431 Red Hill Avenue, Irvine, California 92714 for goad a .d va!u:!b consideration hereby grants a nonexclusive license to CITY OF TA*LkPJ C • l;l!:ereia *'Licensee` (User's Full Legal Name) Purchasing Dept., City -Hall, 5611 N.W. 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 3332.1 q. (User's Full Legal Address) rodata's Software and Firmware, as hereinafter defined, (herein celled "Programs") for [Aicrodata's foliov-ra ribed data processing system, (herein called "System") on the following designated equipment subje to the terms and conditions hereof (herein called "License"). SYSTEM: Reality System, Model 8750 R8750 Reality System with Performance Enhanced Processor, MOS Memory Subsystem. EQUIPMENT (256K), Magnetic Tape Subsystem (45IPS/1600BPI), Reflex Disc Subsystems DESCRIPTION: (126.7MB), Line Printer Subsystem (300LPM) and -Stand, (2) Prism Terminals with Ports and One (1) Open Port; 1933-36 Substitute Line Printer Subsystem (600LPM) for Line Printer Subsystem .(300LPM);.. (12) 5420"Prism II Terminal and Open Port - Includes Cable to Port; 5331 Line Printer (300LPM, parallel), 5817 Printer -Stand for.150, 300, or 60OLPM Printer. EOUIPMENT LOCATION: Same as above. fee Rider #1 Attac'_ied Hereto and Make -a Part Hereof. The mailing address of the Licensee for revisions and notices shall be as follows: Same as above. . (User's Nemo) Same as above. User's Address) Licensea agrees to pay Micrcdata's charges for the License, as published from time to time by C.�:--rodata. THE PARTIES HERETO AGREE TO THE ADDITIONAL TER w ANC COND;T10?:S O� THE REVERSE Si DE HEREOF WHICH ARE INCORPORATED i N AND MADE A PART OF- THIS AGREEMENT. , Accepted By: Microdata Corporation sy(signature) Car Jeremias Typed Name GrVip Vice President And Title aar eting and Sales Date Julv 24 - 1961 Accepted By Licensee: City of Tamarac (User's Full Le3sl V0610) 0V(Signaturc) �`��t�.�C77.i� L Typed Name LAURA -. S 'iJURMANS And Title Ci tv Manager Date July 23, 1981 MICO FORM L-3 REV. 6-T 0 U21GINAL a"s1 ':1n,r.n ncjrz:r..snJi: ... `.o' i, cr- .._ C�'..a'.l u: 1C r._ui, r.lnl•�. .`.c.:.: i.a tS:Q Y.•,l:�j•Yi.:r .,i.'� i.:iC: D4: i8- c:•fcir.:;'rd :pia ... ;t'. ;u::m_nt b7 <+,_'! _ a tl :i>._Sr _firO! circuits IintludI g ti.. ;.:',,;:1 ci:cvit a. s Z.-A C!,t;%i en!"'�.an •ch ci.cu;lsi ;Oared i :t' v,.I: ac ::nt bV 1�: :Atli r. ich rcr!:rt,1 pCF'4e;el.lilt:rl prcIr2rns ".! :'.T I:.^S ,n tro c;Vij:rt_nt in re-perre :a textile inputs; Ltd ,, wzzo '.:a Uczris^_ -ad ..ae i-e:i:as f- t Conditions. 2. TITLE. Tr._ ` ?: :c :y:e::3 to wnnziwlt-irfur- ...r•!ion, �.rc':. ty �r.:'.t:a:!Q sacs. t; •of ...!r: nd full to rro -rzras n tall r?rfJ i:t anti sn� 2.1 CY.'J�:.4:>tiG•^s: as .fiia::r15 mSa�6 Irl :'t,' .'.ri = ... ...Jtxre tv time ny fi7�c: ocata. - - • - -- - --- -- - '" .. . 3. USE OF SYSTEM. The Mcerans shall Le used cni-y !.,; the Licen- Sca for the a; tac Iocatita _ : fe:'.% oa `; : ?z!3 of this Arrcam.ent. Atl dat in the Sys z.n h::' P:oce:ty of the Uc-u 1zee- _ it f 4. ri'C�a Ji:•':r LS'.•_._. L.:-a?r:,__ .Shall �L -i!i .Y../:�-'•�_s to .. !h:;4 "-.e i=rGg.0 -m ar::I a1 ;rort:ans and c.' Lin' :c :: ihls fr: :a or bn ery O:CP: fo;ea. Are ii?:u . `,i�='�=' b/ Li:-r,set ..nd s crr.��:o�cs -:C ti-et they arc ntz _�s' u_d ur :.veil- •_, --!c to a .y ii:iK p:7-:y net Itlyri:cc vY h5iuci: Lie et shall :.s-; act ail of is-- this sir n. Ll.?r Fa_ Ste'__, t."at no wp1e4 or dup.;c2 zcs c! ;h2 - ` �'?• __ ..... C. any P cn C.-_f7L'by Lkni=a rc: ang psr?ce ..;h tvaP r:`hcut t%c P,;u- ... ,r- , cons �t of tf,'.:c&t3. cxcepi cGP:L: of oitrr_rt a. may be stJ:E�c. In :ha Eierit of L;cl'nse^'s vici z. G-r- o� '`,^ CeCtiun 4..lcrti a shai: hz-,e lire right to immadiate;v L: .in ,_ ni> kgr^_e- r.:ca: by =i�ir.a rritt_a no::a;C of tsr.r.inatio :� r is:,.c:/8+:d .?I'_a i:aQtic.^.: Luca 11 tt.a! afym I W ARRA*N- Y. hr+crr_d I drtrzc s ;` "rV" teat it- Pro;ran?%,-. r dclivt rt r; vi *!. the fi. -tom-z:la�ion, v:a! }s:r3 r.S iri cc6:d- .r-CL :ai, the -.hm ears' - :S st drrco entai%in er-J lh2: M.'crcd2t3 :ts the rsc' t to rra.tt t•-e L ._ a css the In. :c= a+lent of bre=.h .uf ;iti9r, c. ty, .::icrx 3:z ^a.: a: its 0,100c1 cc:: :i trot eo.: - .a ?r - : sa th . _I-c a; s:an: vw.l: so pea - err- or zr :r.ste :tilt :+roes a -:.y giv;rf no, l_ this te:i (10) rc:: •'ca to Licen t^ w e.ri a' sj::i tc,rrlin�;icn, C. C3 FrCyr3rr.S S%3:1 ha rc:t:!tt • iD r` :tl'td tL' in aCLOr�o:`CS tcitia v..'�iitn . 1 i. The fo:a,oirg tl".Z3 Lt . s:-IC v:m:. .ty t-:i:h re<_; -"t :o :he ?rCSr,-- E—!.' L-.._"i: ^I-p =d-xtEciic'ra r•:.":: fC w :ac.h of Stich a.:zzn; as i.:i.IJt!•."s shai: `a•._ :�o u: er li�ai:;ty :J' Lic2.-seeCr-tG an, O•'`P ¢0ri7' by ason O' T-Xcrclatd's Lre-ch of ;id tVa:ranty. LICc tSr a LrC23 t!i.?i -in n� vent stwl} il•'treCtzta be ab'.a tar is g rt-ct, _;_.•cial,: -Co-. cis:+:.eat ,zot-s a -;sing gut of this G. ?eAI,%TZ:JA CE. "lc:oci: a m4l furri±sh, or czus :J b: furnbhed, :.pooh end n::Inwriarc^_ for :::t P:cgrz:r,s, tnhe,'har c: net Micrieda!a rr:d hoer .c t:,,_ entered into a W--intcnznce A;-. a—. cra ccve!ing the e.ja:-,:rent, as 2.i:,bie .he P:es arts ;o Nric;ion in acxrdanrt. :h 2^a Sz,:£-ri crc=—r:aatausn mmi :t a: ,%a Cma Licensee t-cei:re; ;hc eculprs rpt. 7. LAOMFfCAMCNS eN0 n 1i!5i-:i S OF FGGCP.21AS. izl 114ic:edat3 ray, from -.*me to Grnc.:.ctify L'mnseob ?e::sion Nctice- of epiiarzl vnd rran_a:ory re-r:'.ions evaih.We for ,lie U- cens>•e -aay_c',zct.to ecccpt,cr.re.eci svct;_rnardzto-y cr•.optional re-_. vi.ions, but in the event Licr-r_ea [cclincs to acceP: a r,.endazorY re- vis,--n, f"ure !xc-ctiata mcintensence of thc.FrcLr_-mr shell -hereafter: LQ p rforred zt. the es:Fzrse of Li~::s--e anti! tuc` tirr.2 ca'tl:e Pic - Trams we eryin in the cC:nloct of V!erocTaia at the cLrre -.: bzrc mlca:fl level net, -!per, In.the event Lkez sae elm-3 to accsrt a r..ardatcty of eotic,ial revision of Vw Prot_rans.' L ctmeo will pay to MI-crodata a revision fee in zn :.mount met forth in :he Revis:crt tit,;ice :for iha , revision. _ • _ .. .... _ ..._ tb) S'tould Licensee rertuest lAicrodata to make mod:fic2tions or chenges in the ?rogrerns. ;J;,;rodats- may clest to make such eRznges and shall be raid by Liccr:sc-e :or the work on a timeZr.,! rnz;trial basis r~ mutua!iy zgrctd upon, and it in the opinion of `-icrcdata such chzr,3es would invalidate the tt'.an Comm bee tewi release for the Programs. future r4icral3ta maimcnancc of the Progrzrns jr+ill be performed at the cYrensa or the Licensee_ -Iei i./IiCrGG :A ar.d its des9gn!es tba!i be gra:nic-d acrers to Licen- cee's facility end to fc::or.nel conimmed with the cp^r ttcn of the Systcm r,ece._tsfy for mcdi`.iczdovs and revisions tun.:tr ;%is Section 7 and under Section 6, corn: en; with any appi;c: ble government security re3ulatiens. to icr.'wc, d'..^(.-rble, rr,cd4y or in a-.y v.;,y .zw-rf%r �Vit.r ate Prc- grrns or t) mcd:fy tiro Ptcrrlrns to ml,-mipt tr tiefr.;t the uperet ;n of the i ir•t,• r.re or eriuil.m9nt. In rile t ,rat cf Li:_cricr.'s •:iolci;" .,f this dart! s h I.l'• i:',.;re:.ore: shslt i:cve tl., riyl:t to to:rnizate this i.,_:r,`r^,e at I;y givir;g writt.:n notice of terrn'-nitip:: to Licenree, r,nd in the cv2:,t of such termination Sxii 11 yea ii alilajy,/' 8. TA!rS. i:ny and all tarp •_c' rt orQ lb,',n�fii qua'oy i=eraf, State cr Iccci ro':crnrrcnt har:ty as a result of4r wis:rg out of this AS;r2^' °:•t, accept ta:<e. .cvied on the ret ir.co a of fi.icror�:a, shai{ i;r. L,r:^ by ! tcrnv.z sa•it1 bea•�cod to t;,e psymun'; t,ere-. . urrfr:r !)l' Li:cT.tc^ t7 it'::crcia , c•Ail rryroll :err,, irripcscd by cdarel, Slate o: local g,.cmcitnt Guth rity o.::�ticradzts, such az disability and irse nce, s ial sccvfr:ty and the like, gill ..a includcd in Micrcdatais ices. 9. 1,1F.1_AYS. f+9lcror!tta sh:,'i be exsusccl frcm.rc.rperfr;:rnance or late rcl fo:.r_nce of any of ite cL•tlaations unZ2r this Arrr cent if auth ncn> e:fnzr<•:r.c or :ate oer'ormence is ccused by (tots of Cod, Gets of civil or military authrcity, tire, flood, earthquake, windstczr,-t, la` -.or visw- ;noes or strike. tear, riot, irr.b:lily threw,•!: no f--+:{t 1;!roc:z:a tc _i)w.n lrbor, r..zteria!s, er tran:,-ortat;on on tine or Other Cd Ui.'. `v-yOnC! the re -Sonab;e co ntmi of Wcrcd_Eta., *haz sinilar or d;>s irri!zr to tht, foref o'.itg. _ _... 1C. C1SS,r-ur%"EN T S. Uc?rt:_•s• rtgl:: in and unda: t4-i. Aa r;G3:nent . Shall no- t : zssi9n=d or etherviza trcr.sf:rred, in whore er in p_: t, eit`,rr v0!u n-wi:y Ij`y L•,fL•ns_'e, t_','..Uper2aion'0 %-.4 or oth^_rVu15e, i:ithoua.. Micrcd_ta'; priur v.ritter. consent, and the terns and conditions cf any sue!: bssiiZment sh;-.l ba su!j act to f .ic:odz:a's prior apPrc._!. in the event cf bsntc-Vp—.cv'of LicerseQ; h=the: vo:unta:y or im'cLmMaryi " or a gs.ierz! zszicnment by Licensee for the beriefit of its creditors, or st:: ii r. irscirency p:ocee inr of Llcznsea, tills A^ iecmant chali st the or -Con of M:Crocrata to cce:aed aut&raticaiiy terminated upon . the occurrence of such event. 11.' T ER,.:Ii.ATtCR.' Linen any ternirztI6 n•of this Agreca,ens ur the Limmi:, ':h-.-Ncr as a rez '!t of L'cenir_a% drafault of :t :£rv,:ss r.:'Con:ems shall i•ro-n;;:y de!!ver to4i.tcrodata a:, m',rietic tapn_, cords, chips znd pr*intaj circuit bc_:ds anti other .toms crd rn_:evials embo.^.•y,nga!;J - _. prG:npt:y.:eturn m .. f.'lte-cdcta a% cetpies thereof or eP<t-cy such eep'^_s and r.arrert in t ritirg to ',';cro;at3 that all copies :hereof have been dcstrcye,-.. In tha c+•'cr.: of tcrmi=irn of this Ag:e_ n:ni under zry pro -';sic of ,'rs Afire:.Treat, all o!1!Irst!o.^•: of the pznies under ".is A;ree:nent ds^:fell pent: rtr.:. on the drie of t^rmiratici shati sur4:vx tha terr,'nscio., and :Ste patty is;mirating s%a!1 not Le .iatbl9 to tha othEr par-/ fcr zrr; daraces rrising cut of the terininancin. 12. TEFL; 04F,LICENSE. The tern of the Licensa sliall cots^-rlco upon de!iv_:y and installation of the Sy<tern and shaa'rema".n ii, fcrc-i u till tcr:ts:.ta:ad hereunder or until Licensee :hail cease to Lice the -Prc,.ams.whi cNcve: sh--.i occur first.. 13. EOT:CES. All notices un der th s Agreement s`a::l ba in writing and shad Le g;vcn by personally delivering tha notice to the other - • party C: by p.:cing the notice i:t-the Unite;? Sta:cz rnci.^., ecrti or registered ^oil, or in te!egraphic or telex transrn%sion, to the o party, postEse or other charges pre^ain, prepeny SC:drzsse:i to the o party at ; :e zc:dre_s of su.h party set forth or. the front pzge c Airee:nent, an the notice tha!I be deemed liven rwher. so deliv.r. or p:cccd in the U.S, snails -or,( in :yrapltiQr<jr=Wax transrmss;en- 14. CLAit:.S. In the even~ cj' ter (par��� . t in.ti:v:i ; ny cosrt pto- ceediny a-,inst the other "ICN"Zi'"Ch of any of ttie-4ern:s er conditions of ;his Ar,recment, the pre '`. nq pity in _uch proceeding shall recover fro' t`.e ether 'party ail cot? t costs end iersoncble ammey's fees incurred in connection n zue procecd!ng..' 15. COMPLETE AGREEMENT. This Agreement constitutes the Com- plete and lim'r agrecnicrit of the parties with respect to its subject. 7 matter and supersedes any and ell prior negotiatioi;s and e2tcements. whether v.ritien or oral, of the parties with re.mct to such sub;ect matter. No waiver of 2cy provision of this Agrecrnent shai be effective unless maca in rr. iting• This Agreement shall be subject to mod:licaiien only by a t•:riiten agreement executed by both parties and £hall net to subicet to mcd;fic:,tion by oral agreement. No waiver of cry breach cf any pro•,,ision of this Agreerent shalt constitute a waiver of c.r=y s: r�scq�,r nt b:: cch of the same or of any other provision of this Arret:- men:: Section ha_ndin;s are for convenience only and S%C:l hat be con- sidcrcd in tt:e inicrpreta:ion of this Agrecrne.m. Tl , plurzl shzl. inciu:a the singciar avheruver used. This Agreement ii cll Le governed by the laws of the Uhitad States of Amnica and the St.:ie of 4QQ"Cr4. P}oriJf. _ Page —of _..�. 1 ,�,,,.., �A � Wit, �"�� • � �"'�.,..r-. to City of Ta+rac Section S This Section is deleted in its entirety and substituted by the follo-wing: "purchaser is Ta:: Exe_-pt and will grcvide Seller with tax. number at tine of execution of Iris Agreement.• e is added at the end of Section 10: Section 10 The following sentenc "Should Licensee sell the system, mitrodata will .not unseasonably -withhold" such apprcral." Section 14 '.This Section is deleted in its entirety. = is deleted and the word "Florida" substituted. Section 15 The word "California" ATTEST: Ci, y f ana ATTEST 2Z? 4 City Cler,W A;"R�lED THE.CITY OF TAMARAC - 177: fi This day O.f _ � v' �91981 By 1ty tanager `r _ Th15 -day aceopted er =rQtsOty: DL{CZOd'+atZt t�Cs3°i Cites• ^f Tamarac LLi / A rs �:_0 LAURH Z TUUR��1ANS ar eremias tya.dN� IP4Ane4Na" Gr p Vice President And Tilt* i r eting and Sales" July 23, 1981 Cato July 24 , 1981. — page, 1 of •$"��=a•') �gd CITY Or TAMARAC 4 The following paragraphs are hereby added as Section 16 to ti-je Agreement.'. Section 2 The following sentence is added at the end of Section 2: "To the extent permitted by public disclosure laws". Section 4 The words "in writing" are deleted ork line 6. Section 4 The following is added at the beginning of the sentence commencing cn line 7:. "To the extent permitted by law." Sect -ion 5' This Section is hereby deleted in its entirety and substitut-d by the - following: L "Microdata warrants to Licensee that the Programs, as. delivered with -the first System installation shall perform in accordance-ws:th:the then existing system documentation and that Microdata has the. right to grant.the License tc use the Program_;. In the event that Programs do riot perform. as warranted, Microdata shall, at it^ sole cost and expense, correct the Programs so that they perform in accordance with the then existing -system d0c mentation. Should Microdata be unable to correct said Programs after a_reasonable peri of time to -so perform, 1icrodata may, with the Licensee's ccnsent return the Programs to. a prior operaticnal. release that Microdata can ware ant' -to perform. Should this option not be acceptable, this Agreement' away be rated by either party. In the event -of such termination, Microdata shall purchase from the Licensee the Reality System with all other components purchased from Microdata at the straight-line depreciated methi based on 5-year life,` and the Licensee shall return all Programs and related water* _.� in accordance with Section 11. The foregoing shall be Microdava°s sole warranty with respect to the -Programs.. The termination of the Agreement hereunder shall be the sole and exclusive remedy for Ricrodata's failure to cause said -Programs to perform whether such failure is a *-esslt of a.breac -- of warranty, negligent or any other tort. Microdata shall have no other liability tc Licensee or any other -,party by reason of Hicrodata's failure to properly perform. Licensee agrees that in NO event shall Microdata be liable for indirect, special or consequential damages due to any cause arising out of any act or omission in the performance of.this agreement." -Continues Microdata 90rt oratica a t5?Qnss:un► Carl eremias Mice Presj.�j�+ -- Marketing and Sales Adopted or. city of Tamarac (L:Lce ea s r"I' a LA,URA Z.I;STUURMANS A��n;'"" City Manager ®,�s July 23, 1981