HomeMy WebLinkAbout2019-04-10 - City Commission Regular Meeting Minutes CITY OF TAMARAC CITY COMMISSION MEETING WEDNESDAY, APRIL 10, 2019 CALL TO ORDER: Mayor Gomez called the Commission Meeting of the City of Tamarac to order at 7:06 p.m. on Wednesday, April 10, 2019, in City Commission Chambers, Tamarac City Hall, 7525 NW 88th Avenue, Tamarac, FL 33321. ROLL CALL: Mayor Michelle J. Gomez, Vice Mayor Debra Placko, Commissioner Marlon Bolton, Commissioner Mike Gelin and Commissioner Julie Fishman were in attendance. Also in attendance were City Manager Michael Cernech, City Attorney Samuel S. Goren and City Clerk Patricia A. Teufel. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE: Vice Mayor Placko led the Pledge of Allegiance. 1. PROCLAMATIONS AND PRESENTATIONS: a. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez Honoring the Memory of Princess Patricia Stanley (Requested by Commissioner Julie Fishman) b. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez proclaiming April 2019 as "Paralyzed Veterans of America Awareness Month". (Requested by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez) c. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez proclaiming the week of May 19-25, 2019 as "National Public Works Week". (Requested by Public Services Director Jack Strain) d. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez for the US Conference of Mayors Play Ball Initiative Proclamation (Requested by Parks & Recreation Director Greg Warner) e. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez proclaiming the Month of April 2019 as "Autism Awareness Month". (Requested by Commissioner Marlon Bolton) f. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez proclaiming April 6, 2019 as "Father's MIA "As We Honor Her" Day". (Requested by Commissioner Marlon Bolton) g. Presentation of a proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez Commending and Congratulating Jayla Austin for Her Award Winning Chinese Poem. (Requested by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez) h. Presentation of a Proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez Commending HandsOn Broward for the Makeover at Tamarac Elementary on January 15, 2019. (Requested by Commissioner Julie Fishman) II Page 1 of 6 COMMISSION MEETING April 10, 2019 i. Presentation of a Proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez Commending the Kao USA for the Makeover at Tamarac Elementary on January 15, 2019. (Requested by Commissioner Julie Fishman) j. Presentation of a Proclamation by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez for the Sunshine State Games- Statewide Domino Championship. (Requested by Mayor Michelle J. Gomez) 2. CITY COMMISSION REPORTS: a. Commissioner Bolton: Commissioner Bolton thanked staff for working on the proclamation for Father's MIA. Commissioner Bolton talked about the City working with Father's MIA. Commissioner Bolton said he liked the proclamation for the Sunshine State Games and noted how we worked with Lauderdale Lakes Mayor Hazelle Rogers to bring the event to the Tamarac Community Center. Commissioner Bolton noted that he hopes Tamarac sponsors next year's game. Commissioner Bolton said you can following him on Facebook and can call him on his cell at 954-275-3850. b. Commissioner Gelin: Commissioner Gelin read an email from a resident praising several employees. Commissioner Gelin reported meeting with residents; the Swim 4 Nick Swim-a- thon on March 30th; a multicultural church event at the Church of God; National Forum of Black Public Administrators National Conference; the Broward County Black Chamber of Commerce Get Listed event; talked about examples of community outreach; talked about the high cost of health insurance and gave a follow-up on previous Workshop items. A copy of Commissioner Gelin PowerPoint presentation is on file in the Clerk's Office. Commissioner Gelin asked for a consensus to direct the City Attorney's Office to draft a Local Business Preference Ordinance. Commissioner Gelin seconded by Vice Mayor Placko move approval of having the City Attorney's Office draft a Local Business Preference Ordinance. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). City Attorney Goren said he will draft legislation to reflect this Motion. c. Commissioner Fishman: Commissioner Fishman said she was in Tallahassee two separate weeks this past month. The first week she was there as part of Broward Days, this is when businesses and local elected officials meet with state officials to educate them on what is important for Broward County. Commissioner Fishman noted she was happy to see that Kevin Thibault is now the Secretary for the Florida Department of Transportation and that she also spoke to Senator Dana Young the President and CEO of Visit Florida. Commissioner Fishman said she also spoke to Ashley Moody the Attorney General for the State of Florida about human trafficking and vacation rentals as well as other Legislators in Tallahassee. Commissioner Fishman said she also was able to support several of our city's appropriations items. Commissioner Fishman said the second week was in part with the Florida League of Cities and talked about the shared needs of a majority of Florida cities. Commissioner Fishman said there are more and more bills each year to preempt more issues to the state and take away local government's Home Rule such as SB82, HB145, SB1000 and HB693. Commissioner Fishman talked about the School Choice Bill, HB9, SB1748 and HB3. Commissioner Fishman's extensive report is on file in the City Clerk's Office. d. Vice Mayor Placko: Vice Mayor Placko talked about the Father's MIA organization and their mission and goals and encouraged people to look up the organization and get involved. Vice Mayor Placko said there is a lot going on in District 4 and appreciates everyone's calls and emails because she wants to hear what they are thinking about current projects and Page 2 of 6 COMMISSION MEETING April 10, 2019 future projects and their concerns. Vice Mayor Placko said this year's TU class had almost 60 people participate and encouraged people to sign up for next year's class. Vice Mayor Placko said she attended the Reaching for the Stars Employee luncheon and noted that our employees are the best and work very hard and are appreciated. Vice Mayor Placko talked about things that had happened on this date in the past. Vice Mayor Placko wished everyone a Happy Holiday. e. Mayor Gomez: Mayor Gomez also wished everyone a Happy Holiday. Mayor Gomez said she also attended the Reaching for the Stars Employee Luncheon and this year's theme was Jeans and Jerseys Tailgate Party and noted that she wore a throw-back jersey for the Brooklyn Dodgers in honor of her Mother. Mayor Gomez talked about how some employees have not taken sick days in 8 and 9 years. Mayor Gomez reported that she, and other Mayors, met with Sheriff Tony to discuss his term in office and problems in Broward County. Mayor Gomez said they also talked about not having enough deputies and SRO's and talked about how and who would be paying the SRO's. Mayor Gomez said she attended the Collective Impact Symposium Supporting Girl's Needs. This was a collaborative effort done by the Children's Services Council of Broward County, the Girls Coordinating Council of Broward County and PACE Center for Girls and the report looks at the community conditions that support or hurt girls. Girls are supported by having caring adult relationships, role models, access to affordable housing and access to safe environments and healthy food. Community conditions that negatively impact the lives of girls include racism, homelessness, inadequate health insurance, trauma, abuse, living in poverty and gender biases. The report highlights seven areas specific to girls' development: healthy relationships, social-emotional wellbeing, juvenile justice involvement, physical health, sexual health, educational/vocational and spiritual well-being. Mayor Gomez said that she is now on the New Children's Strategic Plan Council which promotes holistic, gender-responsive, trauma-informed, and strength- based approaches for supporting girls and encourages collaboration within the county and system of care to align initiatives, endorse best practices for working with girls and provide opportunities for girls to succeed. Mayor Gomez talked about 4 girls that were on the Council. Mayor Gomez said she will bring back more information to share with Commission. Mayor Gomez reported that she attended the Swim 4 Nick Swim-a-Thon at the Tamarac Aquatic Center where Nick and his team mates practiced. Mayor Gomez thanked the people who remained to hear the Commission Reports. 3. CITY ATTORNEY REPORT: City Attorney Goren said at the Workshop there was a consensus to nominate Mayor Gomez as the Director to vote at any Broward League of Cities Board of Directors General membership meeting. However, a consensus was not reached for the Alternate or Second Alternate. Mayor Gomez opened nominations for the Alternate voting designation: Commissioner Gelin nominated Commissioner Bolton and Commissioner Bolton accepted the nomination. Commissioner Fishman nominated herself for Second Alternate and Mayor Gomez closed the nominations. City Attorney Goren said we need a vote on Commissioner Bolton as Alternate. All were yes with the exception of Commissioner Fishman. City Attorney Goren said for the records that Commissioner Bolton is the Alternate. Commissioner Fishman said she would accept the nomination for Second Alternate. All were in agreement. City Attorney Goren said we need a Motion to confirm the Director; Commissioner Gelin seconded by Vice Mayor Placko moved to confirm Mayor Gomez as Director. All were in agreement. 4. CITY MANAGER REPORT: City Manager Cernech said Community Development has announced the Down-payment Assistance Program for first time homebuyers in Tamarac is Page 3 of 6 COMMISSION MEETING April 10, 2019 now accepting applications in the Housing Division of the Community Development Department. The program provides down—payment assistance for first time homebuyers, purchasing properties in Tamarac. Applications are currently being accepted in the Community Development until 5:00 p.m. Friday, April 12, 2019. City Manager Cernech said Fire Rescue has reported the "Sound the Alarm" program will be held on May 3rd from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at which time volunteers from the American /Red Cross will be installing free smoke alarms in the Neighborhoods of Academy Hill; Shangri-La and the Isles of Tamarac. To date 245 alarms have been installed and if you would like a free smoke alarm, please call 954-597-3800. City Manager Cernech congratulated Tommy Demopoulos who was recognized on April 2nd in Tallahassee at the Capital Building as the "2018 Florida Fire Inspector of the Year" by the Florida Fire Marshal Inspector Assoc. the Florida Cabinet, Attorney General and Governor were at the award ceremony. City Manager Cernech said that IT has reported the City of Tamarac's Social Media presence has reach new heights recently with the addition of live commission meeting feeds on Facebook. In addition to the City's website, City Commission Meetings are now streamed live on the City's Facebook site. Additionally, the City's upcoming Neighborhood Meetings will also be streamed live on the City's website as well as Facebook. Upcoming Events: The Groove in the Grass Concert featuring the Caribbean Band, T-Wave, will take place on April 12th from 7:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. at the Sports Complex. The Springfest will be held on Saturday April 13th from 10:00 a.m. to noon at the Sports Complex with the Egg hunt starting promptly at 10:00 am. 5. PUBLIC PARTICIPATION: Mayor Gomez opened Public Participation and the following individuals spoke: Ron Wasserman, 8577 Jade Dr., spoke about various items and his concern about the contamination at Pod E, at Woodmont; Diane Ballon, 7625 NW 79th St., was opposed to a hotel being built at Woodmont; Debbie Taylor of W. McNab Ave., thanked Tamarac Fire Rescue and BSO for their service to the Community and expressed her concern with the number of trees that are being removed at Woodmont; Venice Berta of Sands Point talked about vacation rentals. With no one else wishing to speak, Mayor Gomez closed Public Participation. 6. CONSENT AGENDA: Mayor Gomez asked City Manager Cernech if there were any changes/additions to the Consent Agenda and City Manager Cernech said there were no changes/additions to the Consent Agenda. Commissioner Bolton acknowledged the presence of his wife and son in the audience. Commissioner Fishman seconded by Vice Mayor Placko moved approval of the Consent Agenda as presented. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). a. TR13251 - Sprint Lease Extension: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving and authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute the Second Amendment and the Memorandum of Second Amendment to the site lease agreement with Sprint Spectrum Realty Company, LLC, extending the lease term and reducing the annual lease escalation for the cell tower site located at 7801 NW 61st Street in Tamarac, FL; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2019-25 Page 4 of 6 COMMISSION MEETING April 10, 2019 b. TR13245 - WTP Finished Water Meter Upgrade: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, approving Task Authorization No. 19-14D and authorizing the appropriate City Officials to execute Task Authorization No. 19-14D with Eckler Engineering, Inc., to provide professional services for the design of the Water Treatment Plant Finished Water Meter Replacement Project in the amount of $68,100.00; including preparation of detailed plans and specifications followed by bidding assistance and engineering services during construction, in accordance with the City's Consulting Engineering Agreement as authorized by Resolution No. R-2016-80, for an amount not to exceed $68,100.00; authorizing the appropriate City officials to administer the Contract; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing for an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2019-26 c. TR13246 - Authorizing Four Week Vacation for the Mayor and City Commission: A Resolution of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, authorizing a four-week consecutive period (July 14, 2019 —August 18, 2019) during which time the City Commission will not schedule any regular meetings pursuant to Section 4.06(a) of the City Charter; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; and providing an effective date. RESOLUTION R-2019- 7. REGULAR AGENDA: There were no Regular Agenda items scheduled for the meeting. 8. ORDINANCE(S) - FIRST READING: a. TO2390 - 1st Budget Amendment: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, amending Ordinance 2018-12, which adopted the City of Tamarac Operating Budget, Revenues and Expenditures, the Capital Budget, and the Financial Policies for the Fiscal Year 2019, by increasing the total revenues and expenditures by a total of$2,992,471 as detailed in Attachment A attached hereto and summarized in Attachment B; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read TO2390 by title into the record. Commissioner Fishman seconded by Vice Mayor Placko moved approval of TO2390 on first reading. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). PASSED ON FIRST READING APRIL 10, 2019. b. TO2391 - Comprehensive Procedures for City Commission Meetings: An Ordinance of the City Commission of the City of Tamarac, Florida, amending Chapter 2 of the City's Code of Ordinances, entitled "Administration", specifically amending Article II, entitled "City Commission", by amending Section 2-34, entitled Comprehensive Procedures for City Commission Meetings"; providing for codification; providing for conflicts; providing for severability; providing for an effective date. City Attorney Goren read TO2391 by title into the record. Commissioner Bolton seconded by Commissioner Fishman moved approval of TO2391 on first reading. Mayor Gomez gave a recap of the consensus reached at the Workshop. Commissioner Gelin said he wants the Commission reports to stay where they are on the agenda and a cap on the time of their individual reports. Commissioner Bolton said he is not in favor of moving the reports and did not think the agenda order should be changed at this time and would be counter-productive. Commissioner Bolton said they need to be respectful of other people's time and added that he chooses not to give lengthy reports. Commissioner Bolton said there are other changes he would like to look at and is not inclined to vote on this tonight and wants to table this to the May 8, 2019 meeting. Commissioner Bolton seconded by Commissioner Gelin moved to table this item to the May 8, 2019 Page 5 of 6 COMMISSION MEETING April 10, 2019 meeting. Motion passed unanimously (5-0). Vice Mayor Placko and Commissioner Bolton said they would like this item workshopped. TABLED TO THE MAY 8, 2019 COMMISSION MEETING City Attorney Goren introduced Quentin E. Morgan who has joined his law firm. 9. PUBLIC HEARING(S): There were no Public Hearing(s) items scheduled for this meeting. 10. ORDINANCE(S) - SECOND READING: There were no Ordinance(s) — Second Reading scheduled for this meeting. 11. QUASI-JUDICIAL HEARING(S): There were no Quasi-Judicial Hearing(s) scheduled for this meeting. 12. OTHER There being no further business to come before the City Commission, Mayor Gomez adjourned the meeting at 8:45 p.m. �./ Michelle J. Gomez Ma or Patricia Teufel, CMC City Clerk Page 6 of 6 COMMISSION MEETING April 10, 2019